HhirM I Mrs. H. Bueck, Phone 1 B APRii- f V By Helen Bayley Dan, v I Bash?April is in bhe lane 1 t I b< >er}' she may So affair.; I Jilt touch oi her lilac scented SI hand S Is on my cheek, fl Do not speak la her. e may n tt understand; j 1 I she i- allJ white .and very ' I Look.?she leaves a crocus?theft! m the datt'odils awake, and stir; ; ? m Above my heau there is a whir I Cf blue, blue wings . . Oh. I am f?. She is here! See? 2ai f^n sdlri nllim t rp?> j 1 9 She p?mcs; soon it will be clad | ' ' - ? i. fluttering like blown | 1 I 'Vhit; tulle . . I 1 3| 'j-il v u are too bsautifull | j I Farewell Tea For ] Mrs. Kinsey On Monday afternoon Mrs. L. I?.! i Kinsey wa honored at an informal ;1 givon by the Methodist ladies in the todies parlor cf the church. Mrs. Kinsey leaves this week for Califortii. Mrs. K. B. Norvell, Mrs. T. F. Hig- 1 gins, Mrs. I. X. Hill, Mrs. S. H. Long, Mr . H. W- Baucom, .Jr.. Mrs. C. W. Savag received with Mrs. Kinsey. j ; i Punch wafers and mints were ser-! 1 red durinc the afternoont> the following: | ' Th?e who attended the tea were: | Mrs. E. B. Norvell, Mrs. Dixie Palmer, Mrs. S. D. Akin, Miss Parrie L. Vaughn, Mrs. W. A. Savage, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson. Mrs. Si M. Hinshaw. ' Mrs. i\'. P. Od im, Mrs. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. I.. K Bayless, Mrs. P. A. Maunty, Mr>. W. E. Studstill. Mrs. H. E. Dickey. Mrs. H. W. Baucom. Jr., Mrs. J. N Hill. Mrs. S. H. Long, Mrs. John H. Dillard. Mrs. P. H. Sword. Mrs. J. O. McCurdy, Mrs. M. W. Bel. Mr. E. S. Miller, Mrs. Chas. E. Turner. Mrs. C. W. Savage, Mrs. A. 1 W. Mclver, Mrs. Walter Hyde, Mrs. D. Withrrspoon, Mrs. A. E. Vestal, Mrs. R. S. Parker, Mrs. J. H. Hampton, Miss Mary Beal, Mas Bessie Mallonee, Mrs. W. M. Fain, Mrs. Tom Axley. Mias Carrie Mallonee. Miss [ Bstelle Mauney, Miss Ruth Holshausir. t Miss Hattie Axley, Mrs. Alma L. Posey, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. H. Bish ?p, Mrs. T. A. Case, Mrs. J. Franklin Smith, Miss J(??phine Heighway, Mrs. .W. H. Griffiths, Mrs. H. G. Elkins, Mrs. G. W. Ellis, 1 Mrs. Nettie Dickey, Thos F. Higgins, , Mrs. Thomas F. Higgins, Mrs. E. C. ( Mf.llonie and Mrs. J. W. Axley. , Good Will Club Met Last Friday Afternoon 1 ( The Good will club met at the home of Mrs. P. H. Sword on last Friday afternoon with Mrs. Bill J Brandon and Mrs. Walter Coleman 1 hostesses. After business a sofcial * hour was er.joyed after which the > hostesses served chicken salad, cake jod coffee. Those present were: Hayner Rogers, Mrs. Homer l Kicks, Mrs. Kenneth Wright, Mrs. t Lyle Martin, Mrs. Hume Bowles, s ^s. Warren Sneed, Mrs. Howard i Moody, Mrs. R. D. Candler, Mrs. Noah Lovingoiod, Mrs. Winslo-w Mc- T Mrs. Clingman McDonald and f Hiss Mary Akin. 1 * * * * 1 Young Womans' Mis- t sionary of M. E.. Church * Met Last Thursday P The Young Woman's Business club the Methodist church met on last j Thursday evening with Mrs. T. A. c Cl*se at the Regal Hotel. Those v P?sent were: Mrs. W. E. Studstill, j "rs. Harve Elkins, Mrs. Edwina CJarke, Mrs. Tom Axley, Mrs. Tom I Mauney, Mts. Dale Lee, Mrs. Win- f I ;low Mclvcr. Mr. w.-ii? r>:-'? 1 . i'JVRCJTl g Jirs. Glenn Bates, Mrs. "Wade Massey, ^ Frank Ellis and Miss Ruby Hall. * * * F Miss Jessie Lee Morris had as her nr.er guest at the Dickey House Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bu?*k and Miss Elizabeth Gantt. t * * * t( Mis? Eula Gray of Hayesville, has ^ I conie t* Murphy to work in the Relief F I office. She is staying at the Regal, b ^ The Anb pe 98-J MissH Character Builders S. S. o Have Meeting Thursday The Character Builders Sunday 5ch x>i class of the Methodist church vill have a business meetng at the :hurch, Thursday tvening at 7:00. \ll members are urged to be present. * "'etrie Hospital Auxiliary To Meet Monday The Petrie Hospital Auxiliary will neet on Monday evening, April 29th it 7:00 in the parlor of the Regal j Hotel. All members are urged to be j present. * Vlrs. Fiank Ellis Elected 3resident of Jr. Club