Inters To The Editor Asheville, N. C., Feb. 10th Jditor Cherokee Scout: tve just read your Editorial of Ith regarding the Townsend Old >ension Plan. Will you kindly me space for a few words of great trouble with the TownPension Plan is that a lot of . are condemning it before they stand it and the actual cost to vernment., ler Our Revised Townsend Penjf^HPlan now before Congress and backed by upwards of sixty l^ft-essmen some of whom have ^^ there in Congress for eighteen *<^ftwenty years. Provides, that the p^Boners who wish to apply passed ^HLge of sixty will accept whatever per cent transaction tax on all ^^Bross business done in the U. S. thirty days will produce let it JjHfty, sixty, or seventy-five dollars fSadki month, with the maximum ^^Bnt to be paid of $200. When time arrives that the tax pro. enough to pay that amount. ^^B also agree to first collect this ( By with the two per cent tax ^flmonth and put it into the Treas. I^Birst before it is paid out to the Boneiv, thereby creating no debt. ^^Bflation, no borrowing or issue ^^B>onds to carry same on with. ^^Be amunt collected each month to ^^Bo-rated out to those who agree ^^ ve up their jobs and spend un(f^Bath all the money each month. j^HTownsend Pension Movement is ^^Bedy recovery measure, to force into circulation to cvprv si?p. I' ? , I if the country every thirty days. j to restore buying power in a : amount into the hands of elderly people very few of j have none now- It is intended tire these elderly people with ing power to start the business I country raor rapidly ana create for the younger people. ? improved machine age has so teed so many people that we are tiled to retire some and who 1 we retire other than the eldpeople who have made the nawhat it is today. [now that Rep. Blanton from I as well as a lot more Congressare opposed to the Townsend I Also a lot of the wealth of Ution. but what else can you exL have a lot of Congressmen that L favor and supporting the end Reviled Plan. Blanton of I represents the big oil comb of Texas. kou will investigate most of the rs that write articles against 'ownsend Plan are high salaried c or are representing A)ig carious and what else can you exThey say it will cost the Gov Pnfc pitrlitpon to IwpiiIv t'diii I Ins of dollars and that to come >f Uncle Sams net income. Those fnents are incorrect. It will only one to one and half billion dol. to carry the whole proposition nd on for all time to come. It 1 start off with a billion or a n and half dollars, you mijiht hat would be the capitol stock, i come out to the Pensioners month, they would put it right into circulation, the two per transaction tax would put it into the Treasury each month it would come out again. If the ler cent did not produce enough y the $200, then they take whatit does produce, is Capitol stock would turn over welve times each year out and er and over, you might say usle same money turning over and producing revenue each time, would not take a penny out of it income of the government bethe Revenue would be derived the Gross business done each l which is twelve or fifteen as much as the net income. Irou buy a hat at the store now, u pay sales tax on the meis net profit or do you pay on ross price of the hat? The price of course. , st of writers never take into eration the terrific amount of r that is being: spent now for county home, other pensions > on that the Townsend Bill , relieve. i year 1929, the National inwas eighty some odd billion . ear 1933 it dropped down to nine billion. Why was the ( Buying Power out of the of the Masses. The Townsend in bill proposes to restore this t power to a large extent and doing rather than plunge Uncle nore in debt it would help him , out of debt. id where people post themselves e Townsend Pension Plan and . stand what it would mean to ] and to the business of the Coun?t eighty five per cent of the i of this Nation would Support The Che it. Seme papers say that only about five per cent are in favor of the Townscnd Plan. Up in Michigan in the Congressional election held there on the 17th of December when the Man that run on the Townsend Pension Platform beat his opponent two to one, that looks like more than five per cent. There has not been a Candidate yet run on the Townsend Pension Platform been defeated and the people will find that when the issue is left to a vote of the people they then will find out which way the wind will blow. This is the only thing that has ever been offered to the poor people of the Nation to amount to anything, they will vote for it if they can get a chance. To have seventy