B^ay, March 30, 1934. Locals and Mrs. S. Williams ot ^V'v|;; - or.t Sunday and Monday th^?r parent* Mr. and Mrs. A. |K. Kai>hnw. HB:ri Do in WaK'?fIeld and little ^K.Vh;c . Sue; Misses Sara and Ruth i H; sptr.t the week end in A.-be jhey were accompanied hv.r.e , j^Eday by Mis? Bobbie Sowers of who will visit them for sever^Eliss Mary DeWeese of WinstonjETm arrived Monday to spend two ks vacation with her mothe . Mis. ^K>ie DeWeese. ^ftlrs. Hugh Gilbrt Abernathy of ^Eperhill. Tenn, spent the week end ^K: her father, Mr. C. B. Hill. BElr. E. J. Darnell of Marietta, Ga., Eh the week end gue_st of Mr. and H. C. M. Wofford and family. ^klr. Elbert Mallonee left last FiiH for Nor lis, Tenn., where he has ^Eosition with the Tennessee Valley Erh.rity. |Efhe Junior Woman's Club will obHftve Friday and Saturday, April G 7, tag days for the benefit of the ^Elic librai y. Mrs. II. N. Cochran, of Blue Ridge, .. underwent a minor operation fH the nose at the Petrie Hospital ^Bt Thursday and was recovered suf^Bient to return to her home on Fri Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall and child of Asheville were guests Sun^By of Mrs. E. C. Mallonee. Mr. Frank Oweriby left Tuesday for visit with his wife and little d&ugh Ir at Marietta, Ga. Messrs. R. W. Gray arid S. M. Hin>? were visitors in Raleigh the first the week. Mrs. G. W. Ellis, Mrs. Wade Masy ana Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis and ss Gertrude Franklin were shopping Asheville on _Monday of this week. Mrs. Mary Alston who has been siting her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Hall Asheville returned home Sunday. Mrs. Z. Y. Brown of Asheville spent e week end with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. I. JI. West, of Patrick, who iderwent a tonsil operation at the itrie Hospital last Wednesday, was toverd sufficiently to be removed her home on Friday. Mrs. J. C. Ellis of Canton was the ?Myeek end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Jerry Davidson of Jackson. O. 'lived Monday for a visit with his unity. Mrs. S. Wellins who spent the week id with her daughter, Mrs. D. Sions has returned to ther home in shcville. 'Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lovingood, Mr. id Mrs. Howard Moody and little tughter, Jo Jo and Mrs. Cyrus White "^/isitors in Knoxville, Tenn. on ^_?cau<iy oi cms week. Mr. A. 0. Allison of Sylva was a ^Bsitor in town on Tuesday of this I Mrs. Zala Adams and Mrs. Birt I ^Bheeler of Andrews were visitors inl jB>wn on Tuesday of this wek. Mr. W. T. Forsyth of Andrews was visitor in town on Wednesday of I Hfov. Frank Eloxhan of Franklin I ^Bill hold service in the Eposcipal I ^Piurch on Friday April 6, at 7:00 P. 1 PERMANENT f WAVE SPECIALS. | B f'T?unt w.v. $2.00s| Ri?tut w.t. $2.00 x b way, $4.00 x croqnlynolc $5.00 ? | H P^fcr-way. Dried 25c ? I B candler's beauty shop i b n?** "j- murphy. n. c. x The Cheroki Personals M. Rev. Floxhan will conduct services every First and Third Fridays of every month. Everybody is invited to come. Miss Geneva Deaton, of Yellow Creek near Robbinsville, entered the Petrie hospital last Sunday for treatment. Miss Anne Candler. Miss Margaret Witherspoon, Burke Gray and James M alio nee returned to school at University of North Carolina, after spending the spring holidays with thenparents. Mr. William Thompson spent the week end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. He is attending Emorv University in Atlanta, Ga. Jerry Davidson, Jr., Bill Bay less, James and Richaid Parker returned to State College Monday after spending spring holidays with their parents, i Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Vestal spent Tuesday in Bryson City on business. 'Mr. P. G. Ivie spent Monday in Hayesville on business. Mr. W. P. Grogan, of Murphy Rt. i 3, entered tho Petrie hospital last | Friday for a minor operation and] treatment. Mr. Beul Adams returned home Sunday from Atlanta where he had >een transacting business. LOST OR STRAYED: Seven weeks old pig, weight about 35 lbs black with white feet and white spots on face. Finder olease notify Ernest Adams, Murphy, N. C., and receive reward. (2t-pd) Misses LeMay, Holshauser, Moser, Latham and Mr. Deaton motored to Atlanta, Saturday on shopping trip. Miss Edna Mae Gentry was the week end guest of Miss Nannie Laura Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom were the guests of Mrs. Mattie Piercy of Andrews Sunday. Mrs. S. D. Battle, of Andrews, v>?, ?A?.iic *??