Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936 I Atrial J Mrs. H. Bueck, Phone TO MY VALENTINE When lac v valentine? are on their way again. From man to maid. And from Cupid's bow drops of scarlet stain A soulfud serenade, I find myself renewing youth's desire? Strange, secret longings kindle into fire. As pulsations into rhythm start From my heart. j Instead of graying hair I see gold shine With ruddy light. Above eyes, that look so sweetly into mine. Deep blue as night. Though youth has fled, oh. many years ago. My love still sheds the same effulgent glow. So I send this card, lest you forget. ' I love you yet. (Jeraldine Thayer Dean?McClure Mr. and Mrs John MiClure announce the marriage of their daughter. Tauline. to Mr. J. J. Dean, of ; Raleigh, January 31st, 1936. The young couple will make their home < at Burlington. N. C. Mrs. Lee Entertains For ! S. S. Class Mrs. Dale Lee entertained with a < party at her home on last Thursday t o 1 o J l aiternuun ior ner ouiiu?.> ctuuui j < class. The Valentine idea was carried 1 out in the decoration.-* and refresh- 3 ments. After several contents were t played Miss Charlene bowles was the winner. Those present were: ^ Misses Justine Johnson, Effie Barbara Mclver. Charlene and Wanda Bowles, Mary Porter Fain. Maxine Davidson, Mary Alliene Barber and 1 and Melba Holder. t Leap Year Dance The first of the approaching Val- i entine season was a delightful Leap; Year dance given last Thursday eve-j > ning at Marie's Cafe. j i Table decorations were valentine " trees in lacy holders of red and 1 white, red candles and individual i valentines. I Dinner carrying out the red here ' and there was served in three courses I followed by dancing. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. H. I A. Mattox, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck, Misses 1 Louise Axley, Ann Candler, Annie 1 Mae Townson, Woodfin Posey, Marxr.H o, X tna INCH ft Vila, oaiix 1VUVH X \iov;, 1 Messrs Buster Bayless, Jimmy Ward, A. C. Reps is, Herschel St. Ledger, O. j W. Deaton and Frank Morris. ( Miss Mayfield Hostess e Mis Martha Mayfield wa.- hostess this week to two Valentine card dances given at her home in East a Murphy. P On Friday night her guest list was J' composed of the following: Mr. and " Mrs. Tom Mauney, Mr. and Mrs. H. ' 'A. Mattox, Mr. and Mrs. Quay Ket- Sl ner. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck, Misses p Ruby Courtney, Fannie M.vra Hath. ? cock, Margaret Yount. Hilda Fuller. ^ Meredith Whitaker, Julia Mcintosh. ? Pauline Lentz. Messrs Hershel St. Ledger, L. A. Lee, E. V. Deans, O. W. Deaton, Jim Nelson, Sam Neville, it R. B. Wooten and Buel Adams. M On Saturday evening the group r< consisted of Misses Betty Bailey, f Louise Axley, Martha Nell Wells, a Annie Mae Townson. Sara Ruth Posey. Woodfin Posey, Mildred Akin, { Anne Candler, Frances Dixon and Grace Barnett. Messrs Charles Dickey Buster Bayless, Herschel St. Ledger, A. C. Repsis, R. B. Wooten, O. W. ' Deaton. B. C. Moneymaker, Jimmy 1 Ward, Jim Nelson, Hadley Williamson, Sam Nevelle and Buel Adams. Miss Mayfield served refreshments (during intermission at both affairs. Woman's Club Meets February 19th. The Literature Department of the Woman's club will be in charge of the program on Wedn<?tey, Fqbruary 19. Mrs. T. A. Case is chairman of this department. The program promises to be moc>t interesting. This is the meeting for election of officers and it is hoped a fulll attendance will be present. Hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. F W. Hubbell, Mrs. P. G. Ivie, Mrs. Dunn Lawrence, Mrs. R. C. Price. Mrs. O. E. Madden. Miss Fannie TheClw Attii Pe 98-J Miss F ?wxkkkx~x-x-x-x-x-x~x~x-s-*x Choral Club Met Monday Evening 1 A large number met for the regu, lar practice at the library on Mon1 (lav night. i Kchersal for numbers to be used on the Fine Arts Festival program was followed bv the ladies practice for Mrs. Madden's March program at the Woman's club. Those attending this meeting were: Mr.