five or a hundred thousand dollars turned loose every thirty days to these Elderly people in Cherokoe County, would that make conditions worse than what they are now? The Townsend Pension bill if enacted into law would mean the largest Pay Roll the U. S. had ever had or perhaps ever would have and an. other fine things is that it would go into every County in the Nation every thirty days. The false rumor that Mr. Town. send 19 getting rich, is perfectly ridiculious and is absolutely untrue. All these Nickels and dimes that is collected go into the organization at Washington to further the cause and to help fight the bill thru Congress. An Audit of the Organization is made by Uncle Sam and so far there has been nothing found crooked. Mr. Townsend a Ssdary of fiftydollars per week for what he is trying to do for the poor people and for the business of this country. This is the biggest movement ever it before the people of the Nation and before this Nation and you can't get get the bill through Congress with, out some funds. What about the big Campaign funds for all the great Political parties of the Nation. Why don't one squeal about that. Before pasting Judgment on the Townsend Pension bill please read Proverbs 18-13. Thank you, W. B. FISHER, State Manager. SLEEPING BEAUTY CT A DTC riCTU vt? i n o> A ni\ A U JT11 ft ft 1 ft Ci/lIV Chicago?Pretty, dark-haired Patrica Maguire, the modern "sleeping princess," will begin her fifth year of slumber next week. Her condition ? "No recent change." Thus, with cheerful patience born of long days and nights of constant r.uiving, did the stenographer's mother and sister report on her progress. Although Pat is nearer consciousness now than at the end of the first year after her attack of sleeping sickness, no "fairy prince" in the form of medical science has yet crossed the threshold of the modest suburban Oak Park home to awaken her. "But we have not given up hope," reiterated the mother, Mrs. Peter Miley, whose hair has turned white in the last two years. "No, indeed." echoed her other daughter, Mrs. Gladys Hansen, who has turned her nursing experience with Pat into outside channels. She is now doing practical nursing. It was four years ago ? the night of February 13, 1932?thatNPat, who had been complaining for days of feeling "so tired and sleepy," went out to mail a valentine to her niece. The next day she did not get up, and soon afterward, Pat, then 26 years old, drifted into a coma from which she has never completely aroused. The first year she was merely animate. Helpless as a baby, she had to be fed by means of a tube. She made no response to heat or cold. She remained unaffected by noise. Medical science struggled to overcome the illness. Serums, blood transfusions, artificially stimulated fevers, special diets and massages were tried. Gradually Patricia's mind returned to the fringe of consciousness. Doctors found her reflex action normal. The patient became aware of heat, cold and sound. About a year and a half ago it was noted she would respond to vocal comands to "lift a finger." Next, it was observed she could, with an effort, focus her eyes and read from a slate an instruction to "smile." She indicated she knew her mother. But since then there's been "no definite change for better or worse," said Mrs. Mansen. o Advertising Pays rokee Scout, Murphy, North Carolina I She I I IT GIVES YOU . . . W All the home news first . . . SB n Brief Accounts of important S|^B . | H tional news . . . |1| An editorial policy suited to c II AND THE BEST OF FEAT The Scout will continue to gi ^ MORE from now on. I No other weeli in this section reading m $1 And The Scout is read by m Week. LOCAL ADVERTISERS C MEDIUM FOR THEIR N The advertiser can tell these what he has to sell at ver] The Scout not only soes to I home. It is read by every member < appeal to every member ol The news is timely, informa There is no cut and dried mat Every week there will be nev Boost The Scout, and you're Its ideals are the ideals of CI "THIS IS THE PEOPLE'S ] I MORE NEWS ft Hon; CIRCDLi ADVER READ AND ADVERTISE n Hijr fHferui state, national and interna- jra air community . . . J. dy newspaper I gives as much I aterial for I .50 I ? jp sveral thousand people each H AN FIND NO BETTER B 1ESSAGES. ? ! several thousand people ffi *? a f little cost. p the home but goes "in" the f of the family as its features jS F the family. M tive, and interesting. H erial in which to bury an ad. v features and more news. H Boosting yourself. flH lerokee county. II PAPER" GIVING? 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