I Friday, August 10, 1934. InOBODY'S ] I BUSINESS! B BY GEE McCEE j K FLAT ROCK NEWS E! -he week- nJ passed off vcrry ?jet in our little town, nothing hapH ,cn f corseqm nee except a madB Ig bit ! men and wimmcn and 7 morc dogs, and 4 bootleggers were 9 letche- "n the town's outskirts and 9 ;hfir contents was poured out in front 9 of the itty hall according to law. it fl i if j nnie veele smith, our affiI cient scholl principle, is figgering on I going to the "century of progress' E which is being hell in chicargo. she 9 has b nn informed by a buss man t.'iat 9 he will haul her up there and return 9 her back home for 18$ for the round9 trip* "he is hessitatng onner count 9 that she is a-feard of the ylinkers, her 9 gram paw was shot in the war. & onncr count of the heavy rains of 9 last week and week btfoar and the I 9 week befiar that, the farmers had a 9 hard time telling the milddles from 9 the i w-. and a great manny of same 9 had to plow up their cotton and corn, 9 and the worst thing about it is the 9 govvernnient will not pay them noth9 ing this year for "plowing up", grass 9 and weeds has caused this trubble IM .mi ?? sumlus as heretofoar. MIKE ATTENDS THE W. O. W. CONVENTION AS A DELEGATE flat rock, s. C., Julie 20, 1934. dier nrr. edditor: ? yore eorry spondent, mr. mike Clark, rfd. was chose as a delegate to the county convention last week which was hell at the county sent by the w. u. w. camps it last- d 3 davs .i 2 nights and was enjoyed by all. he niadv the following report the camp last night in the lodge hall:? miens and brother wood: ? I m- triad o represent this fine I w w camp at the county convention liit week and am happy to make a r p rt on same. tiies lay morning, the first day, a fine breakfast was s:rve<| at the hotel and all kinds of vittles was on the table and noboddy did not Ziave to pay for nothing, a pretty s >ng was ?ui g ail present, which was led by yore pi ntal i\ , mi*, mike Clark rfd. ;i big dinner was spread on the ground at the park by the female wows and ther-. was everything to eat tn it anyboddy could of wanted, including ham and eggs and beef and pits and fried chicken, yore iepperBentativi was calha on to ask the ble .-inir, : ut when he got thru, every ' Idy h d commenced to eat. a nice supper was hell at the lodg which *as jil free. another big breakfast was given in the main dining room of the hotel m**rning, and it was opened with a song which was led by yore live, they had a new dish on the table which looked like juice EflSSWl Here's good news for you people whose nerves are so jangled, you can't eat, sleep, or rest; who Worry over trifles, start at sudden noises, have Nervous Indigestion, Nervous Headache. dr. miles nervine will Relieve you quickly. It was originated by a Nerve Specialist especially for people in your condition. It has been taking good for more than fifty years. Hundreds of thousands of nervous people have had an experience like that of Maud Thomas. Read her letter. You too will find the dollar you spend for your first bottle of Dr. Miles Nervine the best investment you ever made. If you don't think ?o, we will return your dollar. "Has done me mora good than I can fixpicu" I am a Dr. Miles Fan all the Jay through. I have taken Nervine for 2 years with good success. It is more than it is recommended to be and it has done me more good than I can *X>reaa. I am m better health now than 1 have been for ten year*. Maud Thomas. Glasgow, Kentucky The Cherol Fungous Disease Stops Bad Outbreak Of Aphias Man has many alius to assist him in combating insect pests. A mm;.: Lhese are the fungi that produce diseases of insects. Some of these tungi have, under favorabl conditions, produced epidemics of dis &>; that have stopped serious insect out- ' breaks. One such case occurred in th- Willamette Valley in Oregon in April of thi - year. The pea aphid had increased 1 r. enormous numbers, owing t > favorable conditions during the fall and 1 winter. Serious and widespread | damage to alfalfa, pea-, and vetches ! eemed inevitable. The fungous! disease had been developing slowly; among the insects during the cool j .v- ather of winter and early spring ; until it had incicased to an extent I that might substantially reduce the! i aphid population. Warm rains during the latter part of March gave the \ fungous a tremendous impetus, and by \ which was squ zz out of orange-? and poured into a glass gobbler, they aUso served a big sandwich dinner in the park and supper w-as spread at the swimming pool that evening, all of which was free gratis to all members. tho third day started off with another fine breakfast by the hotel, a woman played a pianner n arly all of the time while we was eating, so vciry little talking was done betwixt | what t.hf nthor " j"*" * - no.