At the regular meeting oX the Jun-' ior Woman's Club Friday night the i following new officers were elected: Mrs. Frank Ellis, President; Miss Martha Nell Wells. Vice president; Miss Mary Nell Williamson, Secretary and Mrs. Harry Bishop Treasurer. Tho program for the evening was in charge of Mrs. H. A. Mattox, who answered questions on "Manners for all occasions". Miss Martha Nell Wells read the duties of the officers of the club. Hostesses were Mrs. Warren Snecd, Mrs. Glenn Bates and Miss Mary Nell Williamson. ? * Teachers Leave For Their Homes Members of the Ixal faculty left this week for their respective homes: Mi s Elizabeth Gantt, Raleiiih, Miss Fannie Hathcock, Norwood, Miss Jessie Lee Morris, Atlantic, Miss Ruth Holshauser, Salisbury, Miss Ruby Courtney, Williston, S. C., Mr. E. V. Deans, Selma, Miss Margaret Hall Newport, Mis? Dair McCracken, Hayesville and Mr. O. W. Deaton, Biscoe. * ? ? * VIrs. Witherspoon Hos:ess To Auxiliary The Presbyterian Woman's Auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Don Witherspoon as hostess. The president, Mrs. J. N. Hill led the devotonal and after the roll call ind reading of the minutes otf the last meeting, the time was spent in routine business. A budget for the /ear was adopted and the year books filed out. Fallowing this a social hour was enjoyed, the hostess, assisted by her laughters. Misses Margaret and Sara Witherspoon serving refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. J. N. Hill Mrs. R. W. Gray, Mrs. J. B. Gray. M. W. Bell, Mrs. John H. Dillard, Mrs. R. S. Parker and Mrs. C. W. Savage. ? * * Mrs. Frank Hembree has returned from Angel's h(jspital in Frankln ;nis weeK inero she underwent a l serious operation more than a week ?go. Her condition was said to be * Vliss Nelson Resigns rrom Hospital Staff Miss Ted Nelson left Monday night 'or her home in Bristol Va., for a wo months vacation. (After July 1st he will be connected wth Holston Galley Community Hospital, Kingstort, Tenn. * Rev and Mrs. Stewart H. Long and Ir. M. W. Bell are attending the Spring Presbytery meetings in Asheille, Hendersonviile and Black fountain this week. Mrs. Lucretia Kinsey will leave 'riday for Jier htme in California fter an extended stav here. Mi-s Edna Patton was here for the iaster holidavs and returned to V. C. T. C. Monday. ? Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mattox had as heir zuest* for Easter their daugfters, Mrs. Martine McDonald and lis* Cecil Mattox of Knoxville. Mrs. f. A. Mattox accompanied them back o Knoxville for a week's tay. nra rokee Scout, Murphy, Noi raonal | lattie Palmer, Phone 20 * Hospital Auxiliary Has Silver Tea The ways and mean<i commitUe of J the hospital Auxiliary composed of Mrs. J. \Y. Thompson, Mrs. Dor. Witherspoon Mrs. A. E. Vestal ant. Mrs. R. S. Parker were hostesses at delignttul ua last week at the home i>f Mrs. R. W. Petrie. \ ari colored tulips and burning candles were u=ed in all the rooms. The tea table was covered with a lace cloth over pink and centered with a bowl of tulips. Mrs. C. W. Savage pourtd coffee and Mrs. E. B. Norvell paiurtd tea. Receiving were Mrs. Dale Lee, president of the Auxiliary Mrs. \N - " oiaien, i.?irs. u. d. Keadrick, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Dillard and Mrs. Kinsey. * * ? Miss Ann Candler attended the house party given by Miss Thelma Powers, of Bennetsville S. C., during the Easter holidays. ? * * Messrs. Ben and Frank Mayfield who are attending State College ?>f Raleigh spent Easter with their father. Mr. C. D. Mayfield. * * Mrs. R. II. Hyatt who has been confined to her bed for the past seveial days with the f!u i5 getting better, her many friends will be glad to learn. ? * * Mrs. \V. B. Mtilkev, of Marble is \i iting her daughter, Mrs. Thelma Dickey this week. Mrs. C. A. Brown, of Andrews is visiting her mother. Mrs. R. H. Hyatt this week. * * ? Miss Mildred Akin and room mate of Brenau C liege. Gainesville, Ga.. returned Sunday to Gainesville after spending several days the past week 1 with Miss Akin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Akin. ? * ?Mis?s Wilda .Mason who is attendinc Cecil Business College ai Asheville is spending the Easter Holidays with her parent--. