Locals and Personals | t r, Ma spent several . l- week at Frank 2ri Art ? the Angel Bios. ',y.a; I n was a business ' - m; ?o\\ h ' uesiiav. - 2? i Mr-. i? S. Parker and fam | ? lativts at Hickory. .Veil Dunning of Atlanta. f is the t this week of Mrs. G. asriler. M anii Mi>. Dale Lee are visit L - > >ister, Mrs. Harry Mc l. a; Anderson, S. C. this week.! I, Mona Franklin and sister, Miss . Hill Monday for a visit to ,;ive? and friends at High Point, ? r. Br. and Mrs. Charlie Kilpatrick of jon. "CPhio are \*i.<iting relatives d friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patterson who je been visiting relatives and Lnds here rt turned to their home! [Struthers, Ohio. Monday. |t<< Irene Champion of Knox < .-pint th?> week end with Mrs. [W. KHis and Mrs. Wade Massey. Mr. and V . C?. W. Kllis motored Et . . Monday. Mr. I'. H. T . i 1 1 of Andrews was ?r in town Monday. Mr-. a:ul daughter. l>. Pa;.. i* Ashcville are E'tirig -ther tnd grand ,M \t>t: ie Dickey. |m.-- McBrayer who has fit . grandparents, Mr.' I Sirs. C,. VV Candler returned to r homo ;it Anderson, S. C. |M -s Hf Kate Akin returned ?ndav to I. inherton after spending . reek'- vacation with relatives and ' :mtif lure. I O. T. Tintess Jr. I: ILitK '.a jfhter of Chattanooga. |tnn. >pci. ;he week end as the ? t t* Mt. and Mrs. H. H. Keener. | Mr. and Mr-. H. Lahn and daugh- ' t s, Mi.-se- Muriel and Dorothy and .;?> Molli motored to Atlar. , Ga. Sunday. Mr. Lahn and Miss; loon- letufrned home Sunday and! Lahn ami daughters remained a visit. While in Atlanta little Dor thy I.ahn sang over Radio lation WSB. Monday evening. Mr.-. Z . Brown and son. Edwin Asheville are visiting Mrs. J frown's mother. Mis. K. V. Wells. Mrs. Haines of Canton and Mr. ?ra?k Roberts of Charleston, S. C. e the guests of Mrs. R. V. Wells week. I Mrs. Hnyner Rogers and little son wo have be$n visiting Mrs. Rogers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Grant 1 Andrews have returned home. SO-HY For cleaning and sterilizing bathtubs, wash with a solu S?n 0! two tablespoonsful mU-H\ lo each quart of water, following with a rinse or clear water. _AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Mi l" NWa Hj':,U and daughter, . i.?> Im K<..ne ?f Km.xville, Temi \I,C r?ve,al*'lays last ""'-'-k with Mis. ( I:u-a Mutt II and M- .. y Stewart. - Mis- Margie Xoland >?: V.vnesbm,, kWm'' FUC>1 ,U'' au,;-- M'-' K. \ \\ ells last week. Mi-, ami Mis. J. R. Gray and far.ii'v arc Visiting relatives and friends at Mates vi lie. Mr. and Mr~. Wayne Brown f New Orlaen,. La. sp.-n; the w-,ek < .ui vvith Mr. Hi .wn'a mother, Mrs. A il Brown. Mr. \\ M. Axley was a business visitor in Andrews the latter part of last week. Mrs. Garrison Maneval and little Son, David who have been visiting Mrs. Maneval's parents, Mr. and Mr?. J. \\ . Axley have returned to their home at Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown of Andrews were Sunday guests of Mrs. Brown's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hyatt. Mrs. E. J. Darnell and sons, left Sunday tor then- home ir? Atlanta, Ga. after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. M Wot turd and Mr. and Mrs. P. (. Hyatt. Mr. Charles Hannibal Hyatt i> visiting relative at Ball Ground. Ga. this week. Mr. and Mrs. 1\. < . Mallone. an : .-ons, and Mrs. .Mary Alst 11 and Mi.-. Ri l ert Alston and - ?ns !,-? Sunday fur Asheville and Charlotte. Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Hendrix an \ son, Arthur and Mr. Kivd L. Bowling >1* Ball Gr??und. Ga. were Sunday guest, til Mr. and Mrs. ( . M. Wo. ford. Mrs. J. J. Vales who has been ?pending some time at the Dickey Hotel left for her home at -Macon, Ga. Tuesday. Miss Katherine Sneed who has been stopping at the Dickey House for everal weeks left Thursday for her home at Valdosta, Ga. Miss Ann Candler is visiting Miss Martha Herbert at Hayesville. Mi?s Annie Mae Townson was host ess to a dance at her home on las*. Monday in honor of her guest, Mi3> Arabell Curlee. .Mr. Bill Miller was host to a dance at his home in East Murphy in hon or it' his cousin. Miss Eloise Estes ot Decatur, Ga. Misses Lois Hiil, Ann Ctandler, Sal Baker, Polly Davis and Martha Nell Wells attended a picnic given at Junaluska Pool at Andrews last Fri day. Mr. Charles Dickey left Wednes day to enter Tech Hi, in Atlanta, Ga. