I ! ffljl That's- I MURPHY ' ' fhr U>'t*lin? If Vol. IIL.?No. 4. 100 ARE AT WORK ON TVA END OF HIAWASSEE DAV Many Visitors are Being Attracted to Fowler Bend Site One hundred men are now at work at TVA's Fowler Bend dam site on the Hiawassee River 1G miles below here. Chief among the activities at the site is the construction of foundation cribs preparatory to the installation of the heavy duty temporary bridge formerly used at Norris Dam. Four of the six foundation cribs are now in place at the Fowler Bend site and it is expected that the bridge itself now being dismantled at Norris Dam, will be shipped to the new job within the next few days. It wll be erected and ready for service at its new location by the middle of September. Two power shovels and four trucks are at work on the construction road on the south side of the river leading from the dam to the site of the proposed village on ligh land overlooking the river. There will be about one I mile of this construction road and j one-imra or me grading: is already completed. A footwalk will he prepared for the workers which will cut distance from the job to the village | in half. On the north side of the Hiawassee a crew of twenty-five men are operating a small quarry and crushing plant producing crushed stono for the temporary access road from the north. j The Fowler Bend job is already becoming a point of interest for j sightseers and tourists. On Sunday, > August 0, two hundred visitors from j several northern and western states | visited the project. GOP CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS TO BE GREETED Asheville, Aug. 27.?The .Tarrett-' for-Congres campaign will officially get under way Stepember 2, when Republicans f rom all over the district, will trek to Asheville to personally j meet Clyde H. Jarrett, of Andrews, the party's nominee for Congress, r]lll'inn? tV?.? flivno /lout! * ?> ' -w. Vi.v VIII vv uajra lie Win UV |JICS- j ent at district headquarters here. J. Marvin Glance, Republican j eleventh district charman, this week announced that September 2, 3 and 4 have been set aside as "'get at*-? quainted" days to mark the formal opening or the campaign to elect Mr. Jarrett to succeed Congressman Weaver. District headquarters are located at 19 and 20 Electrical Building on Patton Avenue in this city. Much work is already beng done at these offices. Letters of invitation to attend the formal opening have been mailed to party leaders throughout the district of 13 counties. In these letters Mr. Glance urges each recipient to invite ten or more other Republicans to attend the opening. In completing plans for the open ing Mr. Glance stated: "Everything is j very promising. Republicans are' showing more interest and enthusi- ' asm man iney have shown for some-! time. Mr. Jarrett is waging an in- j tensive campaign. It is not too much to believe that his efforts will be ' crowned with success." o Democrats Called To Meeting Here! A meeting of the Democratic exe-1 cutive meeting of Cherokee county has been called for Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock by A. W. Mclver. chairman of the executive committee. It will be held in the Murphy court house. Mr. Mclver said there were a number of important matters to be brought up before the committee and that all interested Democrats were urged to be present. Mrs. Claude Dorsev of Andrew?, is vice-chairman of the group, and Hayes Leatherwood is secretary. jt HDIfi ekly Pi*u>tp*pcr in ITmtrrn yurth C m Announce 2 L & N C Trains Discontinued j Announcement was made this week that Louisville and Nashville trains 111 and 108 between Murphy and Blue Ridge, Ga. would be discontinued Monday. Train 111 is scheduled to leave Murphy daily, except Sunay, at 2:2b I*. M. and arrive at Blue Ridge at 3:50 P. M. Train 108 is scheduled to leave Blue Ridge at 7:4b A. M and arrive at Murphy at 9:15 A. M. These trains were mixed passeng- ^ er and frieght and provided round : trips to Murphy for those from the " lower end of the county. This leaves '' one other train going out to