r&nrta I Mrs. H. Bueck, Phone ftglish-Porter Kpoaacement has been r ceived Wt f the - iage of -Mr. Billy Kit. of Wa hington, D. C. and Marian I' Tier, of Baltimore, KThe wedding took place Nov. K Baltimore lr. English is a nephew of Mrs. By. Moody and lived in Murphy sevKners a go. g o Mrs. O. J. Peevy Honored At Shower 0: * T*c.nt evening Mrs. O. J. Btj formerly Miss Polly Davis was Kind a y by Miss Martha Km? at her .'-omc the Wells I bridge enjoying sevL progressions after which the Lfi; s rv r| an appetizing salad [prize for high score wa? awarded Ifcs Ann Candler and the honoree tivcd the consolation. At this time Mrs. Peevy was pre?.... _r u*a rrf sn an > k**^ K.kr/%n.rV- by the guests. H of Mrs. Pecvy's close Herd? made up the guest list. Q * Mrs. Ketner And Mrs. I' rtin Entertain On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Quay Kr/r and Mrs. Julia Martin entered jointly at a lovely bridge. All i appointments were suggestive of i Christmas sea on. After several grtasions card- were put away and ? ?core was ; waded Mrs. Walter BTicy. low scor? wet to Mrs. Bueck id Mrs. Parker* cut the consolation. A sslad course ;th sweets and ffe was then erved, *he hostesses inga-sist.d l?y Miss Frames Dixon (Miss Martha Mayfield. Making up the tables were: Mrs. r. N'ell Lauria, Mrs. Don With' rp>r, Mr-'. Walter Mauney, Mrs. hr-r Pi: !!. Mis. Tom Axloy, 1 R. Mrs. H. Bufcck. r. H. A. M.utox, Mrs. B. W. WhitId. Mrs. M. W. Bell. Mrs. J. B. IT."-. 1'r i Johnson, Mrs. Fred r ...t. Mrs. J. H. Phaup. Mrs. V. Th nip a, Mrs. Willard Co- p, Miss II -i Axley. ilrited ??:. ruests were: Mrs. Tom itney, Mr-. Mercer Fain, Mrs. A. Brittain. Mrs. Turner and from rfrews, Mi . G. W. Cover, Ms. Mariad Miss Cozad. * Irs. Palmer Entertans On last Tuesday the reguar meett of the Presbyterian Auxiliary was ^ at the home of Mrs. Dixie Palimr fterthe regular business session the (ftbig was turned over to the lead ?t the Survey, Mrs. Dillard. Those attendinng were: Mrs. R. S. Aw, Mrs. S. H. Lon*, Mrs. Dixie brd, Mrs. M. W. Bell, Ms. H. M. Aine, Mrs. J. N. Hill. Mrs. Bob was a guest. Mrs. 0. J. Peevy assisted Mrs. Palk in serving a sweet course and Hed nuts. * urphy Students lonored at Mars Hill the speaking contest for high held at Mars Hill on Friday 1 Saturday, Jack Barnett was "*0 in the preliminary to speak tl* finals. Catherine CoUman * honorable mention. Jack used 'lis ovation. "'There is No Peace" ' Catherine recited "The Blessed *>iadle". "ha Franklin trained the speakers tkntphy. "inning in the finals was Jane from Culhowhee and Junior We, fr m Edneyville. Hunter is a senior at Gufllo* high and this is her third year ^ P^rt in the contest at Mars * * jttle Ann Ragean toiored * ?s Marie Price and Miss Tommie , surprised little Anne R? aon her fifth birthday on Monday k'U'R her a surprise party at the t ' * * N. Moody and son. Mr. Ralph '' , *e been in Asheville on pro' " ? business. The Cherokee -m-X-X-C-M*-:-:-:-: I An bf j ! 98-J Misst H-xk-X-X-X-W-: I Mrs. Hall's Seventh Grade To Present Program Parents and friends are invited to the P. T. A. program Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The pogram is in charge of the 7th grade and will be in k eping with the Christmas season. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osborne On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rogers entertained Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osborne at a surprise birthday supper at Marie's. Attractive place cards and lovely table decorations were remindful of the Christmas season. Covers were laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Krskin . Mr. and J. I). Klagg. Mr. arc! Mrs. Rogers] and Mr. and Mrs. 0.