' 2,500 Active ll At^le |||[J MURPHY ? The leading \ Volume 1VL.?No. 28. N e w Can LOCAL BUILDING PROGRAM GOING STEADILY AHEAD New Firms, Increased Building Show Upward Trend In Business With the establishment of seven new business firms here during the past year. Murphy has experienced the largest building and remodeling program in its history. Six othe*. firms during the p*?s". 12 months have either incr used ti'eir floor space or moved to new and larger locations and at pre-est the building program calls for the addition of another industry ??nd a roThe past year has also witn*\sv?d modeled garage. the building of six new residences in Murphy. With substantial reduction*? in both city and county debts and with a compartively large percentage of taxes collected during the fiscal y:nr as a sign of riJug prosperity in conjunction with the intensified Tennessee Valley Authority surveys in the region of the Coleman dam site 12 miles from here, local citizens are looking forward to a period of increased business unparalled since the founding of the town. Having been blockaded to some extent by the lean years of the depression, bu-iness all over the countv suddenlv tonk a ?n rffo fftrajyril last February that bids fair to put Murphy and Cherokee county on a pre-war purchasing basis inside the next few months. Coincident with the beginning ol tho locr.l boom last January was the manifest encouragement of the decision of the TVA to build a $13.000,000 dam on the Hiawassee rivet with several of the sites being considered in the immediate vicinity ol Murphy. A corps of approximate^ 50 government workers made resi denee here and regular work has beer given to a number of local persona. The establishment of the Petrie (Continued on back page) TWO BOYS ESCAPE FROM COUNTY JAIL EARLY WEDNESDAY Warros Serrong, of Andrews, wai back in live Cherokee county jail Thursday following his escape Witt Jake Bugsa-j when the two boys picked bricks from around the iron barred window of their second story coll late Tuesday night. Rogers has not Beth boys were bound orrar to Ike next term of Superior court, Berrong chaged with stealing chickens, and Rogers held on two charges of tresspass and assault with deadly weapon and drankeness and assault. ygrrt war owe of fire men who .scaped fro? the local jail by picking the locks on their cells and front doors four months ago. Both men were moved to a front til in the building Tuesday, according to B. D. Morrow, jailer, and evidence showed that they picked the plaster troan between the bricks at he edge of thy iron-barred window t nails and a window-weight - pped in blanket cloth. They squeezed through a small hole and dropped to the ground * *' the aid of blanketa tied to windows, the evidence showed. 'Mrs. Virgil Johnson After an extremely aerious spell Of iicknes wth pneumona. Mrs. Virgil Johnson Thursday night was saiJ to be mo-h improved. Mr*. Jennson is one of the most Popular member* of tho rorVal act of V iphy and her 'mpio??i?it will be , k'rf given him in the oa** SS OF MTjlftt! ro/ina, Covering a Ixirer and Pot / North Carolina, Februs ;ins As P Y\ FARM PLAN EXPLAINED HERE TO 325 FARMERS )fficial Speaks To Meeting In Court House: Program Arranged Cherokee County was the first in V etera North Carolina to organize nder the Tennes e Valley Authority orm program following an address latnr-day afternoon by W. W. Lanr:?s, administrative assistant of the gricultural division cf the TV A, beore 300 farmers in the court house ere. Naming this section as the experiment point of the TV A farm proram, he said Cherokee county was literally on the spot'* and if the proram were seriously followed locally I would either make or break the | lan. Mr. Landess called for cooperation n the part of every farmer to help ! ut the plan over. He mentioned the 1 arious ways in which the TV A was tte.T.peing to aid the farmer. He called for extreme care in hecking soil erosion which re credit(Continued on back page) ARGE CROWD ATTENDS BALL FOR PRESIDENT decorations, Floor Show, Prizes Are Feature of ' i ?i r? I he Evening. Nearly 200 couples from Murphy ind surrounding towns attended the