r Thousan m murphy ^ The Leadir Vol. IVL?No. 48 Million D( All Is In Reac Gigantic Cou Of Fun Am INDIAN ball game, PARADE OF FLOATS. BASEBALL PLANNED i _____ All was in readiness for Cherokee county's greatest celebration ? a grand and glorious fourth of July? today as plans were completed for an aii-day, county-wide mixture of fun and frolic. Preparations were made for thousands of people who arc expected to visit Murphy to join in the mirth and gaiety that will hold sway during the course of the day as gorgeous floats go by, the Indians from the Reservation provide thrills with their quaint ball game and ringing and tans yell themselves hoarse at' two fine, fast ball games. Practically every merchant and civic organization in Murphy had! planned to enter a float in the parade and the same sentiments were sounded from surrounding towns tha' will join in the hilarious spree hen affecting a spectacle that prob ubl;, has never been witnessed locally heretofore. At least 40 floats are expected to compete for $15 in p:iz<s for those that are best decorated and f. r the dog i ara&e which will feature a Urge lange and variety of pedifci i*5 and plain, every-day curs. ~ i Indian ball game which does n t m remottly resemble the ba*o to base routine that the i resent sjenciati' ii is familiar with, stand:? out as th< high-light of the Fourth Thosi that have see.', it played it t: fastest, roughest game ever played and 22 iouvh and tumble lav.- who be.^r many scais oi' s:.v.ilar lrays, will jam the ball in their mouth- ana tight and crawl for their go..l i.ne while the other team puts up i" most stubborn defense. Tw< fast ball games?the morning game with the Hayesville nine *nd t te afternoon affray with Marble?js expected to pack in the crowds. Merchants and citizen from all over the county generously cooperated with the sponsors of the pro-1 P'am in promoting the gala occasion. All communities have ben reported by Luke Ellis; chief of the committees, a- working actively to promote one of the finest celebrations ever observed in Cherokee county. REPRESEisfr A xi\/r I OF CATTLE CLUB I I IS PLEASED HERE 1 H. C. Bate?, field epresentative I *or the American Guernsey Cattle I dob, was here Tuesday visiting: I Cherokee county farmers and sketI ching calves for eligibility for regis1 tration into the club. I Making the rounds wUh A. Q. I Fetner, Cherokee county agent, I Bates was said to he well nleased 1 *ith the status of the county's cat tie. I Following a move lately to have I 88 many registered cattle imported 1 Possible and T-r.ve all eligible cat1 e in the county registered, John I ?>dd.s, local farmer, rectntly pur| phased a miv^i?-* * - ? - ..wv-urea diiii cat from Klondike farms, at Elkins, N. *? said to be 0119 of the finest Guer1 Sey farms in the country that is ''-^landing. I The mother of the hull as a class 1 I Producer has produced 50001 B W?1 of milk and 273 pounds of I mtter fat in 158 days, the men 1 Pointed out. ds Expect* Iff Ctfl 'g Weekly NetDtp*per in Pester* Nortl Murphy, N. C. pilars App liness For , nty-wide Day i Frolic For Alll CITY COUNCIL ACTS TO OBTAIN WATER SUPPLY FUND HERE The town council took action Tuesday night to apply for a PWA ^ loan to enlarge the waterworks ^ program in the event the TV A dan; is built on the H;awasee river in this section and at the same time liter- 1 ally signed a "death warrant'' for ' numerous drivers of "one-eyed" cats within the town limits. ' An anticipated increase in population which would be certain tj re ?ult with the announcement that the TV A was building on a local site would necessitate building a greater supply of water, the council decided and the application for the PWA funds which would take care of "45 percent of the project's finances with four percent interest, wa.s forwaided to Mr. Vanderhoof who was in chaige of making estimates on the local water supply. "Of course we will only ask f"?T . this loan if a greater water supply is needed", Mayor J. B. Gray said Wednesday, 4 and that will probably only be in the event the dam it built in this immediate locality." Answering complaints that drivers of automobiles in this section were operating their cars at r.ight with ?nly une light a <1 were making no effort to have them properly lighted, the beard went on record as instructing the town officers t. enforce the state law. "In the event - meore h:.s burned out a light on ihe ..ay to town we have n reason to a rest him*' , '.he mayto commented :jn the action. I "but our oflicers have b en in * tructed to arrest anyone wilfully violating the state law i . this rei -pect." v Murphy To Play 4 Ball j Games Here In 1 Week i Lovers of baseball in this section will have the jleusu-e of witnessing c four good games this week b sides | c the head ar.d b ne busting Cherokee ! } ball game that will be played here * today. 