The Leading [I Vol. XLIV.?No. 14 NEW HOSPITAL TO OPEN HERE NOVEMBER 15 Building Completed and Equipment being Installed?Staff Is ' Announced I Plans arc being made for the opening of :h new Murphy hospital on Xovt-nil'er 15th, Dr. R. \V. Petrie, owner, stated this week. In connection with the announcement of the staff selec ed to be associated with him in operation of the hospital. Everything -will be in feadiness for the leception of patients on the 15th. and the plant will be thrown open t t'i - public for inspection at a later date, Dr. Petrie said. In announcing: those to be associate with him in the operation of the h ; tal. I)r. Petrie said h-2 would have an experienced staff of t.Se best taler.'. ; < ?ible of obtainmenL Dr. J. M. Junkin, of Elkin W. Va.. will in charge of the general rill- 1 work, and comes to Murphy highly c< aimemded. H'* is 38 years old and has an A. B. Degree from W..." mv,- . i n & Lee University, and an M. D. Degree from the Medical Collage of Virginia, and is a member of the Aim ricati College of Surgeons, as .veil as a member of his cotiinty and rtate soeities. He has served as resident surgeon of Southwest Community Hospital, Farmville, Va., as a member of the surgical s-taff, McGuire and St. Luke's Hospital, Richmond, Va. and as associate surgeon Tmyk M. liarifll Hosnital. Elkins. \V Va. In 11*29 and 1930 he wa? in?truct?in surgery at the Medical Collet of Virginia. M Tedd Nelson, of Lenior, will bt penning .room supervisor. Miss Nelson is a graduate of the LewisGal lemorial 'Hospital. Roanoke W. Va., and took a laboratory course a: Ch rge Ben. Johnson Memoria, hospital, Abhingdon, Va. She has had shout years txperience in operat joom work *nd was associate." with Br. Petrie in the operation of a hospital at Lenoir and joined his - f fice staff shortly after he loeatd it" Mu:phy. Mi.-.-. Kdith Baxter, of Lincolnton N". C.. will be ansethetist. She Is ; gradual*. of the Lincoln Hospital Lincolnton, N . C., with special tran ing in anesthetic work and genera nursing supervision. Mr.-. Nina 'Hubbell and Mrs. Lillii A an-, of MurjAy, will have charge ol the nursing. Sirs. Hubbell is ; gradual- of the Wesley Menvorial n w Emory University Hospital, At lanta, Ga. For a number of year she was an army nurse at Fort Bliss I xas, on the Mexican border, am curing the World War served a; . Ltd Cross nurse at Base Hosp-ta No. 32, Elpaso, Texas. She nas h-'-'i engaged in special uu*y nut sing t > the past stverel years. Mi . Adams is a graduate o Knoxville General Hospital, Knox ville, Tenn., and has had a numbe years experience in special dut: and hospital nursing. She served fo: about a year as nurse in the old Mur phy Hospital. Th. hospital property is known a the P. E. Nelson home place, a larg< two -lory brick structure, and &tand on a high elevation on Pe achtre street, overlooking the town. It wa originally built and used for man, years as a school, and is ideally sit uated for a hospital. The interior of the building wa tern out by Dr. Petrie and has btei completely rebuilt. A modern plumb dig and heating system has been in stalled and the building made a completely fireproof throughout a possible. An annex has been erecte f... 'V nurses quarters, wmcn kitchen and dining room and refrig ?-ion plant. The .hospital has a ca paeity of 20 beds, including 3 ward and 8 private rooms. Dr. Petrie is an eye, ear, nose am throat specialist, and came to Mui phy in the early part of the year an< has aleady established an enviabl' Imputation and a large pracitce. The pto^ple of Murphy and thi section join The Scout in extending to Dr. Petrie and the excellent staf he has assembled genuine wari welcome to Murphy, and bespea him success in the operation of th hospital, which fills a long-felt * nee the county and community. o . . The Parent T^aoheir Associatioi will meet next Thursday evening November 9th a-t the school auditoi ium at 7:30 o'clock. Since this \vi *e Father's night a prize will be gb cn to the father that has the larges number of children in school. A Parents and those interested are wet td to be present. Refreshments wi be served. iff dffi Weekly Newspaper in Western North t Murphey, N. !fox hunters i stage 3 - day event here First Day Marked By Bench Showing | And Barbecue At Fair Grounds The Tri-State Fox Hunteis invention opened at Murphy \V .Ijv <lay afternoon with more th.. 1* dogs entered, and some 300 fax burners and spectators in attendant . The first days events include . a -'nor program, bench chowing of individual hounds, and a barb- cue lurnished by local fox hunter; and ih? ir 111' 11 r. The convention opened with an dress of welcome by F. L. Pau:c *t, regicter of deeds for Cheroke c .y ami general >u.