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Carl Dobbs, Miss Hazel De weese and Mr. Cliff Passon. Messrs. Bub Whiteheart and bro ther, Miller of Winston-Salem spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. Elgin McDonald who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Louise McDonald returned to Atlanta, Ga. Monday. o n* o-riece ed Room Suite Suite Includes Antique Sty'e Poster Bed, Vanity Dresser and Chest, Walnut Finis WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS SEE US FOR QUALITY Higgins Furniture Co. Quality Furniture Reasonably Priced Opposite Regal Hotel Murphy, N. C. Mr*. Kit-hard S. Hale ? f k"oxvlle. | Tenn. has been the guest " of Mrs. Kuth Carringer for the p*.st tell days. Miss tannic Deweese is visiting M'is> iona Herbert at Hayesville. ; Mr . R. V. Wells was hostess i Circle i\u. 2 of the Methodist Mis sionary Society at her home on lue> ;ay . iu r oon. After ousiness ' a social lv lie was enjoyed. The* ? rve?t tea and cake. Those x, . ..... w- " ... vrttw. i nose pre.-ei. ut.v: Mrs. H. G. E!kin-. Mi>. i'. H. Sword, Mrs. K. M. Fain. Mi>s Luia Fain. Mrs. Roy Wells. M?^ N -land Well>.. < 'cle N?. :i of the Methodist >li ---.unary Society met at the home ?' Mrs. L. ii. Norvcll ?>n Tuesday atternoon. The lesson study for ? *he aftenvjon *w?u taken from the book f Great Souls at Prayer and the last chapter, Je?us Habits of! Prayer was discussed. Those enjoy- ? ing Mrs. Norvells hospitality were:; Mrs. Kose Ketron. Mrs. J. W. Bailey,! Mrs. \\ i'. Udom. Mrs. V. M. John son and Miss Josephine Heighway. 1 Mis. J. J. Yates of Macon, Ga. entertained with two tables of bridge { i. n Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fisher Hubble. After several | rounds of the table the hostess | served ice cream and cake. Those . present were: Mrs. W. T. Cooper, Mrs. W. K. Studstill, Mrs. T. W. Ax ley, Mrs. J. K. McMallev and Mists Mary Lathrum of Wlimington. Mt Paul Alcxar.41er of Aaheville. Mi-. I Fi?her Hubblf and Miss Hattie A\ ; ley. Mrs. T. W. Axley won high | score and Miss Mary Lathrum ' consollation. Tea guests were Mr-?. Kva Griffiths and Mis- Ktherine Sin l <i. After the gamvs mil - ? was enioved. Trout Season Closes On August 31st 1*. M. ! i t eh field. Count;. Game Warden. i- ill receipt of a i ttvt f information tiom J. I?. Biadshaw. district game warden, to the effect that the -va>cn for trout. Jack fi-h or Muskalunge, fishing close* Au gust :Ust. The season fo'r taking1 mall mouth bass has been extended intii September 3Uth. The open season for hunting squir ? els begin? September 1-t, bag limit j I is 10 in one day. I State licenses aie required of all j persons hunting out ol their resident . ounty. County licenses may be used j I >y persons hunting in their resident i i counties only. We have in Western North Caro- j Una more suuirrel. ov.ai!. and Ruffed j Grouse than at any tim tor the past j ten vers or more. Other game i**: i .ilso plentiful. Court Denies Motion In Walker Case (Continued from page 1) iVom said order granting preference* j'r prior liens, to the Supreme Court; notice of appeal given in open court, I further notice waived; case on appeal j shall constitute summons, complaint, answer and affadivit of J. W. Walk er; order appointing receiver; motion, notice thereof and affidavits of the :hree creditors referred to; findings of tact and courts ruling thereon with exception.- and entries of ap peal. Ordcri Receiver To Take Possession Of All Walker's Property In th? case of Mrs. John H. Dillard and others, against J. W. Walker and others, the order of the court follows: It appearing to the court that the Receiver has not possessed himself of certain live stock and other personal property referred to in the motion made at this term by D. Witherspoon on behalf of W. Luther, executor of Geo. H. Luther, and that J. W. Walk er has conveyed a one-half interest in certain real estate referred to as the Morris Farm, which conveyance, the court has been advised, has never been reco'rded, and which paper I writing the court is advised, is not in i i the hands of the Receiver: , The Receiver is ordered and directed forthwith to demand the ' possession of all personalty of the said J. W. Walker, and likewise to take such steps as are necessary to vacate all titlfc from