Blue ? Ridge in the morning and returning *} in the evening. LIONS PLAN TO * ENTERTAIN TVA : WORKERS SOON ? Aid To 2 Local Cripples f Reported at Picnic f Meeting Tuesday J The local Lions ami their girl f friends dined royally again Tuesday ( night at the picnic grounds at the Valley River Bridge while a short business session was held principally ^ to lay plans for a meeting to formally greet TV A officials to Murphy. * A committee was appointed to work out the details of the social event which is scheduled for an early date. Those named on the group were \ Tom Case, Kenneth Wright and Sam Carr A report was made by Lion Case ( that two local crippled hoys had received treatment at an Asheville a clinic at the expense of the club and *c definite improvement had been noted j in their cases. Examinations were 3 given the boys at the Petrie hospital, t R. B. Wootcn, assistant county I agent, was welcomed ir.to the club 1 as its newest member. JThose in charge of the meal were:, 1 Mrs. W. M. Fain, Mrs. W. W. Hyde, ? Mis. Tom Case, Mrs. Grady Craw- 1 ford, Mrs. Virgil Johnson, Mrs. G. * W. Ellis, and Sam Carr. One more picnic meeting will be held before the club confine itself j to indoor sessions for the winter. 1 A joint call meeting: and directors 1 meeting: of the club will be held at ^ the Methodist church Tuesday night i " o'clock. H UU| J BELIEVED DEAD FOR 20 YEARS, HE RETURNS HERE ! I t The magic story of the return of j the literal "Prodigal Son" was re- c enacted in real life here again this week. t This time, Jim Johnson a brother- \ in-law of Mrs. Red Hall, of near Murphy, believed dead for the past ^ 20 year showed up hale and hearty. Not only that but Mr. Johnson, v/hose father died about two years icvcaicu uiKt ne was r.appuy | ^ married, was the father of lo fire | < children and has a 450-acre farm in j i Oklahoma in cultivation. I ^ During the >ummer of 1916, then ; a young man, Mr. Johnson folowed the old saying "go west, young man, -o west". After his people had not I heard from him in five years they' \ believed he had died and save up ah j t hopes for him. J \ But he came back by himself the! > other day and said the drive from 1 here to Oklahoma was too long and ! t hard for his family. In view of the fact that he must t farm under ditcher in Oklahoma, his a record speaks well of his enterprise. s o f BLUES TO MEET BRYSON a The Marble Blues will meet Bryson t City in a return game at the Marble v field Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, t The boys sg*e in fine shape and are .J doing some real ball playing. A top- ? notch game is promised for tkose r. who turn out. t MWftfl aroiirui. Covering, o Ixirsy and Foit lurphy, N. C. Thursday, 4 CHOOLS HERE \\ SCHEDULED TO OPEN MONDAY irounds Repairs Made; ] Parents Invited To Exercises All Schools in the Murphy Unit ill open Monday morning at S-:tO. urirjr tho last two weeks buildings nd grounds have been nut into the he best condition possible and it ixpected that a larire enrollment will e on hand next Monday. At the Murphy City S ho- ] ope; rig exercises will he held for the lementary school at 8:H0 and for the igh school at 9:00 o'clock. All parnts who wish to attend these exerises are cordially invited. The following teacher- make up he faculty in the unit this year: Kin?y, Mrs. Richard Meroney; Bates Ireek. Mrs. Marcella Smith and Miss fary Nello Williamson; Grape Creek, 'larence Hendrix, Miss Frances Dixn and Miss Bessie Crain; Tomotla, 'rank Walsh. Miss Lela Hayes and fiss Bertha Mayfield; Texana. Jeorge Lewis Henry and Helen Lowry ' _ Murphy city unifr: Miss Clara Mc-1 'omhs, Murphy, first grade; Mfcsj lartha Mayfield, Murphy, second I rade; Miss Dair McCracken. Hayes-1 illc. third grade; Mrs. E. Fatten,! i furphy second and third grade:} 1 li.ss Emily Sword, Murphy, four J rade; Miss Addie Leatherwood, Mur- . hy, fifth grade; Mrs. T. A. Case, J lurphy, fourth and fifth grades; Mrs. -elia Grey Axley, Murphy, sixth rade; Mrs. Estella Banner, Murphy,) ixth grade; Miss Miriam Stillwell, "ullowhee, seventh grade. O. W. Deaton, Biscoe, mathematics ind physics; K. C. Wright, Murphy, business education and geography; i. R. Carroll. Murphy, Mathematics; diss Fannie Hathcock. Nor\v.)