f-izvt K> Califronia evidently there wtisn't a cH nee to ab !:>h poverty, so they eipmly abolished Sinclair. In chcssir.' btwt&n th* old deal, ht' new deal anu th' re-shuffle th' people chose th' new deal. The reshuffle will come if th' new dealers odn't make th' gTade. Senator Kokum, who come through with colors flyin' attributes his election t? th' fact that people still believe in Santa Clause. Huey Long wants Louisiana t' secede from til* Union. Well, since Washington has seceded from Huey the idea has possibilities. Sinclair failed t' make th" grad* but he got enough material t' make a couple o* best sellers. Profit in adversity ! Th' Calf rnians evidently didn't figer thet EPIC stood for "Easy Pickings in Califronia." Huey Long has called a ni eting fo the legislature to declare a moratorium on all debts over eight dollars. Since this figure just comfortably Vores th" 500 seven.dollor I. O. U'S Huey put out to stud nts for th' CHAMPION SCULLER. Bill Miller. 4 ti National Single Sculls Champion, says: is my custom to smoke a Camel after a i ?and with mc, as with other smokers. Car quickly refresh me and revive my coetg K-W-. \-4 ^ will not sleep t . - . ; j sleep well tonii Cj# _ t' J nervous tomorr Hjk " Don't allow yo tense nerves an Mins Currier ro? sic _p. Xr^si ^ JrrijabmS?Pes1 AeeyUx. niKiu*. lead to Nervou gestion, Hyster breakdown and Some of the peo ^ below, were as 1 snore so?yet th Thrss yean a*o I -w oat in company and commendsc Dr. Mlto ou*ihly And slsep *r |(sSE?3 mrysia^JS ' Wbmmr X bars c ft! ess I taka om a last bsfov* 1 ratirs. I awake IMiikti mo about ay work Nerrfn* Tables qui roo op and ars th< fliat tab tots U ta Miss Grass Bsdw 25Z2s1S,ir?<Sto f?m^*notl?s*tbs dU 11 flkl dJdMJvi t^JS? 10 **"*" ' N<rdM?k?s> wonderful. I I arrar sks teals ^ W? 1 I rnp ik. j Vandeitoilt game it reduces th' sena' or's "Sbare-Your-Wealth" plan t' all tho other plana eo far produced. In spit of the ballv-hoo of jingcists that another war is in th* making General John J Pvrshing says they are talkin' through their hats. We rwrefer to accept the expert opinion of th' General. We hear a l'ot about th' banks cooporatin' in th' National Housing Plan but we dodn't recollect no great I number of persuasive advertisements / drag th' borrowers in for loans. p] It ain't never a good idea t' bank : too much on th' outcome of an election. All them poor folks that flocked out t* Califronia expectin' Sinclair't' be elected and take care of em will now have t' walk back. Huev Long offers colon. 1 commissions t* university football players for outstanding football accomplishments. There's a proposition with a kick in it. Beauty experts are talkin* now of streamlinein* bodies t' fit th' modern trend for speed. Mae West will have t' bank th' curves if they do. Either th' movies are gittin' cleaner or fcY audience is. People are beginnin' t* laugh at clean jokes. Twenty five officials of a leading munitions firm contributed $432,000 to campaign funds since th* World War. and three fifths of the executive have yet to report. Sam Insull, liow engaged in a little misund rstonding with .his g-ctat Uncle afJMit {ostal regulations, kicked in $125.000 t th' campaign fund of Prank L. Smith. Republican candidate for th' senate in 1926. and then dropped $15,000 into ih' lap of iiis Democratic opponent, the lat. George Brennan. All of which, dear reader, might bo listed a.-; War Risk Insurance or soimmmp. We reck n that letter that went to Upton Sinclair l"r 111 Farley will now be turrit il over to th' dead letter oflice. w SPOBTSWOMAN PltCT. Camels JjPpj arc the mildest cigarette I know," Hj says Mrs. TedJ> Ken on. "After Cm a strenuous, tiring llighr. when I Are feel vorn out, a Camel quickly M restores my enercy. And each HJ Camel renews the zest and eojoymeat of the last ooe!"