Thurs., July 23, 1936. I Swial ^ I\I rs. I I. Bueck. Phone Good vv ill Club Met Last [ riday Mm. Cyrus White and Mrs. K. C. \\-!:yp j >int ' the the uia: 1 . : Mt - II *sv Mo iy. at U. : . < . > Hay: K ^ers. Mrs. < .:n z ..a.. D nai Mrs. \llen Loyingo . Mis* Gillie .Mart:!'. I Mary A . . Mrs. R. A. Akin Hostess To Circle No. 3. Mis. Vrthu Akin iw ?? ' Circle No. '? of the M: -i ai y at her home o Monday aftergnuon. tcresting program ? n "Developing K lilifious atmusphrve in tlv* Home." Tlie hostess served ice cream and cake. Those present v.vre: Mrs. G. W. Kllis. Mrs. P. H. Sword. Mrs. Floreiu Moore, Mrs. K. II. Norvell, Itcv. and Mrs. \V. \. Harbor. Mi.- - 1 phine Heifrhway and Mary Akin. iVlrs. A. M. Brittain Hostess to Circle No. 4 Circle N<>. I th Mt -ho list Mi sionriry met at the home of Mrs. A. M. Rrittaii: "ii Tuesday afternoon. The devotional was ! -d y He Itarher an I Mrs. Clara Sherriil. After th" business session a social hour was Tijoyeil . The hostess served walei melon, cake and coffee. Those present were: Mrs. Clara Sherriil, Mrs. K. C. Carter. Mrs. Dennis Itsrnett, Mrs. .1. Sneed, Mrs. M. I,. Cetstry. Mrs. .Julius Burzunza, Uev. and Mrs. W. A. Barber, Miss Bertha Mayfield, Misses Carolyn Carter a. i Norma Henderson were tea jt>! t.a;uis"Kri roof A crowd of the younger set enjoy '.{ i pi and swimming party I it .lunal i Ua l'ool ai Andrews on last Thursday evening. Those in the party were: Martha Me Brayer, Rebecca if v itt. Martha Brumby. Virginia and Khz ?! Franklin, Irene Sloan, Richard Howell, Eddie Mallonee, John I'M , Jack Farmer, Edgar Darnell, Junior Johnson, Howard Lovingood, Mrs. Allen Lovingood and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin. I-*?*?t?I?I?t?I?I?I?I?I?I? .y M. M. M. J.'V* A V TV O | Theatre | ANDREWS. N. C. { jr Thursday, July 23 fj I "CharlieChan At ?! 1 The Circus" |! i|- ?Vii*n Warner Gland t v Also I>!13.C0 Sank j' [ Account Night ;j; Saturday, July 25 ? $ Junes Oliver k.1 X Curwcod's x | "Red Blood of | I Courage" | 'k wan? | y Kermit Maynard | | Tuesday, July 28 f X Robert Donat in? k | "The Ghost Goes f 1 West" I ? ?With EUGENE PALLETTE *{ AND JEAN PARKR. '? Y v X Also? y k Movietone News v i- * The Cher Anil Pn 98-J :VlissHi Woman's Auxiliary Met i'uesclav Afternoon . V. A-.::; ' f ! ... -\T , '1 lie R G. I . ;?!- i f C r '.. V.'h'J s C'>t. - ? -v'" ics "I i-ices at the viiutcti It-.| tin* and rati.- a talk st Indians af. i w-'sk in Mexico. Ti . |n -via. < : 1 with v.- siiiitir.i? ?f Ir iia:'. !. <'a!i :>y .v n L?-athwood f Wa-!i?ngtavasre. Mi Idxir l'a!n:v . Mrs. II. M. Ersk . Mrs. S. I!. L h the Great Snt ;\ Mountains I I tiiis summer, were Mrs. Tout Mauney, I j Mr. <1 Mi-. B. NVil H.i _ lei an.I j 1 iauvrh'.-I. of Lakeland. Ha., Mr. W. j M. Haiw >f Witchita Falls, Texas, i Mr. and Mrs. I'earl Scrojyjr.s anil son,' Alis : Ainiri'u | During the trip they visited New hound Cap. Cliiigman Gatlintmrjt, Maiyvilli'. Calilvrwuatl. Tapoca and Santectlah. Mrs. Callie Barnett I Friends of Mrs. Callie Brown Bainett will regret to hear of her illGirl Scouts Met Last F rid ay The Girl Scouts met at the Methodist church last Friday anil hikeo up to Abbott's cove and ate supper. : After supper they played frames and j some of the girls passed some of their tests. M isses Witherspoon Have Dinner Pariy Misses Mary and Margaret Witherspoon had as their dinner guests on Thursday evenng: Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ward. Mr. ami Mrs. W. G. Darnell, Mr. Frank Ferguson and Mr. Kd.l Madden. Rev. S. H. Long The many friends of Rev. Stewart II. I-ong regret to hear ?