--born?. Each gu i t prtsented the honorees with a surprise gift. * Baptist Ladies Have Tea. A large number of Murphy ladiis called at the home ol Mrs. H. Bu ck on Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed a "cup of tea" with munbers of her Sunday school claps. Tb silver offer mg will oe use J en installation of a radiator in their class room. Special guests for the the afternoon were: Mrs. T. F. Higgins, Mrs. S. H. Long, and Mrs. Johnny Carper. Miss Grace Barnett played a number of selections during the after, noon. Serving were Mrs. W. H. Murray, Mv-s Sari; Cook, Mrs. L. K. Bayle.s, Mrs. W. H. Ramsey, and Miss Ruby Courtney. M mbers of this are: Mrs. J. B. M;--'key, Mrs. B. B. C>mwell, Mrs. B -ie Dewc Mrs. Xei Davidson. Mrs. L. K. B.iyle s, Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. X il Sliced, Mrs. L. E. Bnykss, Mrs. Edgar Darnell, Ms. W. H. Ramsey. Mrs. John Shields. Mrs. SVi lan Dickey, Mrs. J. B. Hal, Mrs. "Red" Hall, Mrs. Ruth Carringer, Mrs. R. I). ('dandier, Mrs. Clyde Gcnnett, Mis. T. P. CaVioun, Mr-". Geo. Townson, Mrs. Homer Ricks, Mrs. W. C. Kinney, Mrs. A. M. Simonds, Miss Ruby Courtney, Miss Dair McCracken, Miss Sara Oook, Mrs. Fred Christopher and Miss, Maud McAllister. | * * Mrs. Lovingood and Mrs. Chandler Joint Hostesses Th. attractive home of Mrs. Xoal Lovingood was the scene of a delightful meeting of the Good Will cluL on Fridaay afternoon. Mrs. R. D Chandler was a joint hostess. Regular business was dispensed with and plans made for a Christmas U-encm pany iu uc nciu ?? luv of Mrs. Lovingood's on Thursday night at 7:30. A salad course with coffee was served at the conclusion of the meeting, Those present were: Mrs. Jini Franktlin, Mrs. Virgil Johnson, Mrs. Hayner Rogers, J"iss Mary Akin, Mrs. J. B. Bailey, Mrs. Homer Ricks, Mrs v. C. Wright, Mrs. Cyrus White, Mr.' T. C. McDonald, Mrs. Hume Bowles 'fisa Gillie Martin The League Program The league pogram Sunday nighi waj about "The Lord's Supper.' There were also: Song: "Silent Night: and "Just As I Am." Two talks were given about the Lord's Supper by Theilma Rice and Virginia Dickey. Mildred Gentry gave a short prayer. The league members are trying to sell Christmas cards for the next two weeks. We ceriv.nly will appreciate it very much if the people of the town wrll help us by buying some of t.'ieje cards. Mrs. Davidson To Give Recital Th purils of Mrs. Jerry Davidson will give a recital on Thursday night, f>ct. 20 a1: 7:30 in the school auditoo lam. P ?re.its i?r.d frie?' D -r- in. \ited . Scout, Murphy, North C ^antral dattie Palmer, Phone 20 Benefit Party 1 hursday Night M mbers of the Good Will cl i w:;1 hav. a b nefit paryt at the hoi of Mrs. Noah Lovingood, Thursci night at 7:30. A silver offering \ be taken to be used for baskets Christmas time. ? Jo Jo Moody Improving Every >ne in Murphy will be n to h^ar that Kittle Jo Jo Moody v is at Warm Springs is improving, present she it taking walking less ten minutes each day. Jo Jo and her mother are exp< id hnmr in a few tfeya Before Chi mas. * * Methodist Clube Hav< Banquet A most d lightful occasion was banqut given on Friday night by boys and girls of the "World Cl priil "Jnni( ? llont" r, f the M O'h O! Sunday school. Traditional Christmas decorati were used in the banquet hall. E window held a holly wreath 1 with a bright hows. Tables were c tered \vi*h holly arranged in atti tive fashion, and tiny burning ca Its in gum drop heflders marked e; place. The little guests came informs to the festive board singing the fa liar carols of the Christmas seas Each c v r bore a unique place ci and colorful r.apkirs accentua tb? PnU.r .. -J * u"iv u.