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mason. ?. * ? * Mrs. Jane Adams, of Marble is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs 1 helma Dickey this week. j # ? ? Messrs. P. B. Ftrebee and Zed I Whitaker, o: Andrews were visitors in town Tuesday. * Mr. L. L. Mason lejt Monday for a business trip to Lexington, Ky. * Mrs. Hardy Colvard, of Robbinsville sPent Sunday with Mrs. Bessie Deweese. t Mr. Wayne Poindexter, of Charlotte, spent the wek-end here with hi? brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hembree. ? Mr. Glade Lovinerood who is at tending W. N. C. T. College at Cullowhee spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lovingood. Little Mis? Anne Rrittinn of Black Mountain is the guest this week off Miss Jessamne Vestal. ? * Mrs. Spurge Christopher and daughter, Frances of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting Mrs. Christopher's parents, Mr. and Mr3. L. E. Mauney. t Mr. and Mrs. Ira Butt, of Blairsvlle, Ga., were visitors in town on last Saturday. Mr. B. B. Palmer, of Marble was a business visitor in town on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. W. M. Axley was carried Tuesday to fort Sanders Hospital in Knoxville. for treatment. She was ( accompanied by her husband, W. M. Axley, nephew, Richard Meroney and Mts. Fannie Ramsey nurse. e Mrs. Lilla Adams of T ynch, Ky. spent the Easty Holidays here with her son, Edward Adams, Jr. * Mrs. Hubert Ketron, of Atlanta vi.dted her mother, Mrs. Rose Ketron at the Regal H^ltel last week. * * NOTICE?Now or>en, for business. GUY PRATF.R, Jeweler, next door to Murphy Thenter. rth Carolina T Presbyterians Will . I Have Services Sunday Regular morning and evening services will be held at the Presbyterian c church Sunday the Rev. Stewart H. < Long, pastor Jf thr church announe- ( ed Tuesday. ? The subject for the morning ser-1 t mon will be, "What is Sunday for?" i and the evening topic is, "What does 1 the Old Testament teach us about the \ Holy Spirit?" i * I Mrs. Harry Cooper and Miss Marie) Price shopped in Chattanooga last', . week. t ? * | ?BARGAIN? Bath Tub and Lavatory splendid condition same as brand new for sale at big discount. See H. A. Mat- 1 tox at Murphy Hardware Company. * Miss Margaret Withrrspoon of Asheville spent the week-end here with her parents. Mro w:u: < ?' -?.o. utcuii ?? 1111dm> oi t^noxvilK,! Tenn., ha< been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stiles, of Grape \. | Creek f-r the past two weeks. i? * 1 CASH PAID FOR SOFT COVE POPLAR VERNEER BLOCKS AT . , THE VENEER PLANT I N OLD ; MURPHY. j Mrs. T. A. Case went to Athens, j] I Tenn. Wednesday morning to join i Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hubtr on a tour j, I through the Virginia gardens. * * Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Candler spent the week-end at Sylva, where they, were called on account of t.he illness of Mr. Candler's brother. Dr. C. Z Candler and his daughter, Mrs. Joe Ryan who have pneumonia. * * Mr. and Mrs. Rtn West and children have returned to their home in Milwaukee. Wis., after spending several days with Mr. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. West. * < * Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Barclay and sins, of Copperhill, Tenn., spent Sun- ; day with Mrs. Barclay's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomnson. ... 15.'. and Mrs. Robert Brown, of; Hendersonville, spent Sunday with Dr. Brown's grandmother, Mrs. K. H. Hyatt. . . . Miss Janet Mollis, of Philadelphia, Pa., .