>ervi-i.r ; -invention. Dr. VS. O. la.lexpeiienced breeder of the better cUi-- ? American Fox hounds, made short talk, followed by a brief r sponse to the address of welconv. ly. L. 1Lance, Judge of the Ordinary's e-Urt of Union County, Ga. I The bench showing of iruiuduar hounos o eg an w. J o'clock and wa> under the dilution of Hivy I * hgj> uwood, of Murphy. In thi class M degs w i entered. ".Julia," entry * 1"red Moore, of Murphy, won f . * piece; "Buster/ entry f Mrs. W. (_. Witt, of Peaehtree, 2nd; "Doei.'\ entry of P. A. Afauney, of Kin- y, 3rd; and "Spot", entry of Giw.r Maumy, of Peachtic, ; *elvc puppies were entered in me oonch show for houn is under 12 momhs old. In this event, "Ruby" and "Blanche," entries of Gilbert , Stiks, of Toniotla, were awarded t first and second place-: "Bell/ oi tiy ot John E. Posey, of Murphy, dr 1 , and "Nan'? entry ol Hayi.- Leath i wood, of Murphy, 1th. Dr. i acted a.s Judge in thi? event. I Thirty-nine- houn.. were enter, d in the all-a&e iXaki race, with only one dog allowed each hunter in this i j event." l)r. Tallent had five dog? with him fiom his konml . and while he i uid not make an entry in the bench show, he enured one hound in the , all-age event. i One of the features of 'he meet , was a litter f '.?-\\-e> k-old-puppies be longing to Wni. 1'. Payne, of Murphy 1 'lh July and Walker were the predominant strain- at the convention. i Entries we ha !e hy hunters front .* Haywood, Gran am, Clay and Cheroi kee counties in North Carolina, Union . and Pan in counties Ga.; and Polk - county, Tenn. s At -the close ot events Thursday , afternoon, a barb, cue was served to J the special u> in iocal fox hunt i ers and their friend?. 1 In the all-age stake race for Wed> ??'? niwhts. Jy hound; >'J were entered, with only one entry ! being allowed each hunter in the I event. .John A. Tathani, of Andrews, - H. L. Lane-, of Ulairsville, Ga.; E. K r King, of Topton; Walter li. Wiggins f of KobbinsvilK; and O. C. Payne ol t* Suit, all experienced fox hunters am - hound experts, are to judge thi: event and select th- master hound s Owner of the winner will be awarder b a hunter's horn appropriately en s graved. Fred Moore, of Murphy i; e acting as master of hounds in thi. s event and directs traffic to am V from t.he Hunting grounds. Walte - C. Witt, of Peachtree, was in chargi of entries. - Tht hunting grounds selected fo the ali-a-ge race, lie in two diffsren sections of Cherokee county. Wed " nesday night's race was held in tha s section of mountains known as th s H -aley field, 1 miles v -.-st of An ^ Urews. The r?c Friday night will b s held in the We.-t field section, nea - Dr. Young's place in Shoal Cree! - township about 20 miles west o s Murphy. The scene of the first night's rac d is said to be one of the most mour tainous sections of 'the county, whil d the scene of Friday night's hunt i e s aid to be not so rough. The hunter leave from Murphy in automobile s instead of astride horses, the ot S pictured Er^gli:?h style of fox an f hounds, and the cars are left at c n near the highway. The hunt or fo k lowing the hounds is then made o e foot, often over steep mountains cot d ered with dense forests and undei ! growth. I 4-tii>*e.dav event closes Frida n j night. No hunt was imaged Thursda I ni??ht in order to give the hounds an hunt-rs a chance to rert from tt 1' ardous port for the final race ic r- Friday night. rt Officers of th? Tri-State Fr H Hunters association arc George ( r- Mauney, of Murphy, president; ar 11 Walter B. Wiggiris, of Robbinsvill secretary-treasurer. rrpikei arolina, Covering a Large and Poten C., Friday, November 3, How The Be DELEGATE 1NSTRUC 1. To vol- for any candidate column r e low. mark a cr left of the name of tht c 2. V te nly for one of the 3. Mark only with a pencil 4. If you tear or deface or <r t another. Delegate For Repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment [] HARRY I>. COOPER OFFICIAL BALLOT To Convention to pott upon Repealing the Eight County of Cherokee, CONVENTIC INSTRU 1. To v ie for the "< onve (X) in th square '< "Convention." 