<*l, 11 isory; Mrs. Virginia Cobh, Lenoir, ,atin and Civics; Miss Laura Overon, Greenville, Engli Miss Bruce j Ipeight, Stantonsburg. French and English; Miss Willie Lee Godfrey, j dorganton, Engli-h and Civ; s; Mi - Dorothy Lide, Darlington, S. C.. J lcier.ce; Miss Ruth Morgan Andrews, ? looking; Mis Merideth Whitaker, Vndrcws, Sewing. Miss Ruby Courtney and Mi*ulia Mcintosh w.re re-elected ; esigned during the summer. Mis.\nne Town on elected resigned and Urs. H. Bueck elected did not accept. Man Kills Mad Dog !_ \I-il- o aii nulla uummuniiy A ma?l dog: warning was sent out ;o citizens of the Murphy township ootion of Cherokee county this week ifter Glen Martin, of the Notla community, shot and killed a mad dog n the old Hall place la^-t Wednesday. Martin said the hound appeared in hat community suddenly and after prying to bite several children he < JRGE PREPARATION ( FAIR NOW; EXPO* With a little more than three i veeks remaining before the opening' ^f the Annual Cherokee county Fair n .Murphy, officials are urging all vho have planned to have exhibits i; the fair to prepare them for the howing now. As the Fr.ir building has beer, enargcd ample room for al! display nil be available. The largest lisi o evei be shown here anli.ipr cd rhen the Fair opens for a five-day tarn! Tuesday, Sept. 22. The displays will be in com net i Ion for more than $1000 in ; em ; urns to be distributed in the various < la^sifications which include farm : nd field crops, horticulture, live- j tock, natural resources, schools, i lowers, home economics, industrial ,n<l curios. Centering the attention of exnibiors is the general farm exhibit I phick carries a number of prizes to- ' ailing about $100, in the opnion of 2 L Q. Ketner, Cherokee county agent, rho is taking an active part in pronoting the annual affair. The feaure calls for 100 or more products > ntuilly Kich in This >ta:t \ug. 27,1936 5 Jnaka Road Tc Put In Good ( Winter Trave FDR Is Invited | Here; Changes Plans Of Route Although i: -s likely President I Roosevelt wii". |>a - his intended! Visit to the Great Su okies p" pavaLory to hi- appf aran* at the Green Pastures Demo latic rally in Greensboro early nex; month, an invitation issued by the I>emocratic party of Cherokee county will be ext? nded him to visit t'r.A county, it \va- learned this week. The Preside -it had originally planned to come into North Carolina via Robbinsville, Asheville and 011 to Greensboro. Hut it was announced last week that pressing dutie would not permit the chief executive to make his trip as extensve as he had planned. Believing it might be possible to have Mr. Roosevelt visit this county and possibly look over the Fowler's Bend dam site, the Democratic party here, with A. W. Mclver as its executive chairman, will wire the President an invitation to Murphy. DOGS 'IMPOUNDED' BY TOWN COUNCIL, PEACE IS REIGNING Peace?sweet peace and quietude ?reign once more as the city fathers provide a dog pound for those unmerciful hounds that congregated in the public square and other conspicuous places at night, yapped their heads off and kept the public nerve on edge. Now that the policemen and several local boys are seeing that all stray hounds are being confided to a jail near the Moore Supply company. no lunger do weary workers arise in the morning feeling like they had been mauled all t ight by a herd of elephants and run over by the L and N Tuesday lip-train. Let some mutt poke his nose out where it doesn't belong now and pres*?> he's pinched. In the pound he es there to stay, mourn his vie kedrc- ami hope Minv body's trot fifty i-t nts :< get him out \wt? hefore he gets shot. Once the dog i.