# . i rie hospital Wednesday of this week. Miss Wilda Mason was the week end guest 0f her grand patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mason of Brasstown. Miss Sallie Kate Baker is this week's guest of her sister, Mrs. Heniy Ford of Copperhill, Ten. Mrs. J. M. Payne of Culberson who has been ill for the past two weeks suddenly giew worse last Sunday and her son and daughter, Troy and Iola j were cailed home, the former from I Chattanooga, Tenn. ,and the latte: fr< m Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Payne's coniilioti however has greatly improved since Sunday. The Characters Builders Sunday School Class of the Methodist Church entertained with a party at the Methodist church in the Men's bible class room on last Friday evening. An effective color scheme of green and white was used in the detail to camout the St. Patiick idea, and this motif was carried out in the salad course served at the conclusion of the party. Those present were: Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Glkins, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Johnson, Mrs. E. C. Mallonee. Mrs. Wade Mas-*ey, Mrs. Glenn Bates, Mrs. Bill Brandon, Mrs. Ted Howell, Mrs. Frank I Ellis, Mr3. A. W. Mclver, Mrs. John Davidson, Mrs. Carl Evans and little daughter, Mrs. John Brittian, Mrs. Edwina Clark, Misses Lei in Posey, Hattie Palmer, Loucine and Martha Nell Welts, Claia McCom/bs, Emily Sword, Ruby Hall, Mary Akin, Josephine and Dortthy Heighway, Ada Harshaw, Sara Cook, Ruby Riester, Lelia Hayes, Muttie Fox; Rev. J. H. Carper and Rev. Stewait H. Long. Hampton Memorial The Epworth League of the Hampton Memorial church will present an faster program in the form of a play "Our Christ Liveth" Sunday evening April 1, at 7:15. We welcome your presence. Black-Draught ciws up skam fmi? "I have used Thedford'i BlackDraught for constipation for a long tlma" writes Mrs. Frank Champion. ot Wynne. Ark. "If I set up In the morning feeling dull and sluggish, a dose or BlackDraught taken three timea a day wlU cauae the feeling to pass eway. and In a day or two I reel like a new person. After many yeare of use we would not exchange Black-Draught for any medicine." . P.I. ? If you hove Child aa.v, pive Mssi lis sew, plsoeoal-fosfia# MTRUP 0/ Thfdford'M Black-Draught. MM* tLS ee Scout, Murphy, North ANDREWS Mr. G. B. Hoblitzell and son, Billie spent the week end in Asheville with Mrs. Hoblitzell and Fannie Sue. Mr. J. Albert Bat-on who has been attending school in Buffalo, N. Y. is ending some time in Andrews visit ing his many friends here. Mr. Bat*on for several years was princcipa toi several years was principa ?f the Andrews High School. Miss Sallie Mae Alnhia was a visitoi in Asheville on Saturday of the past week. Mr. Giles W. Cover, Sr., and daughter, Eleanor, went to Asheville or last Saturday to met his daughter lane, and bring her home. Jane ii nding Converse College in Spar tanburg, S. C., and will spend several Jays with her parents during th< ster holidays. Mr. T. M. Strider of Nashville Tenn., was a business visitor in An drcws on Friday of the past week. Mr. Ralph M. Moodv was in And j rews on Thursday of the past wel | ? professional business. The many friends of Mr. Emer; Lovingood will leatn with regret tha >n last Sunday afternoon near Sylvi he was in an automobile wreck ant is at present the hospital. His in juries are not considered serious. j Mr. C. E. Hyde, Mayor of Andrew ' was in Murphy on Monday of thi j week on professional business. M. and Mrs. W. B. Candler ant daughter, Lucy, of Villa Rica, Ga spent t.he week end visiting thei daughter, Mrs. L. B. Nichols. a,I- j *?- - - " an. uuiuau Jamison oi dtatesvuie N. C., was a business visitor in And rtws on last Friday. Supt. Josepti J. Stone on last Fri lay left for Raleigh, N. C. where ht was in attendance at the State Teach ?r's Meeting. Mr. Stone returns to Andrews on last Sunday. Mr. D. H. Tillitt was in Ashevill< the first of the past week attcndinj to professional business. Mr. J. W. S. Davis after having .tyent seveial days in Spartanburg S. C. as the guest of Mr. J. B. Per kinson, returned to Andrews on Sun day last. Messrs. E. A. Wood and D. H. Til litt left Andrews on a business tri| to Lexington, Chailotte, AlbemarV and Salisbury on Tuesday of thi week. S? .eii! f L. L. Mason was in Andrew l. official business on Friday of th ::ast week. PATRICK The small son of Mr. and Mrs Owen Picklesimer has been very i but is better at this writing. Mr onil Mm Sam Rni/t l'rio their baby to Dr. G. M. Young's Sur day for treatment. Rev. E. D. Cole parsed throug our midst Sunday after spending week in the Hiawassee section. Mrs. John