2. To vote "No Conv nl X) in the ^quuiv to C nvention." .'i. Mark only with a pencil 4. If you teat or deface c r. turn it and pet ano\h [ ] NO CC [] CONV OFFICIAL CONV STATE OF NORTH CAROI ' ' Here's now tlu ballots look which ; iion. rhe Convention isaiiot biai> tr don, chairman of the State B aid o hears th- facsimile signatuu of Jos 1 Board of Elections. ; PROGRAM FOR i ARMISTICF. DAY I IS ANNOUNCED ? Memorial Service Scheduled In s M orn ng and Football Game A In Afternoon r - A memorial service program ar 11 o'clock ir 'he morning and ^ football J. game in tha afternoon between wo of the < < C Camps will ftsitrc the Armistice Pay celebration of Joe t? Miller Elkins Post Xo. 9o ot the . American Legion at Murphy, accorde ing to announcement by officers here r this week. k The memorial service in the mornf ing will be held in the school auditorium, with the Legion and the e school authorities participating i- jointly. Commander A. W. Lovingood e will be in charge of the Lqgion's prois gram, and Miss Margaret Hall, teachs er of the seventh grade, will be in is charge of the- school pupils particirt pating. d Prof. Ilieronymous Bueck, superinir tending principal of the Murphy unit 1- will be -Vie principal speaker of th< n occasion, and his address will b< /- "School and Loyalty to the Nation,' r- in keeping with "American Ed.uca tion Week" under the sponsorship o y the United States Office of Educa ly tion. The Ameriran Legion, and th< d National Education Association, le Arrangements have been complet n a] whereby the football teams of th CCC Camps at Aquonc and ISeel ua >x will meet on the Cherokee Count Fair Grounds at 2 o'clock in the al id ternoon. These two teams met recent e, ly at Murphy and Neel Gap won th (Continued on page 5) t Hw tially Rich Terri tory in This Stati 1933 I i illots Look ( ~~ BALLOT J TIONS whose name appears in "he ss (X) in tht square #?.* the andidate. |i delegates indicated I slow. g or pen and ink. wronjriy mark this ballo't, ! Delegate Against Repeal . of the Eighteenth Amendment MRS. E. B. NORV*ELL FOR DELEGATES i the proposed An,c"dmfnt :ecnth Amendment , November 7, 1933 " I DN BALLOT CTIONS nti' n," make a cr -- mark ) the left of thfc word tion," make a cro>.- mark the left of the words 44N?? or pen and ink. ir wrongly mark this ballot, r. INVENTION ENTION ENTION BALI-OT .INA, NOVEMBER 7th, JU33. are to be used in next Tuesday's electie facsimile signature of L. G. McLonl Elections, while 'She Delegate Ballot hua Johnson, chairman .of the County Webb Speaks For Dry Forces At Court House Judge E. YaUs Webb, of A.Viej ville, United States Judge for the Western District of North Carolina, poke :n the court house here Sunday night to a packed house, in the interest of retaining the 18th Amendment. Judge Webb sjoke for more than an hour and waxed eloquent in his denunciation of the liquor traffic and the evils which die said elways accompanied it. He admitted that the 18th Amendment as a national issue was doomed, and plead with his audit nee to vpte dry and against re. peal in *the election Nov. 7th and keep v North Carolina sober, i He was introduced by Col. J. B Gray, chairman fo the county dry forces, who paid high tribute to Judgt Webb, as a citizen, a statesman ant jurist. The meeting was ope net I with a song, "America" followet . by prayer by the Rev. T. F. Higgins . pastor of 'the Murphy Methodist ( church. Peachtree P.