Friday, Jan. 26, 1934 | Locals and % Messrs. Harry Dewar, Bert Bellamy, William Walker and Cecil Chand- ! ler were guests in Murphy l^pt Thursday evening. j? Misses LcMay, Estislle MJpuney, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Bailey motored to Copperhill, Tenn Sunday. Miss Lois Latham was guest at her home at Buck Creek over the weekend. Good Fresh Juicy Oranges and Grape Fruit delivered each Wednesday and Saturday/ Haywood Fruit Stand, Near Regal Hotel, Murphy, N. C. Mr. George Maunev was host to a party at his home on last Wednesday Those attending were Miss LeMay, Miss Hall, Miss Latham, Miss Moser, Miss Holshouser, Miss Padgett and Mr. Deaton. Miss Nona Chustain left last Tuesday for Knoxville, Tenn. where she will enter Knoxville Business College. Miss.Sala Kate Baker spent several days last week in Copperhill, Tenn. visitingh re sister, Mrs. Henry Ford. Miss Margaret Boyd of Peachtree was the week end guest of Catherine Keenum at Midway. Mr. Quentin Townson was absent form school Monday on account of the death of his grandfather, Mr. P. Bruce. Messrs. Clyde and Wayne Townson were visiting relatives in Atlanta, Ga. Sunday. R. W. PETRIE. M. D. Office in Hospital Bldg. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Jacks F 4 large, middle Tennessee , Sylva and Uok 'on oyj?r. We will be there for s few Also, we have 1 four-year o Write or phone me care Cc J. P. LEATf K OF MURFREE This railroad, (joined by lines) wcs the- first major materially reduce passen system. These reductions 1st, 1933. After this pioneering o other railroads in the nortl now reduced their fares a sold to these secuons at < 2? per mile each way for round o per mile each way for round crip good in Pullmans. No surcharge. Pullman space ( reduced one-chird by the elixninac lt.UII4IIIIBJM< The Cfcero Personals " Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck spent Sunday with Mrs. Hall Cobb at Almond, l. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilkerson announce the birth nfa 11 lb girl Wed- 3 nesday at the Petrie Hospital. al hi FOUND: Two South Down Sheep, ti Owner can have same by paying for this ad and for feeding. L. A. Pace, .. Marble, N. C. Rt. 1. CI Mr. Herman Ferguson of Winston- e Salem spent the week end with rel- 111 atives here. Mr. Harry Ferguson of Sylva spent * the week-end with his wife, Mrs. Har- !j* ry Ferguson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Evans. S Mr. and Mis. John Blevins of a Chattanooga, Tenn. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Nettie Dickey at the Dickey Hotel hhis week. Mrs. G. W. Ellis returned home a Sunday from a visit to relatives at v Can-ton and Swanannoa. Mr. G. H. Cone of Sylva was a ban- a ness visitor in town Monday and Tues- q day of this week. s Mr. Lon Raper of Oak Park.wa1 j] a business visitor in tcwr. on Tuesday of this week. a Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson of I Po-tell were visitors in town on Mon| day of this week. Mr. L. A. Pace of Marble was a J visitor in town on Wednesday of this r week. i Mrs. H.. G. Anderson of Andrews who had her tonsils removed at the \ Petrie Hospital on January 22nd has t retrned home and is getting along ) nicely. CABBAGE PLANTS; Cabbag-e ^ Plants, Cabbage Plants. Haywood ^ Fruit Stand, Near Regal Hotel. 1 T "or Sale i jacks. Come to David Hall's barn, ^ m 1 * < days. 1 < Id Percheron Gelding for sale. 4 ward House. iERS, Agent < SBORO, TENN. i THE Pioneer . i uuici jiiugiosivt Mioner ) trunk line in America to : ger fares over its entire became effective on April n the jlart of the L. & N., i, west, and southeast have nd through tickets can be corresponding reductions. ntn Ktuutiions le per mile in Pull , mans; for one a way tickets rip tickets limited to IS days; 2Ht > tickets limited to SO days?both parlor or sleeping cars) extra but iooaf the surcharge. r CHEAPER ^ THAN YOU ^ CAN DRIVE. * SAFER, MORE COMFORTABLE * %Atk amy L- & N. CBBSBBflE^H Pautmger J Rcpmentath* far H IHH IH fmrtbar H V|)J ^ H particulars mud Icee Scoot, Murphy, Nor Messrs. D. H. Tlllitt and Mayor yde of Andrews were visitorts in >wn on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Simonds and vmily of Asheville arrived Wednesay to make their home with Mrs. H. ahn. Mm. P. C. Hogsed of Murphy, Rt. who undeiwent a major operation ; the Petrie Hospital on January 11 is returned to her home and is going along nicely. Mr. A. W. Mclver was called to lemphis, Tenn. Wednesday on acaunt of the seriousness of ?iis brothr, Robert Mclver who is in a Governlent hospital there. Mr. Ed Kin|g who was treated for n infetced hanl at the Petrie Hospiil on 13th is getting along nicef> Miss Martha Moeser has gone to t. Louis, Mo. where seh is a student t Washing.on University. Mr. J. U. Farmer of Grandview rho entered the Petrie Hospital on ht lotn for treatment has been dismissed has returned to his home and 5 getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovingood; Mr. nd Mrs. Homer Ricks were called *to iastonia Saturday on acccount of the erious illness of Mrs. Lovingood's tiother, Mrs. R. L. Gulley who has neumonia. FULL OPENING of Spring Hals ind Dresses. See them at Mrs. Callie iall. Mr. W. E. Teems of Andrews who mderwent an eye operation at the 'etrie Hospital on January 15th has eturned to his home and gieeting aong nicely. Mrs. W. C. Pipes of Peachtree who vas operated on for appendicitis at he Petrie hospit*! has returned to her lome and is getting along nicely. Mr. R. T. Jones of Canton, Ga. vho has been taking treatment at he Petri ie hospital nas returned to lis home. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sales >f Brasstown, January 20th a daugh;er. LEGALMATTERS_ County?In the. Superior Court, state vs. Ed McFee. Notice is hereby given to any one nterested hat an application is beng made to the Governor for a paole for Ed MtFee convicted at February. 1933, term of Superior courl >n a charge of receiving stolen goods, 'or which h** was sentence:! for a term wo years. This the 25th day of January. 1934 MRS. ED McFEE (26-2t-hm) Wife of Ed McFee notIce of saTeTof land Under and by virtue of the authorty conferred by deed of trust executed by Bailey Meroney (single) \delle Meroney (Widow) dated the Lst day of December, 1928, and re ?nrded in Book 101, Page 245, in the office of the Register of Deeds 'or Cherokee County. V. S. Bryant. Substituted Trustee, will at twelve Tclock Noon on VEDNESDAY JANUARY 31, 1934 it the court house door of Cherokee bounty in Murphy, North Cerolina ell at public auction for cash to the DON'T LET THEM COUNT YOU OUT Be Yourself Again And Enjoy Life At Its Best w SYSTEM REGULATOR aids Mother Nature by expelling the toxic poisons that quickly form when the stomach and bowels are in distress. Being purely an herb and vegetable tonic SEMINOLE SYSTEM REGULATOR a safe for men, women and children. All first class druggists sell SEMINOLE and recommend it to those who are in run down condition, weak and nervous and suffering from poor digestion and sour stomach. GET A BOTTLE TODAY Take the full treatment of six bottles and enjoy the health and strength that nature intended for you. For Sal. By R. S. PARKER DRU GSTORE. Murphy, N. C. 1 th Carolina I highest bidder, the following land, | to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake in the S. W. >margin of Tennessee Street, said stake bears N. oy W. 2i i'cei. f?or.; the intersection of Hiawassce Street and Tennessee Street and runs with Tennessee Street N. 50 W. 21 feet to | a stake; thence S. 40 N. 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 50 E. 21 feet to a I stake; thence N. 40 E. 100 feet -to the beginning. This sale is made on account of deI fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A five percent (5%) cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 27th day of December, I 1933. V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee (Loan No. 2358) (23-4t-g&c) NORTH CAROLINA," Cherokee County?In The Superioi Court. Ida J. Teirell and Thompson A. Terrell, Jr., Executors of the Estate of Thompson A. Terrell, Deceased; Plaintiffs. vs. C. M. Wofford and wife, Nancy M. Woft'ord; P. C. Hyatt, Trustee; M. G. Hendrix; Mrs M. G. Hendrix, Mrs. W. R. Gartrell, Mrs. Nancy M. Gartrell and! Mrs. J. W. Gartrell, Defendants. NOTICE , OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendants M. G. Hendrix, Mrs. M. G. Hendrix, Mrs. W. R. Gartrell, Mrs Nancy M. Gartrell and Mrs. J. W. Gartrell above named will take notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of'Cherokee County. mortn uaronna. ine purpose of this action us to cancel and set aside, on the grounds of fraud, the several coeds ana conveyances fully set forth in the complaint from C. M.Wofford to the above named de fer.dant* as grantees, trustees, cestui que trustants or owners of the indebtedness recited therein, and to exclude the said named defendants from any lien upon or interest in the said lands. And the said defendants will further take no:ice that they, and each of them, are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perrior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, in the Cotir'.h'use in fD To CAMlu ? ONE THREE CEE *TWO CEN TT?,^2 Tick E? JlWWJ -f lU^IIJfl * C~j h> SI-HI Kf] n * >> \ TJ 'J SKv ' Crclcrisilc, Ccca Ccn;""l. r?.*n,Er Traffic Rqmniuin. Ticket AKc?tt fo> |?U infomHiini) ntt\X L. JEHklNA, Panp T?r? Wathlniion, O. C. ? ? U Tfef AAILWAT l^>y Page Fire Murphy, N. C., * on the 4th day of | March, 1934, and answer or demur ! to the complaint in aaid action or the I oraintiffe will apply to the court for ] the relief demanded in said (complaint. I Tins the 30th day of December, I 1933. I J. E KEENER. Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee I (23-4t-g&c) County, N. C. r FREE^I ' SEED ptISr* CATALOG & Guide Our big. Illustrated 1934 Catalog of Seed*. Plants, etc.. with Instructions for successful Gardening and Farming, now ready. 70 pages of useful Information. To be sure you get a copy, send us your name and address on a postal card Immediately. ASHEV'LLE SEED CO. Const.'Idated With EARLE SEED CO. 80 N. Lexington Ave. Ashevllle. N. C. AT THE FIRST SIGN C'F COLDS, ACHES OR PAINS?? USE -?INDICATED FOR-? COIDS.BURNS.BRUISES .SPRAINS j SORE MUSCLES ... BACKACHE j HEADACHE.SORE THROAT AND ANY ACHE OR PAIN SOLO BV All GOOD DRUGGISTS PMCI JO< WAV FARES it-HALF CENTS PER MILE r tickets good in COACHES ITS PER MILE for one way d in sleeping and parlor cars SURCHARGE ? P TRIP FARES TS PER MILE for each mile r Round Trip Tickets, with 1 f -day limit IO SURCHARGE~ NE-HALF CENTS PER MILE tile traveled for Round Trip ets, with 30-day limit. IO SURCHARGE - Mi rVW Cart. ( ileal, Safe !ESN ~ SYSTEM