-pent the week end with her brother, Mr. E. P. Morris and Mrs. Morris at the Regal Hotel. ... Mrs. E. P. Morris and Miss Janet Morris left Tuesday fo* Phladelphia. stopping enroute at Berea, Ky.. for a few days. * Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Dodd, of Asheville, spent the week end with their1 daughter. Miss Ruth Dodd at the Regal Hotel. * * Misj Xtawassa Dickey and hi ther, John Dickey, of Westville, Okla., ar-' rived Monday to visit their sister, Mrs. Lyle Martin, and aunt, Mrs. T. S. Evans. * * Mr. and Mrs. Burt Savage and little son, of Hiawassee, Ga? spent the week end with relatives here. , * Mrs. Mize of Atlanta spent Monday with Mrs. Long. ? ? Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Whitfield returned Wednesday from an extended trip to Kentucky. I * * * | Mrs. Mercer Fain entertaine-d the i fourth grade boys and girls at an | Easter egg hunt on her law on Fri- ' day afternoon. , m w m Mrs. Fain is the fourth grad grade mother. * * WANTED: Man to start in' business selling widely-lcnoMra products to sat- ' isfied consumers. Complete line. Largest comoiny; established 1889. BIG EARNINGS. No capital or ex-1 perience needed. Write for free parti culars. Rawleigh's Box, NCD-150-1. * * * Mr?. Ella Smith Lewis, of Copen-, hagen, N. Y? spent Saturday and Sunday at the Dickey House. Mrs. Lewi? is a grand-daughter of Rev. Evan Jones who was at one time minister in charge of the Tndian Missionary School on the Hiawassee River about seven miles above Murphy; smietime after 1820, which school was established by the Baptist in 1820. Mr--. Lewis made a visit to the site of the old Indian Mission ' school ?"d viewed the location of said school where her ancestor taught and administered. hurs., April 25, 1935 Miss Mildred Akin Is Presented In Recital GAINESVILLE. GA..?Miss Milired Akin, >eni 'r at Brer.au College, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Akin. >? Murphy. North Carolina, was preented in senor violin recital Thurslay. April IS. 1935. in Brenau audiI ~?rium. Sh was presented by Pro'essor F. R. Mi haelis, dean of the Srcrau S.ho ! of Music, and she was iccomr?anie?i a*, the piano by Miss 51iza Hohms. The program was as follows: }^*rak: Sonatina. Allegro risoluto. .arg.-etto, scherzo, and finale; Brugh Concerto. Allegro moderato. Adagio tnd Finale; De Beriot. Seine do Pallet: an i Smeta na. Aus der Heimat. Miss Akin is a member of the Mu Phi E s.I r.. natiinal honorary music fraternity, member of the Loreli Club, and leader of the Brenau orchestra. .Miss Akin was in green lace and re:e\e<l many boquets and baskets of flowers from friends. I PERMANENT f WAVES | I " ' r" \ *t* \ our appearance depends *5* Y much upon how your hair is *? .% dressed and cared for. X 4 \ . . jl A Uur operators are artists. X Satisfaction assured. Best ** J* materials always used. I CANDLER'S 1 ? BEAUTY SHOP $ CANDLER'S STORE Murphy Theatre Friday and Saturday APRIL 26 and 27 WARNER OLAND. In? "CHARLIE CHAN IN PARIS" With MARY BRIAN. THOMAS BECK. ERIK RHODES. A beautiful Apache dancer was j i murdered ... crime followed i crime in the gayest city on earth ... Agai nst the fiendish cunning , of the elusive killer Charlie Chan j | faces his most baffling mystery. Comedy and News Monday and Tuesday APRIL 29 and 30 SHIRLEY TEMPLE?LIONEL BARRYMORE, In? "THE LITTLE COLONEL" With EVELYN VENABLE? JOHN LODCE?BILL ROBINSON 'Now you'll see Shirley Temple in i her true colors . . . her rose-petal ! sldn . . . the azure blue of her laughing eyes . . . her hair like spun honey . . . her lips a ruby Cupid's bow ... in a glorious technicolor climax that makes you love her more than ever! Her ! ?ighs her t^ars, Fer laughter will i . ind your heart . . . an. adorable | mixture of rrirchievous sprite and | ax gel . . . wbose love is big enough ' for all the world . . . strong enough tc make her crusty old grandfa sworn to forget forever. Comedy and News Wed. and Thurs. MAY 1 .hI 2 HELEN HAYES and ROBERT MONTGOMERY. In? "VANESSA: HER LOVE STORY" Wish OTTO KRUGER?MAY ROBSON?LEWIS STONE I An exceptional cast of 30 mas- j j ters! The "Rogue" sired them i ! both?their wild strain drew them ! together in a love that defied man and eternity! Comedy and News

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