>f his illness. Miss Mildred Akin returned Tuesday from Asheville where she has I'tienclod summer school for the past A u-PI?1-C Miss Mary Catherine Axley is visiting in Marion, X. C. Rev. F. R. Gentry of Athens, Tenn. was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gentry. Mrs. W. M. Fain, Jr., who has been I making her home in Bryson City, is | in Murphy for a few days. Miss Roberta Carringer who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carringer in Knoxville for the past two weeks returned home. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Carringer and sons, Har-1 ry and Jack drove to Knoxville fori her. I Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Earhart, Mr. W. T. Atkins from Selma, Ala. Mr. -?nd Mrs. G. W. Candler, Mrs. Edwina Clark and Mr. and Mrs. James Ward enjoyed eating watermelon at Junaluska Pool Sunday. Rev. C. H. Dickey and son, David from Raleigh are visiting Mr. Dickey's sisters, Mrs. F. O. Christopher and Mrs. Neil Sneed. Mr. ard Mrs. C. E. Weir and little daughter, Jean from Louisville, Ky., ? are visiting Mrs. Weir's mother, Mrs. | Delia Meroney. Mr. Weir will go to Chicago and New York on a business trip and return to Murphy after his family the latter part of AufliMt, Miss Martha Akin is visiting friends at Wnynesvillc his week. okee Scout, Murphy, North raotml f ittie Palmer, Phone 20 Bo\ Sconts Met Tu. ...iv Evening ! (': :a !' i f. ; . w. I ! .rTr>_ S M: \ PfWM . iu! - !. Nick of ' .i:3r- a: vis:- : _ their s >11 ami i :it: 1 brother. Mr. John Posey. Jr. Mrs. P' Mi.oy M.Pheson and chil iion. Mrs. Pearley Regean ami daughter. Helen. of Andre\vs, wort* '" sis of Mrs. Mattie Taylor Sunday j Mr. and Mrs. ( ? rgf PhiTlips spent > wi? h. reh>* iv - at Tusqulli tie. Mr. Titi' ko Or;!' . Jr.. of Hayes[ville spent the we?*k-end lore wit!*. , hi< parents. Mr. an 1 Mrs.J. It. Gray. Misses Mary Jo Chambers and Clominie Lovin spent Sunday with Miss Chambers' parents at Hayesi v ille. | Mr. J. !J. c;rav was a business vis- , I itor in Havesville Monday after- 1 noon, Mr. K. V. Deans who lias been vis-j 1 itiittr friends at Martins Creea. Pt-aehtree aud Unaka left Thursday for Cullowhee where he v. ill teach in summer school. Mr. Joe Axley left Monday for n visit with relatives at Statesville. Messrs. Jim Prnttklin. Richard Meroney. Arnold Derreberry and Epper Hensley left Monday for a visit ^ io Washington. 1). C. Miss Lucille McDonald left Friday for Miatnia. Fla.. where she will visit relatives for several weeks. Master Robert Benton McDonald ! spent the week with his grandparents. Mr and Mrs. W. B. Sneed j at Tomotla. | Little Mary Louise McDonald returned home Monday from a visit with iter aunt. Mrs. W. R. Dockery, | ?f Marble. .s. hpruriuc nte&^dir'irati Mrs. Arden Davis. Mrs. Burgess was formerly Miss Orpha White of Musl>hy. . Mr. Dunn Lawrence, Mr. Garland Reiclito and Mr. H. *] Ershii-i spent the week-end fishing at Forney. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood and little son who were guests of Mr. and 1 Mrs. G. W. Ellis have returned to their home at KnoxviDe. Mrs. (T. W. Ellis and her guests. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wools and little son. Mrs. Frank Ellis. Mrs. Wade I Massev and Mrs. Luther Ellis and t son. John from Andrews, enjoyed a < picnic supper at Junaluska pool Sun- J day night. , Mr. George Shelton from Cop- . perhill, and Mr. and Mrs. John W. i Shelton and Betty and Billy from Akron. Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shelton from Eton. Ga., are the J guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson. Mr. Howard Gunn from Rocky ; Mount *?? " ... , .a.riu^ mi. marsuau uen. ; Mrs. Walter D. Humprhey aud 1 daughters. Miss Wilda Humphrey 1 and Mrs. Herman Kapp, of Tulsa, Ok la., are visiting Mrs. Humphrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sudderth. f They are enroute home from a trip ] to Quebec. Canada. New York City. 2 and Washington. D. C.. where they .