The Cherokee Scout Official Organ of Murphy and Cher okee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Entered in the Po*t Office a* Mur phy, North Carolina, an second c!a*s matter under Act of March 3, 1897. C. W. Bailey Editor-Owner SUBSCRIPTION PRICE < >ne Year ........ $1 .no Six Mont>> .30 Payable Strictly in Advance I.eeal advertisements, want ads. reading notice-, obituaries, cards of thank>. etc., 3c line each insertion, payable in advance. Display rates furnished on request. All communications mu^t be sitrn ed by the writer, otheiwisc they will, nyl be accepted for publication. Name ot' the writer will not be pub lished unless agreeable, but we must] have nam, of author as evidenct of ' l: < ? ? d faith and responsibility. Who Got The Package? Til t ? i -? i ? ' " ? ? News recently car-! ? ied an editorial entitled. "Down | I!.-.-: Ijrn "ir.iicr." (jin-.i that's a < re ' tnth than poetic) relative to the] asinine utterances ? ?f a member of -a- Ka-tJW> st airplane jaunt recent attempted from Mart ?? i Murphy turn. and closes ,\ith the ad-' The editorial follows in lull: "Whatevei inactive bit*, iik- may ?? between the eastern and the west ern rtions of Noiu". Carolina must '.???itainly have be.n fanne.l into fiame that v; tiJ]y "lev. t"< .-m Mantc ? t \l urj.ii\ ami back avain i? th? ?hor ? i . ill "I:!'.- A!; ' ,')iy - lM. re than a . -'??a to' n*al i > :'wn l\asie: net- wii.. i i '.l\ lew . .\l^ri?'-.\ t iiat: " \\ ? dropped a package ;n th : id tilt- *. ) t" th- lown but do n- i !>?;?? .. whether ar.yoiu it." ", .Mn ??pliyiia n ! S!ui - ai? o v : n it cast Now. whaddya think ??' that'.1 We ?-e by the paper.-: win-re an airplaia going t-> fly ovei Murphy on a cer tain day, and we keep our chest out and our head back, razing skyward, until w. get a "crick in the neck." The day passes. No airplane show- , up. Same the next day. And the ii >. nay ? we notice an A. 1'. dis patch stating that the airplane flew to the West and back to the Hast. A jmckage <^?ntaining some grapes j : ud fig.- and a message from one mayor to another wea dropped in the ! Western town? What town? Maybe these (Easterners were just ! plain dumb, like the Raleigh soda i jcrker. We were down in Raleigh ' -*<&veral years ago and stepped into a! .soda fount, bought some cigarettes,' a dope and drifted into conversation ! with t.'u- fellow who waited on us. He i asked us where we were from, and we told him Murphv. "What part' of Tennessee is that?" he asked. The trouble with these fellows is. ; they thought they flew over Mur phy, but we'll wager a package of ? 'herokee figs and grapes and a mes-l -age from the Mayor of Murj?hy that' they can't prove they flew farther' west than Charlotte. And we can! get a hundred affidavits from as j many citizens of Murphy, including; the Mayor, that no airplane was ! seen nor heard over Murphy on the] day the projected flight was made. ; They may have dropped a pack-j age in t?bc middle of "a" town, but j certainly not "the" town, so far as it J relates to Murphy. And we haves only THEIR word for that. Some-j body, somewhere, in some town of ' North Georgia, East Tennessee, or probably South Carolina, must have gotten that package. Therefore, the burning question is, regardless of "Down East Ignorance," i in the "middle" of what town was it i dropped, and who got the package? j ped, and who got the package? Tillett vs. Tillett Kditor The Scout: ' I see by the pa-a-pers," as Mr. j Dot.ley was went to sny, that khe fa*r!'!y of he late Toddy Roosavelt, v'.iir?n president i?f the United SJnltM. ai ? angered r>ar our demo cratic cr ndid^te is runni*-? for f. e-^ dent u. tier the narre Koosfvtft; and the uppc*r to think th*t h?' has no right to run 'or high r-ific* 'in ler al-ring* Mare. They h:;\%n'*. sn j^Ob'cd a reir.ctly, bt?t I n ^umc tnat they either wish Frank to vith dr*w mm h candidate or to change his fpm kmc vice ? numerous to mention. I thought I ' ha i made the name of Tillett a >y nonym of the purest form of Jeffer -onian Democracy, in the State o* Ninth Carolina, at least. Now come-* upon the scene one I.oone Tillitt. who i- closer kin t??, Daniel Boone than he i< to me; that i-? to say, he is my cousin fifty-one degrees removed, or in other words, my "forty-leventh ' cousin. Kvery wh- I turn in North Carolina peo-1 pi an- asking me the question : j "What kin to you is this can'iiJatc for lieutenaiit-govem'or on the : Republican ticket?" Vou can see hi' a annoying that is to an "old war hor.