W. P. Walker to th^ one-half interest in the Morris J Farm, and to generally take posses ion and control of all property of ev$ry nature and kind that he may be entitled to by virtue of his ap pointment as Receiver, and he is authorized and directed to select, for the prosecution, if that be necessary. \ of these recoveries some attorney of 'reputable standing, who is disas sociated in every way from the debt ors and creditors involved in this proceeding, and make report of his proceedings under this o'rder and these instructions at the November term of the Cherokee Superior Court. The court making this o'rder, specifically finds that there is no reflection in his findings upon Mes srs. Grey, Hill and Moody, who were heretofore attorneys for the Receiv ed The orded is made in the night of the fact that these attorneys or some of them, have heretofore been personal attorneys of W. Walker1 ?nd to avoid any criticism of them or the receiver. DocWerys Enjoined The I> ard of Education vs. Rollin J. Dockery and J. H. !>? ckery a dis pute over the property line upon which the Kates Creek school 1*| located, the County Board of Edu "i'"On was declared the owner of the pr nt'rty and the defendants were in , unlawful possesion ?? ? a i>art ?t it. I"he court further enjoined the defen dant? from trespassing and restrain . them from interfering with the' !>'?<? perty or th ? public school taught! up. n the property. The defendants, v-. re taxed with the cost of the action; Walker Gels $4,000.00 Walter Walker was given a ver-i .lict lor 54,000.00 against the Nanta hala Light and Power Company for alleged damages and injuries sus tained while in it:, employ. Defen dants served notice of apoeal. Moved To Macon The action of Wayne Thompson, by next frieni, Catherine Thompson, against Dr. Furman Angel, was order ed removed Macon County for trial. Line Dispute Compromised In the case of J. P. Bryant and others against Emeline Kilpatrick and others, a dispute over land line and corner, both plaintiff and defen dant agreed U> a proposition to let W. H. Hickev, who formerly owned some of the land in dispute, to fix the line and set up permanent mark ers. and the court ordered that his tinaings be made to the November term of court in writing. I Has Right To Foreclose In the case of ,1. W. S. Davis and thers against the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, seeking to ctsrain the insurance company from foreclosing on pr perty of th lefendants under deed of truM f r non-payment cf taxes ly the plain titf. the court was ?<f the opinion, and oidered. adjudged and decree*: that the Defendant had anu ha- ir. right to elect to foreclose the deed of trust through its trustee in accord ance with the -tatut? made and pro vided in such cases, for the non-pay ment of taxes by the plaintiff. The plaintiffs appealed to the supreme court. Demurrer Overruled The court overruled the dermurer of R. R. Beal. J. W. McMillan, aril C. B. Hill, filed in connection with the civil action instituted by the town ? f Murphy agans? II. A. Fain and F. A. Fain, and other?, and th> demuring defendants as bondsmen. They served notice of appeal to the supreme court. Mrs. Bryson Non-Suited In the case of Mrs. Carolyn H. Bryson against Guernev P. Hood and ther.-. in which >he -coking: t ? .stablish that she was a preferred credit* r of the closeii Cherokee Bank. the court adjudged thai the plaint it f is a general 1 1 .tliv r of the Cherokee Bank to the extent of 51, 767.10,. and entitled to such divi dends as may be paid pro rata to gen eral creditors. It was further ad judged that in her action ior pre : ference she is non-suited, and the court, in it-* discretion. adjudges that ecah party pay one-half the costs to be taxed by the clerk. Pla? . tiff filed exception and appealed to the supreme court. ? o CARD OF THANKS We wish to acknowledge with sin cere thanks, the many deeds of kind ness, the lovely flowers, the use of cars during our recent sorrow. Mrs. Robt. M. Alston, Mrs. Mary Alston. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mallonee, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall. RYE WANTED. Will pay 10c per bushel cash for good seed rye de livered a' my place ot business in cite of next ten days. C. M. \V,)FFORO CO. u.m Side Quit Hurting, Got Stronger, Well; CARDUI Helped Her Mrs. R. L. Weat, of Iluntsvillo. Ala., write-: "I was weak and ruu-down. l had a pain in my Bide, and I kept losing weight. 