( visited with Mr. Humphrey who is attorney for the Fedral Communica- ( tions commissioners. . Mr. Alden Cook who has been j attending Western Carolina Teachers College returned home Sunday. . Mr. C. E. McCashin district Engigineer from Chattanooga, Tenn., was 5 in Murphy on business. He was a * dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Erskine. t Miss Ixjmmie Davis from Social Circle, Ga.. is spending her vacation at the Regal Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Luoker from Charlotte are at the Regal again. Mr. Eucker is with the Slncllar Refining co. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ward, Miss Kathlen Axley and John Davidson enjoyed playing shuffle board at the Baileys Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Piercy and children, Mr. Jim Cooper and son, James, and Mrs. Emeline 9need from Miami. Fla.. are In Murphy for sometime. Mr. J. D. Hlagg was a business visitor in Knoxvile last week. Mr. Grady Carringer spent last week? visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carringer in Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Carrie Brunson, of Miami. F^a.. is te guest fo her sister, Mrs. Mary Alston. f , H Carolina Mr. Francis Ander on of Leakescille will he the house truest of Mr. lames Mallonee. Mi Willi.i . Tom Benton of oMielia. On. aie visitinj: their . .111. : lit -. Mr. t M-. u A' .. .. 1 i.i- Re-ld lit"" Mr. unci Mrs. O. L. Amnions of ; . \ -He. were wee..-end %? " : if Mrs Amnions* parents, Mr. ntd .. . M. !.. C orry. M. -is. M ris Gentry and Cyde IV 1 I! ade a 1 sires trio to Uai: v I U.. TuvMi.iy. ! A. M. Britain tvas a recent . i s. I osey in Mi-s Kat - AxKy who has been . . - i *:'. V . : LI' ' "i >la- - :.. . Inonth is expecting Si return hoia l La:- Wi.'t k. Mr. II. (1. C??r?T was in Ashevu >n business last week. Mr* J. I . Malioiice, spent las* Uck visiting relatives in Maryyille. Ten a. .Mr. -J. D. Malionec and Mr. James Mallonee were business \i-itors in Waynesville Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Snow from Copperhill, ml* Tuesday visi'.ing in Murphy. Mr. H. C. Dickey from Copperhill > ml last week visiting Tom KvansJ Jr. .Mr. Bill Miller returned from ramping at Clayton where he was 'in* gue-t of Dr. Ed Angle and hi? sister. M rs. Frank Justice from Clayton, and Miss Sara Vining from Atlanta, were visiting Mrs. Miller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kinley enterained with a six o'clock dinner at their home on Friday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Townson. Rev. and Mrs. Paul A. Barker of Shooting Creek announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, July 21, who has been given the name of Martha Louise. Mrs. S. 1). Tuttle is visiting relatives and friends in Edinboro, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hampton and t'hil/ll'ott linfo ,in?n.....wl 4.U-J? iciuincu iu tiieir nomt at Etowah, Tenn., after spending several weeks here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kinley spent thi week-end with relatives in Brysot City . They were accompanied hone my Mrs. Kinley's mother, Mrs. G. I Calhoun. Miss Loucine Wells and Misses Christine Babbs, Ruth Jack^vftle f*.a., have returned from an extend i d tour of California. On their trij they visited the Centennial at Dallas, T exas. Master Joseph Simons and sister, Evelyn Janc_who have been spending I he past two months with relatives in New York returned home Sunday. Mrs. H. W. Baucom Jr., and