-eu in me ueCCJ tions. Bill Li i thcrwood acted as toi i' aster '?ncl calld upon Martha Fa and Mary Porter Fain w.'io said blessing. He then welcomed c: >iH' pi s nt and in turn K: la Ila respended f 'r the teachers and M ion Axlcy for the members. At 1 tint Kati Biggin. paid tribute Mi Jus phine Heijthway their lea and i :? sonted her with a fgricnus ik' ?. M Martha Nell Wells t ! ' it-restinp fashion a G'-iristi d orj and the group sang another < ol. Hie banquet w.i ;erved in tli cours. s and was a highly enjoys event. Notice i Young Wo.nen's Missionary Soc of the Methodist church will 11 Thursday night at 7 o'clock with I Porter Axley. * * Mrs. Bucck requests all those 1 expect to have visitors for the 1 1 doys or plan to go away kindly ph her early next week, Monday or Ti 1 day. * Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Welborn, I -Waynesboro, Ga., visited their dai ter, Mrs. Alexander last week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Long wen1 Mars Hill on Friday. They cari Catherine Coleman and Jack Bari who represented the school in 1 speaking contest. Miss Franklin ; went. * * * Miss Dair McCracken walks in sleep in tfie Mystery play. So be p | ent Friday night. . . . j Miss Dot Heigh way and Miss L I n tl?Q an/1 V | X UOCJ Ofcug HIV n Wtt vuu iu . Asheville with Mr. and Mrs. E > Fulghum. ( Mr. 0. J. Peevy spent the week here. Mr. Peevy has his headquar at Madisonville, Tenn. now. * # See Mr. Dean? as the Deteciiv< "Drums of Death" Friday night. * * iMrs. Henry Axley shopped in CI tanooga, Tenn. on Saturday. * e Mrs. E. S. Miller, Mrs. B. M < ons and Mr. T. C. Morris were in ianta Fiday on business. * * On Saturday Miss Woodfin Po Miss Margaret Witherspoon and T. C. Morris sp.nt thi' day in H lands. Don't Miss Miss Morris as "Celei the servant who has trances Drums of Death". Carolina *Mi-. K. C. Wright will play the len X in "Drums of Death" supported b *? Miss Franklin, Miss Courtney, Mis Hathcock, Miss Sword, Miss Morri ? Mis McCracken. Mr. Carroll. M. Dea V ton and M. D ans. X ? M. J. B. Gray was in Waynev.'iil Friday on business. * * * Mrs. Garrison Maneval and littl ?on. Dnvid, ?f Ashevile are visitin . , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Axle ,ub ... me Mr. Wade Massev was in Coppei hill Monday on business. at Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gennett speri the week end at Tellico Plains, Tenr Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray and litt son, Jimmy, of Hayesvill? were visi tors in town last Saturday. * lad Mr. L. E. Bayless received a me: tho sage Tuesday morning that his mot! At er, Mrs. J. A. Bayless, of Limeston* son Tenn. had fallen and fractured he hip. She is reported to be in a seriou ?ct- condition at a hospital in Grecnvill i?t- Tenn, * * Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Roberts ai E makng their home at the Maples. * * * Master Bobbie Barclay has retun the ^ome Coppc rhill afti , spending several day? with hi. gran parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thorn] Lf 90n* * * ons Miss Dora Mccum, of Duke hosp a~h staff will spend the \vt;k end wi1 ied Hothcock at the Regal. * entjc Mr Dale Lte was called to h nd- home in Hornbeak, Tenn. last Satu ach on the account of the sudde death of his uncle, S. F. Green. 11 " * * illy mj. Miss Margaret Boyd, of Peachtre on. *Pent the week end with Kathry ird Keener. tel ... ira- Mrs. .1. D. Blagg, Mrs. Hugh Oi borne, Mrs. LeRoy Rog. rs and Mr Wnlfor Vnnnmr knnnnl :Ul??. IS1- -"W ..w,.,??v4 .1. Ufit last Friday, th rtoii Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Coopc spent Friday in Ashcville. ar- * hi Miss Bettio Kate McCombs attune to cd the footbal game in Knoxville Sa der urday. hip * * ?''' Mrs. Uuhyi Winclies! left Sun da 11:iv '"or North Will; borto j' in h r bu j'a! band. Seo Mr. B. U. Carroll as the fait lW ful Hnftain sevant ir. "Djunta < ible * * * Death" Friday night. Miss Eoise Fain is recovering fro a tonsil operation. She is at the hon of her cousin. Mi s Delia Moron cy iety * * * net MAN WANTED for Rawle.gh Rou ^rs* of 800 families. Write today. Ra' cigh, Dept . NCL.3-SA, Richmon Va. ivho o ~ MARTINS CREEl uosMr. Bass Styles has returned 0f l\sheville to his job carrying th? 1 igh- mail. Misses Myrtle Chastain and Luci (Oiiver were the dinner guests of Mi t to | Georgia Lee Hughes Sunday, ried i Mrs. Willie Phillips was the dinni lett guest of Miss Emma Carringer Su the day. also Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crisp