TWELVE?B. Anderson Reunion We are meeting: to clay with our hearts glad and gay, to celebrate our home coming: in our own fashion way It's the Anderson Reunion at Shady drove Church, and I'm sure no one his duty has shirked. We've chosen this ("nurch as our meeting place, because its the church of the Anderson race. Grandpa and 1 is brothers helped to build it I'm told, as well as a leg church in the days - full of pride. A host of Grand children and kindred too, would make her feel glad she had fought the battle thru. Here Aur r A vie as happy as a lark, altho she is nearlng her 84th mark. Uncle Hill comes next with Ids kind old fa e. Iris fatherly advice will always find a place. And dear \unt Cclia one so happy and gay, has lost her sight and can't see her way. And here comes Nettie, more dear than all others, because she is my ow: precious mother. Eight children she raised, who think her a queen. thirty-six great and errand children can be seen. Next, is Aunt I.uic. with her dear miling face, seemingly no worrys, m?t oven a trace. Aunt Bettie and Aunt Susie, the twins we next greet, it do?? our hearts good with the to meet. Ami dear Aunt Laura, we lovi you to, lust to hear you laugh, it thrill.- u thru. J. M. A Uii*: ell, Jr.. I'lleie Mill, the >'" .!!:_ oi toe nii.e. so irieadly kind and tend 1 hearted the finest of his k d. t'ne'e Tom, t iceivi and little \Yi -er.h passed before my lin e, b I'm ?rc if they were here i! . hearts would be entwined. There's one dear face thats mis? :.o from . . erowd today. Uncle Will M.N.. who iei-1'.tly passed :i ' . Wo each extend our heart fei. \ apathy and -a.hy how our heads and wonder where the vacant < hair wiii he when . e meet, next summer. < ' ir heart- are glad and yet we feel sad as we think of the elo.-o of ! h is day, when the - an has v;o:e- y .Mi . W't'tiio Ihyant l'atterson, of Bellefontaine, Ohio.) I Thp Wat# And the ( Just R ' Enjoy your vacation Hotel De Soto, Air < ?Dancing nightly? I Outdoor Swimming I 300 Delightful R i Hotel I J. B. POUN] CHAS. G. DAY, Vic* c Rates S2.50 and tJ r UP ? Special ' 1 party and *. \ week-end rates 1 / ~ * *" * " 's, 1 " \ "l \ ! i'i The Ch , POSTEIJ. NEWS" i The lttle son of Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Jones is ill at till- writing. We | hopt. him a speedy recovery. Mi*-. Birdie l>ake. who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. j ! Nathan Brendle, returned to her home a: Black Mountain, Saturday. Mr. Fred Holbrooks was the Sun- t day visitor of Mr. Kinney Dills. F very body was pleased with the j good rain Saturday. Mr. John Hadley Self is putting! up a hlav?.v smith shop near Mr. Pet> ' der Brendle. We wish him much j success. Everybody seemed to enjoy them- i selves at the Jones Reunion. There : ; was a large crowd and plenty ol dinner. t'i'.cle Quill Jones, who i- Hearing h's igct y-sec?>nd birthday, was shak- J I ing hand- with his friends and rein-! ! tivev. Everybody was glad to see: ! him agaif . K- . Clarence Voylcs preached an j i int resting sermon the other after- ; , noon. 1 many friends of Mr. IloraceJ Brendle were glad to see him out a- j Bgain. Mr. Carl Beavers visited Mr. (.'late I Stiles Sunday evening. Mr. Shearin Jones made a business j ! trip to Murphy Friday. Miss Inez Pope visited her sister, . Mrs. Exie Quinn, last week. ! Mr. Clate Stiles and Pender Brenj die made a business trip to Murphy ! Saturday. I Mrs. Josie Bryan, of Morganton, (la., visited friends and relatives at this place Sunday. BIRCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor and Mr. and * Mrs. C. A. Voyles attended the hg: row-Jones Reunion at Pes tell last 1 