Locals and Personals I K P. Mount, of Knoxville, I, is visiting .her daughter. Mrs. ' Fain. |, an Mi Hugh Gilbert Aber |. of Coppcrhill. Tenn., were Sr*. : i Murphy Sunday. |j and Mrs. W. T. Forsyth, of An t , wt'iv visitors in town Sunday. |<- *nd Mrv (J. H. Cope, ot Sylva. '.lends here Sunday. lyr . J- Thompson and da ugh- ! Mr . Harrj Hi-hop. spent last | K~<te.v with their daughter and Mr-. K. E Barclay, of C'op II. Tenn. .and M;-. Will Taylor, of Top pent Saturday with their Mr- 1' vi Dilla'rd. fjir and Mr?. R. C. Mattox spent] s week-' r.d wi*?i their daughter. j Fran I. McDonald, at Knoxville. I . J. A. Richardson and Abe J spent Monday at Knoxville | t*. Frank McDonald, of Knoxville | Irpitinjr her parents, Mr. and Mrs.i Mitt ox. >. M. W. Hell was a visitor ews, Tuesday of this week. I Mr. and Mi-. Dale Lee spent the! nk end with Mrs. Lee's sister Harry McBrayer of Anderson ; I I. I many friends of Miss Miriam! who wa- carried to Angel | os. Hospital at Franklin, Tuesday j operated on for appendicitis I be glad to learn that she is get along nicely. [ Mi. M. \Y. Hell was a business vis- 1 riit Andrews .Monday. MY. D. V. Carringer and sons, and Harry, spent Sunday wit.S | |Sr. .md Mi- Floyd Carringer. of] kiMvilK-. Ten n. I Mr. Kuth Carringer left Wednes e?v morning lor Buffalo, N. V., to rlit her la' her, Mr. H. B. Elliott. ^ o is at Dr. Pierce's hospital there. IF.Iliott underwent an operation ?Aert recently and it is understood tia*. Wis condition is not improving. Mrs. Hairy 1'. Cooper, Mrs. Walter | Mauiiey . .Mrs. H. A. Mattox, and Mrs. I frank McDonald motored to Atlanta] Tuesday. Mis1 ( hi istinc Cogging ot Uob- 1 BiuviUe, spent the week-end with IMr. and Mrs. (I. VV. fCUis and family. | Miss Liny Cooper, of Andrews, was isttor in town Tuesday. | Mr>. C ! ;u Cooper and daughter, I Mr>. J. \V. Davidson and sons, .lei'ryj Jr..and l'-uden. carried Mrs. Cooper's I lister, .Mi Lilly Bryant Walker, to a.tapit i Rome. Ga., Saturday for treatmen: Mrs. Davidson and sons ?-ttinu d home ^Sunday night, and : | Mrs. Coop, remained with her sister. | Mrs. O. W. Hendricks spent sev eral days last week in Atlanta. Ga. M isses Nan and Frances Dickson spent the week-end with friends at] Waynes villi*. Mrs. 1. D. Warrick. of Almond,] was the guest of -Mrs. W. II. Murray Mondav. I The many friends of Mrs. Nan Fulnur will regret to hear of her illness. Mr . I'. K. Adams and -on. Ed ward. left Sunday for a visito to rel atives at Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of ; Miami., Fla.. announce the birth of j a daughter October 11th. who has been given the name ??! Margaret Jean. Mis. Kennedy will be plea-' antly remembered in Murphy as Mis> ! Margart Sneed. daughter of Mrs. II. I H. Sneed. Mrs. X. B. Adams is visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Adam-, of Sylva. Mi. . A. M. k'rittain i- visiting her1 daughter, Mrs. J. W. Kstes, at De catur. Ga. Miss Margaret Holloway, of Wil mington, N. is visiting Mrs. W. K. Howell. Mr. K. Bennett* of Sylva, was the guest Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Crawford. 