^Briday. Feb. 9, 1934. I Locals and ? --? jjg? Mr Hon Witherspaon is spending Sj^B.eiai days in Raleigh this week atS^Bnding Supreme Court. n9 Messrs. E. B. Norvell and C. D. iyfield returned home last Sunday m a trip to Raleigh. gj|j| Mr. Burke Gray who Is attending liege at Cha-pel Hill spent the week -H: 1 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gray. gp|| Mr. L. M. Stevenson Jr. of Rale.-gii -r the Petrie hospital Wednesday =^K-:;ere ho had been receiving treatnt for several days. / I Mrs. J. W. Thompson spent Manj^Hay with her daughter, Mrs. K. E. Ba clay at Copperhill, Tenn. Miss Billy Jackson is visiting her! -:nt. Mrs. VV. F. Palmer at Canton, l. f|g| Messrs. Paul Owenby, A. L. Hall t^Kdwin and Reuben Cook attended a ^Banquet of fcfoe Wofford Oil Company Georgia at Gainesville, Ga. Monj^Biay evening. Mayor C. E. Hyde of Andrew's was visitor in town on Tuesday of this ^Kveek. JB I>. V. Carringer spent several days first of the week in Knoxville, 1i etui., uu uusiiiws. Mr. S. S. Williams of Asheville was J \ business visitor in town on last Thursday and Friday. Messrs. E. A. Wood, Clyde H. Jar-j rOvt and D. H. Tillitt of Andrews were i v.sitors in town on .Monday of this Mr. Oscar Hunt, who spent several days last week at the Petrie hospital for treatment of injuries sustained ir. an automobile accident, is able to be out and back on his job, his many : nends will be glad to learn. He was dismissed from She hospital Febiuary 1st. Messrs. T. J. Bristol and J. Frank Biittol of Andrews were visitors in town on Monday of this week. Mr. W. D. Whitaker of Andrews, v.is a visitor in town onl ast Satur-1 ^ M ss Willard Chastain, daughter (^| I PERMANENT m WAVE SPECIALS. |i It Permanent Wave $1.50 I B V Ringlet Wave $2.00 X j I v Eugene Wave ?, $4.00 )!* fl .j. Realistic Croquignole $5.00 *{| j B Finger-wave Dried 25c i B;!; CANDLER'S BEAUTY SHOP $ B V Ptonc 53J. Murphy, N. C. j II To My I And Cu | For some time we have Ij a nice line of Caskets. I to carry a complete lin Rj both Wood and Metal I and am in position to f K bulance and Undertak I AVill Manufacture a c I Caskets fcr wholesale ( I wi!' find cur prices ver I W. D. TC I MURPH The Cherc " r r _r f i Personals Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Chastain, of R.ute 3 Blanrsville, Ga. underwent an operation for appendicitis Wednesday at the Petrie hospital. Her condition is said to be serious. She had been sick for several wee-is an J tht operation disclosed that her appendix was ruptured. Mrs. J. B. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. [ Cloe Moore motored to Bryson City I on last Sunday. Mr. George Phillips was a business I visitor in Robbinsville on Tuesday of ' this week. Mr. William Burns, son of Mr. and | Mrs. W. A. J. Burns of Tryon, Ga., c. student of Young Harris College, I was operated on for appendicitis at the Petrie hospital January 31st. j I His condition is said to be much V.at I j if he continues to improve he will be I | able to laeve the hospital by Sunday, i 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray and family j were visitors in Hayesville on Thursday of this week. Mr. J. H. Cline, Jr., of Charlotte is visiting his father, Mr. J. H. Cline, | Sr.. at the Maples this week. i Miss Mary Katherine Hensley is ' Visiting Miss Mary Alice Bristol at Andrews this week. | Mr. Vernon King, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. King of Tcpton, who underwent an operation tor appendicitis at the Petrie hospital January 25th, I is improving nicely and will be able to leave the hospital soon. Valentine Tea February 14?h The Woman's Missionary Society ft the Methodist Church will give a Valentine Tea Wednesday afternoon. February 14*.\ in the Ladiis Parlors | of the Church, 2:30 to 5 o'clock. The Mr. Frank Ellis and Mr. Woody Hamilton of Andrews were visitors I in Atlanta, Ga., on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ellis, and Mr and Mrs. Wade Massey were visitors in Andrews on Tuesday night of this week. Twenty-one boys frdm the Ar.'ieville School for Boys of Asheville were visitors in town on Tuesday of this week. While here they visited the Indian mound at Peachtree. Mrs. W. II. Truett, of Andrew.