Football Today ANDREWS vs. murphy mb mm V 3:30 P.M. Let's Go, Murphy. The Leading ll>,-rl:ly \ewspaper ,n W^tern North Car, , Una. Covering a L argr anil Potentially Rich Territory in Thin Slate Vol. XLIV.? No. 13. Murphey, N. C., Friday. October 28, 1932 $1.00 YEAR? 5c COPY TO ESTABLISH PRISON CAMP NEAR .ANDREWS; State Highway Comn ission Pur- I chase ^ For Site And Construction 1 to Begin Immediately (Har I'itts. of Hickory, N. C. re- 1 rr; p: ' ' the State Highway Com-' n:*ion. Murj.hy this week and | ccns'Jn t ? ! a deal whereby the State Highway ' remission will ?.-^nblish a pris ?n?p near Andrews for the western action of the state. t The part '>f the Mack Cooper r prr'v. ] \ i 11 ic en the* highway at the end ' th< concrete ju;?t beyond Andrew . The camp will be a tem porary < ;?* ruction and work on it will be: i immediately, Mr. Pitts stated, wcver, the camp will be permanently located in this section. It is h !? I to have the camp finish ed and n-ady for occupancy within 'Jte next lirty days. Aoc< niadati"ns will be erected Tor sixty or m venty-five prisoners, which Till com< from Cherokee, Clay, Gra ham, Macon and Swair. and perhaps othtr western counties. Trie prison ers from these counties now serving; Twad sentences at different camps of the .State will be transferred to this camp when it i^ completed, Mr. Pitta said. This means that relatives of the inmtite* will not have to travel lo far in order to see their kindred who ar< c" unfortunate as to be im prisoned by t.he State. The ite now has a repair or, naohinc *nnp located at Andrews, and thi will be used to supplement the Ir.bur on tKc roads in this section and help to relieve the crowded con ditions * ability. With his legal lining and his pronounced possess 50? of judical temperament and com mon sens--. ? are combined in him qualities which go to make a *?*t judge. Now, there'- re, be it resolved by Albemarle Bar in meeting assem- 1 Th-*t r.-e hereby express to ? J*?e Hill ?????? anpreciation for the . F and tii'- nr in which he has just ?' ?UP * rnd the high esteem ?f I I ' ? : ^y every member the bar ???* t0 welcome his return ?n oerj?-;r.^ ?hall arise. ? Th-?* resolutions be cop flutes of the court and Wished in the Press. S?ptemb-r Term, 1932. ALBFMARLE bar fry R. L. Brown, G. HOBART MORTON,. A. C. CUNNINGHAM, ] i Committee. \\ e take product! on new or renew al subscriptions, but we don't want any more apples. And we do no: , want any produce on Saturdays. j POLITICAL FIGHTS ENLIVEN CAMPAIGN Tho political pot in Cherokt. county is hot. In lact, it's boiling over. Two fights have been pulled ? ff in Murphy this week, involving three of the candidates and a deputy sheriff. | .Monday afternoon L. L. Mason. Democratic candidate for Sieriif,, and Lee Owenby, deputy sheriff 011 the Republican side, had a little fist fracas on the streets, but were sepa rated by friends before any damage was done. 1 uesday afte'rnoon. B. L. Padgel and W. A. Boyd, Democratic and Re publican nominees, respectively, for the office of Register ot Deeds, had a misunderstanding and cam<* to blows, Boyd is said to have refused to tight. Both fights were .^aid to he the ' outgrowth ot campaign canards, and j all parties appeared before the Mayor and submitted following the fights. I j Both the Republican and Demo- j cratic parties are engaged this week in stumping the county for their re j spective ticKets, and it looks like j the campaign in the county will be ! more hotly contested than the elec tion of four y coirs ago during the frmous Hoover-Smith campaign. RED "CROSS ROLL CALL BEGINS ON j NOVEMBER I1TH County Organisation Preparing To Make Annual Drive For Memberships I The annual Red Cross Roll Call begins on November 11th, Armistice Daj, and continues to the 24th, or Thanksgiving Day, and local officials of Cherokee county are planning a vigorous campaign of enlistment in order to take care of local needs and help the national organization as I much a15 possible. The Roll Call in the county this year will be undtfr the direction of Mrs. C. W. Savage, Roll Call chair man. R. W. Gray is chairman of the county chapter, and Mrs. H. Bueck is publicity chairman. A houce 'o house and store to store canvass is being planned. Fifty cents of every dollar collected in member shins gn??s *o *Jie national headquar- 1 ters, and 50c remains in the county for local work. Memberships are i designated as follows: Annual, $l;f contributing, $5; sustaining, $10; and supporting, $25. The Rpd Cro=-s wo'rk in Cherokee j county the past year has proven the worth of the organization. Yeast j for pellegra. flour, seed, and cloth to the unemployed, and numerous families aided in sickness make it necessary that the Roll Call be big ger than ever this year, local offi cials said. T. D. Hickey Ha* A Champion Hog One of ?he largest hogs raised in Cherokee county to come to the at tention of The Scout is now owned by MY. T. D. Hickcy, in the lower end of the county. The hog is of Poland China stock, and weighs a bout 800 pounds. It measures 9 fee' in le^^b and is waist high to an ordinary man. It was two years j old last April, and Mr. Hickey is try ing to make Aim weigh 1,000 pounds before killing time this winter. This hog is believed to be the big eest yet raised in Cherokee county. If some one has raised a larger one, rlesae come forward. How County Ballot Looks ? ? ? OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR STATE SENATOR, COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS INSTRUCTIONS 3. To vote a straight ticket make a cross (X) mark in the circle of the' party you desire to vote for. 2. To vote for some hut not all the candidates of one party, make a cross (X) mark in the square at the left of the name of every candidate I printed on the ballot for whom you wish to vote. If you mark any one candidate you must mark all for whom you wish to vote. A mark in the circle will not be ccrnted if any one candidate is marked 3. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and get another DEMOCRATIC FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE For State Senator 33rd Senatorial District ? R. A. PATTON County Officers For Representative [] G. W. COVER, JR. For Sheriff L. L. MASON For Register of Deeds ? B. L. PADGETT For County Commissioners (Vote For Throe) [] F. O. SCROGGS ? E. C. MOORE QJ T. T. JOHNfON For Surveyor ? HENRY TRUETT For Coroner Murphy Township Officers For Justice of the Peace (Vote For Three) GEO. HEMBREE GEO. HENORIX COLLIE WELLS For Constable HENRY HICKMAN n ? ? ? REPUBLICAN FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE For State Senator 33rd Senatorial District ? JOHN C. HERBERT County Officers For Representative R. A. DEWAR For Sheriff I ][ J. F. BRISTOL For Register of Deeds ? W. A. BOYD For County Commissiot (Vote For Three) [] W. A. ADAMS ? E. L. TOWNSON ? " B FERGUSON For Surveyor JIM CRISP For Coroner S. C. HEIGHWAV Murphy Township Officers For Justice of the Peace (Vote For Three) [] T. J. GILBERT ? WILL ODELL ? W. B. RAPER For Constable ?2 JACK McMILLlAN Chairman County Board of Election* I Above is a facsmimile of the county ballot which is to be used in the election of November Sth. It will be noted that the nominees for State Senator, County and Township officers appear on the ballot. This par ticular ballot is for Murphy Township. The other six townships of the county have ballots exactly like this one with the exception tAat the nom inees for township offices in that particular township appear on the ballot. Mrs. Ralph Adams Dies At Franklin .Mrs. Ralph Adams, 24, of the Hangingdog community, died at 2 Sunday morning in the Franklin hos pital after a week's illness. The body was brought to Murphy Sunday afternoon and carried to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Davis. Funeral services were conducted at 1 :30 o'clocjc Monday afternoon at Hangingdog Baptist church, of whicii she was a member. She is survived by her parents, her husband, and a sister, Jean. Fun eral services were conducted by the Rev. C. K. Turner, pastor of the Murphy Baptist Church. MURPHY GJRL IN MUSIC RECITAL AT BRENAU Miss Mildred Akin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Akin, and member of the Sophmore class at Brenau Col lege Conservatory, was presented in the first student music recital of the year in a violin solo. Cherokee County To Be Featured In Full Page by Citizen-Times A full page advertisement featur ing Cherokee County will appear in the Asheville Citizen-Times Sun day. This page advertisement is one of a series* which have been appear ing in the Citizen-Times each Sun day for some time featuring the dif ferent counties of Western North Carolina. The Rev. T. F. Higgins, pastor of the Murphy Methodist ChurcJi and a membefr of the Murphy Lions Club, will speak over radio station WWNC Sunday night at 9:30 Asheville Time, which is 8:30 Murphy Tyme. Mr. Higgins* address will be on Cherokee county, and is being made in accord ance with the courtesy extended by this station to other counties in the western part of the Sate. o Mrs. Edwina Clark, who has been spending some time in Florida, has returhed to Murphy and assumed , charge of Candler's Beauty Shoppe. FOUR BALLOTS FOR VOTERS IN NOV. ELECTION Presidential Electors, State Officer* County Officers, and Consti tutional Amendments When the voters of Cehflrokee County go to the polls on November 3th., to cast their ballots for their attention, instead of a conglomer ation of ballots a> heretofore have been lound during a presidential election year. The official ballot for county of ficers this year contain* the candi date- for county offices, candidates for state senator, and the candidates for the t' wii .'lip officers. Hfreto forc. candidates for the coun'.y of f'cers have been on .? separate hal lo^, >o have the candidates Icr town ship office: been < n a separate bal lot. and the candidates for state sen ate r have likewise been on separate ballots. Thus three ballots have been consolidated much to the con venience and understanding of ih?* voter, as a glance at the county bal lot carried elsewhere will sftoy. Presidential Ballot The presidential ballot this year is arranged like the county ballot, except that is carries the president ial electors of the Socialist party in addition to the Democratic and Re publican electors. In the first column appear the Demoratic elec tor.". in the second column, the Re publican electors and in the third column the Socialist electors. names of the presidential can didates "f the parti? < do not appear on the ball*;, due to the system that prevails and whioi has prevailed for years of electing presidents througli what is known as the elec toral college. However, the presi dential electors of the various par ties are pledged to support the party nominee in the electoral college, and a vote fo'r the party elector is the same as voting for the party nomi nee for president. State Ballot The ballot lor state officers con tains the nominee of the Democratic and Republican parties. It also car Vies the nominees of the two parties for United States Senator, and for | member "