# nels III ervou s today, you probably well tonight. If you don't I *ht, you will probably be I ow. urself to become nervous. E Nervine. It will relax yon id let you get a good night's tlessness, Sleeplessness, often is Headache, Nervous Indiia?sometimes to a nervous organic trouble, pie, whose letters ere printed nervous as you are?possibly ey have found relief. m bo Mrraoa I ?crald not bear to go could not sleep night*. A friend reft Nftrrinet I now enjoy myself thorny night. Miftft Juliette Currier, New Market. N. H. Dm Nervine In liquid beet overtWrine for the hmmm ^MJddlston. Thimbu reiwladulged and feel BP-. ' r two Hereto# Tahleta 3 In the moraine when , J t new [aioa and eaa as oeoaL Do. MDeo ? eCaL?U*Mt cow- Kl^J he I bare mr found. inn. It laftiM. Mhw. BHHPf- IB WeiUftB X woo eeaa t Wn-e I have started ^noeb better^thM^arr Mr. bMg III >sd tW good ranlt It ?dsn ku Iff J. H. Bedding, ormW def/f lit. Bock bland, IS, pniltln, MMt Now that the -election has definitely cleared til' air we look for th' volume of mail t' Santa Clans t' pick up tremendously. If th' kind o' trees ain't be*n '.elected yet for the 1.000-mile belt * trees, we'd like ' suggest hickory nuts. There's so many squirrels runnin* around loose. All th* men on a stable salary has t* do now is t' wait until th' farmers spread around enough prtAspority t* let it begin t* slop over. In th' oid days th' Pilgrims went ( -ut after a Thanksgiving turkey, paid rt license, and brought it home. Today th' modern counterpart pay his license t' look for a rabbit, shoots th' farmer's cow and loses part of his anatomy crawlin' through th* fence. Th' women have gone in for Russian hats this iall?and th' men are Russian around tryin' t' find month l' pay for em. AM reckon Russolini has made diapers a part of th' regular troop equipment in his kid brigade. Only ten little pigs go to market and two stay at .home, under h' AAA. [ Hut it really don't make any difference whither they go or stay because all wind up in th' butcher shop anyhow or in th' farmer's larder. LEGAL, MATTERS DELINQUENT TAX SALE NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County: By order of the County Commissioners directed to the undersigned tax collector for Cherokee County, 1 will sell on Monday. December 17. 1934, at the Courthouse door in Murphy, N. C. and each day thereafter until sold, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following desirrihed InnHs unon \vbir?h fnr the years of 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 have not been paid, in the name and for the amount given plus four percent penalty and cost of rale and advertising. L. L. MASON, Tax Collector. Murphy Township. Culberson. W. C., heirs $19.72 Discovery, 1931? Culberson, W. C., heirs 15.49 Discovery, 1932? Culberson, W. C., heirs 11.86 Discovery, 1933? Culberson, W. C., heirs 10.61 Townson, W. 1). I.ots 54.74 Adelphia Machinery Co.. 80 acres 27.77 Barnett, Sam, 6 acres 6.84 Barnett, J. R., 4 acres 1.98 Valley Town Township Discovery, 1933? Johnson, F. K. Estate 19.03 } Shoal Creek Township A. P. & M. Bcrger, 65 acres 14.59 Woods, E. A. 704 a. 4 lots.... $203.17 DELINQUENT TAX SALE NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County: By order of the County Commissioners directed to the undersigned tax collector for Cherokee County, I will sell on Monday, December 3rd, 1934. at the Courthouse door in Murphy,' N. C. and each day thereafter until sold, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described lands upon which taxes for the year 11)3.'* have not been paid, in ' the name and for the amount Riven. I plus four percent penalty and cost of sale and advertising. I L. L. MASON. Tax Collector. Murphy Township ' Name Lot Amount Dickey Motor Co., 10 acres and 5 lots I $201.34 Hill, C. !?. 