\ H. P. Cooper, Mrs. Dale Lee. Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs. Tom Mauney, Mrs. T. S. Evans, Mrs. H. Bueck, Misses Martha Nell Wells, Hilda Fuller. Frances Brame, Margaret Yount, Emily Sword. Louise Axley. Messrs A. C., H. P. Cooper. Dale Lee, Jim Nelson, Herschel St. Ledger, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Milner, Mr. Woodrow D. Wright, Rev, H. W. Baucom, Jr.. Rev. George L.. Granger and Mr. Gunning. The group meets again next Monday night at 7 o'clock. Circle No. 2 Met with Mrs. Kinney Circle No. 2 of the Baptist Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. \V. C. Kinney in East Murphy Tues. lay afternoon. The topic for the afternoon wa? 'Laborers with God", those taking 3ails were: Mrs. \V. H. Murray. Mrs. \V. t\ Knney, Mrs. Noah Lovinrood, Mrs. Sheridan Dickey, Mrs. T. 2. McDonald. After the program a ocial hour was enjoyed. Those promt were: Mrs. \V. H. Murray, Mrs. X. S. Dickey, Mrs. Noah Lovingood, Mrs. T. C. McDonald and little dauglier, Mary Louise McDonald. ^orld Club Entertained Mrs. K. C. Mallonee. assisted by Mrs. Dale Lee and Miss Josephine Jeighway entertained the members >f the World Club wit a pretty valeninc party Tuesday evening at the lome of Mrs. E. C. Mallonee. The alentine idea being carried out in lecorations, games and refreshments. Those present were: Maxine David;on, Dorothy Carroll, Jane Hill, Ro. >erta Carringer, Justine Johnson, Mary Barber, Mary Catherine Axey. Billje Barnes, Melba Holder. Efie Barbara Mclver, Paul Padgett, 'ierman Akin. Robert McDonald. Jack MeGuire. Jack Dickey. Harry Dickey, .a.i- T-.U. t_ . ^ -* ? * uum.aiMi, jacK lamngcr, fc.dvard Dickey, Arthur Barber, .Jr., Bill .eatherwood, John Dickey, Jerry tlalloncc. Mrs. E. B. Xorvell, Mrs. I. E. Dickey. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. barber. Valentine Party A lovely valentine party is to be ic hl at the home o? Mrs II. E. Dieky. on Friday evening, the fourteen h of February, at seven thirty and very one is cordially invited. The missionary society of the Metodist church is sponsoring this party nd an elaborate program is being lanned. The officers of the miss)nary society will be in the receiv1 g line and those to appear on the rogram will be Mrs. Emily David, an, Mrs. C. W. Savage, Miss Mararet Fuller, Mrs. E. L. Holt, Mrs. '. E. Madden, Mrs. Henry Axley, Irs. H. P. Cooper. Mrs. H. E. Dickv, Mrs. Tom Axley and Mrs. W. A. arber. A silver offering will be taken and is hoped the women and men of [urphy will come and make this a ?ally happy occasion. This is a loating party and any one may come nd go at will. -"resbyterian Auxiliary ro Meet Tuesday The Presbyterian Auxiliary will meet next Tuesday afternoon, Feb. uary 18th at the Regal Hotel with Mrs. C. W. Savage as hostess. All members are urged to be present. P.-T. A. To Meet Today Members of the P.T. A. are urgec to attend the meeting this afternoor at 3 o'clock. Mrs. W. A. Barber anc Mr. M. W. Bell will be the speaker; on "The Child Our Potential Cits ze" " -i 5 *? " * Stunt Program Tonight The Junior class stunt program that was scheduled last week. hu1 postponed will be t iven tonight at 7 30. A hilarious program of event; will enteretain you during the even 'ng. Proceeds go to the Junior class . ' nrokee Scout, Murphy, Noi ramtal i lattie Palmer, Phone 20 j Evening Circle Met Monday Members of the cirlce of the Presbyterian church met Monday I evening at the Manse. Officers for the coming year were i elected a-3 follows: Mrs. S. H. Long,! Councillor, Mrs. Franklin Smith j Chairman, Mrs. R. H. Foard. Assistant chairman. Miss Clemmie Lovin. secreatry, Mrs. Steele Foard, treasurer. After the devoitional, the program followed which consisted of a review of the first jsix Bible reading 011 the Holy Spirit. A social period followed and a surprise birthday cake with candles was brought in for Miss Hattie Palm er. Refreshments were served by Mrs. S. H. Long. Those present were: Mrs. Rob Foard, Mrs. Steele Foard, Mrs. Ed Hyatt, Mrs. Henry Hyatc, Mrs. Franklin Smith, Mrs. George Phillips Mrs. S. H. Long, Mrs. Daton, Missc Clemmie Lovin and Hattie Palmer. Junior Club Meets Next Week Miss Martha Nell Wells will be in .. 