-T. A. Postponed to Nov 1( The regular meeting of the Parcn Teacher Association of Peachtret ' scheduled for tonight (Friday) ha f been nostnon-cd until Fridav niirhl i November lOt.h, Mrs. Walter C. Witl L* prtsiderft, announce^ this week. Mrs. Witt paid this postponemer of the regular meeting was an <h e count of the Fox hunters conventio P at Murphy this week. A good mar Y of the men of Penchtree are fo hunters, and the women do not wai rhem to have any excuse for not a e tending the P. T. A. The Peachtrce P. T. A. was on 1 il.00 YEAR?5c COPY :OURT OPENS HERE ON WED. NOVEMBER 8TH udqc Felix Alley, of "Waynexville, To Preside ?26? Case, On Criminal Docket With 262 cases on the criminal ocket, Judgre Felix K. AH y and Soitor John M. Queen, of Waynoeille. will convme Cherokee county up rior court here next Wednsday rnin?r. Novmber 8Vt, with a probcility that the entire two weeks of he term will he tak n up with the tial of criminal case?. I h criminal docket in Cherokee ias b in crowded for the past sever1 terms, an 1 th? mtire two weeks t th- last term t court was taken up .vith the trial of criminal cases, and '.ai.y ha ; to be continued becasui the . uit did not have Me timi to dispose i i the n, court official? ?ai Usually .. first i? taken up w. h the ctimin tl docket while th second week is devoted to hearing civil cases. A check of the criminal docket f> r this t rm reveals that am one the 262 eas on for this term. 1S."> wete continued from the last August tetni. A numher ol these have been continued since 11)30, woile HO <f them have nevvr been tried. Of the 185 continue i cases, 33 are represented by sci. fas. Theie are 77 warrants or new cases en t! dockit which the grand jury m act upon at. this term before hey can be tried and it Is anticipated that nunibt r of these will be clinrnaUii by that bodv. However, lawy r> are predicting that about 25 wan ant cases will probably be docket e?l y the time court opens. An analysis < f the dock--; shows that \i lations of the prahibi'ion law lea i the list i?r climes with oi iaat^ vhile assault witn deadly weapons anks second with 34. Three cases charging murder a?a listed, wh'l the other eases are mad* up of charges of lt-ncny, carrying conceal> 1 weapons, uslr.g profane language, disturbing r l.gto'.is coiJ-ircua 'ons, etc. Sheriff L. 1.. Mason has !? n uni naliy busy during the ; few day.-* notifying jurymen, w.t- ssc.-* and litigants that the opening of court has been postponed fi >m Monday un-'.il Wednesday m November Sth. An order from Judge Alley t' Sheriff Mason th- first of the week directed postponement of court untili the Nth. b. cause of the election to be In Id on t.'ie 7th. The juiy Commission, composed of II. M. Whitaker, IT R. f^iroll and T. .1. King, have drawn the following jurors t<> serve at this tvrm of curt: First Week: J. I.. King, Z. V. " v- u- i.i, \ \\r u.,11 i .ovingoou, Him-, .-v. . I...... Ohark-s Campbell, J. \V. Stale up, F. L. Davis, B. I.. Fox, Maynard Calmer Frank Sparks. J. \V. Dyer, George Bates, Jasper Yoyks, \V. K. Matheson, J. L. Hall, J. R. Leach, U. E. Carter, S. J. Odell, W. R. Dockcry, Rollin McDonald. \V. L. Bruce, Ace Tanner, M. D. McGuire and B. T. Lovingood. Second wt'ik: W. J. Sneed, I). 1). West, Xtdand Wills, A. L. Josnson, Harley Shields. J. M. Mot row, N. A. McDonald, G. E. Abbott. Tom Rogers Everett Martin, C. C. Foster, Ci. A. Walsh, Dale Lee, C. B. Headrick, J. G. Clonts, J. Pearlie Johnson. B. N. Hogan, Frank Hardie, E. A. Holland, B. L. Paris, W. N. Anderson, J. Will Luther, T. J. Bristol. 1 Last Rites Held For Mrs. Cunningham . Fun* ral services for Mrs. A. F. j CunniNgham, 'prominent woman of i the Little Brasstown community, was . held Wednesday, October 18th, from t the residence by the Rev. J. H. Carper a nd the Rev. Columbus Martin, and interment was in the Martin's Creek cemetery. \ Mrs. 'Cufnnignham was 73 years old. She bad been in bad health for s- v ral years, her condition becoming t serious about three weeks before her -? death. She died at 4 o'clock on the s afternoon of October 17th. t? Surviving are her husband and t, thr-e child ten: Mrs. R. E. Howe of Albany, Ga.: Clyde Cunningham of >t Cincinnati. Ohio; and Edgar Cunn* ingham, of Princeton, W. Va. iy recently organize*! and is already i\ <1 ing a good work in the community. i?t The general study topic for the year t- is "Citizenship." and some good papers are expected to be presented on Iy the subject at the next meting. - ?

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