1 grew nervous o\er my oomlliion ? this wis unusual for me, f??r I am v^ry i h??er ful \vli?*n I un. W( 11 ? - .isa'.> I'-t Ii-Tt'OUS. I knew I :^f.t t-1 !..K ? something M> auut t ?>1- i mo 1 ought t-i try Canlul. Wl ieh I ?lid. 1 Ii-k.j-. to f-?*l letter. 1 kept 1? ui? until I I had taken thrw? or four bottl***. M> ? 1 quit liurt: an' 1 vas ?? ?????* ? ftflliiK ftr-mu : i?l W. 11." Curriui U hol l at drug atu-.aa here. CONSTIPATION: The Curse of the Agea " ' Has Science at Last Solved TMs ^ ? j Great Problem of the llamn Race ? NEW DISCOVERY BRINGS L STING RELIEF TO THOUSANDS ' Medical Authorities Agree That Old Fashioned Purgatives, Salts, Oils, Cathartics and Laxatives Have Never Cured Constipation and Nover Will. Remarkable Treatment Discovered - : n The commonest and greatest curse of mankind is consti pation. It is man's greatest enemy. It poisons him, slo*rs him down mentally and physically, breaks down youthful strength and vigor, ages him prematurely and leaves him an easy victim to the attack of almost countless diseases. Millions are virtual slaves to the laxative habit, witho; t obtaining real or permanent relief. Cathartics do relieve constha- I tlon for the time b?in^. hut "nir effect Is only temporary at best and the more we resort to ?uoh artificial aids, the more w" require, became their continued us? weak ens thft natural action of th* how ?Is. AN AMAZING DISCOVERY Medical Science has discov ered that bile, prepared by the liver, is a natural laxative and that people with a normal flow of bile are practically immune to constipation Furthermore, we now know that bile is an antiseptic and anti-acid and combats putrefaction and the formation of gas in the bowels. It's also a digestant without which proper digestion and as similation is impossible. A QUART A DAY But when our livers become In active or sluggish ar.d fail to pour Into the Intestinal tract the nec essary quart of bile each day. we suffer from constipation. Indiges tion. headaches, biliousness, sour stomach and many other common ailments. Recent teports inditufe mat probably seven out or ten persons past thirty year.-' ??!<! suffer frequently from lack of sii!e dne to a sluggish liver. OLD THEORIES OVERTURNED Tint!! the discovery of Sargon Soft Mass Pills it has been the common practice to blast out the inlct.'nes with calomel and other d?-a&tlc cathartics and purges, be lling that they stimulated the llvsr. Hut Modern Medical Sci ence ha? vow learned that calomel, salts, oils and other laxative drugs have no effect whatever on the liver or Us production of bile. I THE PROBLEM SOLVEO A world wide search ha* been carried on for a harmless aub stance which would actually invtg orate a sluggish liver to normal !) rod lie lion of bile ? Nature's Great Weapon Against Constipation. This has been accomplished The principal ingredient In Sargon Soft Mass Pills is an amazing aubstancs which the highest medical authorities aqree is the most effective stimulant to the bile produc ing activity of the liver known to Materia Medlca I'nlike calomel or other cathar tics. this substance does not shock or upset the system, cause nausea or other ill effects. It doee its work by gently but steadily stimulating the liver to cleanse itself through increasing its production of bile, which is a more natural and thorough laxa tive than can ever be devised bv man. Sargon Soft Mass Pil!s are not like any laxative you have ever tsiken. They are so gentle and I thorough in their action that there is nothing a(K>ut them to remiad you that you have ever taken a medicine, and most remarkable of all. their directions call for%a gradual reduction of the dove until the point is reached where fo? no lon~*r require a laxative of any kind. So remarkable are the results from Sargon Soft Mass Pills that they are sweeping the Nation; over 135 Million have been sold in the past four years. The great Sargon laboratories at Dayton. Ohio, have been obliged to steadily increase, production to 'meet the rapidly growing demand. Sargon Soft Mass Pills Wi Recommend Sargon Soft Mass Pll? Sold In Murphy by R. S. P&rker Drue More

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