and Mi Riith Coleman were Sunday evenii visitors of Mrs. Bertha Hughes, her Misses Emma Carrisger, Pea res- Rogers, Messrs. Jake Stiles ai Tommie Phillips were Sunday nj visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ph .eila lips. ITcst Miss Carrie Lee Stiles spent Su C A**r itr;? u1 ii ? uu; niMi 1UIOo ijyaiicii <^uecn, Mr. Dillard and Grant Stiles >motc ?ed to Persimmon Creek Saturday, end Mrs. Ida Stiles who has been sii ters for sometime is improving at U time. We are glad to hear that Mr. Ro t in Hughes is improving. Rev. Hedden will preach at Marti: Creek F&ptist church Saturday ni hat- and Sunday. Everybody come. , Mr. Julius Coleman and Mr. Glei Stiles motored to Chattanooga, Ten >im- Sunday. At j Dearest Santa; am 9 years old and in the secoi sey, grade. Mrs. Carmen Wright is n Mr. teacher. I like her fine. Please brii igh- a doll and a doll carriage and sor candy oanges, apples, nuts and bri; my two year old sister Thehna Ru a doll too, and fill her stocking wi in nuts, candy, oranges, etc. ?With love,?Cleo Stiles. Thursday, Dec. 13, 1934 ^ B9I1JNG SPRINGS S Rev. Floyd Pip s from Peachtee and Rev. Wiley Graham from Culberson are conducting a few days services at Boiling Springs this week Vic. T.'.elmn Keer.uni from Suit spent the week end with her sister, ~ie . u Keenum, at Boiling ? Mr. Bill Stevens visited his sifter, y Mr?. Veonna Solesbee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lovingood and childr n visited Mrs. Lovingood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Davis, last Sunday. t Miss Stella Solesbee spent Friday x night with her friend, Miss Lucy Mae * Marcus, e i. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garrett spent the week end with Mr. Garrett's parent , Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Garrett. Mr. Cecil Mundy, Mr. Hal Davis, Mr. Ray Davis mot-und to Murphy last Sunday. ^ Mr. Clark Marcus has returned to [s Christlmas . hopping. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Abernathy was in Murphy last Friday doing some his work at hi.: saw mill on grind stone after spending the week end rc with home folks on Owl Crtek. Mr. Clarence Armes. Mr. Hal Davis, Mr. Ray Davis and Mr. Cecil Mundy n- were vi itors a tthe home of Mr. and ?r Mrs. A. N. Kophart Saturday night, d- The boys report d a good time. Gus Mundy spent Saturday night with his little frit ;, is. Don and Sam Davis. iiMiss Vista Boll IWlo t ?'J8 uailtJ Davis and Miss Alice Davis were quests of thtir little friends. Mi* s Eva and Ethel Mundy, Sunday afterr noon. n Miss Geneva Solesbee was the guest of her friend, Miss Evelyn Solesbee, last Sunday. ? Mr. J. R. Wilburn filled this regun lar appointment at Owl Creek and Boiling Springs Saturday and SunRev. Clay Pipes adn Rev. Wiley Graham were visitors at the home of R Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Mundy's last Sunday. ,r Mrs. Perry Abernathy and children spent Friday with her friend. Mrs. W. J. Mintz. j Miss Hazel Mills, of Muphy sp nt t. the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gid Mill-. Mr. Quay Kttner, County agent, was in this . ection ? n business last Monday. 'Mrs. An:.is Sol sbce and Mrs. Kate ^ M'-rdj;\ wer in Murphy last Friday .'-.hopping. Mr. \V. d. Mintz took a truck load of fine apples to Tennessee last week. o J" CARD THANKS We wish to take this method of thanking our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown *c us during '% e death of our sister and H" aunt, Miss Belle Pafcton. d. T1IE PATTON FAMILY /1 . i ? Permanent i n- ? ss Waves | 8 | . Any Style f J Spiral or Croquignole i te X (All new materials used) X u S SPECIAL 53 | " EUGENE i ? ? ? ck < Both $3 and 85 Permanent ,ls j; Waves arc complete with ss '; Shampoo and Hair Cut. Shampoo and i in ;; Finger Wave....60c ? " ;; Marcel 75c ? ;; Manicure 1 75c is 3: beauty parlor, second ; ik :: floor ne ? (^ E CANDLER'S DEPT. ? th | STORE |