- "im-; d" i! costs his master fifty certs and a dime for each extra meal. If not called for after three day- he goo where all good dogs go?to the moon. There are no complaints, much, now, except for those who live close to the "jail"?and those who have to listen to trucks roll over the lower Valley river bridge, when they were mad. shot it. He said he had been around logs all hi> life and could easily tell 3F EXHIBITS FOR 31TION 3 WEEKS OFF raised n the farm and they will be judged one-third on quality, onethird on variety ami one-third appearance. Twenty-fiv^ <>. llais > the to;, pnx?. The com. Ii-tl li t <f .! :.r.ams I eon rained in the nr:' : ! fa;.' catalog which was . ' y : and a copy may lit . : i five from, teith- " th-- -'.'i.: v " r* I. oftj ; ir. the i?>ur " !". tly in *h< Scout '"ice. The Ore; : Kr.iU.-c .-1 :'v:r.urir.L; huge midway <?i" freaks, dar.c*. s. f'V? oy side sin . r.vr.strel? an ". ti y thin ? else that goes to make up a carnival, will supply the fur. for the invasion. This same concession las appeared here on the past three years and has made a general hi' with the crowd. Altogether the officials feel that they have lined up the largest ; nd nost complete list of events for a successful fair ever held this sv!c of Ashevflle ar.d they are anticipating thousands of visitors from Cherokee and adjoining counties in two other >tates as well as Ner*h Carolina. 4 m N V ^ TODAY til.50 YEAR -5c COPY Dam To Be Condition For il, Walker Says Department is also Seeking Funds for RangerDam Road ASSURANCE GIVEN Information Received In Letter To Mr. C. W. Savage Here In a letter from .1 C. Walker, state highway engineer a: Ashevillc, 4<? C. W. Savage. : here Wednesday. every assurance was given that the state would t r vide that the Unaka road would he put in "good safe condition for the coming winter" It also stated t4:at funds were being requested for widening and surtaxing the road from Ranger into the TY.Vs principal access road from Turtletown, Tenn., into the dam site. Bridges will also be inspected and mam* salt* lor Heavy hauling, Mr. Walker said. Roy Plemmons, of Andrews, saul Sunday that this work should start in the near future. The letter to Mr. Savage read: "We are making every effort to secure additional funds to place the Uriaka road in good safe condition for the coming winter and we have also requested funds for the widening and surface treatment of the road from Ranger to the New Access road, now under construction bei tween Turtletown and the Fowler | Bend dam. "As you no dnubht realize, it would I be impossible for us to regradc this 1 Unaka road and get it ready for this winter's use. We are planning to ( widen some of the sharp curves and reinforce the surface throughout the entire Hi miles to a point where the I new TVA road intersects approxi| mutely one and one-half miles beyond I Inaka. We believe this road will I then hold up under the heavy traffic I we expect on it before the complet1 ion of ti e Access road. "We have ai-o requested the bridge depai mien i to inspect the bridges over Hanging (log Creek and Valley river and reinforce Litem to take caro of heavy loads. I want to a>. ore you we are making every effort to have this road put in shape i< : tins winters traffic, .lust as soon we so cure me appropriation lor tins additional work we win jut a sul't;cient force on this to have .t resurfaced by winter". Many local citizens, and especially Mr. Savage, have beer trying eve: | since the project was first mentione 1 to have a complete scenic rtute made to the dam down both sider of the river, it being understood that the ; <iam will le built with facilit ies toi traffic across its crest. Double-Header To Be Played Here Sunday he Sunday, Hi< kn n . eh w.-.s j -zming h;.- - * * u with F?:>-h- h> :j - < fir : . ! ;J1 over " ai:- X - v- s. No rcgKits'1, \ , omise About ."00 frr.v . j nc .t to the last era me. if. H. Hickman, manager of the Murphy Bail team announced Wedne -day that the grand stanel at the fcai; park has been covered anel will re dedicated Sunday vrith a doubleheader frame. The first game to start at 1:30 P. M. between Murphy and the C. C. C. Camp of BlaiTsville, Ga., and the second game Murphy "*s. Franklin.

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