small ^on are visiting relatives in Waynes.ille this week. Miss Tommie Coppinger who has >een attending summer school at W. C*. T. C. Cullowhee spent the weekMid here with her mother, Mrs. Florence Coppinger. Messrs. W. H. Massey, Frank Ellis md C. E. Weir spent the week-end it Santeetlah. Mr. Glade Lovingood who has been ittending summer school at W. C. T. Cullowhee was home for the week. Messrs. George Phillips, Ray lloore and Berlon Lovint*nr?'i icifc uonciay morning for Detroit where hey will bring back sonic new Dodge ars. Misses Ruth Hamilton and Doris McMillan of Lumberton, will be the it tractive house guests of Miss Mary \ing Mallonee. Miss Hamilton and Miss Mallonee are roommates at W. u. x. c. Misses Grace Bell and Martha iiinnings, Messrs. Harvey Gunning md Rill Milliner motored to Highands Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Weeks and small son, Hilly, of Chicago, are visiting her isters, Mrs. Neil Sneed and Mrs. F. ). Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Simons spent he week-end in Asheville. rIMPOt NOTICE TO OF CHEROi I want to urge all tax pay Tax to do so if they can duriu forces me to advertise all who h in August and sell on .the first This advertising cost is hig ing the month of July and save Z. C. RAMS ,********* i? COMING EVENTS * !********* The Leagues of the Methodist Jr.j!\h will 1 .-et at the church at ; o'clock 011 Thursday afternoon to , . 0:1 a picnic and swimming party. Girls will furnish lunches ar.d boys the wate/melons. All leagm mmu; ' - are urged to go. Circle N ?. 2 of the Meth list Missionary love j o? . imned their nuwti:.g 1:i ;n Fuc day evening until : iiiay evening, July 24 at 7:30. The Ju*;: >r h l's r: :h will -p.r.isi'i a davo a* the Gym ;? . a to;.. ii' at the auditorium rn .-i.eiday evening- July 27th. The t ;ii ceit will bi-uin 7:30 and the dame at 9 o'clock. Ti e Kpworth League of the Hampton Memorial will spon or an ice j cream supper at the church on Thursday evening. July 23. ! ' ; The Presbyterian and Methodist Churches will conduct a two weeks i Vacation Church School at the Methodist Church beginning next Monday morning at 8:00 o'clock. All ! the children o? the community are invited to attend, and registration will be held at the Methodist church on Friday of this week at 1:00 A. M. j Parents are urged to send their boys ami girls. METHODIST W. Arthur Barber, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45, Dale Lee, General Superintendent. Worship Services at 11:00 A. M. 7.-MJ !> VI . uuu i .o?? i . tu. ?> il,*I in uu iiic?agc? by the pastor. Young Pcope's meetings at 0:45 F. M. During July and August the pastor ] has announced that the morning and r i evening worship services will he held I within a forty-five minute time limit. ; A most cordial welcome i* extended ? | all visitors and T. V. A. officials and 5 employees. We invite you to make this your church home while in Murphy . The pastor would like to have ; the addresses of all new-comers. < ; ^ ^ "" Mortgage Retirement * Insurance? Yes. A special Jefferson 3 Standard Plan will guar| antee the funds to pay off a H mortgage in event or your 0 death. Banish the mort gage bugaboo. Make sure ^ B vour homo will 1pfr frpp of debt. Let us eiplain this Mortgage Retirement Plan to you today. K. C. WRIGHT Special Representative PHONE 34-J MURPHY, N.C. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Julian Price, President Greensboro, North Carolina TAX PAYERS [EE COUNTY era who have not paid their 1935 iff month of July aa the law tare not paid on the first Monday Monday in September. h so let me urge you to pay durthis extra cost of adveritaing. EY, Tax Collector Cherokee County