?age Eight ? MARTIN'S CREEK (Last Week's Letter> Miss Madge Stalcup who has been employed in Knoxville, Tenn, for the pas: several weeks is visiting home . oiks. Mr. Zenner Smith of Canton. Ga., - n: the week end with his father and sister. Miss Norma Chastian. who has beer, in the Praughcn Business CoIItg: at Kr< xville. Tenn. sper.t the wek end with her family. We are very sorry- to hear of little Tjnita .Almond being very ill with pnuenomia fever. Mr. Will Chastian has returned frcm Ohio after being gone for several months. The ladies health club will hold thrir next meeting a: the old Martir's creek church, which will be a: 1:30 o'clock April 12. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Ben Chastian entertained with a birthday dinner at her h-rrr.e Wednesday March 2$. The invited guests bet:r.g. Mrs. Ross Hughes. Misses Pauline. Lelia and Beulah Stalcup. ( Mr. and Mrs. Void H ran and little ?on. J. V.. Jr. Mr. T. C. Ellington o: Ducktowr.. Tenn.. and Bill Her.son of the CCC ca rp ir. Seau ine. N. C. are visiting friends of this section. GRAPE CREEK Recent c: m.r.unication) The Rev. J hn Harris of Englew d. Tenr... was a recent visitor in .?: . ... ? ir. :i? . . t .ins nere ac ?as nearu n three sern ons a: :ht New Hope church of God. Mr. Harris is an able ; and popular minister. Mr. Charlie Davis who lives in Tennesse was the week end guest of | Mr. an i Mrs. John Stiles and family, i H was accompanied back to his home ' by his usin. Mis?Vesta Stiles, who will visit relatives there. "What I am Vervus What I Can be" was the theme of an excellent ser- \ mon by the Rev. T. F. Higgins at the Salem Church Sunday afternoon March IS. A singing meet was held at the Salem Church Sunday afternoon Mar. 26th. Among the visiting sinijj-rs j were: Messrs. John Killian, Ernest Burnette. Shelby Franks. Frank Coleman. John Voyles, Buster Sebolt and Marshall Coleman. Mr. Andrew Walsh was a recent visitor in the community. Mr. Frank Coleman and children, Marshall and Katherine were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carter and tamily Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClure were: visitor? in the community Sunday. Mrs. Gler.n Williams and little daughter of Andrews have ben visiting Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Triplett, Mr Wood row Triplett, and Mr. Barlowe of Granite Falls were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh. gvi " * . i. w : JheChe, Miss Margie Hall spent the week J ,knd with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Hall. Messrs. John and Boyd McDonald who work near Black mountain were ! it their home here during the Easter [ season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh and son 1 LeRov spent Easter Sunday with Mr. j and Mrs. G. A. Walsh at Peachtree. Certified Portor Rico potato plants 51.35 per 1.000. Marigk>be, New Stone and Greater Baltimore tomato plants. Wakefield and Flat Dutch Cabbage plants, Bermuda onion plants. 200. 35c. $1.15 per 1.000. Ruby King and Giant pepper plant200, 35c. 500, 75c. We guarantee goo~ plants, safe delivery and pay postage. Wrua for ?r ce- on large orders. Shipments will continue throughi Ao.rl, May .and June. If interested, please preserve this ad. W. L. McCLEI.L vX Bridgeboro, Ga. ANNOUNCEMENTS For Register of Deeds | F the Voters . f Cherokee Countyr I hereby announce myself a candii iate for the nomination for re-election ' as Register of Deeds for Cherokee county, subject to the wishes f the j Democratic Primary be held June j 2. 1934. If nominated and elected I will con- i .inue :o render the same courteous} and efficient service in the future that I L have in the past. Your vote and in- ; riuence wil be appreciated. B. L. PADGETT. For Judge I am a candidate for Judge of the 20th Judicial Dictrict. subject to the wishes of the Democrats of said dis-, .V'l 111 LUC * 11111 ?- ? LV UC UCiU UUU5 | 2nd. I will appreciate your support j and influence. (jl-pd) GROVER C. DAVIS! o ^ For Representative Murphy, X. C.. April 18, 1934.! I :ake this method of notifying the voters of Cherokee County that I am a candidate to represent them in the next General Assembly of North Carolina subject to the action of the Republican county convention to be held in Murphy on April 30, 1934. It has been my pleasure to represent these good peopl to my own satisfaction and theirs also. So far as I ever knew, I gave my constituency the very best possible service, always keeping a vigilant watch over their interest. I would take great interest in representing once more the people of the good old county of Cherokee, i Yours truly, (2t-pd) A. K. DICKEY Republican Convention A convntion of the Republicans of Cherokee County is hereby called to meet in the courthouse in Murphy, at 11 o'clock a. m. on Monday, April 20th, for the purpose of selecting candidates for the various