I-" ' i _____ improved"i uniform international sunday i chool Lesson (By RKV. P. B. FITZWATER. D. D.. i Member of Faculty. Moody Blbla Institute of Chicago.) ?. 1934. Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for May 27 THE LAST JUDGMENT LESSON TEXT?Matthew 25:31-46. GOLDEN TEXT?For we must all appear before the judgment seat of ! Christ; that every one may receive the ! things done in his body, according to 1 that he hath done, whether It be good | u, bad. II Cor. 5:10. PRIMARY TOPIC?Doing Things for JesusJUNIOR TOPIC?The King's Test of Service. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPlC?Serving Christ by Serving Others. 1 YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?Christ Our Judge. A mure correct topic for today's les- ! son would be The Judgment of the Nations. According to the legitimate textual and contextual signification it is the Judgment of the living nations, which still lies In the future. The idea of a geueral Judgment Is a fundamental error. Doctor Pentecost well says, 'Tt is a mischievous habit that has led the Christian world to speak of the judgment as being one great event taking place at the end of the world when all human beings, saints , and sinners, Jews and Gentiles, the living and the dead, shall stand up before the great white throne and i there he Judged. Nothing can be more wide of the Scriptures." The Rible speaks of several judgments, differing In respect to the subjects to be Judged, the place of Judgment, the time and result of the Judgment. The judgment which we are considering today Is not that one set forth in Revelation 20:11-14. It precedes that one by at least 1,000 years. A definite analysis of this lesson will show how entirely distinct this Judgment is from the final judgment. I. The Judge (v. 31). He is the Son of man, the one who caiue and died to redeem the human race. At this time he is seen clothed with majesty and power sitting upon his throne acting as judge. There la no Judgment, so far as sin is concerned, for those who now accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour (John C.:24). II. The Time of Judgment (v. 31). This judgment will take place when | the Lord comes In his glory accompanied by a retinue of glorious angels, and after he has gathered the ; elect remnant of Israel. There will | be no resurrection in connection with I this Judgment. III. The Placet of Judgment (v. 31). i The prophecies of Joel (2:1-17) and Zechariah (14:1-5) show that it will i be in or near Jerusalem. The angel said to Mary, "Thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall he great and hall be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God shall g've unto him the throne of his father David. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom j there shall be no end" fLuke 1:3133). As David was a literal king and reigned at a literal place, there shall be at that time a literal Judge occupying a literal place of Judgment IV. The People Judged (vv. 32-45). n is expressly declared "before him shall be gathered all nations." They will be the nations left upon the earth after the church has been translated (I Thesa. 4:16, 17). These are the nations to whom the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached just prior to the coming of the end of this age. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached In all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14). This gospel Is distinct frolb the grace of God which Is now being preached. The preachers of this gospel will be the Jews (Rev. 7 and Rom. 11). They will move among the nations of the earth *lth the startling news of the Lord's approaching kingdom. V. The Issue of the Judgment (w. 32-46). Some of the nations will gladly receive the message of the kingdom and most kindly receive the King's messengers. Others will persecute them, thrusting them into prison. Here those who teceive the message will rlait the messengers of the King and provide for their wants. At this time the Judge will separate the nations, placing the sheep on the eight hand and the goats on the left. The sheep are those who give proper treatment to Christ's brethren, the messengers of the gospel of the kingdom. The goats are those who reject the message and maltreat iba messengers. If these three classes, the sheep, the goats, and the brethren be kept separate In our thinking all confusion will be avoided. Tbe sheep will enter upon the inberltlnce of a prepared kingdom. The *o*ti will go Into everlasting fire pre?