Active I A^v. i (Cjl, I That'sMURPHY 1 The l^aa Vol. I1IL?No. 50. POOL ROOMS ARE TABOOED HERE IN VOTING TUESDAY Second Attempt of Legion 1 o Permit Operation Fails The operation of pool rooms ir Murphy under American Legion supervision was defeated by a 39 vote majority in a special election here T uesday. After the votes were counted Tuesday night it was understood that the voting would be contested. Out of 432 Murphy citizens whe regi tercd in the special election, onlj, 259 cast a vote. Of these 178 voted for the operation of pool rooms here and 72 voted against the question. However, according to state law, to register in a special election and fail to vote automatically casts a vote against the question. Tuesday's hallolting marked the second attempt on the part of local legionaires to bring the operation of pool rooms into Murphy. On August &i, i nit; 0111 was ueicaicti me first time since the Legion became interested in operating pool rooms by an 85-vote majority. Under an act of the state legislature in 1929 pool rooms were banned in five Western North Carolina counties. The law repealed in all except Cherokee and Clay counties, the Joe Miller Elkins post of the American Legion here had the act amended in 1931 to permit poo] rooms here under their supervision, but requiring the voters of the town to pass on the Proposition firsft. Bond Is Made On Sunday For Sylva Caddis Sylva Gaddis, of Ducktown. was released front the Murphy jail Sunday under $1000 bond which was posted three weeks after he had been arrested on a peace warrant for allegedly disturbing members of a paving project near the North Carolina-Tennessee line. Grover Ramsey, superintendent of tht? work, had Patrolman E. B. Quinn. Jr., make the arrest after Gaddis had demanded a job from him. The Tennessee man will be tried before a criminal term of Superior court here next month. Gaddis is a brother to Emmett Gaddis, former Polk county deputy sheriff, who was indicted along with two others and placed under $15,000 bond June 30 for the slaying of D. W. McFadden near Isabella on May 17. WOUNDED MAN RETURNS HOME ON WEDNESDAY Gus Nelson, 65, of Topton, had improved sufficiently from a pistol wound Wednesday to return to his home at Topton while Mrs. Mell Trammell and her son, Esco, were being held in the Murphy jail without bond in connection with the shooting. No preliminary healing had yet been scheduled for them Wednesday. Nelson was shot in the chest at the home of Mi's. Trammell at Topton Saturday night, July 4, and was brought to the Petrie hospital at Murphy. Attempt Made To Rob Grocery Company Here An attempt was made to enter the G. M. Wofford company here Monday night, Policeman Neil Sneed reported Tuesday. Mr. Sneed said he saw someone hanging around the building, and when he approached it they fled. He reported finding the locks pried off two doors. A chase failed to apprehend the man, he said. Iff .CSfi ti/ig Ifrrkly Scu-spap^r m Wrstrrn N< Murphy First Picture To Co Photo-Fngr V :y '"^^^1'' Who this bright-looking young nu we don't know. But his picture is tlv Scout's new photo-engraving dep:.rt?u This newspaper plate making outfi Murphy, who started at the work as a the quality of this cut and then reaiil that time an art that requires eight j also an exceptional free hand artist They say one picture tells 10,000 intend to run many interesting cuts k any weekly paper in providing the ve: patrons. This photo-engraving equipment lishers know of that is owned by any brings a complete distinction to the I readers and advertising the comniunit These picture-making facilities publication at a great expense and out GRACE BARNETT is it jnr.Fn most BEAUTIFUL GIRL Miss Grace Barnctt was awarded first place in the beauty contest sponsored by the Charity League at the Murphy high school auditorium Friday night. She will go to Raleigh in November for a screen test. The show was staged by the All-State Beauty Show Features, of Warm Springs Ga., who are holding a series of similar shows all over the state. Miss Burnett will compete with other winners for the honor of being most beautiful girl in tho state. She competed against fourteen other entrants from Murphy and Andrews. Miss Carolyn Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Carter, was judged the winner of the amateur show for her acrobatic dancing. She, too, will compete ia a state contest. Little Miss Anne Leatherwood was selected as the winner of the Shirley Temple contest and received a dress. Seeks Baseball Team Henry Hickman has requested that we a?k all persons who are into ested in having him take over the Murphy bascbali club meet with him at the Murphy Cafe Friday evening. 