Illllmmlll ! Murphy Ne' ? ???<( Murphy H (ttlaafi Say PROG Call To Order l sonc History Yell Statistics Poem sonc .. Prophecy Last Will And Testament Yell x-x-5r\? ? va-lasium v>i Time FI Scene SC M-M-K Offi President V ice-President. Secretary & Treasurer ? SCHOOL MASTER'S CLUB By Winifred Townsend The School Master's club will meet at Hayesville Thursday night with Mr. Carroll speaking on the subject of "What can the school do for children after they leave High School?" STUNT NIGHT FEB. 13TH Winifred Townson Due to the bad v/e?th?r last Stunt Night was postponed until toI night, Feb. 13th. Be sure and come. LOOSE TWO STUDENTS The Junior class has lost two students, Charles Henderson and Troy Millsaps. IS THIS IMPROVED? By Winifred Townsend Some English students try to improve on the lines of poetry from masters' pens. Miss Bramc received this version of a familiar line from Tennyson's Uylesses, "To strive to sleep; to find a way to yield." ABSENT FROM SCHOOL By Winifred Townson Miss Brame was absent from school last week because of illness, Mrs. Bueck substituted for her. ^g^TYPICAL THREE MINUTE Rates from Station- Person- ' A -kruille M r To-Station To-Person j A-DCVIUe, n. L. NlQht *no Nlflflt and * to: Sunday Sunday t Atlanta, Gjl ... .50 AS I Charleston, S. C . ; .70 1.10 1 i-..- M r an 7ft I Columbia^ S." C. . .45 .75 I Cokbboro, N. C 50 1.20 Grttmhoro, N. C. .. , . . .55 .90 1 Greenvfll., S C. 35 .55 1 JacluonrUlt. FU- . . . . .95 1.35 1 I SPECIAL SI For Long Di . 17 Oil CAN now male StationX to-Station long distance telephone calls all day on Sundays at the reduced night rates. This applies to calls on which the day station-to. station rate is more than 35 cents. Reduced night rates are also now in effect on Person-to Person calls every night after 7 P. M. and all day Sunday on calls when the day person-to-person rate is more than 30 cents. These hew "long distance" rate periods male long distance Southern Bell Telepho IInc orp e I - s The Chen MIMIimilllMOIHHHOi School j ws | igh School IZxttttBtB i R A M ANN HILL, President L _ CLASS ELLEN COOPER AXLEY CLASS MOSELLE MOORE _ .^CATHERINE COLEMAN CLASS QUARTET BLANCHE GRANT WINIFRED TOWNSON CLASS J^SS MEETING CBRUARY 13, 1936 -HOOL AUDITORIUM cers ANN HILL WINIFRED TOWNSON MOSELLE MOORE VICTORY FOR THE ROMANS By Evelyn Morrow The students have returned in time to find that the Belvetians suffered defeat at the hands of the Romans. SENIOR IMPROVING Hayes Leatherwood, a member of the Senior class, is improving after two weeks of illness. Hazel Hampton is staving with her parents near Bryson City, N. C. until she regains her health, then she will be back in the Murphy Senior class. Hazel received injuries in the recent flood at Midway lake. "THE JAY BIRD SPECIAL" By Winifred Townson "The Jay Bird Special", the newspaper in Mr. Dean's home-room, has not been published during the past few weeks because of the editor's absences from school. MURPHY HIGH CHORAL CLUB Annie Lou Stalcup The Glee Club met on Monday of this week. We practised two songs for our program which is to be given March 5th and 6th. They were: "Melody of Love", and "Out of the Dusk to You". latea from Station. P. roan- , l&Heviil# N C To-Station To-Poraan ?KTUir, 11. U Night an# Night an* Sunday lui?4ty Hurai, FU. ....... I SO 2.25 Coox.uU, T.on. . . 2 .35 .60 0 130 AWo^SJro,, N. C. ; . .50 M JNDAY RATES istance Calls telephone service still more convenient and economical, and more useful to more people in more ways than ever before. Tale advantage of these new low Sunday ratea and enjoy a voice visit by telephone next Sunday, with some of the folks back home or with sons or daughters away at school. A telephone call, you will find, is like a face-to-face visit and as satisfy ing. Ask "longdistance" for rates to wherever you wish to talk. . nc and Telegraph Co. ikeu Scoot* Murphy* Nort] VESTS Misses Allilas and Ruth Berrong attended the funeral of their cousin Mr. Clemor Boring at Liberty Thursday returning home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Voyles, son Euclid and Miss Willie Lou Wells were Sunday afternoon gutats of Mr. anu Mrs. W. R. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkie Sneed of New Hope have moved to Mr. W. H. Floyd's farm here. We welcome them into our neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Odas Colman of Oak Park, were visiting Mr. Colman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Colman last Saturday afternoon. We regret very much to hear of the death of Mr. Clemor Boring of Patrick. He was well known in this section and was loved by all who knew him. Mr. Carl Quinn was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberson Monday. Mr. Warren Johnson left Saturday for Etowah, where he will spend s few days with his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Sam Eills. He will go fron there to Georgia to join the army. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Quinn am children have moved on Mr. S- E Quinn's farm here. We welcome* them in our neighborhood by sernad ing them Friday night. Mr. R. R. Hunsucker made a busi ness trip to Mr. Lon Raper's of Oa Park last Saturday. Mr. W. R. Price was shopping ii Liberty Saturday. Misses Willie Lou Wells and Iren Washburn were the dinner guests o Miss Nellie Reid last Sunday. PERSIMMON CREEK Mr. Boyd Stiles and family hav moved back to their home on Mai tin's Creek. Owing to the inclemency of th weather, preaching services her Saturday and Sunday were prohibit ed. Mr. C. R. Stiles was a Suit visito Tuesday. Messrs Bob Rick and John Cearlj HOME ECONOMICS Violet Phillips The Home Economics girls servec the Lions Clu)>, Tuesday night. The menu was: Stuffed pork chop&?-Tomatoes Corn?Greens?Hot biscuits Corn bread?Cherry Pie?Coffee The Waitresses were: Frankie Thomas, Dorothy Lahn Mary W. Coopf r, Geraldine Shields Frances Calhoun, Sara Sword, Alic< Ramsey. ENGLISH NEWS By Louise Christopher Miss Fuller's eighth grade Englil class has been studying about Edgai Allen Poe. Miss Fuller read to th< class a clipping from the paper or Poe. They are now reading Treasure Island." STUDY FINANCES By Elizabeth Parker Misc -i? ? . u.ivi O *-"? ICS V.IlilS IIUI interesting discussions on money credit and banking. 1 3 """ ~~ I We save you ai I washing and ir I The cost is ver; I we do you'll fin I ern machinery ' I makes them las I UNEXCE I MURf j "Where We Serve A h Carotin* UNAKANEW^ ' Mre. H. E. Barton was the" guest j of Mrs. Jewel Johnson Saturday ^ night. { We are very sorry that the high school students have been having to 1 miss school on account of school 1 buses not running. We hope they will have better success this week. ^ ML?s Minnie Barton was the Satur. } day night guet\ of Miss Effie Rose. Miss Willie Burger, Miss Hazel Barnes and Ora Bryson were the made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. Mr. Lawton McDonald of Suit has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Hazel Stiles the past week-end. Mr. Porter Raper our school i teacher visited home folks the past i week. Mr. C. D. Rogers was the dinner guest of Mr. B. H. Campbell Wed. nesday. Mr. Jewel Self has moved to the T Quince Stiles place. i Mr. C. D. Rogers visited Mr. J. H. . Payne Thursday. ] 1 mbhhmmbhdbhhhhbhhhi i Mountaii Cooperal k BRASSTO The following prio e house or delivered on i f Routes: 20 % VICTOR EGG IV 20 % VARIETY LAY *| 18 ~ WOCO EGG M r' 18 BLUE JAY EGG VICTOR STARTING 1 COTTON SEED ME; Other prices on fes are in line with co-opei , I We can furnish Ko ' I insnected. at S8-SH ru>r 1 i ? "* 1 We pay the highes poultry and eggs. , j We have recently branch of The Farmi j i change of North Carol to give genuine service MOUNTAIN VALLE Int 1 Brasstown, N Washi II the trouble and do a guai oning your clothes just as y V small and when you see t id it is cheaper in the long n REALLY PRESERVES y< it 'onger. LLED DRY CLEANING < Call Us Today? >HY LAUI B. B. Corn well, Proprietor Ve Satisfy" MUF Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936 fuests of Violet Phillips Sunday. Choir practice was held in the < lomes of Glenn Crowe, W. M. Young, 1. B. Rose, and U. S. G. Phillips en lifferent nights of last week. Mr. Jim Chambers visited Mr. and drs. S. F. Chambers Sunday. We are very sorry to hear that Miss Desma Burger is very ill at :his writing. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mis' Thelma Graham visited home "oiks Sunday. if 1 E*pbu?uvn>arvciowete*flOT. ! ? Troatmtmt which ia bringing V ^Tn SwIdooiiootUd pwoixss^FOJSUITIOII ?for thorn suffering from a \ STOMACH OR DUODENAL iilli^ULClRS.IHIElO HYPIR ACIDITY?POOR DICES- . "* TION. ACID DYSPEPSIA, I SOUR STOMACH. CASS1- ! W NES*. HEARTBURN, CON ST I- ! PATION. BAD BREATH. SLEEP ! LSSSNESS OR HEADACHES. DUE TO EXCESS ACID. Aafc %mm i frm copy ?f HSii d', Mtmmmm* ' PARKERS DRUG STORE,?Murphy, & Valley :ive, Inc. WN, N. C. e* are f.o.b. our Waremy of our Cream 1ash $2.65 mash $2.65 ash $2.40 ; mash $2.40 mash? $3.00 VL?Buckeye (1 CA V A ? \J\J a/Is am#) ennnliAC ????/ v?? * * rative prices, rean Lespedeza, State hundred. CASH only, t market prices for been certified as a ;rs Co-operative Exina, and are prepared | in this section. :y cooperative c- _ - i ire no place le MURPHY NDRY to pour weekly j ing done. ranteed job of ou want them, be good work in for our mod>ur clothes and JERVICE NJDRY PHY, N. C. |