10lots ! . . $221.40 j \ Clayton. Stanley, interest in Clayton j ; Estate 7.03 j < Clayton, A. C., interest in Cayton | Estate 5.45 j j W. C. Eggers, Est 4.OS | Fred. Hampton, Est 0.44 j J. P. Hampton, Est 10.42 j Clayton, F. A., interest in Clayton j Estate 6.20 Gilbert. Fred, 50 acres 5.70 Howell, A. M., 1 16t 6.00 Valley town Township Cover, F. P. and Sons, 14014 acres 1554.03 B. L. Padgett 1 lot $20.05 Tillitt, D. H., Rec. J. W. Walker 2123 acres 885.56 'Watkins, Lee Co., 15% acres, 8 lots 153.38 Woods, and Strider, 250 acres ! 237.08 Woods, Mrs. Lena W., 860 H acres 7% lots 6-52.85 Nulla Township Mountain Land Co., 1460 acres 172.17 Hot House Township Arp, W. L., Heirs, Est. 4.37 Bell, A. L? Est., 2.29 Mason, J. M., Est., 8.94 Beaverdam Township Bryson, Pearl, Interest in estate 8.52 ! Taylor, Fred Est. 5.93 Taylor, Charlie, Est. 9.88 The thoughtful woman that did all her Christmas shipping early now j has nothing t' do but wander through ! th' stores watching ether folks do I heir chopping. In all th' shoutin' and tumult of election we never hkard one word! from Jack Garner, out in th* Lone Star State. Th' least Mr. Garner | might have said would have been that i Demoitacy had triumphed again'. o NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by Deed of Trust executed by W. B. Fisher and wife, Leila Fisher, dated the 15th day of April, 1929, and recorded in Book 101, Page 387 Seq., in the office of the Register -of Deeds for Cherokee County. Jefferson E. Owens, Substituted Trustee, will at twelve o'clock Noon on .. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22ND .. 1934 at the Court House Door of Cherokee County, in Murphy, North Carolina," soil ait public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, towit: Located in the Down of Andrews, North Carolina: Beginning on a stake at the intersection of Fisher Street and the Andrews Highway, and runs with Andrews Highway North 19 degrees West 180 feet to an iron pipe in the Southwest margin of Andrews Highway; thence South 65 degrees West 209 feet to a stake; thence 9outh 19 degrees East 190 feet to a stake in the Northwest margin cf Fisher Street; thence with Fisher Street North 65 degrees East 209 feel: to t.h*f beginning. It being a part of tract No. 98, District No. 6, Cherokee P/An nf r V P This sale is made on account of default in payment of vhe indebted. nef?s secured by said Deed of Trust. A five percent (5%) cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 16th day of November. 1934. JEFFERSON E. OWENS. SUB<17-4t-g&c) STITUTED TRUSTEE (3228) NOTICE OF SAI.E OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authority confeired by deed of trust executed by John \V. Axle.v and wife, May Akin Axley, dated the 15th day ?if November, 1927, and recorded in Book 94, Page 324, in the office of the Register of Deed's lor Cnorokee County, V. S. Bo'ant, Substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clock Noon on MONDAY, DECEMBER 24TH, 1934 at the Court House Door of CVierokec County in Murphy, North Carolina, >ell at public auction ft.r cash to the highest bidder the following lar.d towit: Situated in Murphy, North Caorlina, and? BEGINNING at a fence post on Long-Used Laxative To be bought and used as needed for many, many years, speaks well for the reliability of Thedford's Black-Draught, purely vegetable family laxative. Mr. C. E. Ratliff m r Hp. fmw UlniA. w wife and I have used Thedford's Black-Draught thirty-five years for constipation,?tired feeling and headache. I use it when I feel my system needs cleansing. After all these years, I haven't found anything better than Blsck-Draught.H Sold In 25-cent package.?. I Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT CHILDREN T.IKE THE SYliCP" | X-X-X-X-I-K-I-X-X-X-t-X-X' 'l"'.?'-! | SOUTHERN ANNO | ATION OF PRESEN | FARES V A |. On application to tile Intel sLa thority has been granted South. } perimental period of present far } September 30th., 1935, with coi -j- passengers riding in pullman ca basis: One and one half cents ? Sound trip tickets two cents per ;{ turn 15 days. Round trip ticke y for each mile travelled, return 6 X one-way tickets, also 15 days an |; good in pullman or parlor car ;; for spaca ocoupied. 