Difficulties Inject Spirit and Vigor in Chosen Work The way to find Joy In one's work Is to find something one wants to do, enjoys doing. Then one ran work with aim and purpose. When one likes his work lie ran work against difficulties. For such a one difficulties animate rather than slacken his endeavors, lie is also to work with perseverance and patience. IT WORKED _F0R ME fake only K ~ * ^g? liquid " ** J* \fORE people could feel fine, bo I" fit and regular, if they v uu*d only follow the rule of doctors and hospitals in relieving constipation. Never take any laxative that is harsh in action. Or one, the dose of which can't be exactly measured. Doctors know the danger if this ruls is violated. They use liquid laxatives, and keep reducing the dose until the bowels need no help at all. Reduced dosage is the secret of aiding Nature in restoring regularity. xou must use a utile less laxative each time, and that's why it should be a liquid like Syrup Pepsin. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and if it doesn't give you absolute relief, if it isn't a joy and comfort in the way it overcomes biliousness due to constipation, your money back. PAIN f*|*l Though I have tried all good Br remedies Capudine suits me SI best. It is quick and gentle." Quickest because it is liquid? its Ingredients are already din- Jk a sglved. For headache, neural- B ph >,9 gic, or muscle aches. Black - Draught's Population The confidence people have in Black-Draught, built up from satisfactory use so many years, is shown in its being handed on from one generation to another. It must he good to have such a strong following. "We have used Black-Draught for twenty years," writes Mr. Fred Richardson, of Hartshorne, Ok la. "My mother has used it for fifty years. It is the best- medicine I know anything about. I take it for sour stomach and constipation, or when I feel sluggish and bad. Black-Draught is splendid to regulate the bowels, cleansing them of waste matter, ridding them of constipation. I expect to use it twenty-five years more if I live and it gives satisfaction as it has always given." FALLING HAIR DANDRUFF?BALD SPOTS? Save your hair by regular use of Glover's Mange Medicine, foll9R Jpjjjj lowed by a sham-JSHIGfl Poow*chGlover's Medicated Soap. Rids you of Dandruli;stopsExccssive Falling Hair; combats Baldness. Atau gS druggist] MMnUUU|BI <<siraJH For Constipation Troubles Thousands now -take Dr. Hitchcock's Laxative Powder tor biliousness, sick headaches and up-set stomach due to constipation. They find that Dr. Hitchcock's All-Vegetable Laxative Powder is mild?but effective?it acts gently, yet thoroughly and removes that clogged condition of the bowels. Cleanse your Intestines of waste matter? don't allow poisons to accumulate and break down your vitality and bealth^Famil^iix^S^^^^^^ .TwmrM^TAHirMr The Cherokee Scout, IMPROVED" UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson Bv REV P. B FlfZW.VTER. I?. D.. Member of FVulry. Moody Bible Institute of Chlcaeo. ? Western Now jpapor Union. Lesson for February 16 JESUS' REPLY TO JOHN THE BAPTIST'S QUESTION LESSON TEXT?Luke 7;19-28. GOLDEN TEXT?I believe help thou mine unbelief.?Mnrk 9 24. PRIMARY TOPIC?Jesus Answers John's Question. JUNIOR TOPIC?Jesus Answers John's Question INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?Meetinir Doubts With Facts. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?How Jesus Answers Honest Doubts. ^ The title. "Jesus Helps a Doubter,** a stood one. John was not a doubter, though somewhat perplexed. Jesus specifically defends him against such a charge (see Matt. 11:7-11 as well as the present text). It is to he hoped that no teacher will perpetuate this error. John was a great man. In announcing his birth the angel said. "He - ;?all he great in the si slit of tho Lord." lb* was great, also, when measured by the standards of men. In teaching this lessor a survey should he made of John's life and work. I. John's Birth and Ministry Foretold (Isa. 40:3; of. Matt. 3:3). He was thought about and his work planned long before he was born. lie came as Hod's messenger. II. John's Character. 