1 NOBODY'S | j; BUSINESS |" BY GEE McGEE % . MIKE CLARK OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE PARTY Hon. jim farley, p. m. Ren., t care of dimmercrat headquarters, t Washington, d. C. plese rite or foam at once and let ^ me know if yiu could u?e a firstclass stump speaker enduring: the campane versus the republican party. the undersigned, hon. mike Clark, rfd, is considered the best campaign- j 11 er in this community, and can sway v a bunch of republicans and grass roots and socialists into the dimmer- n cratic folds in less than 5 minutes. v if you will hire me at 3$ per speech 1 plus all exnenses for bored, clothes, ^ a ford to travvel in a shofer, and a pretty blond stenographer, 1 will be- f gin work at once and kiwer anny ter- j( ritory placed in my charge ansoforth. y 4? it my voice carries a great distance p and is verry impressive, i have fetch- t ed tears to a crowd at a picnic, and e when i talk at churches and other religious gatherings i keep the congregation crying and shedding crock- t] erdile tears for 3 or 4 weeks there- t. after. b ? _ n when i get up on toy of the w stump and review the great work the n present add-ntinistration h: that they want results such as Mrs. ! Herbert W. Hunt, of Hailsvllle. Texas, I describes. She writes: "My health ' wasn't good. I suffered from crampIns. My pain would be so Intense It would j nauseate me. I would just dras around, | so sluggish and 'do-less.' My mother decided to give me Cardui. I began to mend. That tired, sluggish feeling was gone and the pains disappeared. I can't praise Car- ; dul too highly because I know it helped nu." ... If Cardui doe* not help YOU, consult a physician. Banish Body and Perspiration Odors with YODORA, the deodorant cream which conceals, absorbs and counteracts odors. Yodora is a scientifically compounded white, soft cream?pleasant to use? eta promptly with lasting effect? harmless to the most delicate skin? will not stain fabrics. For those who perspire freely whether under the arm, feet or other parts of the body Yodora is most aluahle. It is a true neutraliser of body odors. Yodora, a McKesson product, may be had in both tube and jar form and costs only 254. AT YOUR FAVORITE DRUG STORK The Chert POSTELL NEWS" IRENDLE?POWELL Coming as a surprise to their riends was the marriage of Mr. lorace Brendle to Miss Ethel Powell Thursday at Blue Ridge, Ga. The crops are looking fine through j his section since the showers began o fall. Mr. Fred Holbrooks was the Sunlay guest of Mr. Buri Brown. Mr. date Stiles and Mr. X. A. Juinn visited Mr. Earnest Allen lunday. M iss Inez Rope, of Suit, is visit-1 rig her sister, Mrs. Exie Quinn, this peek. Mr. John White is expecting to love into his new home this coming peek. Mr. M. C. Stiles and Mr. Burl Irown made a business trip to Coperhill Saturday. Mr. Birt Mason v/ ted Mr. Clate orth when geo. Washington and torn efferson and john hancock rote the eclaration of inderpendence of the i. s. and sined it in fily-delphy, and t remained dimmercratic for a few ressidents and then the republicans ook it over, but it was reeovvered ver few years and re-ciwilizcd. it was reeovvered again in 1933 by j he dimmercrats, but it was almost I do late, as the u. s. was ruint by big j izness, and givving the furriners a j lory-torium on their war debts, j hich, being translated into english | leans?that they have benn canceled. but purely a< the constertution as rote on that day after the revverltionary" war. ever since ti e con itertution wa : igned, it has been in charge of the jppreme coait and now they will ot let cqgigress do nothing without icir consent ansoforth it makes evrboddy equal with special priwer?ges to none unless they are memers of the libberty league and are gin-it the poor farmer and the laoring man. we cellerbrate this great day beause we cut loose from grate britin who had us by the nakes with igh