1 On the Fourth of July Murphy meets Hayesville in the morning and t Marble in the afternoon. Saturday } afternoon the local beys do.n their t [ sweat shirt and venture up to meet t the Marble players again, and then 1 on Sunday afternoon the boys from I c ppernilj come over here wilh ( blood in their eye seeking revenge c for a stinging defeat at the hands .1 of the locals there some time ago. ( o I Murphy Hardware Co. s Repainted Last Week ^ The Murphy Hardware company, owned by Mr. R. C. Mattox, was attractively repainted black and white during the past week. Practically every business house in the town has now been Tepainted adding much to the attractiveness e of Murphy. Oxford Orphanage Will Give Concert Here Soon A concert by the Oxford orphan- '' age will bo pre.-onted in the Murphy ( _?i_ . i t??;j? ia w svji 'in duunui iuiii un ruuav, uuiy 1 j it was announced Tuesday. Folk songs and dances including w several novelty numbers are being sj included on the program that annually makes a hit locally. *d For ( tmkt h Carolina, Covering a Largr one Thursday, Jul ropriated HUGECHEROKEE SCOUT, JOURNAI CAMPAIGN END' Mrs. C. C. Lloyd, Of Robbinsville, Wins Ford V-8 Mrs. C. C. Lloyd, ol Robbinsvillt awarded the new F rd V-8 coach a; top prize in 'the Cheokee Scout Tunaluska Journal Fubfcription cam paifm which came to a Rucce^sfu end Saturday evenir.c. The second prize, a beautiful 94 point diamond Ting, -went to Mrs. H Mattcx, of Murphy. Mrs. Han :ock Davis, of Andrews, won Vhf iving loon suite, while the fourth >rize, a Philco radio, was given tc Vliss Myrt Prater, of Hayesville. The campaign -closed after si> veekf of hard work on the part of nore than a dozen contestants whci vo'.kfd diligently to place the Scout nd the Journal in eve^y home hroughout Cherokee and Graham ounties. Both the campaign manager, Mr. . W. Stamper, of New Ta2.ev.-e4], Tenn., and L. A. Lee, publisher of he papers defined the campaign a* >eing "very satsfactory" and pullially thanked all the ladies who h wed their untiring interest in done; their best to mak. the campaign ompletcjy successful from every ngle. With the e '<% * *k rnv a;gn .1 objective '?t j:I - v.i! the u: i every hi,,vio in C. . I:e. c >ur.ty si> attai: ( tl. "! ?i all av;.",ii/le fig.; ? the iS. i;t n . . - la.gest " .-illation it las . . fiii?t Hiblished. .\i!v*-r:>e:s in the pa: a e >\v tsstircd of complete coverage <>i the e:r'.tory the pare? represents. Moreover the publisher, with the vtn fact in mi J that :he p:.j:ei :;;3 been -eeeiving jm kviati.::. < unit from the people It srvt-, ing forward to ::er the best he - his staff c;.n give to provide the est readable and profitable weeky newspaper possible. The enthusiasm with which the ampaign was received assured him i the readers* interests and It is lis one de?iie to serve both the eaders and the advertisers with the inest mediums in his p iwer. The effoits of the contestants and he success of the campaign make nm oojiged to put out and even >igger and better Scout to represent he needs of the territory it covers. Those judging the content were: 'ercy B. Ferebec, president of the Citizens Bank and Trust company, f Andrews; Mayor J. B. Gray of lurphy; R. S. Parker, of Murphy 'ol. D. H. Tillitt, of Andrews; Noah .ovingood, manager of the Murphy iupply company, of Murphy. ACTION DEFERRED ON SETTING UP OF HEALTH UNIT HERE Actions on the creations of a health nit in Cherokee county jeferrd at a regular meeting of the board f commissioners Monday until a pecial meeting which will be held n the fifteenth of the month. One of the numbers expressed his oubt as to the passing of the pro1 which has been accented in n" of ? -? - ?w vwu cwunues in western Xorth arolina. The budget of the unit ould call for an appropriation of ld.000 of which the county's part ould be $2500. a figure that was "id to "be out of line" with that of ie other counties at a meeting of ie board June J 9. . - - : ?