16 Go To CCC Sixteen Cherokee county boys were taken to AshevilSe this wocTc and enrolled in the Civilntn Conservation Corps, it was announced. Monthly the parents of each of these boys will receive $25 from the government as their part of their son's payroll. ALL-DAY SINGING There will be an all day singing at Bell Hill, just across the line near Isabella, Tenn., Sunday, July 19th. All North Carolina singer* are invited to come and bring their classes and quartettes. tmkt\ ?rth Carolina. Covering a Ijargy and N. C. Thurs., July 16, me Off Scout s New aving Outfit i|r I |s^; \ \i\ ? ?? p in above is, we can not say?because e first to come out of the Cherokee at. L is in charge of Mr. Oscar Hunt, of i novice about four weeks ago. Notice te that Mr. Hunt lias accomplished in ears of apprenticeship. Mr. Hunt is in his own right. i words. The publishers of this paper eeping the Cherokee? Scout abreast of ry best in newspaper enjoyment to its is the only one of it- kind the pubnewspaper out side of dailies, aiu^ it Cherokee Scout for its interest in its y. were brought to the readers of this lay to the publishers. Legion Names Officers Here Thursday Night The .Toe Miller Elkins post of the American Legion here held their annual election of officers at a meeting in the Scout office Thursday night, H. H. Hickman was reelected post commander. Others named to office were: Carl Dobbs, vice-eommander: Jim Fraiikin. '.oare^nt.-jLt-nrmR* ' Clyde Gennett, adjutant and finance 'officer; Marion Simonds, grave reg. ister, and the Rev. Fred Styles, chaplain. Dr. J. X. Hill and Harry I*. Cooper were named delegates to the American Legion convention which will be held in Asheville for three days beginning Monday. Tom Mauney and A. \Y. Mclver were selected as alternates. It is supposed that a number of the members of the local Legion ! post will attend the meeting. | Other regular business was attend| ed to at the meeting here. CHEROKEE SPARED SUN'S WORST A S NATION SWELTERS Although Murphy citizens com' plained about their weather this week they shared none of the scorching heat wave that has gripped all parts of the country with record high | temperatures, caused the deaths of 1600 and plunged crops into ruin. Breezes, at least, brushed most of the intense heat of the sun off this week while showers fell intermittently over the county. Local crops are reported badly in need of rain at this time but on the whole not dangerously affected by the suns rays and the drouth so far. Several heavy wind storms were reported in the lower end of the i county o?er the week-end. I m i? fitaii Potentially Rich Territory in This St 1936. \ First Load Of Constructioi Arrives He LIONS TO SEND "ji CRIPPLES HERE TO EREE CLINIC Carry On Program i o Aid Crippled and Blind Citizens Tie Murphy Lions club at a v? :ular emi-monthly n < etinir in the Met- j hodist church dining room T .e^iay ' night derided to >< nd four local .?ip- L pled pel sons to the clinic at Rry^on ' City Saturday and provide f the ! , i"ittiiiii of glasst -s for three more. The report 011 a committee's investigation was made by Dr. E. E. ^ Vdam . He said that he and Dr. Ii. \V. I'etl ie had examined a :uimh? of he patients qualified f -t treatment at the free monthly clir.i. and Cna* they were found in need of orthapcdu ii attention. ^ Dr. IVtrie agreed to make some more eye examinations at the request - f James Penland. member of the commission for the blind of North ^ Carolina, of Hnyesville. After routine business was dispell- ? . cd of, the club decided to elect \V. j W. Hyde, bank cashier here an hon- , orary member in the club, and to J! pure) i e silverware use a: the J club's summer picnic meetings. The Rev. G. B. Hammond, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Can- \1 ton, who was attending special church .