taxes on tea and everything, but ow as she wont pay us the 3,000,00,000.00$ with intrust, which she wes she has got us by the throte gain, and taxes are higher than ever ith the new deal, hurrah, for the )rth and all it stands for*'. Gong, >ud, heavy applause, allso 4 eggs nd 6 cabbage*. ikee Scout, Murphy, Nor PERSIMMON CREEK Mrs. Julia Cearlcy and little daughter, Helen, of Gastonia, N. C., visited Mrs. Sarah Jane Cearley Sunday. Mr. M. H. Payne, of Murphy, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Payne, Sunday. Mr. C. D. Rogers and Mr. Hayes Stiles attended the Baptising at NewHope Sunday. Mr. Lawton McDonald was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. Earnest Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Hedrick and little daughter, Marie visited C. I). Rogers and family Sunday. Miss Lexie Hogsed, who has been employed at Murphy, has returned home. Misses Lexie and Laudis Hogscd attended preaching services at Hiwassee Sunday. Messrs Earnest and Pearl Stiles, Car Hogsed and Russell Sneed made Stiles one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoi brooks, of Duck-own. visited Mr. S. D. Jones and family Saturday. Mr. X. A. Quinn is planning on a vacation to West Virginia immediately. Mrs. Mae Suit visited Mrs. Enima Quinn one day last week. Mrs. Emma Quinn and Mrs. Mary Henry were the dinner guests of Mrs. Quinn's brother, Mr. Shearm Montgomery, and family Thursday. M iss Willie Sue Jones visited Mrs. Ada Stiles Sunday. Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphv, N. C. I GAS, . I I OIL, jr All Accessories for t Your Car .{. # A IjlDrive in and let us ser-| |vice your car with those* y_ Good Gulf Products I "SERVICE WITH A i | SMILE" I :!:MURPHY SERVICE t J STATION | A. J. Hembree, Prop. | GREATES' ALL CHE [EVROLI KEY CHEVR Murphy, N( th Carolina a business trip to Dr. G. M. Young's i Sunday. Mr. C. D. Rogers and Mr. Hayes ! Stiles were the Sunday dinner guests Why Gulf i for. IHI i This is the r truck y; vrolet hi: Triirlr Vtiivore / ?" they're outstanding OPERATING ECOK Tho com FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION OVC >^\ Chevrolels. . . . B li I rolct trucks have t tnick in the entire they know that < tWUIIUIUiLUI. lUi till * they know that tf sell in the lowest pri Chevrolet dealer t demonstration . . . the world's thriftics NEW PERFECTED HYDRi DE LUXE CAB NEW ENGINE FUlt-HOATI.N K*360 Michigan, and subject t GENERAL MOTORS 1 PAYMENTS 2T TRUC OLET COMPi [>ith Carolina Thurs., July 23, 1936. of Mr F.aroest Stiles of Grape Creek. Mrs. Julia Cearley and daughter, Helen visited Mx. and Mrs. John Cearley and family Thursday. is the Gas luly HBUftWagi " g S IT COOL OUT THERE, GIRLS?" 'ell, it's hot most of the time I J i shore. July requires a gaso* ! ; $ le that's made to a special hot- p|?|l eather formula. Otherwise, ?u don't get the mileage you ' i 1 ly for ... part of the fuel espes out the exhaust unhurried, *sted. Ask for That Good Gulf ? i July?its formula fits the eather. And because it's "Kept \ Step with the Calendar," all it goes to uork, none of it goes I waste. Try a tankful. ^ ml H : | Ea/tK IN STORY r Chevrolets because in PULLING POWER, [OMY, LOW PRICE ughtful buyers of trucks ami mcrcial cars are displaying rwhelming preference for ecause they know that Chevhe greatest pullingpower of an\ ; low-price range . . . because Chevrolet trucks are the most round duty . . . and because lcse big, powerful Chevrolet* ccrange. ... Visit your nearest otlay . . . ask for a thorough and then choose Chevrolet*? I hifiji-pon ered trucks! Mi CO.. DETROIT, MICHIG\N XUUC BRAKES NEW FUll-TRIMMED HIGH-COMPRESSION VAIVE-IN-HEAD IG REAR AXLE ON VA-TON MODELS *ND UP. I .ist price of the half-ton floss is at Flint, Michigan. S/atiaf equipment extra. Prices quoted in his advertisement are list al Flint, o change u ithout notice. INSTALLMENT PLAN ? MONTHLY TO SUIT YOUR PURSE KS