- * : lebration Hit pagks ^ TODAY >taU ' I $1.50 YEAR?5c COPY ssee Dam oration Of ;>riation Is re Wednesday PER Vdvise That Sub Comopropriation* Today InIn TV A Projects And Dollars For Beginning ject Which Means That inds Sufficient To ComThat You AH Will Be ws. It Was A Great 'e Aided In This Matter fied. S SIGNED EYNOLDS NATOR time and postponed any work hero for two years which was interpreted as meaning no more work would ever be done cn the local stie. In Washington Dr. Morgan took up the light and said the Hiawassee dam was a "vital" element in the development <f the TV A program aheartily imp vssed the comr.ittee that it was lelieved practily the whole T > \ set-up was at stake. Me :cover it \va- pointed out t ti e . mittee that a laig* part of the. WA -1; si (i> r.;- nt1!; sm-t.t heie bounty Ce tHw ! Potentially Rich Terri toi-r in This I y 4, 1935. For Hiwa | Word On Rest Local Appro] > Received He WASHINGTON, D. C. JULY 3, 1935. COL. HARRY P. COO MI1DDUV W r ** V,. Answering Wire J mittee Of Deficiency A] ; eluded Hiawassee Dam Awarded One Million 1 of Work Upon This Pro We Will Later Secure Fu plete The Dam. Know Delighted With This Ne Pleasure For Me To Ha\ And I Am Muchlv Grati REGARD ROBERT R. R U. S. SE1 One million dollars has leen ap- j propriated to begin work or the $12,000,000 Hiawassee dam at the. Co'em&i site 12 miles lelcw here according to a wire from Sen. Bob Reynolds which reached here at 4:3? Wednesday evening. Climaxing two hectic weeks of fighting with appropr:?-tion commit- I , tees and the lower house the word j j received here af'.er several days j of anxiety, during the defeat o: the President's utility fcill in the house. fv.* > v. '_ 1:, ag?? tke :: ' *.! cut ha oi > $ . iU . i A iav.?. i?' ... . t (i TV A .. da and inmcuatelv preventatives ir Washing! n n s - van*red with v.v\- a- t! rn : , -i-e their i : ' v in % the ! \ 1 > reeons: A red. iarry I. Cooj ' an! E. R. N . veil, Mnryhy attorneys, immediately r.' to \Va>hinj?tcn to line up the ic i .e.- that finally brought the deci -icn about. An appeal to the appropriationsi committee was iutile but the appeal . w^s sent back to the house a- a decision was to have Veen handed d wn Friday. Howevt the fight . over the utility bill crowded it out . of the picture and word was expected momentarily from that time. Having awaited I4 months for some indication as to when the work , would actually start, it was mt until nr.n - ?u,wu,uuu was cut oil from the local appropriation that Dr. Morgan announced in Washington that actual woTk would begin on the Coleman site immediately if the appropria ton were restored. A number of sites have been considered from Mu Iphy down to Chattanooga and it was not until Dr. Morgan made his statment that any definite site had been named. Local enthusiasm mounted h'gh upon the announcement of the TVA's consideration of the local site last June. Sin c that time every it | fort has been made to bring vhe i dan to one of the local sites. Apparently fighting against odds, concentrated effort never waned and Wednesday when the news reached here Murphy literally went wild as the news spread like aging fire throughout the town. Local citizens were plunged :r despair when the announcement came two weeks ag ? that half 01 the local appropriation had been cut off and a greater amount had been F'omisea to Tennessee. Termed as "an upper Tennessee tributary", the appropriation committee said they felt the Hiawassee dam was nat necessary to TVA development at this , r. ; <}- uhical. r. vdrohgical and l: . -gical su ' eys 'hs* would he -tt tl in ev ent the dam was j ? hi. " j(. hi ought t i t!: atte : "'r. the machinery um?' . - ?" liarn coulu not -t ! jti ^ ntemplnted >:tc? a - d 'X . .:M a'.e tc be scrap e .1. liept alio ?3y the f-\t has been made j ublic that the Coleman site ideal for the building of a hydroelectric dam an. the unlimited mineral les: urees could be worked advantageously while a section of the country that had teen oenied modtin developments i . years could come into its , wn. Fr.* the past 30 years the Fowler ber.d section has been considered by tiist one company and then another as z poiibie dam site but work was never done the-e on any large scale v ntil the TV A began considering it. Whtn the TVA's interest became known Murphy boomed and built ovel night. Hopes and investments were banked on if and when ths news cams that one million had been appropriated to st&Tt the project local citizens at last saw their dreams c me true. As yet the possibilties are of such staggering proportions that they are not fully t-omprehensibit*. The wire which was received by Mr. Cooper said that $1.COO,000 had beer, appropriated to start the work which natu? tolly carries the implication "immediately". Sentiments of appreciation to Dr. Morgan, Bob Reynold?,. Zebulon Weaver, Josephus Daniels and all the fellows that gave their best to see Murphy come into what is rightly theirs fell from all sides ami were graciously bestowed in thanks for efforts that fjnaly brought the lor.g5 rght. life-rejuvenating dam to Cherokee county and to North Carolina. JVliss Charlotte Abern&thy, of Copnpthill ai^acuve fruesT. Jf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fain. ~~~~

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