J aSL ffl J That'*? ^1 MURPHY r*? Lmmttmg (T, Volume IVLJNo. 24. ~ 48 CASES WILL BE TRIED HERE ON JANUARY 21 Judge Rousseau To Preside Over Superior Court; Juries Drawn Twenty-nine civil cases and 19 motions appear on the CheiV)kee coun ty Superior court cademlar to be h-ard here 'before Judge J- A. Rousseau's when court convenes January 21. Only civil actions will be tried at this meeting. This wil mark Judge Rousseau's ??in.ip?i in;c uii ll?e ueuch IffiMf* Victor from the 17th judicial district in the November elections, Mr. Rousseau takes the place of T. ?B. Finley, of North Wilkesborc, retired judge. The "following were named by the jury commissioners: First Week Bob Graves, Murphy, W. L. Matheson, Andrews, Poll Piercy, Andrws, J. E. Lovingood, Grandvicw, J. B". Frankum, Ranger, A. J .Ramsey, Murphy, !W. T. Truett, Culberson, Sam Dockery, Grandview, Garfield Morrow, Violett, Sam R. Kephart, Murphy, G. B. Dockery, UnaKa, J. W. Luther, Andrews, W. A. Boyd, Murphy, R. C. Moore, T^rton, Howard Sitilev, Birch, J. Will Keenum, Suits, J. M. Bryant Culborson, Harrison McDonald Suits, Alex Williamson, Suite, Cleve Ledford, Murphy, A. H. Hatchett, Murphy, Rollin McDonald, aird McKinley Stiles Lctvtia. Second Week Alfred Hall, Tomotla, John Hedden, Murphy, Jesse Ledford, Murphy, Gordon Crawford, Andrews, O. G. Anderson, Culberson, R. B. Ferguson, Murphy, Ben Chastinc, Murphy, Tom J. Loudermilk, Murphy, Ake Ledford, Murphy, U. S. G. Phillips, Unaka, Lawson, Lunsford, Murphy, S. C .Mingus, Murphy, E. A. Beavers, Suits, J. H. Mintz Marble, Sam R. Ammonds, Andrews, B. I. Millsaps, Birch, 'Bruce West, Marble, W. H. Abernarthy, Murphy, T. Luther Martin, Murphy, J. B. Garland, Suits, C. M. Trull, Marble, Bob Hughes, Murphy, Drew Jones, Postelle, and L. M. Cook, Murphy. Murphy Supply Co. Moves To New Stand The entire stock of the Murphy Supply company was moved to its new quarters in the recently renovated double store between the old stand and the Souct office Wednesday night. With opening of the new and larger tekly Neseepmper in Western North C Murphy, TRIALS WILL BE HELD HERE FOR TIMBER MOVING ) Seven warrants have been ser-? ved on Cherokee residents for the alleged illegal removal and hauling ot wood and timber from lands owned by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and not for alleged illegal acquistion of the l%nds as bas been reported in the Scout ! the last two weeks. The fact that considerable action has been taken to remove persons who have supposedly acquired and settled on lands that belong to the Indians was confused with the serving of the recent warrants, and tsibbald Smith, of Patrick, has requested the editor to make this fact I clear. I LIONS TO HOLD ANNUAL DINNER ON FEBRUARY 12 District Governor of Club To Be Here For Cherokee County Dinner Extensive plans fo^ the Lions club annual 'Cherokee county dinner on February 12, at which time Mr. Guy Bagwell, district governor, will be here, were launched by the club at its rcfgul&r meeting in the Murphy Cafe Tuesday evening. The dinner, which has won recognition all over this section as one of | th? outstanding events of the year,1 features a variety of prepared foods < all raised in Cherokee county. Last yeaT 122 different dishes graced the table. Committee appointments made by Lion president H. Bue^k were as fallows: place, price and menus, Dr. Ed Adams, W. M. Fain, Walter Coleman and Harold Hatchett; favors, Dr. R. W. Petrie, Peyton G. Ivie, Dale Lee and W. W. Hyde; programs, Rev. T. F. Higgirta, Park IW. Filler, H. G. Elkins, R. W. Gray, and reception, Rev. Stewart H. Long, R. F. Wiliamson, D. V. Carringer, and E. C. Moore. Complete details of the dinner and arrangements for the occasion will be available after the next meeting of the club January 22. Every member present suggested Something the club should sponsor Continued on back page NINETEEN HEAD OF CHEROKEE CATTLE REGISTERED HERE Nineteen head of Cherokee county Guernsey cattle have been registered with the American Cattle club, "of Pertersboro, N. H., and county agent