_ ranklin Production Association To Mee The annual meeting of the Franl lin Production Credit Association sei ving the counties of Macon. Jacksoi Swain, Clay. Cherokee, and Grahai will b? held on January 30. at th Court Mouse. Franklin, X. C., it is ar nounccd by E. W. Long , secretary c the association. Not only are all of the farm-boi rowers from the association, th holders of Class B stock are expecte to be present, but Mr. Long said tc day that a most cordial invitation wa aLo extended to all other farmers i tho territory served by the associat ion and that it was hoped that a larg number woukl acct*pt the invitation. "Every member o? the association' ?aid Mr. Long is urged to bring on more non-members with him as i our desire, that every farmer ii t is section shall acquaint himsel th the credit service which oui urganiation has to offer. "Directors of the (association foi the ensuing year will be elected af this meeting. Every member of the association is entitled to cast one voce, regaraiess oi *ne numoer 01 shares he owns, and it is to his interest to vote for men of the highest integrity and business acumen. At the meeting a complete report of the year's operation of the association will be submitted. The Production Credit C rporation of Columbia will be represented at the meeting by Mr. Graham, president, who will outline the -et-up of the Farm Credit Administratis n of the third district, the method of control and operation of the production credit association -and will give an explanation of the association's operating statement from rganization through December 31, 1034. 4urphy Girl Is Now In Kentucky School litri i, Ky. Jan. 14.?-Miss Anna Mae Hensley of Murphy is among the group attmding the annual Opportunity School of Ber- a College during the month of January. Th, school, under the direction of Miss Helen Dingman and Miss Mary Dupuy, includes letcures and discussions, practical courses in letter-writing, home economics and agriculture, and an extensive social program. All of these carious activities are under the direction of some prominent member of the Berca faculty. | $29.95 ]? for this 1935 ^^5 Model 60B PHI Just received! A limitei !! of these brand new 1935 ;; Baby Grands, with sue features as Automatic Voi I trol, Tone Control, PHIL ; Efficiency Tubes, etc. WalnHt cabinet. Get y< i EASIEST TEI ;L EXPERT RAT FREE TUB || Walter ( t Phone No. 124- J The Cher Royalty Play Is To t Be Given At Marble * * Under the direction of Mrs. Doro-J^ ^ thy Mulkey the Royalty play "The h A sent-Mirded Bridegr >>m" will be e driven at Marble Sch-ol Auditorium, Saturday e\ening. Jan. 19th, at 8:00 r ^ o'clock. There will be special musrc j between scenes by Marble String t r_ Hand. The cast is as follows: ^ Timothy Shia?Paul Mulkey. ? d Laphney Rooney?Ruth Smith. ? >_ ! Fred Grady- ?Willard Lovingood. n ^ Kathleen O'connor?Ruby Hall. t n To sie Conners?Luciie Trull. n Jennie Rooney?James Bryson. e Patrick Rooney?Fred Barton. A Slade?Ralph Day. c Nora Shea?Ruth Barton. S e Yonnie?Lois Smith. tl t Yennie?Milred Bennett. p 3 ! Yane.v?Katheryr. Mintz. o f Everyone is invited to come. Ad- if r mission will be 10 and 20 cents. ; Carolina "Corn" f. Defined By Cobb u: . fl at Irvin S. Cobb, the famous Kentucky u writer and humorist who once said cj all North Carolina needed was a press cc agint. got into the papers the other m day wnen ne pave the distillers* code q authority the following definition of pj Carolina Corn: ^ ' Illicit corn liquor may easily be identified by these: It smells like dc gangrene starting in a mildewed silo; sc it tastfcs like the wrath to come; and in when y j absorb a deep swig of it, is you have all the sensations of having T1 swallowed a lighted kerosene lamp. to "A sudden violent jolt of it has nu been known to stop the victim's ch watch, snap both his suspenders, and T1 crack his glass eye right across?all of in the same motion. ' Personally, I would recommend it fo: only t persons who are headed for th? the last hiccup and want to get it over en with as re this sesion of General Assem ijourns. Conditions were such L*33 that the measure had li lance and