-", who has been in the Petrie Hospital for the past several weeks is getting along nicely and if her tondi.ion contines to improve will be able to leave the hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mr-. J. A. Me Iver, of Greensboro were here Wednesday I and Thursday attending the funeral of their neohew, Hubert Davidson McI her. j Miss Mary Powers, of Hayesville, i underwent an tonsil operation at the ; Petrie Hospital Thursday morning. ' Mrs. J. W. Odam, ;f Fnaka. re at mod t.? her home Tues lay after noving taken treatment for several days at the Petrie hospital. Mis* Cornelia Forrester, of M n ntain City, Tenn., a graduate nurse of Knoxville General Hospitn", b.?s joined the staff of the Petrie Hospital. The Presbyterian Auxiliary met with Mrs. J. B. Gray on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. C. AY. Savage. It was voted on to buy some Friends : stomers : ! been making to order |||l | Now we have decided ? of all price Caskets, I , also Grave Vaults, I urnish first class Am- II < er Service. |||| ' omplete line of Wood 11 < Bind retail trade. You |||| y reasonable. |||| ' WNSON : >kee Scout, Murphy, Norti Hy.nn Books for t.he church. Plana* ] were made for a Silver tea to be given on St. Pacnck's Day, March j 17th. A special offering was taK-?n fori home missions. After business session the meeting was turned over to Mrs. 4 J. X. Mill wh) had ;! arge of the St-Hv ; J >f Psalms. Mis. K. S. Parker was' ii of Him? Minion :i dy. Til i valentine ice a was carriej out in lie ' r fresh menu, on each nl ;e was o j valentine a? a favor. Those enjoying Mrs. Gray's hospitality weie: Mrs. M. W. Bell. Mrs. R. W. Gray, Mrs. *. J. X. Hill, Mrs. Dixie Dillard, Mrs. Dixie Palmer, Mrs. R. S. Parker, Mrs. \ Don WitP.erspoon, Mrs. \V. W. Hyde, Mrs. T. L. Spencer, Mrs. C. W. Savage. Mrs. R. W. Petrie. Mrs. W. M. { Junkin, Mis R. H. Foard, Mrs. J. S. Foard, Mrs. George Phillips. Mrs. * Amnion and Andy AmiJon and Rev. Stewart Long were visitors. * The. Woman's Business Club of the i Baptist church held their regular j meeting in the ladies parlor of the chuivh on Feb. 6, 1934. > An interesting Business session was. held after which the cli?b enj >yed ? two readings given by Miss Lois Lat.'i^rri. The hostesses, Mrs. Ralph i ments. Fourteen members were presMoody, Mis. W. H. Murray and Mrs.j, H. Bueck served delicious refres'nent. Valentine Tea February 14th The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Chuich will give a Valentine Tea Wednesday afternoon, t February 14*.b. in the Ladies Parlors ^ of the Church, 2:30 to 5 o'clock. The; public is cordially invited. t 11 School was closed Tuesday for twe j weeks on account of Measles. j, WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY j' OF THE METHODIST CHURCH -f HAS BUSINESS AND SOCIAL .>1 r.i'ii i.Mi I ( Mrs. A. McD. Haishaw and Missl. Ada. Harsh aw entertained the Wo-ji ; nan's Missionary Society at their! 1 home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. T. \ 1 Iliggins, as Progaum Leader for th; afternoon gave an interesting talk on Promoting World Fellowship among | ^ the Children and Miss Loucinc Wells, with Mis. E. C. Mallonec at the piano -ang, "I Do Not Ask" (by Adam Geiel). Mrs. E. B. Norveli, President, presided over the business session and read the various committees for t.'ie year. Reports were heard from the different Circles and Committee Chairmen. The valentine Tea, which the Society is giving February 14th, was dicussed and Committees appointed. During the social hour, t.he hostessoss assisted by Mrs. John Hall and Hallie HinViaw, seived delicious refreshments. Guests were: Mrs. E. 1/. Norvell, Mrs. J. H. McCall, Mrs. Thos. Higgins, Mrs. D. M. Simonds, Mr.-. W. A. Savage, Mis. Susie DeMartine, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson Mrs, G. W. Ellis, Mrs. John Axley, Mrs. W. H. Griffiths, Mis. S. D. Akin. Mrs. E. C. Mallonee, Mrs. P H Sword. Mrs Willard Axley, Mrs R. C. Mattox, Mrs. Aithur Akin, Mr.-. Porter Axley, Mrs. H. G. Elkins, Elizabeth Ann Elkins, Mary Frances and Martha Porter Axley, Mrs. J. H. Woods, Miss Leu cine Wells, Mr.