County of-| HMPAR E FEATHER FLOUR 8 lbs... $1.65 96 tbi 8 lb carton SUGAR 7c 100 lbs $4. FERTILIZER 55 2-10-2 * at C. S. Meal VY, per hundred Murphy NOAH ;*>. - ... rokee Scout, Murphy, No fkes, to elect a County Chairman, and to transact any other bus: ~.css that may properly come before tfw Convention The Republican- of the pre.inet: of the County 3re hereby called t< meet at their polling places, r v.ei places selected for the purt vr. :r their respective precincts Saturday April 28, li?34. tor the purpose o3 selecting delegates to the C; ntj Convention which meet; the ;. . v ing Monday, and to *-answer arj uther business that may ; : -r-.ri. .o.re before the r r*-" "r This the 17th day of April, 193*. F. O. CHRISTOPHER Temporal y C.. dnnar. LEGAL MATTERS NOTICE Pursuant t Chapter -? i. Pa: lit Law of 193 . B\ . . Education aril A M. on May _1. !: 4. : :r.c ar House door. Cherokee Ccunty. . ! r hv. North Car na sell thv : wrnj school house; and ! *.;: So: H us? and Lot in D- N . B a .in Township, known as Whitne: schoil conveyed t. County Boar , i Educa tion by deed by A: dy Whimer an< wife and re. rded in B * *, 338 of rec r: >f Deed : : Ch . -kes County to which refers: e > hereb? niaie; also set nous-.- a" : i: Dist. Xo.7. B ! -p known as B< th<. Sch 1. . . y ed to County Board ui Ed-cat: r. dt-od from James Thompson a: : w::-.and recorder :: tfice of Register c Det-d-s in E. " . :1: page 4 _' : which referer - .hereby m : . AB school house at . . in D: N . : in Murphy 1 v. . Mai* ?y sen ol. c ; eye I t C aunty Boar of Educati< H. \\ Kogers and fice of Regi.-ti-; 1 : 1 County in K? k 'V.1, at pas- 2> . t which i v:.. This Sev :. . I'. y A; ::' 1934. C.terokee C an* IK a: : Edu.r. (38-4t-m) EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qual r ci e\* the estate of W. L. Bruce, late c herokee County, deceas. .. tn.> to notify all persons having claim against said esta* exhibit them t< the undersigned at his residence. Cul berson, X. C . or or bef ore the 19:i day of April, 1935, or this noti.e wil be pleaded in ba: of their :<. -very and all persons indebted to saia esta: will please make immediate settle ment. Th*3 the 19th day of April. 1934 WAY LAND L. BRUCE, Executor of the estate o (38-6t-pd) W. L. Bruce, deceased National Forest Timber for SaleSealed bids will be received by :h Regional Forester, U. S- Forest Sei vice, Washington. D. C., up to an including May 21. 1934, for all :h live timber marked or designated fo cutting and all merchantable dea timber located on an area o about 667 acres on the East Branc of Whiteoak Creek, tributary of th Xantahala River, Macon Count] Xantahala National Forest, Xort Carolina, estimated to be 2000 core of hemlock pulpwood and 500 tons c hemlock bark, more or less. No bi of less than 75c per cord for the pul wood and $1.00 per ton for bark wi be considered. $1000.00 must be d< posited with each bid, to be applie to the purchase price, refunded < retained in part as liquidated dan ages, according to the conditions ( <%* ! . E THE IARMOl r A MDC v/mui JL. 55c SLICED LENOX 70 GOLD 1 ,21 PINEAI $1.81 PHILIP $1.60 RAISIN .. $1.10 SALMC r Supply ( W. LOVINGOOD, Mai >rth Carolina , i the sale. The right to reject any and 5 all bids received. Before bide are i submitted, full information concerning the timber, conditions of the sale and submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Franklin. North Carolina, i ?3S-2t NOTICE OF ELECTION IT IS ORDERED by the Board oi Commissioners of the Town of Murphy that an election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1934. it being the eighth day f said month, for the election of the May. r and six C . mmissicners of said Town, said election to be held in the Courv. jse in the Town of Murphy, the poking place established by the ST' vtrnir.g body of said Town. Henry Hyatt is hereby selected as Registrar for said election, who shall i, register those entitled to register and W. O. Adams and L. C. Hill are here: v appointed Judges of said election, who shall open the pells and superin :e:.d the election; they shall keep poll ks in which shall be entered the : name of every person who shall vote, - id a: the close f election they shall 1 certi:;. the same over their proper gnature and deposit them with the ; Board : Commissioners. : That registration books shall be rer.yi f r registration of all persons nt.tlec to bt registered on 7th day :: April. 1 f'34 and kent opened daily until 2>v. day :f April. 1934. Tha't . Sa-. ay 2vh day of April 1934, - -hall he challenge day, Tr.at Clerk o: Town of Murphy _ -"-a . ; uvdished this ordinance in The -e ut and_C_o_urthouse door :y day.- as required by law. T.te '.irk of the T wn of Murphy I : repa:e and have present suf .... it-r.t nect-sary ballots for .-aid : election as described bv law. E. O. CHRISTOPHER, Clerk. 4-4t-eoe? Town of Murphy. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under ar. . by virtue of :h; authority c nferrei by deed of trust executed by S. C. Heighway, Widower, dat* i the loth, day of March 1928, and reco! J in B k 94. Page 499, ip the ::*:cv of the Register of Deeds ' kt-rckee ' ounty, V. S. Bryant, Subs*:* ed Trustee, will at twelve f o'clock Noon on WEDNESDAY MAY 2. 1934 s at r.-.e C urt House Door of Cherokee > C uniy in Murphy. North Carolina - -el. at r-blic auction for cash to the t highest bidder, the following land to1 wit: ; A certain lot or parcel oi land in e or near the City r town of Murphy, - County of Cherokee, and more particularly desciibed as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the Northeast margin of Juanetta Street f said stake bears North 67 West 15C I. i feet from the inter action oi JuaneAa - atree: ana Sword Street, run? North - 67 West 55 feet; t.htnce North 67 e 2S5 feet to a stake on the ban! - of Valley River; thence up Vallej d River South 67 Ea.-*t 55 feet to a stakt e tnence South 67 Wv 285 feet to t?.< f beginning. d Tiii* icle is made en acco .nt of df fault in payment of the indebtedness b secured by said deed of trust, and v. e subject to all taxes and assesmenu a-.'ain.-t said property whether nov h due or to become due. Is A f-*c percent t 5 .7 ) cash deposi f *ill be required of the highest biddei d at the sale. p This the 28th, dav of March 1934 U Loan No. 12X1. V. S. BRYANT, ?-1 (36-4t-g&c) Substituted Truste< d ? >r NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND | Under and by virtue of the author >f ity conferred by Deed of Trust exe vai in JR MILK, 10 sm lELL'S TOMATO SOUP, > PINEAPPLE, 21 SOAP,. 151 OOLLAR COFFEE, >PLE JUICE, 2 P'S PORK AND BEANS, S, 4 15 oz. pa IN, 3 tall a Co., Inc. Friday, April 20,1S3< B ] cuted by Sid Pendley uid -if, I Pendley. dated the In day of I ber, 1927, aad recorded ?!^B Book-94, pages 369 in tb( ;he Register of Deeds for CaeJ^B County, V. S. Bryant, Substhw^H trustee, will at twelve o'ekek ?" WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 1954^8 I it the Court House Door of Che-i^B rnty, in Murphy, North Cuo^H sell at public auctr.n for cash t^J^S highest bidder, the following land,s^E wit: B BEGINNING on a stake or oost in the South Margin of River Avenue, said stake or f^^B post standing at the point of i^^H section of the said South margia^B ; Valley River Avenue and the E*H nargin of a 1 5 foot alley lyinghe^^l ween the hereinafter described and the lot of T. W. Alley, udrjH hence with the said margin of ley River Avenue. N. 58 degrees hi minutes E. 130 feet to a stake ini^fl margin. Northwest corner ?f F. xB Miller lot; thence with Miller ha, jH 29 degrees 30 minute. E. 210 feet ?B a stake, corner of Miller and Ut?H good lot; thence with North lat fB aid Lovingood lot, S. 58 degrees uB minutes W. 130 feet to a stake in East mat?'" ?f a 15 f?c: Alley ;the^B with said east margin of said A3qH N. 29 degrees 3'j notes IV. teet to the ppint of beginning. K And being all f th -e two certri^H tots conveyed to Sid Pendley by dt^H i:om A. O. Allison ant wif. \llison, dated the 8th cay of MqB 1915, and recorded ir. Book 65, pigHH 259, and by deed from A. M. BrtH | .ain and wife, Ella Hrittair.. craiH I the 24th day of March. 1916, a^H recorded in Book 73. rage 95 o! :sl Records of Deeds for Cher.kee C cast de;ii I will be required of the highest b* i ler at the sale. This the 28th dav - March, lilt V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee. Loan No. 707?(38-4t-g&c) NOTICE TO ALL CREDITORS Of MURPHY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY Notice is hereby gi-.en to all cred* itors of Murphy Steam Lautiby Company,, sometimes designated a Murphy Steam Laundry, or Murplj Steam Laundry Inc., that the units igned has been appointed as Us -tiver of all the property and * fects of said corporation by decreed he Superior Court of Chenla "aunty, duly entered in an acM therein pending entitled, Gurney f. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of tie State of North Carolina, et aL a Murphy Steam Laundry, a eorje at ion et als. By the order of the court enteni in said cause, all creditors of aid Murphy Steam Laundry Company.# persons having claims of any nat? against said corporation or its 't erty, are required to pesent then a the undesigned Receiver at N. C. for allowance or rejeetii l iritkin oivftt Jmre frrtnt oni^ #ft#r Ml r 4th, 1934, upon pain of being fort* barred and precluded from any pre . -teds of said estate or participaa of the distribution of the assets a e aid Murphy Steam Laundry Co. This April 1.2th, 1934. E. P. HAWKINS, Receiver of Murphy - (39-4t-eph) Steam Laundry Cc. ?? V?" -?o all cans 25c 5 cans 25c i No. 2 cans 29c bars 25c - 2 lbs for -JSc large cans 1?? |fl 5 cans 25c I ; ? im ckages 25c |9 m, ra V MURPHY, N. C. fl ii .A