1. Humble (Luke 3:4). He did not seek hitman praise and commendation, but "shrunk from them. His supreme concern was to proclaim Christ. 2. Courageous (Luke 3:7). He faced a great multitude and struck hard at their sins. He did not trim his message to suit the crowd. III. John's Preaching (Luke 3:3-S>, 1. He sounded forth a ringing call to repentance (vv. 3-0). Suddenly emerging from his seclusion, he came into the region of the Jordan as a messenger of Hod. calling upon the people to repent as a means of preparation for the coming of the Messiah. 2. He demanded proofs of penitence (vv. 7, S). He insisted that their false prophets had to he abandoned, their sinful hearts had to b? renovated, showing them that the vllt passions of their souls must be up rooted. The turning of a soul from sin God, was necessary. IV. John Sent a Deputation tc Jesus (Luke 7:10-23). 1. Their question (v. 19, 20). "Arl thou lie that should come? or look we for another?" Because John did not see the interval between the suffer ings of Christ and tl?o ?lnrv thai should follow?bptween the cross ??1 Christ and his second coming?lie wn? perplexed; therefore, he sent a deputn tion to Jesus for light. This perplexity was not something culpable in John he cause the prophets did not see, or al least did not make clear, the interval between the crucifixion of Christ am! his second coining. The Messiah, he knew, had to he the Lamb of Goci which taketh away the sin of tin world (John 1:20). The trend ol events puzzled him. It was not a lacl of faith, but confusion of mind, thai prompted his inquiry. There wort two lines of predictions concerning the Messiah; the one set him fortli as the suffering One, as in Isaiah the other as an invincible conqueror, as In Isaiah *>.'>. Indeed, in Tsaiah 00:1, 2 the two are joined together (Luke 4:17-20). 2. Jesus' action (v. 21). In that same hour, doubtless in the presence of John's disciples, Jesus cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits, and to many that were blind he gave sight. U. Jesus' messaire to John (vv 22. 23). Jesus said to thorn, "Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard.** V. Jesus' Defense of John (Luke 7:24-28). 1. He declared that John was not vacillating like a reed swayed by the wind (v. 24). 2. John was not doubting because of the hardship of prison life (v. 25). 3. John was not a mistaken prophet (vv. 25-28). He makes John equal to the greatest of the Old Testament prophets by declaring that among those born of women there hath not arisen a greater prophet than John. 4. The response of the people (v. 2?J). The people who heard this defense, even the publicans, accepted it as a vindication of John. They Justified God. They not only accepted the vindication, but were baptized with the baptism of John. VI. John's Martyrdom (Mark 6:1429). While John was in prison Herod had frequent interviews with him, John boldly told him that It was un lawful for him to have his brother's wife. He did not mince matters ever with a king. This so enraged the licentious Herodlas that she caused his deutb. Murphy, N. C., Thursday ..... The Mind * , LOW KLL Meter HENDERSONj ? Bell Syndicate.?WNU Service. The Similarities Test In eaeli problem of the following lest there :ire three words. The first two words bear a certain relationship to one another. Write in a fourth word which hears the satne relationship to the ihird word that 'he soeOk.d does to the first. 1. Flame, gas; bulb, . < lasoline.automobile; horse, . It. Frank Frisch, baseball; Harold MoSpaden, . 4. Thin, thick; slim, ? . Homer, poetry; Demosthenes, 0. Albany, New York; Concord, . 7. Soldier, army; sailor, . 8. Roosevelt, Garner; Hoover. . 0. America's Cup, yachting ;WIglitman Cup, . 10. Stateroom, oeean liner; cell, V>e only the following words: , navy, Curtis, prison, electricity, fat. New Hampshire, oratory, wagon, tennis, golf. Answers 1. Electricity. ?'?. New- HanipI 2. Wagon. shire. 