-e of democracy" a- 1 call my self. S??'>n after he was nominated, th ? af< resaid Boon- stated to a reportei in Charlotte th?t uviii he and !? ra- j zit-r. their candidate for governor.; wen hotb^in favor of a substantial' modification <>f th< Turlington Act.) and t,h.. b no-'ii v republicans forth- I with Jumped on him with loth feet, j \t t i r>t ht hesi:at*-d. then affirmed; lik.- a Quaker < which I understand! fir - > that ht wi uld stand by what he hn ? said: 1> t when he wa- inform 1 <1 r. * th< - ? were his real senti ments he would have to retire as can-| e. \\ th< Lit delay he adapted his! -? ??n i ? the requirements of the ? . fie promptly announced : ?' ' !i . ? I 11 !? fie t : * - tt 1 'in-: the r ' itt Chti o le- i ? < io\v r. v ? - ? ' : ??-. >n'"i ? ' When that 1 w ? i excellent : 1 1 1 < : ? ? . "Cliff When you '>? i?i words a:ui fig&ift - - fol- ' i: > ' ate **?>!' ? - h off;e.- :i republican :r?ied Tillei: y.-u should hav ha 1 .-?f .?!' e.igh at lea ft to know 'hat ? ? would >'.a*ce an and baby were the guests of the former* aunt, Mrs. Clara f?ryant Sunday. A large number of people f**om thi- place have been going to Dr. G. ! M. Younv's lor the past t*hree Sun day'- taking vaccination against ty phoid fever and diphtreria. Mr. Sanfotd Ledford i.- on the side i li-t at this writing. t Mr. Hobert Dobbins ij visiting his j j -:.-t ir, Mrs. Myrtle Danner and fain-! : i!y at Copperhill. Tenn. 7 ' Mr. Tom Picklesinier who has been I;'.! for some tin?t- is better at this! ! writing and able to be out again. ! 1 ho Patrick folks are contemplat ing attending the all day singing at Plea-ant Ilill church Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. I.on Raper and chil dren of Oak Park, N. C. were the _ iK.-ts Vieir son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Williamson Sun day. ' Mr. MessCrs Hamby and son of ivy. ii-nn. v. ere Patrick visitors Sun day. j Miss Beulah Jones and brother. (! rdon were called to thot bedside of their sister-in-law. Mrst. Marion .Torn who had a stroke of paralysis las'. Saturday. BANK NO 1 Report of the condition of the BANK OF MURPHY at Murphy. North Carolina, to the Commissioner of Banks, at the close of business on the 31) th day of Sep tember, 1932. Resource* I. ' in- ? nd discounts V 1 40,462.9-1 ? hanking- house .>,000.00' Furnituri and fix ture?! 1.. >00.00 <"a-h i't va.ii and amounts fr- in approved d**|fc>s * e hank 4.1Sr>.ri.'t ' Ot l:< r ul csta 10,000.00 TOTAL * Hi l.n ????.. V.? Liabilities ? ip . il ' ek paid in ?.*>0,000.00 : Sum !?: fund 1,1 1 1.1 1 Individe. profit (net amount) 220.21 Ui eivi-d iO| intei-t I .?*? 1. 14 Other deposits subject to check IS. 404.00 D< mand certificates of do posit i Due in less t.han ISO days) 10tf.800.S4 | umai. >io i, i State or North Carolina ? County Cherokee? s*. ?I. W. Lovingrooil, President; M. \V. Hell. Director; and Walter W. Hyde, Din-dor of the Bunk of Mur l*iy, each personally appeared before me this day, and, heiiiK duly >>vvo'in. each tor himself, says that the fore report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. \V. LOVINGOOD, President. M. \V. REM. Director WALTER W. HYDE. Director. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the Nth day of October, 1932. 1..* K. BAYLESS, | (Sael) Notary Public My commission expires October 26th 193:;. BANK NO. 2 Report of the condition of the BANK OF MURPHY at Murphy, North Carolina, to the i Comntiuioner of Banks, at the close ' of business on the 30th day o? Sep teenber, 1932. Resources Cash in vault and amounts due from approved depos itory banks $32,168.57 TOTAL $32,168.57] Liabilities Undivided profits (net amount) $ 199.50 1 Other deposits subject to check 31,763.01 | Cashier's checks out standing 145.221 Revenue account 60.84 1 TOTAL $32,168.57 State of North Carolina ? County of Cherokee ? ss. J. W. Lovingood, President; \I. W. Hell. Director; and Walter W. Hyde, Director of the Bank of Mi?r l?iy, each personally appeared before nu this day, and, boin* duly ajvorn, eiK.h for himself, says that th" fore gr<-?: :*ne interested is asked to got in touch with Miss Ruby Owenby. At the conclusion of the meeting, j Miss Owenby served chicken salad, beaten biscuit, stuffed olives and cof Hampton Memorial The Rev. D. D. Bailey. >rr. J. Hampton and Mis- Ruby Bailey hav* re turned from the Methodist church annual conference ai Walkeriown Rev. Bailey will be pastor here the ensuing year, assisted by h?.