1. ? . c 11? T : ? 1 , I <-?uti>;v ?u tnc o ui:iur n oman s ciuo program when it meets next Wednesday night at 7:30. A musical program will be given by Miss Wells. Hostesses will be Miss Sallie Kate Baker, and Miss Mary Nell Williamson. Mrs. Frank Ellis, president will preside and conduct the business ses>ion. !l\lrs. Bueck Entertains Two tables of bridge were in play on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. Bueck. Valentine tallies were used and the heart motif was repeated in re. freshinents consisting of salad, cake and coffee. Mrs. Quay Ketner was winner of high score and Mrs. Julia Martin second high. Those playing besides the hostess were: Mr. Quay Ketner, Mrs. Julia Marti :, Mrs. Dot Cooper, Mrs. Eva N\ Laurie. Mrs. Tom Axley, Mrs. Fred Johnson and Mrs. M. W. Bell. Mvs. O. E. Madden was a tea guest. Mr. Zeb Lovingood The many friends of Mr. Zeb Lovingood, of Peachtrec who has been ill for the past four months will be glad to learn that he is improving. Mv. and Mrs. Clint Smithwick and small daughter, of Marietta, Ga.. were the visitors of Mv. and Mrs. Prank Owonby during the past week, end. Mrs. Smithwick is a sister of Mrs. Frank Owenby. Miss Mary Weaver who is teaching at Oakboro, N. C., arrived Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Rateliff and children, of Copperhill, Tenn.. were guests Sunday and Monday of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Martin. Mr. A. M. Simons, of Valdese, N. C., is visiting his brother, Mr. D. M. Simons this week at the Maples. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Baucom, Jr., announce the birht of a son, February H, Herbert Baucom III. Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Moore announce the birth of a daughter, February 10th, Betty Jean. Misses Ruby Conley, Marie Patter, son and Ml Luther, of Andrews, were visitois in town Wednesday. \Mrs. John McGuire, of Peachtree, is visiting her sisters. Misses Carrie, Lydia and Bessie Mallonoe. Mrs. Jessie Passons, of Peachtree, was shopping in town, Monday. Mr. Jack McGuire, of Peachtree is visiting his cousins, Eddie and Jerry Mallonee this week. TAKE Advantage of the bad weather offer of Croquignole per. manenti for $2.00 at Candler's Beauty Shoppe, Candler's Dpartment Store, Murphy, N. C. Mrs. George Mauney is attending I a meeting in Raleigh this week Mrs. i Mauney is working with the State I Welfare department. I Mrs. N. J. Lauria has returned . home from a visit with her sister, i Mrs. S. S. Christopher of Atlanta. Mrs. Bessie Deweese is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Crawford, of Ducktown. Mr. H. J Ayera, of Cl'S'pwBi, Ga? t was a -.isitor in town last week. Miss Alline Richardson who teach es in Forest City is spending a few , days here, her school being closed. Miss Meredith Whitaker spent the week-end. in Andrews. rth Carolina BAPTIST CHURCH Regular services are as follows for Feb. 16. 1936. 9:45?Sunday School. 11:0G?Morning Worship ? Pastor will use as his subject "Great Verbs of Jesus' Message." 6:00?Baptist Traning Union. " :00?Evening Worship. The pas. tor's subject will be, "On Life's Highway." You are cordially invited to all of these services. The Baptist Traning Union wiil meet Sunday night at 6 o'clock. All young people please come and train your self for the Lords service. c CDICrr^D AT LA 1JV.WI t\L CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH. Rev. George Lemuel Granger, Rector SUNDAY SERVICES | 10 A. M.?Church School. 11 A. M.?Morning: Prayer and Sermon. 