Thursday, Dec. 13, 19 ^ J 7r - ' ; ? Peachtree.?Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pencil box, a wiist watch, a doll, some oranges, some candy, and pldase remember n y teacher, Miss Nellie Hendrix. Thanking you, I am, Sibyl Tabor. Pachtree,?Dear Santa Claus: Please bring a gun, some marbles. It will make me happy if you win oring rnem 10 me. Yours truly, -J. D. Taylor. lYachtree?Dear Santa CI is: Please urliiK ? ?o!l, a pencil b . >oirc nuts, candy and oranges and apples. Thank y u. Santa. Yor.r friend. Emily * .>h TV i Titr e.?Dear Santa Chus: Will y ii please bring me a little car. - me marble?, arples. and oringes. I am a little bo> in the h:eh first. I am nine \imi? old. Pleajc bring them! to me. Yc r little friend, Olen Moore IVa htree?Dear Santa Claus: IMe-.ise bring me a little iron, seme d ?11 shoes, some candy, a box of crayons. me nuts, a pencil box, a doll carriage and some orange.*. A little friend, Maudie B. Witt TViehtree.?Dear Santa Claus: want you to bring me a doll thai can op- n and shut her eyes and can :ry, and I want a doll bed. and - me nnplec, an orange and candv. Y irl little frien ?. T> u-thv Plemmons I'eacbtr" v Dear Santa Clau?t Pief lv'-.g m * n doll. oer-P b v, br.V onv nuts, candy and oranges. Thank you Santa. Your frion 1, Dorothy Walsh Marble, W * . D" r Santa Clan : ?f want y n to send me a truck and " n ni?i candy, o .nues. a h"rn and a k of fire crack r*. Then is a little l< y who*" father died this T. : .k-"'living, his name is Hubert :: wind hi m .her and sister are bad off sick and hi- mother dce= not hnvt any money to huy him anything and 1 want you to end him a horn, . turck. some nuts, candy and oranges and ho-:h two hags of burbles and send him a wagon and some chewing gum and popeye. So thnt is all for tt'-is time. With love?Buck McConn.ll,?Box 34. Andrews, N. C.? Pear Santa Clans: ?T am '\ littie boy 9 years old. I am visiting down here. I want you to please bring mo a little mule, some peanuts and goobers and some ice cream, popcorn balls. I will close and b a pood, little boy?Your Friend Norma Barnett.. Unal:a, X. C.?t>ear Santa Clans: ?I am a girl (12) years old. I sure want you to bring ime a pair of browr. I DON"! ( hhwmmmmmm i * A new car until you ! I Ford. t > ;; We will have model our showrooms in a !: you to inspect and r ; before buying. Foi past has never been models represent tb power, economical < fort and ease of han I REECEM "Watch The ANDREWS, 1 :: 34 The Che gloves, a br</Wo pocket book, and a[ brown tam. I also want lots of fruits. Your friend?Lcr on J:hnson. Unaka. X. C.--Dear Santa Clans: I am going to toll y u what I want for Christmas. I want a gun. a toy ... ; 1 n . > -i:e c. r.dy, nuts, organs and a new pair overalls.?With love, Gaston Clark. L'raka. N. C.?Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl <7> years old. I will tell you what I want. I want a , rubb r cat. a litti doll, a ball, candy, and some fruits.?yo??r friend, Zeeta ! Jean Kidd. Unaka, X. C.?Dear Santa Claus: j?I am a little girl (8) years old. I t want a pair of mittens and lots of fruits?Love?Virgina Holt. Unaka, X. C.?d ar Santa Claus: ?I am a little girl (8) years old. I , will tell you what I want you to bring * or. I want a doll, a ball and lots of < candy, oranges and apples. ?Your 1 friend?Fula Mae Kidd. 1 , Unaka, X. C. ?Dear Santa Claus: ?I am a little girl (8) years old. I -T~?nt you to "ring me a pair of glov s, kirt, "i p ir -1 its an^ tarn. ' I'-'ise don't overlook my letter.? ' i W ith love?U. Xannie Clark. | Unaka, X. C.?Dear Santa Claus: ?I am a little girl. I want a toy cat. , a nair of b?ads. a hit* doll and lots 1 ." n ei can.iy. Please don't forget the big i doll.?Love ?Ella McDonald. \ Lnaka, X. C.?Dear Santa Claus: j I am a little girl four years old. p W ill you pi a so bring me for Christ, mas a big doll, a t oy set of dishes, a string of h ads, some oranges and f andy. I have a little brot.her, named i Franklin D. Will you bring him a ; wag. n and a ball.?From?Dollie Martin. ?, I aka, X. C.?Dear Santa Claus: 1 .m a 1 - boy 6 years old. I gvi *; -ch oi at Ogreeta. Miss Alawayne ] 1>ui nett is my Uacher. Shi- i< a pood teacher. Will you pleas-e bring me for Clr tma- a train, a little truck, a pocket bock, .some candy and oranges. ?form Devero Martin. Unuka, X. C.?1) ar Santa Claus: ! ..m a little pirl ten (10) years old and in the fifth grade. Will yea please iii vc pair of gloves, a tarn, and a ea her jacket. I alos want lots of ! nu:>, candy, orangs and apple -.? \\ t i love. - Vey Johnson. Culb i>on, Dear Santa Claus: * -<y fire truck, a ball and j <1 :?pp'e-i and nuts. I am eight years! | a French harp, a horn, and some can- j * old and go to school ,am in tide sec-' ond grad . Miss Fdith Mull is my ( teacher.?Your little friend,?Glen Ware. Marble, X. C.?Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me some oranges, can- j iy, apples, wagon, rubber ball, and a gun. and don't forget the other little boys. Vernon Queen. Feaehtree?De:r Santa Claus: Flease bring mt a black board, and 1 ots o nuts, candy, as I have plenty of toys to play with. I thank you for what you brought me last Christmas. From, Lorene Anderson 1 BUY! j $ seethe I 935 New V-8 s of the New Fords in few days and we urge ide in the New Ford !!| d performance in the ;;{ excelled and the 1935 ;; e last word in beauty, aperation costs, com" " dling. ' :: OTORCO. j Fords Go By" '.I NORTH CAROLINA if rokee Scout, Murphy, Nc Peachtree?Dear Santa Claus: Will you bring me a wrist watch, oranges, a doll, nuts, and candy. 1 am a little girl 8 years old ami I am in the high first. A friend, Frances Moore Pcachtrer?Dear Santa Claus: I am a goood little girl, seven years old. I go to Peachtree school. I am in the high first. Miss Nellie Hendrix is n:y teacher. I love her, and il you will bringe me some candy, or. anges. a doll, and a story book, I will tove you too. Your little friend, Louella Garrett Peachtree?Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me ab ox of crayons, * doll, a pencil box, candy and oranges. Thanking vou, I am. Betty Panther Peachtree?Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a wagon, seme narbles, a gun, and some oranges, randy. I am a little boy seven years led. Yours trul, James L'nn Mu. pi?y?Pes, Snr.t2 Please bring me a wagon, a ball, french harp, some marbles, a gun. a box of crayons, a horn, and a pa*?r of *nit gloves. With love. James Corn Culberson;?Df ar Santa Claus: I read about you wanted all little boys and girls to write you. 1 want i toy guu, a wagon and a car, a h?loon, some candy, and nuts, oranges, md ar?r>le=.?Your friend,?Verlin Vare.?P. S. I am in the third grade, go to school at Mt, Pleasant. Miss Sdit.h Mull is my teacher. Warm Springs, Ga?Denr Santa :iaus;?I am a pood girl. I want you to bi ing me some* tovs. I want a Shirley T mnle doll, a Mickey mouse watch, a train, and some story books, omo pamcs to play. I would like n Mickey Mouse home cominp game if one b aren't one. Sears has. 1 did cant some skates and a bicycl . but I can't use them now. I would like son'o candy, fruits, and nuts too. Plen-c?Love?-To Jo Moody. Culberson, N. C. Dec. 6. 10.14. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll and a doll be1', n trunk and some thill clothes Also bring me some slinpor. some co coanut and some candy, apples ant a horn. Yours tduly, Bonnie Ruth Hawkins. I am five .year- eld and in th< primmer. Culberson, X. C. Dec. <?, 101 I Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me ?ome cocoanuts, i doll and some doll clothes, a doll bet: at runk, some candy and some nut; and a drum, a balloon, apples, ant: pair of slippers. Yours truly, Mildred Hawkins, I am seven years old and in ihc second grade. lTnak~, N. C.?Dcar Santa Claus: I am a pood b<?