-i*r\ices here, was a visitor of the club. The entire membership posed for a picture after the meeting with its two achievement trophies won at state .. convention prominently displayed. j Opening Date Of Murphy Schools Announced Here All schools in the Murphy unit will oper. Monday morning. August 51, for their regular school year, it i was announced Monday by H. Bueck. superintendent of the schools of Murphy unit. Mr. A. I.. Ma: tin, superintendent of public instruction in Cherokee | county, said Tuesday that no defi- i nito date could be set for the pen- < ing of the county's schools. There are a number of factors in opening the county schools", he said. "Some of them have not select- j ed their teachers. Also some of them j must wait until the Murphy schools * open in order to ride the busses; and .! even some of the bus lines have not been worked out yet. "We plan to start some of the i smaller schools in the county right ' away where the children do not have 1 to ride busses. Then we can get it : over with and get through'. ho a-: : 1 The Andrews unit schooi< are ex- * pec-ted to open on tile same date as ,1 the Murphy schovl-the last week in August. i 0 MURPHY TO HAVE FIRST DANCE IN 6 MONTHS JULY 27 Murphy is to have its first dare in about six months Monday night. July 27. when the Junior Woman's j club sponsors an appearance of the j Hummel orchestra here that night. Preceding the dance the orchestra g will display its brilliant cast of young < artists in a concert and amateur j show. 0 This orchestra has recently been booked for an Eastern tour this fall. 'Before their engagement here they will plav for a number of dances at * Mountain City and will have a battle [of music with Jimmy Cinciola the night before they appear here. 1 Miss Martha Nell Wells ?s in charge c j of arrangements. 2 i lit TODAY aU 51.50 YEAR?5c COPY TVA Road n Machinery re This Week nrush of TVA Employees Crnmps Housing Facilities r?.! t < .. < -i-43]; sr.* t ai v " ' ' r s ores of TVA workers a <! officii ? ctl ho re miiikiti. fi >' actual ,v ' ? Fowler IVv 1 ]>. which to be constructed " * v * 1 h w HTe on the 1 i .<v u>m hie. o t of " road b i : r < 'juijime? - ?.il h? re ly frc'ph; MonJay i; V- . I.i wo jrsi: 111 shove! , a .w?il everal t m The ma. hii.c! y. 1h? icrth .-i'lo of t!.? ? \v ? l i-orhoi': . i 1' i.i - * toi ? ised 011 the constructior. cf a kmiI rom Unaka into t..< am Lex Phifir will be of tl.? pork. Meanwhile employes i vr?al livisions of local TV A work ; ?.?ved ere to take up temporary itd? in i. adequate housing anti rental t e cing taken uj as weral hoti and oardirg houses in town huv? ! ? on orced to turn patrons away ?lo? :? 0 k of accomodations. Bids for the constructs . ? f a oad from Turtletowr., Tenti.. ah? lit ix miles into the dam site wei? op nod in Knoxville Monday, Lai to Vurd as to who received ti t ? i ntract las been received here. Specifications mil for a tOiuih oncrete ami steel base, it anl. rhe contractor wouid be allowed ur months to construct or-* >i?le of he paving and six months fo? the cmaindei. This road will It used v!?o m;i hi:.cry u %t-ti on t: <r-t'uilio? ? f Morris dam > b: ought c : e h wers Bend site. Citizens are seeking the \asing of 1 load from Murphy tiewn what is snow:, as the Shoal ' reek r . .11 to ;.? tiam site a I a:, t: ei ?: .0 t ft* >:her ride ? t the liver. T e vtato highway department has ay:* ed t? confer with TV A 1..1 iais pavim a:.d re eating ;ht se t\v.. whcte necessary- and coiin 0.1 <> v-oto : .'ughway over its c; i s* a < iii|jJct? I v t. can formed In m Mm phy into the dam ami arranmnmnts ;.ade with it.- wor.a-i- * trade linr. The building of a consti uction amp will begin when the i a?l limn lurtletown is completed. Also ar riving here tk;s wet k was L. \Wis-s field engineer. Helping rim are Arthur J. War drop, Jr K? t. leth Denny. Clyde Snee ; ..\?1 John Davidson. At the head of the highway giouj is E. F. McElfrish. He :s air?: i? d b> Junne Lawrence, Frank Morse, lius;er Keator. J. R. .Moi;:. Harvey ?!i.n lings. Bill Milner, Ge rge A .as, K. It. F.\ eret:. Hugh " iii a:-..- E..I !;avige, Edwin Hcnsiey and Err.e-L 1 ?;terson. 1.' ::. these d:\ offices 11 the former Wt >scis L..... y t u doing. A g: ;; : .and v.crkere . i> w .; t k ?-ver an r-::icc in the r nt-. i reside!! e ? : Mrs. ^ lulma -toy. Ilo.te I ' My; ;. : 5.;., j. e : the g. up. Two other divisions of woikc:? he er.g. leering .-tat: under Jack La.rg c< -. i . d ??f Lcroy Kogers, lubert A a.i-.s, Kali li . ?l ami 0 ral tii.r workeis. and a aether To up data engineers ur*vk r Janu s niailshaw composed of Garland teackic and Ed Madden?have ? It/os ver Parkers drug store. Tho local gr-oiog ai \v. .< ? Hnn Moneymaker, B. Wavri r.d L. h. Grant?have . . ate . ?n the c at office. Although the coming of many new VA workers has cramped living ;uaiters lov*ai merchants weie noting 1 ig upswing in business in general.

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