'Mr. A. ('. Huber. of Athens, Tenn., and Misses Laura i'. Hale, art teat.V er at Tennessee Weslyean College, and Dorothy Lockmiller, of Athens, Tenn., spent the week-end here. Mrs. Huber accompanied them on the re turn trip to Athens Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ballard attend ed the Ballard reunion held at Weav erville Sunday. The many freinds of little Miss Martha Faust who ha* been at the 'Mission hospital in A:?heville for the past two weeks will be glad to learn that she has returned home. Her mother, Mrs. Kdwin Kau?l and grand mother, Mrs. J. O. McCurdy accom panied her home. Mrs. Robert Alston carried her little son, Robert, Jr. to Angel Bros, hospital Sunday for an operation. From last reports he is getting along nicelv. Mrs. Mary Alston win1 has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Hall at Asheville returned home Sunday. Circle Xo. 2 of the Baptist Wo man > .Missionary Society will give a [musical tea in ih?- woman's club loom Friday night, October 28th, at 7 o'clock. An interesting musical program is being prepared. The public is cordially invited. Minimum charge will be 10c. Retre-hnien'.s will be served. I The laidies Missionary ot thv I Methodic ehurch ? are planning v have a Hallowe'en party on Monday Ingiht, October lilst. Games in keep travel train bargain fares NOVEMBER 5, 1932 ? Following Round-Trip fare apply from all stations in Western North Carolina territory: $5.00 WASHINGTON $5.00 6.00 BALTIMORE 6.00 7.00 WILMINGTON 7.00 8.50 PHILADELPHIA 8.50 9.50 NEW YORK 9.50 J W ashington and Baltimore tickets good leav ing those stations returning as late as No- * vember 7th. Other destinations Nov. 8th. > ^ggage Checked ? half fares for chi'dren. f ' , Round-trip Pullman fares to Washington , only. Tickets good only via the B. & 0. ? j *orth of Washington and will be honored ?nly in day coaches on the B. & O. | I Another Splendid Opportunity for an economical trip ' See your Agent or Address ( J- H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent > Asheville, N. C. ? i SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM l: g ? ' ? ~ y y y f f WW WW W W t- ? V ing with the season will be played and refreshments wil lbe served. An ad mission charge 10c to all will be made, '.he proceeds to be used foi ?'.Se benefit of the church. The place where it will be held will be announc ed Sunday from the -pulpit. Circle No. 1 of the Methodist Mis sionary Society met with Mrs. T. W. lAxley on Tuesday afte'rnoon. After business, the hostess served delicious | refreshments. T.hose present were* | Mrs. P. C. Gntry, Mrs. R. K. Fergu son, Mrs. S. F>. Akin, Mrs. E. S. Mil ler. Mrs. May Brittain, Mrs. W. M. | West, Misses Lvda and Bessie Mal jlonee, and Elizabeth Gentry. | ( irele No. 2 of the Methodist | J Mi-- - 1 narv Soeinty met :?t 'he h'?v ] of .Mi A. W. M elver Tuesday after- | noon, fleeting opened with a sot/ \ "In the Garden". Se'ripture reading] by Mr.-. R. V. Wells, Lord's nrayet i 1 repeated ?n unsion. fter the meeting. deliciou- salnd. coffee ami cake were served bj the i hostess. Several music numbers were i played by Miss Loueine Well*. | Those n resent were: Mrs. K. V. | Wells.. Mrs. II. G. Klkins, Mrs. P. II | Sword. Mrs. It. M. Fain. Mrs. II. H. jSneed. Mrs. I'orter Axlev. Mrs W. 1). Town.