*red for the devil and his aagels <* 46). L. The Cherokee Scout, Mi HIGH VALUE PUT ON ANIMAL FATS IN EARLY DAYS The advertisement of a Los Angeles resident who is looking for a continuing source of supply of bear grease to be used in the manufacture of a hair tonic, calls to mind the many uses of wild animals' fats in the pioneer days. Bear grease and oil perhaps had more uses than any other animal fat. It was used in cooking, for medicinal purposes and as a hair invigorator, Albert Stoll, Jr., writes, in the l>ctrolt News. When properly rendered, bear oil is considered by many as being superior to olive oil for table use. It has little odor and, unlike pork fat, is pleasing to the most sensitive taste. It was the principal fat used in the early days for shortening and frying purposes and was frequently mixed with sugar and sirups and eaten on bread. By adding a bit of sassafras or slippery elm bark the pioneers were able to keep bear grease and oil for months without its turning rancid. It is well known that the "dandies" of the early days placed great store on bear grease to keep their hair sleek and shiny. Rattlesnake and skunk oils also were two old reliable remedies. The former was regarded by backwoods folks us being a specific for ringworm. rheumatism, sties and animal bites and in remote parts of some 7h Firestone mainta for 193'4 with a wider tread and tougher rubber, whicli protection, and more than These achievements are providing greater adhesion FLATTER.nd WIDER TREAD j^BT / MORE and [iQL ^ TOUGHER RUBBER IHflpt TRACTION Iwi NON?SKID IHR I I THE New FIRES" | | HIGH SPEED TIRE f, Tire$5 The new Firestone Air kO the improvements in th tO lire.The lower air pressui |? and riding comfort. Cu [O cords, providing 30 to 4 >? blowout protection. |0 Get 1935 low swung styl |0 with these new tires and i car. See your local Fire* ? 'I for a FREE DEMONSTR I' Firestone Tires are Track Tested on the ^ greatest proving ground in the veil d?The !j Indianapolis Speedway. eed Tire* widt il ilia Pirtitont Factory i * 25, 1934 ?spring time is ...and what does it mean to JUST THIS: If you fetl listless, ran appetite dull, with a weak, let-dawn ... perhaps nervous and worn out... w] make an effort to "snap out" of this condi' Try toning up your appetite... incrcasii red-blood-cells... the best way to be hap] You need a tonic?not just a so-called t< but a tonic that will tone up your blood. S specially designed to do this for you. Unlei case is exceptional you should improve a oxygen-carrying hemo-glo-bin increases. At all drug stores in two convenient site larger size is more economical. QTfccS.S.S. In the Spring/DELICATELY\ c. /F^grantN z rr? a ? jfr ?6Cl A . HI And yg?W z Nursery MwMt m j| i' I HP p_ h'CBBBHi 1.1 la rix ilon It ^ II I mm mm j cut by producing a new tire greuter thickness, and more re traction, greater blowout ntcd process of Gum-Dipping, etch cords and between the of the tire and the tough, read. It also provides greater flexing life, and greater blowouts. iiade it possible for Firestone and put on the market the Jon tire in 1923. This tire was y all others and completely tire industry and set new lutomobile industry. ars leading race drivers have a Firestone tires, built with stretch cords. They have to Firestone Leadership?as the patented Firestone es provide them with greater eage?and greater blowout mi# Dealer or Service Store oth dangerous tires with the gh Speed Tires for 1934. itc r e n c e Tibbett orY. and Harvey Firestone, Jr., |X night?TV. B. C. Network X L= 50% MORE NON-SI rest one ON FOR 1934 4 Balloon for 1934 embodies all A e new Firestone High Speed M e provides maximum traction JW im-Dipping safety-locks the H \0% greater deflection and 9 le by equipping your car today vheels in colors to match your ^ itone Dealer or Service Store ATION. over nd Exhibition luiiinB at"A Cantury of Page Seven fever" here i-down, feeling ig your s your J MflHfc4ll take S.S.S. itlcnra Talrnm, pure and dicated with balsamic essential s, is indispensable to the comfort every member of the family. Get j beneficial results of these estces by dusting on Cnticura ileum ? see how cool and reshed your skin is, free from j chafing or irritation. Truly aeficial to the skin and especially commended for babies. Price 25c prietors: Potter Drug & Chemical Corp.. Maiden, Mass. le I p fautwuce Performance RECORDS FIRESTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES ?/or fourteen j consecutive years have been on the winning cars in the 500-mile Intlianapolis Race. THIS MEANS BLOWOUT PROTECTION ?/or seven consecutive years have been on the winning cars in the | daring Pikes Peak climb where a slip meant death. THIS MEANS NON-SIID SAFETY 1N0 TRACTION ?/or three consecutive years have been on the 131 buses of the Washington (D. C.) 1 PI I Company covering 11,357 >810 bus miles without one minute''s delay due to tire trouble. THIS MEANS DEPENDABILITY AND ECONOMY ?were on the JVeiman Motors* Ford V-8 Truck that made a neto coast to coast record of 67 hours, 45 minutes, SO seconds actual running time. THIS MEMS EN9UIANCE KID MILEAGE res tone Tires are ROAD rED on the large fleet of tone test cars, day and - ?very day in the year, all kinds of roads and Pro?r?Opening MsyStt