-. John Hall, and Hallie Hinshaw. Mr. H. B. Elliott of Peachtree is taking treatment at the Petrie Hospital and is getting along nicely. Miss Fannie Hathcock, history teacher, who has been confined to her room at the Regal .hotel with influenza is improving. Mrs. Carolyn Harrison Bryson returned home Mondya from Mayo Brothers hospital where she has been taking treatment. PATRICK Messrs. Clyde and Gratjy William son of Hiawassee, N. C. were Patiick visitors Tuesday. Mr. Frank's .music instructor of Murphy, is teaching a singing school at Shearer Suhool house. It has been in progress for two weeks, and will continue through out this week. When this singing closes he intends ?oing to Liberty church to teach a singing. Mr. Fiank is a fine teacher. The measles epidemic is sweeping our country. They are in seven families from Patrick to Hiawassee. Last reports that they all were getting along nicely. Mrs. John Picklestmer is on the iick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Atlas Coleman and children of Decatur, Tenn. are visitng Mrs. Coleman's parents, Mr. and Vfrs. Tom Picklesimer. They took their imall son to Dr. Young's for treatwent. He has diptheria. Mr. Hobert Dobbins of Turtletown, Penn. visited his aunt, Mrs. Jchn *icklesimer Saturday. Miss Ida Croft and brother, Omer >f Farner, Tenn. were week end ruests of their grandparents. Mr. T. S. Ledford Jras been very l^ATTIE PALMER Notary Public Scout Office i ?; i Carolina ^rRTMTshiteuu Died January 29 On January 2U, the hand of the ! ieath angel came into our home an i 1 ook from us our Mother, Ellen Rose Carver Shields. She was the daughter of Mr. and ' Urs. C. C. Carver of McMinn county, Tenn. She was bo?n January 1*J. ' 1872. 1 She became the wife of Robert ' tlartin Shieids on September 11, ( 1887, and to Mis union was born ten hildren, two cuughteis dying in infancy; three sons, Horace T. Shields : >1 Struthers, Ohio, Walter H. Shields >f Copperhill, Tenn.; Dr. Lester H. shields of Helen, Ga.; five daughters; VIrs. Carrie Clement, Youngcane, Ga. 1 Urs. Ethel Lewis, Washington, D. C., J Vora Shields, Isabella, Tenn., Mis. ' Myrtle Dean, Chattanooga, Tenn. and1 Mrs. Hazel Helton, Isabella. Tenn. ' ' 11, but is better at this writing. Mr. K. W. Shearer of Hiawassce i i vas a Patrick visitor Sunday. Mr. Will Wright was the Sunday I ?uest of Mr. Lee Hoi ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bige Taylor of Violet ?rere Patrick shoppers Monday. Rev. E. D. Cote passed through our , nidst Friday enroute to Hia.vas.ee. BRASSTOWN Mr. I. M. Buchanan is very ill at 1 fhe home of his son, Hayes Buchanan vith paralysis. ( Miss Jessie Powers who is employ- ; ?d at Ranger spent the week end at 1 lome. itr? v %j t> ' -1-"1 -k-m.o. *?. o. i ayue uuu cnuaren are j j risiting relatives of Tomotla thi?L veek. j ^ Mr. George Almond left recently or Blairsville where he is employed. Garland Frankum who has been *ar?ying mail on Persimmon Creek is pending this week at home. Vfr. John Mason is very ill with meumonia. Fred Deane of Georgia 1. visitinr. Mrs. Florence Sparks and /amily. Miss Evelyn Ashe made- a busines-tip to >Iurphy Saturday. ' C"ANGt0 "CAUSE THrv C**< ?o? llKA. HAD ? SIGN OF UPSET NERVES SIN -J Of-.? B for one way ti giriKifc. CitNT! tickets good ii round TWO CENTS TWO and ONE for each mile KTfFI ... NO' f nj llilphf and \1 a " Ca?fortabla, Ecaaoa CmmIi P?NM|tv TrtSe Rtfmnrtailn January 31. Rev. Org Forester . onducting the funeral services, asitei by Rev. C. C. L<f the background of Bible truth will esult from these studies. Everyone s cordially invited to attend any and ill services of this rhntph M S*.M\?*OV.? BRAND Pu AlLNKKtVlttllASW I \\ Are c,p?yo\lv monu\ot\v;f?4 lo \\ 111 aid notvjre ?n re\\e\nrc) const*- \\ 111 pot ?on .thereby OeansinQ the \\ 1 \\ wtlenioi certain \\ 1 \\ due to cor?st?cot ?on \\ \ \\ SOCC bY KU. COCO 0?OGC>\r,T?? \\ I H ^BlS3 "J 1/ DlRlCllONS One or tmo pill\ of / w boo time Kepact ' neoouarjr j Bn ????? VMMlBMuS VAV FARES HALF CENTS PER MILE ickcts good in COACHES > PER MILE for one way ti sleeping and parlor cars SURCHARGE ? TRIP FARES ! PER MILE for each mile .ound Trip Tickets, with I S-day limit SURCHARGE? ? :-HALF CENTS PER MILE traveled for Round Trip with 30-day limit. SURCHARGE I P?Hor Car*. ileal, Safe -a >4 jftinhitr in i ii "