3. CSolf. " Navy. 4. Far. .S. Curtis. r?. Oratory. IK Tennis. ___10 Cycled 120,000 Miles Adam Armstrong has retired from the force of the Kilmarnock (Scotland) post office, after *UV years* service. During that period he cycled over 120,00m miles, and- hns..?ei;ved f under eight, tiead postmasters. Fol low employees feted him as he start1 ed his rest. j gee... *-v (oH, i'm soth 'i wish this \ dear.' he's " headache i richest yoi \ WOULD CfcHT.f. MAN IN I'VE GOT A \\\ TOWN/ M DATE TO GO ' SKATING J \WMF WITH BILL I : j tfiMI I ^ADAwy / ' ' SKaS i i jz&mmm tx r / bill didn't I j why, I'm ? : ask me to } bill loves f the big dance but you'll next month/ him for GC ' guess the you don't 1 snob thinks \ 1 being so he's too good s mean/ . '. 0'< ^ y> PAYS LATERgBMBF r, February 13, 1936. OUTLOOK AND UPLOOK We cannot keep our clearest vision by making it too narrow. Wlill* concentration is demanded. It must not be forgotten that the uplook an I the outlook are necessary to under standing and the best effort. AGraveM Mother GIVING CHILD Uf WITHOUT ASK 11* GIVING your child a medi- j cine or remedy you don't know all about ? without asking your family doctor first ? is ' a bad risk for any mother to | take. I Doctors and child authori- | ties say health, and sometimes i | life itself, depends on this. So ? when you're offered a I "bargain" in a remedy for your I child; ask your doctor before Safety fymaiv/ tyout* [Hr m NOW, ALSO IN TABLET FORM You can assist others by refusing to accept a substitute for the genuine Phillips* Milk of Magnesia. Do this in the interest of yourself and your children ? and in the interest of the public in general. Kmm, RILLED \ IJ WATCH WHAT the rr 1 jj You're doing ling li You almost ^PUSHED ME OVE y-HE ffl LETfe GO HOM RICH... BUT 1 THIS IS NO I IF BRAINS WERE FUN ' MONEY HE'D BE *?rr'iiil<f^ IN THE POOR 'fcai URE ' 9 THE DOCTOR VOU - I TOLD VOU TO . LOSE I QUIT COFFEE / SOD IF I DRINK POSTUA STOP L -v., INSTEAD. VOU' fW^Zs, tc\ &01NS TO DO // SAY, IF S TOO?AND G r SHE FELT AS : RID OF THOSI BAD AS YOU COFFFF-NFRV >0 SHE WOULDN'T r EVEN HAVE A ?KIND WORD FOR ' v _ SANTA CLAUS.' . ^ 2pni fea J?i -X-VJ hi I ^ ' I /"Y COURSE IHUMH \y never drii I'VE BEEN^B l^e cafTein in XPECTING IT, ^ UPS>too? IRUNG.' YOU'VE If you are 1 BEEN THE tion, or find it i IVEETEST girl may be to blai * Isn't it wort "SINCE VOU /S&J! Pncfnm -__i. WITCHED TO f Postum conta POSTTJM wheat and bra ^ Jt js easy to r V cent a cup. It's \ prove a real h< ^ FREE ?let us at Postum free! 5 & ?s.'a qinkral fcodi, ^ y Send me, witho CHINESE INFANTICIDE i Infanticide still is committed in I China to such an extent that, during ' I 1 in the modern city *>f Shanghai ! alone, an average ??f !VJ bodies of in! fants were found dally in the streets, j alleys and creeks.?Collier's. [istake for a JKNOWN REMEDIES 4G DOCTOR FIRST ' ' y v jbk ? -y* you buy it. Do this for your child's sake and your own peace of mind. Ask him particularly about the frequently used "milk of magnesia" ? about Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. He will tell you that for over 60 years physicians have endorsed it as SAFE for your child. The kind of I remedy you want your child to have. Remember this when you buy, and say "Phillips* Milk of Magnesia" to your druggist. Comes now, also, in tablets that taste of peppermint, that children like to take. / J j THIS IS SWELL/ | SlfiS 1 jL ^Bur - WM ATEVERJ^ I ^ m - I - - ^ HofrALTwGHTnHS ? ANYTHING \m io stop your kg nagging/ lET | ?ppe^rY iCAN'rsTAvX pg//j E01cpJ& POSTUM IS > "y X -'J COMING / i THE, J i ^^M^ouse h&gL , you know that children should nk coffee. But do you realize that coffee disagrees with many grownx>thered by headaches or indigcsdifficult to sleep soundly ... caffein me. h while to try Postum for 30 days? ins no caffein. It is simply whole in, roasted and slightly sweetened, nake, and costs less than one-half i a delicious drink, too ... and may dp. A product of General Foods. >nd you your first week's supply of >imply mail coupon. Om? a. r. cone. Battle Cteek. Mich. who?inn ut obligation, a week'* supply of Postum. State iplmtmljr. print nam* and addroaa. Canada, addre**: General Pood*, Ltd.. Ont. (Offer expires Dec. 31, 1936.)

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