A. Q. Ketner is oaJinlc nn nil fawnam tmkm arolina. Covering a Large and Poten N. C. Thursday, Jan. 10, 1 GAY GREEN LAND WILL BE LEASED j FOR GOLF LINKS FERA Labor To Be Used In Constructing Nine i Hole County Course Decision was -made Wednesday rrtorning to leiase the 275 acres of Gay Green property near Maltby for the purpose of establishing a nine hole golf course by a comittee of Mwphy, I Andrews and Marble citizen?. The action followed a general mass j meeting in the Murphy library club t'uruw Muiiutajr mgiik i?L which iili'ro T. A. Case of Murphy, chairman of the committee framed the motion providing FERA labor could be obtained for the building of the course and a club house. A petition for the labor grant will be drawn- up and Mr. R. W. Gray, Irocal relief administrator, was put in charge of the labor details. More than a hundred people in the county have assured their intention of becoming members and on the motion of Dr. <B. W. Whitfield, a committee is actively working on a reasonable plan of membership fees. A final re port along that line is expected within the next week when another meeting will be held. Harry P. Cooper, local attorney, was put in charge of obtaining material for the building of the club bouse on the grounds. Mrs. Harry P. Cooper, Mrs. W. E. Studstill and Mrs. Bryan W. Whitfield were named as a membership and decorating committee at the meeting. Mr. Case j-eveiwed the possibilities of th ?club and the recreation it would furnish to the people of this county. He stressed the point that interest must be kept up in order that the movement will be as successful as it promises at this time. Cooperation was assured from all sides. The location of the Gay Green property is to the right of the highway leading to Marble from Murphy about one mil? this side of the former town. Negotiations were started immediately after the fommittee had worked for several weeks on possible sites in that vicinity. tAgain Mr. Case made it clear that this wjas was a countywide proposition and that the ctours? and olub would by no mieans be confined to any one cerI tain gToup of (people. MR. F. A. GENNETT IS BACK IN MURPHY TO OPEN BUSINESS Mr. F. A. Gannett, who will be remembered by the older citizens of Cherokee and adjoining counties as one of the leading tnfmbstone men, has arrived here from Bedford, Iwd., where he has been identified with the building stone industry, and will make his home with his son, Clycle, at the old McClelland homestead on Tennessee Street. Ho is planning reentering the monument business and expects to be ready for business by February 1. /Thirty years ago Mr. Gennet* was a familiar fijgure, riding horse back, ^ Or with horse and buggy, wending his way along the country roads with a sample case soliciting orders, or working in some lonely cemetery electing grave markers frorh his plant at Muiphy. His many friends are welcoming Jirm Konlr in ? J ' ? . ?..4 ?.oir uiiuoL nam wisnmg | him success in his business. BOOMERS OUT TO LICK SPOTS OFF WILDCATS "Everybody out to Mo Murphy win" ia the boo ud cry Aticipatinf tb? Boomers hid to defeat Andrew* in the handsome new gym at Andrews which wiH be dedicated Friday night when the Boomers and the Wildcats tie op in a mighty tussle. .Murphy is deterrained not to let Awbawt have the satisfaction of winning smd Andrews can't afford to lose. It will be the best of the season. < t . tially Rich Territo+** in This $tat< 935. OARP PETITIONS MUST BE TURNED IN IMMEDIATELY ? All persons having petition", bearing narr.es of those who are in favor of the Yownsend p.'an of Old Age Revolving Pension, are reguested to send them to the Cherokee Scout office immediately. It is necessary to get them to the propcr authorities in Congress while it is convening. Seme of the petitions have already been forwarded and all others irrespective of the in mbei of names on them, will he <tiit as soon as potsiblc. o - BArllM FAMUh BACK IN MURPH\ TO FILL PULPI1 Rev. And Mrs. Baucorr Arrive Here Wednesday For Six Months Term Thi R.v. W. H. Baueom, Jr., B .1 tist