1 Travel by Train?S Asst. Gen. P | SOUTHERN RA rnaay, Nov. 30, the Northwcstmargiir~o{ River Avenue (State Hist 10) said fence post standin.^M -r East 84 feet from the point of lH T section of the said Northwest A of Valley River Avenue Northeast margin of Hickory and runs thence N. 40 w. 1 3 inches to a fence post; thence I E. 287 feet 9 inches t0 a stake- tt^E S. 50 E. 97 feet 3 inches to a <^B ! thence S. 30 W. 173 feet to a 0l> thence N. 40 W. 5 feet to a^H " thence S. 50 W. 39 feet to a *"! thence S. 50 E. 81 feet to a the Northwest margin of Valley^B j* er Avenue; thence with said n^B m: S. 50 W. 75 feet 9 inches to^B or point of BEGINNING. A, And being part of that lot 0f^B n' described in deed from S. I). li; et al to J. W. Axley and vrife.^B tli Akin Axlcy, dated the 18th dn^E September, 1920. and recorde^B v Book 75, Pcge 288, of the Re, ffi of Deeds for Cherokee County, -v | This sale is made on accoun^H ^ default in payment of the | ' ! ness secured by said deed of 'and is subject to all taxos and as hi Intents against said property xhe^H d now due or to become due. A five precent < 5r',) cash dep^B , will be required of ' highest hn^B ; at the sale. W This the 18th day of Nov B| i I V. S. BRYANT, SUBSlH (17-4t-g4c) TUTED TRUStH I Loan No. 587. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND^| Under gr.d by Virtue ot the thority conferred by Peed of ctcecuted by W. J. Adams and wi^J Elizabeth Adams, dated the 15th, d^H of September, 1928, and recorded Book 101, Page 110, in the officeH the Register of De-ds for Chenk^J rn..ol? 1?"?-" r " ' tuted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clo^B Noon on ' 5g| MONDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 19H at the.Court House Door of CherokH County in Murphy, North Carolii^B sell at public auction for cosh to highest bidder, the following hnH to-wit: m All of that certain piece, parcel <^B lot of land, situate, lying and in the town of Murphy, County Ch<rokee, State of North Caroliii^B and more particularly described ^B follows: H I BEGINNING at a stake at li^B point of intersection of the Xon^fl margin of Valley River Avenue \ti:^B the East margin of the Public Sqiu:^H and runs tfunce with said North ma^fl jgin of Valley River Avenue North o^B East 22.5 feet to a stake in said nr.-^B gin, corner of Dr. E. E. Adams lotflH | theneo with the line of said lo^fl North 40 west 40.5 feet to a stak^B in the South margin of a five foo^H [alley; thence with said South mure:!^? | of said alley, South 50 West 22.5 f e^B to a stake in the East margin of th^fl Public Square; thence with si:d Ea.'^B margin of said Public Square, Souv^B 40 East 49.5 feet to the place of BF.^H GINNING. H And beng all of that lot of lar.i^H described in deed from N. B. Adnm^? and wife, to W. J. Adams. I secured by said Deed of Trust. B1 This sale is made on account of fault in payment of the indebtedness^? A five percent (5%) cash deposit^? jwill he required ?f the highest bidder^? at the sale. |B I TK!e +>.? otu /?QV n<" November.^? lo.-fi." H '215(1) JEFFERSON' E. OWEN'?. H (16-4t-ff&p) Substitute:! Traste5^B UNCES CONTINU- I |l T PASSENGER I te Commerce Commission, au- ^BB :rn Railway for extension of exes from December 31st, 1031 to itinued suspension surcharge for | rs. These fares are on following ;' ^B per mile one-way coach tickets. ; [ ^B mile for each mile travelled, re- ;' ^B fa two and a half cents per mile [ ^B 1 months. Three cents per mile J , ^B d 6 months round trip tickets are . Hj s upon payment proper charge ,. HE 'afe?Comfortable? : I amical : I ebutts, 'ass. Agent, '' B 1LWAY SYSTEM I

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