-on. Mrs. H. l>. Harnett. I Misses Lula Fain and Loueine Wells, i i Circle No. '? of the Methodist Mis- J !?:onary Society me?, with Mrs. G. W. I Ellis on Monday afternoon. Miss Josephine Heighyay read the scrip ture lesson. Sirs. E. R. Norvell and i Mrs. G. T. Posey read papers on pray er. It was decided to hold a food sale ii Saturday, October 29th, at) Johnson Market, cakes. Chicken, sal- j ad. Pies and brown bread will be sold, j During the social hour Mrs. Ellis] entertained wi\v\ a cute contest. Mrs. ; G. T. Posey and Mrs. G'riifiths being; the lucky ones who drew the prizes. The hostess served pumpkin pies with .whipped ercam and coffee carrying i out the Hallowe'en spirit. Th.' fol lowing members were present: Mr*. Arthur Akin, Mrs. E. I?. Norvell, Mr a. W. H. Griffiths, Mrs. G. T. .Posey, Mrs. Jim F'ranklin, Mr>. Virgil I Johnson, Missess Ada llarshaw and ?fosephine Heig.hway. Mrs. Dixie | Palmer was the guest who was pre jsent. Mr.-*. KUen Crawford entertained ; with a party in Potior of her .son. ?Jack's Stli birthday on Tuesday af ternoon at the home of her son, \V. C. Crawford. After games anil con-; tests, the hostess served ice cream and cake. Those prcseni were: Jean Mickey, Charlene and Wanda Bowies, -Mary Porter Fain. Jean Dyer. Mclba i lloldei. Frances Hampton, (trace jCiullev. Dollie Spurlin, Billie and jJimmie Turner, l'aul Spurlin, Edward I Dickey. J. C. Townson, Billie and I b'obbie Crawford, Mack Swairn, I Frank Dickey. Wade and Virgil j Decker. | GOOD HOME-CURED MIDDLING Meat for sale. 8c a pound. See Mir?. Nettie Dickey, Dickey Hotel, Murphy, N. C. The students of Lynn Bachman 'school will piesent an operetta "The Knd of the War-path." Saturday eve ning at 0-.:?0 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited. No admission charged. MARBLE SCHOOL NEWS The boys and girls basket ball team? are now well organized and playing at full speed. The school children of the 1st., 1 2nd. and 3rd. graues have been mak ing a stduy ot leaves, tlowers and plants grown in the Marble commun ity, and much interest is shown. The 1'. T. A. has just completed the new folding curtain for the | school auditorium. A sale campaaign , was put on in Andrews and Murphy \\?hich brought $200 to bear the ex- i pense of curtain. The pastor of the Baptist church ! [of Marble, Mr. West a nd Rev. Hed iden of Middle Tennessee conducted j chapel exercise last Wednesday.: j morning. The revival >ervices have been b'reaknig in the class exercises, but great ? r work has been done for the community by the cooperation of the i school and church. The 2nd. and 3rd. grades, under f.he supervicion 01 the. teacher. Mrs. V. M. West, gave an interesting pro gram iii chapel last Tuesday. A male duet from Andrews ren- ' dered some interesting singing at the j 1*. T. A. on iast Friday af.cring. The new stage for the auditorium v. I soon be conphted, a project put by the teaci.ers lr.d some of the men of the conr.mun'ty. HONOR ROLL First Grade Dons McConnell, Ola Kilpat'rick, Sue Mulkey, Giles Bryson, Vance Coffey. Venson Griggs, Wi>odrow Howard. Walter Kimbroujrh, Frank Doss, Keneth Led ford. I Seeks State Senate Seat John C. F^rbert, of Hayesviile, Republican nominee for State Sena tor from the 33rd senatorial district, who was in Murphy and Cherokee county last week in the interest of his campaign. Second Grade I.ucille Coffey. Aston Abernathy, Mary Kathryn Mint?., Frances I)ock ery. Third Grade William Campbell. June Kim broujrh, Vaughn Howard, Merill Itay burn, Carl Ballard. Fourth Grade Lois Smith. Charles Foster. Fifth Grade Claia Pell Trull. Frances Ni-wiv.an, Mae I. add. HONOR ROLL FOR CLARK SCHOOL First Grade ? Ted Hollbrook. Wanda Kiddle, Kate Brown, Kmma V'oyle.