iosevelt ball held in the Andrews rymnasium Wedne- day night and the quarc dance in the local gym. Music lor the occasion was furlished by the Tennesseans, a nineliece orcheetra from the University if Tennessee and a number of novel iffects were used throughout the lance to add to the vividness of the iffair. The committee sponsoring the lance here and the round dance at tndrews was composed of Sam Carr, f Murphy, chairman; Miss Josehine Bradley, otf Andrews; Mrs. H. tueck, of Murphy; Mayor W. W. .she, of Andrews; Mayor J. B. Gray, f Murphy and Harry P. Cooper, of lurphy. Decorated in red, white and blue repe paper, the gymnasium presentd an air in keeping with the purpose f the dance?the loaning of the resident's birthday to the welfare f the unfortunate subjects of inentile paralysis. $100 Bailed At press time the amount of money lat was cleared on the dances could ot I armed but it is estimated to e around $100. Seventy per cent of lis amount will be added to the lary Jo Davis fund, in charge oif le Young Woman's dub of Murphy id the other 30 per cent will be irwarded to national headquarters New York to be used in research F the disease. A floor show was aranged by >hn Davidson, of Murphy, and a immittee of the Kanaheeta club of ndrews. Mr. Davidson acted as (Continued on back page) ?o r ? * ? lurphy Supply Co. Has Fifth Birthday The Murphy S-omv Conoany this ek is celebrating its fifth birthday h an nnusual line of bargains in ir new store. Mr. Noah Lovingood, manager of i company, is t?Vi?? *?'- onpor-?? Mn- ? announced a= wnner of the first prize in the Cherokee Scout subscription campaign Saturday afternoon and at the satr.e time decision was made by 1 popular request to hold the subscription rate at $1 per year for a limited limp inctrnil ?.f mUiair it *1 Mi \ear as was first announced. Also decision was made that during the exten ion period of the cam- I paign, a thrift book, worth *50 to the holder will be given with each paid subscription. The prize*', amounts, and winners | as an ounc.d by the comittee cf K?-v. T. F. Higgins. Dale Lee an i llarry P. Cooper are as follows. 1st prize?Philc? cabinet radio? James Axley. 2nd prize??15 in cash?274. 3rd prize?$10 in cash?odd. 4th prize?$5 in cash?2G7. 5th prize?$3 in cash?501. Gth prize?$2 in cash?Jessamine iVestal, of Murphy. Only two of the awards were claimed during the week and the others must be called for by 12 o'clck noon, i Wednesday Feb. 13, 1935, or the second list of winners now being held by ar.d known only to the committee will be published in next week's pap, er. If they are not claimed during the following week, the third list will J be j ublished. A lame crowd was present as the committee awarded the prize*, in . front of the Scout office Saturday afternoon. Nearly one thousand subscriptions were taken in during the campaign which was -uecessful from every angle. Practically every subscription that i came in during the campaign was from a subscriber in Cherokee county . and it is estimated that the Scout is going thoroughly into every community of the county and into practically every home. Brasstown Field Agent Residing at Folk School Samuel iWillard Mendenhall arrived at the John C. Campbell Folk School at Brae-town this week to take up his residence in connection with his duties as field agent for the Mountain Valley Cooperative. Mr. Mendenhall will Sake part in the dairy and noultrv development program and has been assured full cooperation of the state. He was accompanied here by his wife. o CORRECTION An ?u_. - rtisement in the Cherokee Scout last week read to the effect that croquignole waves at Candler's Beauty Shoppe weTe $3. This should have read id Mr. Candler is carrying the te advertisement ?his week to that effect. The Scout is sorry to have made the error. 1 Merchant nto eveiy home in Cherokee county, lot have the advantage? of looking ouses every day. the catalog of the ir door. The Murphy market, the Cherokee cokmtv, is opened to the d in these pages have always treatreply appreciated their Jratonage, first. ly them carefully, and when you merchants to do it. They can save asant service will please yon, and