Picklosimer is on tii pick list at this writing. Mr. Cha lie Boring has purchase, a saw mill and expects to have it i: aperatjbn in the near future. | Mr. Bright Raper of Braastowi was a Patrick visitor Saturday. Mr. Lakes Quinn of Postell mad a business trip to Mr. J. P. Bryant Monday. The farmers in this section ar getting behind with their work du | to so much rain. ^ Mr. Elmer Ledford made a busines trip to Mr. Ed Frown's Monday. Mr. Will Beaver of Hiawassee pas; d through our midst Monday. Attention Farmers Mupryh has a chance to fret a cannery this season, if you are interested in growing Vegetables for it see Mr. A. Q. Ketner, county Agent or any member of the Murphy Lions Club. It will require quick action on the part of farmers in signing up acreage if the cannery operates this season. W. M. FAIN MURPHY, N. C. Carolina EASTER | For the sixth time since the year i 1800 Easter Sunday comes this year j on "All Fool's Day,"" April 1, and this coincidence, the savants tell us, | will be repeated only two more times > prior to the year 2,000-By that time - the present generation will have tun course and will little reck whether I or not these predictions prove cor1 rect.? Clay County News. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mis. Ohil ?Val. ker of Peachtree, January 22, a son, . j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vart Colbert 1 of Murphy. January 20, a daughter, J I Hazel Leigh. ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kephart of Grandview, Januyary 4, a daugh- i ter, Lucillie. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Girley Garlett of Murphy, January 25, a son, Berdie Darla. { Born to Mr and Mrs. W. E. Stiles of Murphy, January 5. a daughter, ( y Virginia Ruth. 1 * Born to Mr. and Mr?. C. G. Haney ' , of Murphy, January 7, a daughter, liobbie Genette. Boin to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coleman of Murphy Route 3, January 11 1 J a ton, Carl. ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mc. Clure of Muiphy Route 2, January o 1 7 ~ r Born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett L.! Hall of Brasstown, Januaty 23, a son, Dallas Harold. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Olen Taylor | of Murhpy Route 3, January 31, a. son. ? Boin to Mr. and Mrs. Bealoth " Sparks of Braastown, January 12, 1 J a son, Dale Leone. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Luster Brooks * of Peachtree, February 10, a daugh? te?, Emma Eloise. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harford of Murphy, February, 27, a daughter, r Marie. MhMm^g>Kaia?ifflL^ d ? Travel anywhere. J - Ac sou ^s^f1 SOUTHERN RA Page Five W.n HuM Rm4 It*? easy to recognise the way to Ba?y street now. You can tell It by the high hats discarded by returning refugee?.?Los AntHos Times Presbyterian Church Rev. Stewart H. Long, Pastor Sunday School 10.00 A. M. J. B. Gray, Superintendent SERVICES Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Evening Seivice 7:00 P. M. The Schedule cf Services is as folows: first Sunday .... Evening service only Second Sunday, Morning and Evening Third Sunday Morning worship only fourth Sunday, Morning and Evening fth Sunday, No service (Both services in Hayesville). Visitors and Friends will find a corral welcome at all services of this :huroh. The Easter Evening service will be :haracterized by the songs and a message suitable to the occasion. Th? topic of the sermon being "The Religion of the Burning Heart." There will be no morning service < the pastor will be in Hayesville. Notice will please be taken that the hour of the evening srvices has been changed to 7:00 o'clock P. M. HATTIE PAI.MFR Notary Public Scout Office R. W. PETR1E, M. D. Office in Hospital Bldg. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted ** r FACED THE QUESTION IVES" - CHANGED TO I'M 5MOK- ^ IE-AND EN- ^ | i IT MORE. VSS" AREN'T I?'-' it NY MORE. ...any day THERN per mile Sat* by a ting tht Southern at tha lowest Caret erer offered: ^ 11 ? mile?lit Coaches One war tlokete?eold dally to any point on the Southern aeV-?.23W.. sleeping and parlor cars Batata limit ?<!>? dmphtf ana! parlor eon Return Unit 10 dare 3( prr m<U am way in Urping arui pmriur eon NO SURCHARGE! Yoor trip oa the Southern will be quicker, itftr?and nor* eooootnicfll No tiree to change; do tra eke to dodfe; none of the bexmrde, bother end expenee of dtivingyoar own car. Be ceni/ortnMe in tht taftty . a f (rain troeei. L H. DeBUTTS General Real an aw A|eat ILWAY' SYSTEM

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