--, Violet Brown, Vesta Verner, Helen Ruth Burger. Second Grade ? Helen Powell, Irene Burner, Btrlha Ledford. Third Grade ? Vesta Lou Ledford, I)- neva llolbrlooks, Kmma Powell. Done\a Holbrooke, Kmma Powell. Fifth Grade ? Muiy Bell Riddle, Gearldine Burger. Seventh (irade ? Clifford Verner. Teacher, Mattie Lou McNabb ANDREWS Mr. John E. Slaughter of Canton, N. C., spent the week end in And ! rews. Mr. and Mrs. Gilts W. Cover were visitors in -Murphy on Tuesday of iViis week. i Mrs. M. W. Bell was in Andrews ion Tuesday of thisweek visiting j friends. | Mr. William Gordon Rodgers of ICanKn. N". C., spent the week end | with his mother Mrs. Anna L. Rod gers and his sister Mrs. D. H. Til lit. Mr. Percy L". Ferebee was out o* town Tuesday of this week on busi ness. Mr. Edwin B. Whitaker. atorney of Bryson City was in Andrews on Monday of this week to see his [grand-mother Mrs. Quince Whit faker who is ill at .1 erhome here. Mi. V. \Y. I;?U, attorney of MurJ phy, N. (*., was in Andrews onpro fessional business on Monday of this week. Mr. N". \Y. Abernathy of Marble was a business visitor in Andrew* on Tuesday of th;< week. Mi. J. Albert Batson who las! I year was principal of the Andrews j High School and who thi- \ car i>. ! teaching at Glen Alpine. N. C. wa> I in Andrews for *?he week end vis ing his old friends. Mr. K A. Wood wa :i bu situs* visitor in Greensboro during later part of thepast wee';. The friends of Mr. .!. Albert Bat ison gave in his honor a dinner par* v at the Riverside Hotel on SatuHiy night. Those- in attendance were: M \ .1. Albert Batson. Miss Salli* May Alpin. Mr. Pick I'ulliutr. Miss Ruth Starr. Mis.- Gladys Chadwick. Miss Ruth Clark. Mr. ...id Mr I.. B Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H ? Jarrett. Mrs. S. G. Owens and little daugh ter, Mirian Ann are spending some tin.e at th?* Junalu.ska Terrace Hotel j Mrs. Owen's husband is now stationed ? in Andrews as liquidating agent fo'? I the M. & M. Bank. Cherokee Bank and Graham County Bank. j Mi. N. (.. Bellamy was a business visitor in Mruphy on Tnesday of this week. M. P. 11. Tillett was in Bry son City on Monday ol this week on pro fessional business. Mr. L. ('. Ward f??otball coach of Andrews High school and several of the Andrews football boys went to Cullowhee on last Saturday for the i purpose of seeing Cullowhee play I football. Use This Laxative made from plants Tbedford's Bl&ck-Drauoht fa .nade from plants that grow in th? (round, like the garden vegetables >ou eat at every meal. NATURtl lias put into these plants ah active medicine that stimulates the bowels to act ? just as Nature put the ma - terlaU that sustain your body into j Jte v ?re table foods you *?at. In Black-Draught you have a natu ral laxative, free from synthetic drugs. Its use does not make yoti have to depend on cathartic chemlcat drucs to get the bowels to act daily. .Vot r vow com pft H lock -Draught in the forvi of a SYRVP, for Children. CANDLER'S Beauty PERMANENT WAVES Mrs. Edwina Clark Has Taken Over Our Beauty Shop and Will Operate The Same In The Future. She Will Appreciate Her Friends and Customers Calling To See Her. 0 Extra Special for limited time only: Beau tiful Permanent Wave, Ringlet Ends, only $2.50 Eugene Permanent Wave 5.00 Frederic Permanent Wave 5.00 Finger Wave Not Dried 25 Shampoo and Finger Wave .50 Facial and Eyebrow Arch 1.00 MRS. EDWINA CLARK, Operator Phone 5S-J For Appcintme > H. M. Candler, Successor to Canto's Dept. Store MURPHY, N. C.

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