-i iljkiug IU say. the hotel allso served dinner in the main dining room, and the song which starated it off, entitled: "pari: up yore troubles in a little tin can," j ! this was led by yore r ppersentative j mr. mike Clark, rfd. fehe convention ended with a big -upper at the lodge hall on wednesjday night and everyboddy enjoyed one of the best meals that had be* n i offered enduring the convention, it was allso fr e, and little papt r caps and blowgur.s was handed around and put on the heads of the vissitors and a great manny tricks was played, there being no further biasness, the convention adjounud and all of us come on home as soon as we could ketch a tide. signed, Mike Clark, rfd. wow repper-sentative. Come s the tads* Announced in Aps August?this sens Weather. The woi that it's even bettt more non-skid mi ^ ..? e~>? -? T? glCUlW \-iUUlCi lii cars so much qui other tires. All of our sales zoom! T; it's ail about. You Jr~S 1 \f M j I SEE US I GUARANTEED I TRUCK I TIRES I I tee Scout, Murphy, North ~ POSTELL ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pack, of We- j jhutty, w re visitors of Mrs. Pack'sr j sister. Mrs. Tom Lrdford. : Mr. Marion Jones took a large truck \ load -.f people fror Sh al Creek and Wehutty to the siaging convention [ at Hopewell Sunday. *j i Ther was a larg. crowd at th *i Baptizing Sunday a: the L K.-n/ church. People think the crops in this-3 cvuntry are the worst they have tKcnij in years. Ther are thousand* ofU stalks of corn that do not have an ear *i on them. The potatoes also have a bad stand and are rotting in the *1 ground. The tomatoes, beans, apples and other fruits art not very good. Mr. Ed Brown and Leonard Jones rre taking a tiip to Cleveland, Ter.n.. j today. April 10 from 05 to 00 percent of the aphids had been killed. Although some other minor enemies were at \ work on the aphids by this time, th? ' great reduction was due principally ! to the fungous disease. | Some fungi belonging to the aphid fungu: group, known as the "Ento- , mophthoracdae," parasitize flics, grasshoppers, caterpillars, and the larvae of beetles. Experiments wit?i ' tht Entomophthoraceae ha v. been 1 handicapped by the fact that they , cannot be grown easily in the labora- ' lory. However, last April, for the first time, the aphid lungus Entomophth >ra aphids was grown sue r>r>c -if nil** .... w.. nxiciai u.cm in the', iaboia*. jry by L. I*. Rockwocd at | I^oretr Grove, Oieg. In order to develop an epidemic sufficient to control an insect outbreak, fungous diseases requir- high humi 'ity and warm temperatures, and they meat alio have a cong ! j population o: the h<~.st insects. These I j conditions, in combination with anli ad quate supply of the fungi, n. y ; not occi?r at the same time? which explains why man's attempts* to ! utilize these disease in. eoniMii j 4 insect pests have usually been d'-io- ! pointing. Many of th fungi th.v ; cause these disease are p.esent at ail times, and are doing a.- well ra- ] tural conditions will permit. es the tire i i of America -il, it's going stronger than t iational new "G-3" Goodyez -d's out?spread by "G-.V' t ;r than we advertise. Thej' say ileage" is too modest. They i cirlrhc ?.-? mi:i*b hotter icker?there's no comparisor which 's sweet music?and ako a few minutes?come set '11 be well repaid! Dickey CI J^urphy, Carolina Mr. Dave Coble is 1 aving for 1 work at Duckt< .vn. Monday Aug:- 6 ?.rrs. A. Z. Jones visited her siste in-law, Mrs. Artie Kirkpatrirk, Ducktown, last week. GAS, j: OIL, i; AH Accessories for Your Car jtDrive in and let us service your car with those > Good Gulf Products i "SERVICE WITH A j: SMILE" jlMURPHY SERVICE STATION A. J. Hembree, Prop. I EXQUISITE TC ! jM* V PARKER'S I > flione 3'J "The Rsx | HEMBREE'S I; Where Satisfac | Se I LADIES AN! | "HAVE YOl li HAIR CI 1 1 hat's *l| 1 with M'rJi ii makes ISyJ! I ^ iwhat ^ filter Traction I ith Supertwiat size. Lifetime! ^ qOVJ?*-' \ ^ infttto^^ Mounting. A W t<>f chanft* without 1 lany.KidillomL I ? tievrolet C :-: Noi Page Three SANITARY BARBER SHOP FIRST CLASS WORK ?AT_ POPULAR PRICES <? We Ar.oreciale Your Bujtnru * CLYDE GI.ADSON. Per. X MURPHY, N. C. i !dr. e. l. holt| * j I j DENTIST X-ray Specialist j Hill-Parker BIdg. I | MURPHY, N. C. I | j ... [ j MAN WANTED for Raw], ich Route ! 1 of 800 families. Write immediately ! Rawleigh, Co., Dept. NCH-3-SA, Richmond, Va. )ILET ESSENTIALS f Fastidious women who delight *t* ^ in retaining and enhancing per- *? 1 sonal charm will find many *?* V aids here for the pet feet toil- ? ? elle. Perfumes of rare exotic ? fragrance; dainty atomizers ot X various sizes: toilet waters that !? refresh and beautify?these are. but a few of many suggestions from which Milady can ? hoose. DRUG STORE all Store" Murphy. N. C. 1*1 tsAKetK tion Is Guaranteed ? t :rving ? D GENTLEMEN ' JUST LIKE YOl IIAXT IT" \ SWhen You "G-3" Your Wheels ? Look What You Get No Extra Costt Flatter, wider AUWeather Tread. More Center Traction (16% more nonskid blocks). Heavier Tougher Tread. Supertwist Cord Body and 43% More Miles of REAL Non-Skid. omyany th Carolina

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