\\ 1 am going to school. Please come and see, and brin* me some candy, some oranges, a knife, a wrist watch, a ring, and a little car and a big doll. With love Kimsey Hamby, Unaka, N. <\?Dear Santa Please come and bring me some candy, and some oranges, a little toy car, a ring, a wrist watch, and a big doll and a knife. With love Burket Hamby. Unaka, N. C.?Dear Santa: Please come and bring me a big loll, a knife, a wrist watcb and a ring, some candy, some oranges and i ball, a little toy cat. With Love, Blanche Hamby Unaka, N. C.?Dear Santa Claus I am a good baby. Please bring me a little gun, some candy, some oranee". a little doll to play with and ? little ring. With love, W'ade Hamby Culberson, N. C.?DeaT Santa Claui ?I am a girl 9 years eld and in th< third grade, Mrs. Edith Anderson i: my teacher. I am a good girl ar-1 want you to bring me a doll that wil cry. a school bag, apple9 and candy ?With Love?Davie Dean Cooke. Murphy, N. C.?Dear Santa Claus ?I am a little boy four years old I have been good this year. I wan: you to bring me a french harp, wouid like a pair of overalls, too Bring me some candy, oranges, ap pies, and nuts. I would like a coca nut, too. Santa pleas: remember al other little boys and girls. Y011 ittle friend.Noah James. fiili'jffii ly' nrtK Carolina Peachtrte,N. C.?Dear Santa Claus: , Please bring me a pencil box, t i wrist watch, some candy, oranges anc i nuts. I am a little girl. I am 8 years old and I am in the first grade. A friend, Emma Wilson Murphy, X. C. Rt 1?Dear Santa: Will wirte you a letter. I will de 1 -cribe myself to you. I am a little | girl, 7 years old, fair complexion, Blue eyes, blond headed, weigh 51 ' pounds. I am in the high first. Hav. en't missed but one day at school. ] want a story book, dress, cap and sweater. Some candy, oranges, anc nuts. My teacher sure is a fine teacher, her name is Miss Nellie Hendrix Will close, your friend, Mildred Neal. WEHUTTY Old Man Winter is coming down ir full uniform, and most every one i* getting the Christmas spirit. Miss Gertrude Loudermilk spent a r.l ooeont QnnJo.. ?!*l. Edna Wilbur. Master Jackie Robinson is recover ing from a severe attack of BronchiLone lump l i I i 1 smajl WmTTivV I?0coalspecia imo"" DELIVERED CLEA B Cherokee Phone 95 * ! $1.00 i X AND UP 1 i 'y YOU can make he | labor saving and p 'k know that any sav j; can effect is most \ k trically. There e k radios, electric wafl :j: of other electrical p | | her time and steps. 1EVERYTH ELECTRJ COME IN ANDL | Southern If D ! I rower r Christmas one of I leasure. And you ; ing of labor that she veilcome. Do it elec- ; ire toasters, stoves, Fie irons and dozens | roducts that will save ;; ING IN THE ICAL LINE .00K THEM OVER ij :: States Company j Murphy, N. C. | * ? , rYwv?vw?vvvvvvvy>"y^ -? - - - Page 4 I tis. I 11 J. R. Wilbur spent the week end in 1 11 the Roiling Springs community, fin. I I ing his r gular appointments there . nd in Murphy Sunday night. Miss Nada Ray of Murphy is visiting Miss Edna Wilbur thi> week. Mi. Par!: Sinn ns of this pU^, , urdeivent an operati n at th< Fran';! i lilt hospital a !e wweeks age. i i gas, i 1 I OIL, | All Accessories for v Your Car xDrive in and let us ser-!; Xvice your car with those | Good Gulf Products J "SERVICE WITH AI I SMILE" | I MURPHY SERVICE I y STAnON | l A. J. Hembree, Prop.? I i. ? ASTSLONG 1 # 3P<?=r-I^~-\ I N URNS CLEAN ! Mfg. Co. Murphy, N. C. a n J Electrical

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