was withdrawn out >nimission, headed by Mr. Burj ade a study of the situation c overnor Ehringhaus dndorscd an in his address to the Gene ssembly. PRIZES?Perhaps you have w red why there is always such ramble among Legislators to get iportant committees. The reaf simplicity itself in ?many instanc ie big committees receive dele] ns from all over the State a ?mbtrs of the groups have ma ances to turn a few poltical trie lat in future campaigns, especia a State-wide nature. Uni'r'ii'nnvT ITAM? ? . L/wuuii iui>-nuLi?Lines nj rnud in the General Assembly e prospective candidates for G nor with the sharpest divisions een the backers of Clyde R. Ho Shelby, and Congressman R. mghton. Backers of Mr. Hoey pecting ar. announcement from 1 any time and the supporters of ngressmen express confidence t will run. Lieutenant _Cover aham is playing the game ere is strong opinion that he i a candidate. There is still so inion here that Julian Pr eensboro, will be a candidate. WHREE-WAY RACE?Paul a ly, Johnson county, Senator Clark, Edgecombe, and forr ate Senator George McNeill, lyetteville, are beginning to i eir string in the race for Lieut it Governor next year. Sena ady marked up a preliminary ry over Senator Clark when ihnrton man got himself elec csident protempore of the Sen or the opposition of Senator Car iiiley, of Washington, who icnly backed and .nominated by S .or Clark. The defeat of Gr; ould have been a feather in Clai IP in the campaign for the sec ghest political office of the Sti DIVERSON?iThe fight is on .'ci n those who think automo xes should be spent on roads lose who would like to use oncy for other purposes. Cover hringhaus backed the movem tainst diversion and rccommen lat holes be filled, bumps smoot own, shoulders repaired and t iken off bridges before the hi ay tax money (the State's heav very) is used for other things. POWDER KEG?There is an of] in there that the formerly helf ost of chairman of the roads c littees in this Legislature many o so helpful politicall this sessi t is rumored that many bills will itroducod calling for constructi f local roads and controverisies ' rise between delegations from b omo on location of these road3. ao committee decides on these at tents or reports the bills unfa' bly the result cannot be calculs s increase popularity of chain f the committees. LOBBISTS ? Members of Third House," as the Legislai tbbists are called here, began at tg almost in advance ot member he General Assembly. It has 1 redicted that representatives of orpcratione will not have as no afluence with tha General Aaser a they have been credited with i sg past sessions. But the boys iere and are not missing any op unities to make friends with 1< ators in the hope of making t ee t-neir side of the tax picture. DRIVERS' LICENSE?Some It ators are of the opinio^ that Si or Corey's bill to establish a St fide automobile license law has reek spot. It provides that >tate authority in charge of licens % North Carolina * Andrew * ? Mr. Garland Cagle and family, ac1 * companied by Miss Mamie Lee Darnell, all of Nelson, Ga., spent the Eh- week-end with Miss Sue Moore and Egis- parents of Andrews. If Mr. Richard Matheson and mother ?ellt I motored to Murphy Monday on busithe | nes j. linst Mr. Bob Moore visited the Topoca power plant last Saturday. Mr. Robert Durilap, Whittier, N. C., spent the week-end in Andrews _ with relatives, nor >ffi- ^r- anen- Mr. Albert Johnson, who is conady nected with the Moore Planing Mill fk's has moved his family to Andrews, ond They are occupying the Zeigler house, ate. Mrs. F. A. Crinkshank, of Bellingbe ton, W. Va., is spending the winter in bile Andrews with her daughter, Mrs. R. and H. Montony. the j W. Porter of Franklin, was in II or Andrews on business this week. tent Mayor "W. W. Ashe was in Ashe*jej ville on business Tuesday. c" Mrs. Fred Herbert, Misses Winnie oils Herbert and Genny Lou Porter spent the day in Murphy Thursday on busilest ness. Mrs. E. S. Etheridge is spending 3'n" tho winter in Orlando, Fla, with her )ful daughter, Mrs. E. K Slagle. ?m- . not drivers can waive examination of apion. plicants. It is pointed out that this be