pastor her? last summer was t return to Murphy Wednesday X) l'i the pulpit here for the next six mor chs. Mr. Baueom was to be aceompani by his popular, young wife and the residence could not be learned a press time. Mr. Baueom came hi*e th? latt* ?M*t of last June and during the si months he preached hera proved ox L.remely popular with hi9 congrtgai ien. After leaving here last fall, Mi Baueom returned to the Souther Baptist The^Jogica! Seminary i Louisville, Ky., where he has been i school. Mr. Cyrus /White is anxious to hav a large crowd out to hear the preach er's initial message of the sea on Sun day morning and has asked all per sons to pass the word on so there wil bo a large congregation to greet him Rev. Baueom will be stationed her for a period of six months. At tin end of that time, if the church cai financially afford it, he will be ap pointed to the local Baptist pulpit fo an indefinite term, Mr. White said. Hundreds of friends will b? glad t welcome Mr. and Mrs. Baueom bac to Cherokee county and Murphy. New Furniture Store Will Open Here Sgoi Improvements on the furnitur Sborv formerly owned by the late C B. Hill have been groin)? steadily aheai under the direction of R. J. Snydes partner of the Long and Snyder firn that is now operating furniture store in Sylva and Bryaon City. However the work has not pro gressed far enough ahead yet tx> de termine the exact opening date, bu Mr. Snyder said her* Saturday tha it should be some time in the nex se-eral weeks. THREE RECHOSEN ON CHEROKEE CO. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. E. L. Holt, prominent Murph; dentist, Dr. W. C. Morrow, Andrew physician, and Dr. Goldman M Young, physician in the lower end o Qherokee county wore re-elected mem berg of the Ohenokee county Board 0 health recently. The above member have just completed a successful tfTr of two years acting In this capacity. These three appointive officer were named by the ex-officio mem bers: MayoT J. B. Gray, A. L. Mar tin, superintendent of public instruct ion, and 'W. A. Adams, chairman o the board of county ectmmissioners. Next Monday the full board wil meet in Murphy, at which time th county physician for the coming tern will be appointed. No changes ar anticipated in the personnel of th :ounty health department. 1ft TODAY t _________ $1.00 YEAR- Sc COPY " GAY DANCES ARE TO BE HELD JAN. 30 IN CHEROKEE Committee Plans Square Dance In Murphy, Round Dance In Andrews Definite decision to hold two dances ?a square dance in the Murphy gym and a round dance in tine Andrews eym? on January 30 was announced by the chairman of the local President's ball committee this week. Efforts to obtain two of the finest orchestras in thl- part oil the country have nhout he.n cominleted and the selection will be announced in next \ week's Scout. May J. B. Gray, of Murphy has j kindly consented to lend the gymnasium for the brilliant affair aid the permission of A. Q. Ketner, county ? agent, who is attending a county L agent's imeuing in Raleigh, only remains. In Andrews Mayor W. W. Ashe 1 and the board ot aldermen enthusiT astically lent th ir support by giving over the beautiful new gymnasium there to the Roosevelt birthday dancers. Police protection was assured - by .Mr. Ashe. i> Miss Josephine Bradley, president II of the Andrews Youn Woman's club, planned aid in the decoration?, rece.pt ion and general handling of the gay 1 affair planned in that city r Miss P 11a Mercn-ey, president of fie Young Woman's club of Murphy, aithe club would offer their sup;r port in the same mannner. c Every detail bo ni;\ke this one of t-I the 'brightest, most enjoyable affair* L-, ever held in *his seftion is being plan* ned by Sam Carr, the local chaiiman. r. J Arrangements are being mad# to n give away prizes at each of the danit ces. Decoration 'achomtes will be used n fluently. The general committee is scheduled e ro meet some time late this week to _ work out the final details of the dances. It is understood that many people 1 from the surrounding towns and coun. tits are planning to attend the events. J P. J. HENN IS NOW a OWNER, MANAGER ; OF THEATRE HERE A business tran.