EMM 'BRISBANE I THIS WEEK Paroles and Ransom Vincent Astor's Hotel .Mussolini Is So Blunt i The Brain Bath Waley. the Weyerhaeuser kidnaper, caught after he sent his wife, like a true gangster cow- | r ard. to change ranjH som bills for him. | has this record: Kas He bad been ar fl rested six times, beLB ginning at eighteen, TBj and sentenced to . fl terms In prison S that would have B kept him In prison for 75 years if pa ||||| role boards had allowed it. He was repeatedi ly released until at ? , t last, thoroughly Arthur Brlahane , , trained in crime and convinced, probably, as he might well be, that American Justice Is a mere joke, he went to Tacoma and planned there the "snatch.** as criminals call it. of the Weyerhaeuser child. Highway patrolmen in the western states did admirable work co-operating with the "G-men." The western highway patrolmen are real policemen. Mr. Vincent Astor of New York has bought In and will operate the St. Kegis hotel on Fifth avenue, built originally with Astor money, now repurchased for $5,000,000. An Astor running a hotel Is nothing new. You need not be very, very old to remember the gray granite "Astor House," a block long, opposite the City 11.11 on lower Broadway, where they had roast beef such as you find nowhere now. Before prosperous Americans learned to he really "aristocratic" with yachts, race horses and divorces, they thought owning a hotel and putting your name on It was almost aristocratic. The Astor House and the Brevoort House in New York, the Palmer House in Chicago, the Coates House in Kansas City, a thousand others prove it. iiiurauiiiii aunoys &nginnu; lie talks so plainly?no diploma lie ben tins about the bush. Itluntly be says t?? old Britannia: "When you were building up your empire, killing off the Boers to grab South Africa, taking India from the pot bellied rajahs, gathering in everything that was not tied down, you did not care tuppence what the world thought about you. Now it is my turn to gather in territory, maybe Ethiopia, and I care less than half of tuppence what you think about i . So mind your own business, please." Imporiant to the human race Is news of the "brain bath," which, according to physicians gathered at a convention of the American and Canadian medical associations, literally "washes the brain." freeing It from the poison of diseases such as infantile paralysis. St Vitus* dance, sleeping sickness and some kinds of spinal meningitis. A solution of salt and water Is injected into the vein at the ankle. After it has gone through the circulation and washed out the brain, it Is withdrawn with its collected poisons through a needle inserted in the lower end of the spine. China, because she cannot do otherwise, yields in full to Japan's demands. That is the news from Tientsin, and It happens because the 400.000,000 Chinese are not prepared for war, whereas the 60.000.000 Japanese are prepared. "Yielding" probably will not save China from another heavy loss of territory. It is predicted that the young Chinese emperor. Japan's figurehead In Manchukuo. will be moved over and hack to the old Imperial palace, there to sit again as the Japanese Imperial dummy. ? "What's In a name?" Some young Republicans want the old Republican party to change its name from "Republican party" to "Constitutional party." Long ago, when the New York Herald, since dead, reduced its price, the late Joseph Pulitzer wrote In a short editorial: "The trouble Is not with your price. It is with your newspaper. Change that." The trouble with the Republican party is not with Its name. A dangerous strike is called off in Toledo, workmen wisely deciding to deliberate before going ahead with a strike that might have thrown tens of thousands out of work. The steel Industry, also setting a good example, decided to continue the NRa wage scale, not reducing pay or increasing hours. The Supreme court's Constitution decision has done no harm there. Ok King Features Syndicate. Inc. WNU Service. it The Cherokee Sc L IMPROVED JJ" UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson By REV. P. B. F1TZWATER. D. O, Member of Faculty. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. ?. Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for June 23 CHRISTIAN MISSIONS LESSON TEXT?Acts l:C-t: 13:1-11. GOLDEN TEXT?Go y? Into all tho world, and preach the gospel to svery I creature.?Mark 16:15. PRIMARY TOPIC?Sharing the Good News of Jesus. JUNIOR TOPIC?Paul Goes PreachIng. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?What Can I Do for Missions? YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?The Missionary Purpose of the Church. God is, in his essential being, merciful and compassionate. All his promises to and actions toward man have been with redemptive ends. I. Israel a Missionary Nation. Following the apostasy of the whole race, God called Abraham to become the head of a race through whom all the nations of the earth were to ba blessed (Gen. 12:1-3). The first gospel promise, that of Genesis 3:13, was to become an actuality through the missionary activities of the Jewish people, 1. The nations of the earth Invited to look to God (Isa. 55:22). Israel was called to be the peculiar witness to the nations of Jehovah, the one God Deut. 0:4). 9 - ,:~Uk ? .ui uo ? ii^iu 10 me nations (Is. 49:0). Christ is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:G). Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12). 3. Jonah, a Jew, goes as a missionary to a Gentile city (Jonah 3:1-10). Jonah is prophetic of the nation and God's purpose for the Jews. While the chosen nation has been disobedient to God as Jonah was, yet after severe chastisement they shall fulfill the divine purpose. II. The Church a Missionary Organization. The very genius of the Church is propagation through devout missionary effort. 1. The apostolic commission (Matt. 28:18, 20). a. The authority of Jesus ( . 18). God gave him all authority in heaven and earth, b. The commission of | the apostles (vv. 19, 20). (1) It was to teach, that is, make I disciples of all nations (v. 19). They were to make known to the world that Christ died to save sinners. (2) Baptize those who believed. This baptism was to be in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, indicating that the believer has been brought into definite relationship to each member of the Holy Trinity. (3) To teach the disciples obedience (v. 20). Profession is not enough. I Oberience must issue. i c. The all-sufficient promise (v. | 20). There would constantly be the blessing and fellowship of the allpowerful Savior and Lord. 2. The missionary program (Acts 1:6-8). The Church is under solemn obligation to witness to all the world of the gracious salvation which has been provided in Christ. 3. The first foreign missionaries (Acts 13:12). The occasion for this enterprise was a meeting of eerrain prophets and teachers at Antioch. While these ministers were engaged in praying, the Lord laid heavily upon their hearts the evangelization of tha world. This marks the beginning of foreign missions as the deliberately planned enterprise of the Christian Church. 4. Preaching the gospel In Europe (Acts 16:6-10). Paul's inclination was to tarry in Asia Minor preaching the Word, but he was carried along by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit Is Just as active in closing doors as In opening them. The time had come for the gospel to begin Its conquest of an other continent. Paul, being hemmed !s ?n all sides, was given the vision of a man of Macedonia pleading for help. 8. Preaching Christ before Agrlppa (Acts 26:12-20). Paul, having been brought before the king, took advantage of the opportunity to witness to him of the Savior. Observe, a. His manner of life (v. 12). He showed tl.at he had been In strictest accord with the most rigid sect of the Jews. b. His supernatural conversion (w. 13-15). Christ had appeared to him on the way to Damascus and revealed himself to him. c. Jesus Christ commissioned him for a work (vv. 16-18). He was sent to the Gentiles to open their blind eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. d. His consecration (vv. 19, 20). He rendered immediate obedience to his commission. He showed that the opposition which he now experienced was dus to his vigorous prosecution of his work. out, Murphy, N. C., The HEALTHY FEET Foot health means feet that are free from disease, free from juiin. free from tire, and feet that tread the measures of life In the way that a kind Providence, after hundred of I thousands of years of ex|?eriinematlon. has disenvered is the l>est way | for the ereet human l>elnt: to stand i and to walk.?The Parents' Magazine. 99 9 2 ;hwBBbI ^QtfGO? H IT WAS NICE TO TI SUPPOSE H jf MEET VOL). MRS. : Tou> VOU r ft KIN6ST0W! VOL) R'CH, SO VO g KNOW, I THINK THINK HE'< j youe nephew is ii quire a < | a verv nice eOVijl catcm i J poor aunt lucv^.she | pfiomk doesn't mean to be i her m i cross. Bur her A pear. headaches and 3 be co indigestion make y. 'H?R mm it v f wasn't tr nice of^l /shes aunt uicy to owe S wonde us this cruise for \ since [a WEPOIN6 PRESeNT?jjTO PQ ; J WHAT DO I TH? R?GULA H CALUM6T BAI I IS NOW ONLy^ / Ha ^SBHI irsday, June 20, 1935 IB? Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood VOUR kidneys ere constantly filter? ing waste matter from the blood stream. 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