> daugh ter. The F.pworth League of t.V Hampton Memorial church will pre sent a four act flay, "The Wet Pa rade," at the church. Friday even ing, October 14, at _ 7:30 o'clock. There will be no admision charge, but a fre will ottering will be taken. The play is finder the direction of Miss Inez Bailey and Mt?rs Dewey Johnson and Leonard Hall. Nine teen young people will takv part The play presents one of the live topics of the day and has been dra matic interest. Every one i> cordial ly invited. Geniu* Unacknowledged Hood's famous Suiijr ,,r ? s, . .. was so persist .'Fifty de? .. , r despair lie senf the p?.eiu to ,H|(|4,r of Punch, begging him to it,-,... ir iri hi* \vasr<*pai>or '?as\r! Sir Oliver's "Impondcr*bi->?" At nn early ngt? 1 inat my main business was with the i:npon?l i arables? hi* tiw?v iiwi. ? ut ihi ? - J the things that worked Mvretlv and have to l??* apprehended metr i Sm It was electricity and i? , > ? ? ??? ism became tilt- hr.Utch ot plosi -> t\!ii?;h most fascinate*! me. Sit ? 1 >\?-r I .? ??li?v in "l#a?r Years." (7, I NO LONGER. HAVE 1 TO TAKE LAXATIVES ' OF ANY KINO.... SARGON SOFT MASS PILLS HAVE ENTIRELY FREED ME [OF CONSTIPATION ? rr? tvin vl>. and V toimtUs* ?: i ps t'? tilt? ! of ordinary of th? liver Knov n t* tiif in lo take. p:ie h. A New DiMnvrry rcj.aird 1?\ t. ? 5 ? ?? ordinary cathartic , t .?? : ? ? ' ? ' 1 ' do- -- T'.ol shlK-1: v v.- ? 't d ?os its work b ( iy - mulatin* the liver to ??! .?> ? by increasing- its produ- iti jnf ! o ? i more natural and tV r.ugu N Xr.- Sax.. ivO than can ever he ?i d t-i r > -ieat weapon uwaiUM consti-jhj man. nil. It a nnttiral l.< - ttive. ?inti- Surgon Safe Ma*?s Pills are not !i: j : . ptic and nntia^ld Rile is also ajaiiy laxative you have ever tak-n. iligesTant without which sound digefc-jThey ar?- so gentle and thoroujrh ia lion i> impossible. I their action that there is nothing Until the discovery or Sargon SoTt about them to remind you that you "Mas* Pills. we have been 1 \t- : in-; have ever taken a medicine, ais.l out the intestine- with cathartics most remarkable of all. their direc and pui-se-. believing that they! lions call for a gradual redaction of stimulated t!i. liver. Sciem e now the dose until the point is reached know- thai . alome', salts, oil" an J where you no longer require a lata other ordinal \ Hx.:i\e dnuis Jvkv* tive of any kind. no effect Whatever on the liver. Thin remarkable niediCUl* ttAJ J? Pargon Sort Man Pill* contain a i obtained trvm amazing substance which higher tj ~ u r> i? ? medical authoring asree is the only) ^ "] Murphy By R. S. I Parkers I>ru? Store effective stimulant to the bile pw>-j In CjOOcI Tunes and Bttd ? Your Service Improves Some of our customers Uavc commcntca favorably upon tVe tact that telephone service is better than ever, de spite tnc depression, and tha: their telephone friends seem as anxious a? ever to satisfy :ae individual needs ot subscribers. Thj is gratifying, out quite natural when one considers that service conies first with telephone people and that they regard it aa a serious obligation to serve che needs of the public efficient ly cwentv-four hours a day. in good times and bad times. During tne pa?t ten years tne number of telephones in prac tically every community has doubled, and in some instances trebled. With this growth the service has become more com plex but there has been a constant improvement due to scien tific inventions, new methods and practices and a more skilled ana experienced personnel. The value of the service has grown to the extent that it is regarded by many as the cheap est form o* service that can be bought. - * That tnc increased quantity ana quality of the service has not been accompanied by a greater cost to the user is because of economies effected by new inventions and practices which have been passed on to the telephone u?ing public in the form of more and better service. Although your telephone company has suffered a serious Jos* in telephones and an enormous loss in revenue, there are stil. many more telephones in service than there were five years ago ana the co^t, compared with the value, scope and quality of the service is much less thar it ever has been. Te.-phone peopie have tared the c=pre*$V?n cl eerfulljr. They have accepted shorter bcur* in order that the work Slight 'x spread among &s many as possible and with a deter mmation to fulfill their obligation to vender the best possible service at the lowest poisiblecost consistent with financial safety.