-aetion was corsumated here this wtek whereby P. J. Henn, of Sylva, became sole owner and proprietor of the Murpny theater. A number of changes and alterations in the building and sound equip. mer.t have been started by Mr. Henn and the shows are ceiug 4: utinued until Friday evening. !. ".We will show only ohe highest i type first-run pictures at popular prices and on the same schedule as a heretofore", Mr. H. nn said here Sats urday. Jim McCombs, popular Mhrp'ny h. y, - has been put in charge of the local - show end will be assisted by Lawrence t Ledford. [ At the present Mr. Henn is owner of the moving picture theaters in Sylva and Canton, Ga. He ha had many years of experience with sound equipment and dealing in high grade pictures. 1 Masons Install New f Officers On Monday . At a regular meeting of the Chero f kee lodge No. 146 A. F. and A. M. - Monday night the loilowing were f elected to office: n Fred Swain, W. M.; J. C. llembree, S. W. ; R. R. Beai, J. W.; K D. Lovingood, treasurer, and W A. Hen* bree, secretary. (The appointive officers are: G. W. . Phillips, S. D.; G. W. Crawford, J. f D. p H. C. Rogers, S. S.; 3. B. -Cornwell, J. S.; Sam Cappa, Tyler; R. R. Beal, instillation officer; D. M. Si' monds, Marshall, e n Following the regular business the e lodge decided to hold a special rr.eete ing Monday night, January 14. All master Masons are cordially invited. I score, air. n j-ovmgooa, manager of (the store, has an announcement of great importance and of vitai interest to everyone in the county which he will make through the columns of the Scout next week. With the opening of the new and larger store," Mr. Noah Lovingood, manager of the store, has an announcement of great importance and of vital interest to everyone in the county which he will make through the columns of the Scout next week. Thrifty buyers are urgtd to pay Special attention to th most unusual air ray of bargains ic b offered by the store when it formally opens next | week. Mr. Lovingood is especially anxious to have new as well as his old customers call on him at his new quarters. o Dickey Feed Company Enjoying Good Trade Through an unavoidable error, beet grade C. S. luteal was quoted as $2.00 per bag in the Diekey Feed Company ad in the Soout last week. The price should have been ?2.10 which nlaced tiie "owner, Mr. Sheridan Dickey, in an embarrassing position, for which the Scout is deeply regretful. However Mr. Dickey is quoting some fine prices o?i feed and is enjoying a good business at his store on the lower end of Tennessee stret. iHe is runniiK some more special prices this week and the people are urged to take advantage of his low prices on quality goods. k df this section who have cattle eligible for registration to get in touch with him. Those registering cattle were: Lee Shields, six head; Johnnie Shields, five 'head; Noland Wells, four head; Burt Shields, three heard, and Don Witherspdon, on-e head. 'IThere is a three dollar registration fee for each head of cattle", Mr. Ketner said, "hut the registration papers will ordinarily enhance the value of a $20 cow to about $100 so it can, radily be 9en that registration of cattle is worth a great deal to the average farmer. I advise all who have eligible Guernseys to register them now". Arrangements have been made with the local representative of the club to register the cattle at three dollars per head until January IS at which time the ffe" will #?- raised to $10 per head for cattle over six months old, the county agent declared. Mr. C. M. Wofford Mr. C. M. Wcrford, local wholesale merchant, who for the past several weds has been suffering with an inJ j x. J 1-?i d- * * twcu xvoi, us awwly rt*:ovt:nii^ ?-v ms " borne a host of friends in this county j will *e glad to leirrt. He attended business at his office several times this week and it is reported that he will eoon be able to at- | tend to his regular duties s-on.

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