7 P. M.?Evening Prayer and Sermon. All most cordially invited to these services. METHODIST Rev. W. Arthur Barber, pastor of the Murphy Methodist church needs 100 pint maynonaise or other glass jars with tin tops. Please look around the house and gather all the jars available and send to the Methodist parsonage sometime this week or bring or send to the church Sunday morning. "The Present-day Church and God's Will" will be the subject of Rev. W. Arthur Barber at the MethPie Supper To Be Held At Maggies Chapel Soon A pie supper will be held at Maggie's Cluipel church Sat., Feb. 22, a committee decided at a regular meeting last Saturday. The proceeds will go to pay off indebtedness ot tne cnurcn. The pies will be sold first under the direction of Mrs. M. D. Coker and Mrs. Linda Clayton. Cakes will be sold by Mrs. L. L. Mason and Mrs. B. H. Wilson, and the sale of coffee will be under the supervision of Mrs. Clayton Mason and Mrs. Wade Wil. son. Everyone is invited to come to the supper which will start at 7:3o o'clock M s. Giles Cover and daughter, Eleanor of Andrews, were visitors in town Saturday. Mr. O. W. Deaton was called to his home in Biscoe Tuesday because of the serious illness of his mother. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Darnell, a son, February 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton G. Ivie returned Monday after spending the week-end with relatives in Cornelia. Ga. Mr. George Phillips was a business visitor at Franklin Mondav TWCAMWh "TRY lO" OFFER STILL Smoke 10 fragrantCamels.Ifyt find them the mildest, best-f cigarettes you ever smoked, I the package with the rest of tl rettes in it to us at any time a month from this date, and refund your full purchase pri Reyot , Winston-Sal en COSTLI TOBACi ^/ieyQo not because bey ought to ut because fheij YANT TO CO/ ' PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, Feb. 16th, 1936 Sunday School. 10:00 A. M? J. B. Gray, Supt. Morning Worship. 11:00 A.M.: Sermon, "The Faith of Our Children." by the pastor. No evening service on this, the 3rd Sunday. Tuesday, Feb. 18. The Woman's Auxiliary meets with .Mrs. t. >v savage at trie Kegal Hotel at two o'clock for a discussion of the study book. "The Faith of Our Fathers" which will be led by Mrs. J. N. Hill. Wednesday, Feb. 19th. Midweek Bible Study at the Manse. Notes. The Diamond Jubilee Committee ' of the Presbytery is planning two | group conferences on Stewardship to be held on Feb. 25 and 26 and led by Dr. Edward D. Grant, Secretary of Publication for the whole Southern Presbyterian Church and formerly Secretary of the General Assembly's Committee on Stewardship. One such conference will be held in Ashevillo and it is hoped that the other can be held here to take the place of the Conference on Evangelism which was called off. It would be a rare privilege for Murphy to have such a leader as Dr. Grant with us. Further announcement of the conference will be made next week. odist Church Sunday Morning at 11:00. Mr. Barber will speak Sunday evening at 7:00 on the subject: "The Mystic Healer." The Sunday school will be held at 9:45. Mr. Dale Lee, Superintendent. The World Club will meet under the direction of Mrs. E. C. Mallonee at 11:00 in the children's department. The Young Peoples Organizations will meet at 6:15 P. M. WorAip with us. Brasstown time. "We wish to take this method of thanking the people for their splendid cooperation and their willingness to helD build the church" members of the committee saiii Tuesday. GIRLS ENROLL NOW Letra Beauty Culture Properly in at school fully ACCREDITED and APPROVED by STATE EOARDS. a DIPLOMA in THREE MONTHS. Let us prepare you with this profitable prsfwioa to own your own SMART BEAUTY SHOPPE, complete all round course $75.00 for limited time. There as a constant demand for our thorou tr.-.ned BEAUTY OPERATORS. It is easy to become a well paid BEAUTICIAN in our SCHOOLS in from 10 to 12 weeks. Enroll now and be prepared for a great and successful future. Good positions awaiting yon. MARETTA COLLEGE OF BEAUTY CULTURE, Munday Hotel Bonding, Franklin, N. C. DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. M..?l? ki r* VffWOWR/SX/ ??? OPEN >udon't "VK ACT NOW! lavored ** return ciga*

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