could be done wholesale and would ons materially reduce the benefit otherwill wise derived from exanmnging perack sons who wish the driv? cars in this If State. ga- SALES TAX?Not even the stronger est opponents of the sales tax pro ited vfcss to believe it will be repealed nen this session. Dr. Ralph McDonald, of Forsyth, Representative W. L. Lumpthe kin, of Franklin, and others say the iure money can be raised from other riv- aoiiroo= fcvt they don't believe it will, s of Although generally identified as an ;een anti-sales tax Representative Mcbig Donald is as much concerned about luch getting a $22,000,000 appropriations nbly for the .public schools, iur- SCRAMBLE?Gentlemen of the are daily press had more than their usual por- scramble to seats at the inadequate sgis- press tables in the House and Senate htm when the session opened. More papers are represented than ever before ?gis- and when the argumnt arose as to ena- who would have the four arm chairs ate- at the Senate tabie it was settled by one j seniority. Lieutenant Governor A. the H. Graham and Principal Clerk, Leeing j Roy Marin, did the deciding. Thursday, Jan. 17, 1935 I ~ s News 1 I Woman's Clubs Will I 5ponsor Fashion Show Tne Woman's club and the Junior Woman's club ore sponsoring a Fashion Show to be hold in the Andrews Theatre. The date will be announced in the near future. .There will be 50 beautiful mannequins featuring models from the ladies Shoppe. The proceeds will probably be used to remodel the kitchen in the Hut. The Andrews Woman's club held it's regular business meeting at the home of Mrs. R. C. Andrews, with Mrs. E. A. Wood as joint hostess, on Tuesday afternoon of this week. The club made arrangements to cooperate with the Junior dub and the Ladies Shoppe of Andrews in sponsoring a style show, the time and place to be decided later. Mrs. O. L. Cope and Mrs. J. A. Morgan were named on a committee to serve with committees from the other organizations in sponsoring the show. A committee consisting of Mrs. W. G. McFarland, Mrs. W. T. Holland, and Mrs. Mack Hazelman were appointed to work with a similar committee from the Junior Woman's club in arranging and furnishing the kitchen of the Aimerican Legion hut. The club secretary war instructed to communicate with Dr. W. D. James of Hamlet for the purpose of securing his services in giving to the people of Andrews his lecture on cancer. Dr. James has lectured before the Woman's club of many other cities and towns and in North Carolina and it is hoped that he will be able to make an engagement with the club women here. His lecture will be open t- *v VII- - - %v mp puuuc iree ot cnarjre. Refreshments consisting c-f a salad course, sandwiches, and coffee were served by the hostesses. Mesdames Ed Ingram and Bruce Slaughter, of Robbinsville, N". C. were in town Saturday on business. Mr. J. J. Snyder, Miss Lydia Snyder of Robbinsville were in town monday. Don't Get Up Nights MAKE THIS 25c TEST Use Juniper oil, Budhu leaves, etc., to flush out excess acids and waste matter. Get rid of bladder irritation that causes waking up, frequent desire, scanty flow, burning and back.ache. Get Juniper oil, Bnchu leaves, etc., in little green tablets called Bukets, the bladder laxative. In four days if not pleased go back and get your 25c. Get your regular sleep ard feel "full of pep."? PARKER'S DRUG STORE Murphy, N. C. Thousands of Women Benefited By Cardui The benefits many women obtain from Cardui give them great confidence In It... "I have four chlld u," writes Mrs. J. L. Norred, of Lagrange, Ot. "Before the birth of my children, I was weak, nervous and tired. I had a lot of trouble with my back. I took Cardui each time and found it so helpful. Cardui did more to allay the ! nausea at these times than anything I h?v? im n&ed. I am In very good health and beUcm Cardui did a l>4 of it." . . . Thousands of women testify Cardui benefited them. If It doss MM benefit YOU, consult a physician. ^ I We Invite You To Stop At... Axley's Service j Station & Garage On the left just across the Hiawassee bridge. GAS AND OIL 17: jl i tr?i \^iass MECHANICS To Repair Your Car. Murphy, N. C.