Sniiil'ii Mr. Oscar Mashburn, who is employed in Gastonia visited home l" Ik. over the week end. Miss Candas Ilogan, local te; ln r, j spent the week-end with homefolks at Brass town. A larje and attentive congrcgat n ' attend services at Pleasant Grove! Sunday evening. Numerous folks from here attended the servires at Shady Grove church the past week. lie v. Otis Green and family, of Chattanooga, Tenn., visited relatiwand 1'ri- mis here over the week-en?i. J j Rev. Green delivered two excellent ; : seiRin:> at Pleasant Grove Sunda; ; morning and Sunday evening. ! At a meeting of the chuveli, at ( Pleasant Grove last fourth Saturday, j Rev. C. A. Wyes was again called to j I the pastorate there. Instead of one! 1 wor iip sen ice each month there j will be two each month. The pastor will j'r? i.n on the mvoih! Sunday at 1! a. ni; also on the fourth Sat urday, a* - m. and at 11 a. m. the follow-j ! ' - Su,l ia-V- WEk II I t ; iy Taylor. Henry G; i s> n. (': ; ! Stiles, C. A. YorIe> and ? IMr. . M s. Howard Stiles wei? j Murphy business visitors Friday. | 1 . j r is Fine? * Climate is '.ight? at Georgia's famous Conditioned Tavern 12-piece Orchestra? Pool, free to guests. ooms with DeSoto D. President s-Pres. and ."Janagrr AVANNAK GEORGIA - 1 ! ^ -S C-- s ~ ' V. i ! \i I L -! ^ ^ erokee Scout, Murphy, N HOTHOUSE The revival started at Harris Chapel Sunday night . Everyone is invited to come. Mr. Elbert Montgomery of Marietta. Ga., is visiting his mother. Mrs. S. M. Montgomery. Mis- Luella Jenkins, who has been attending the \V. C. T. College at Cullowhee returned home Thursday to take her school at Sunny Point. Mr. Howard Mason, of Gastonia. spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hoytt Waller of Marietta. Ga., were the Sunday guest of Mrs. Waller's parent-. J. I>. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ti'son returned to their home in Detroit. Mich.. aft< r spending a few days with tn* i? parent -. Mr. Fred McAfee left Sunday for Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips were the Sunday afternoon guests of ,?lr. D. G. Joi? 31i. and Mrs. Georgia Evan- t vsiting their daugl* or, Mi- L:a das Shields. Sunday. Mrs. K. E. Jenkins spent Sund ' night with her mother. Mrs. S. M. Montgomery. Even doctors can not always tell. Dr. Dennis L. Black. .Vt, of Boston was found in perfect physical condition when examined by another phvsiiian a- a matter of routine recently. Boasting of his soundness to his secretary, he pounde<| himself vigorously on the che I and ! p. I dead. Janie Gould <>f Duluth, Minn., complained t<> the police that his wife bun.ed ln> best trousers to keep him from going out nights. EVEF Mansfield Cushi IF your car has small < fore you replace youi nary tire can give- mor Millions of miles of roa Fc.* cbher wheel sizes ? right Mansfield Tire ? every pocketbooh. Don buy MANSF SLDS. DICKEY C Mui orth Carolina Thurs., Sept. 3, I935 CENTRAL EXPOSITION Dallas, Texas, 1936 . i All preparations have been made to entertain you. Glamorous Texas cities, bustling, typically Texan communities, every "- ;0a r oilers a brilliant panorama o! attraction- Texas is cclcb: \ one hundred years of unequalled achievement. Dallas ar.-i j{# I gigantic Centennial Exposition will be your starting poir.' Then * you'll wish to visit the Frontier Centennial at Fort Worth. Fi. 'as. pageants, reunions, cowboy ceremonials, mardi gras and hi oric celebrations will lure you to evory section of Texas. Texans v. ..i fc? I in iestive mood. Help them celebrate. | Southern Railway offers f THREE GATEWAY ROUTES to Dallas and other points in Texas | and the Southwest?New Orleans. Vicksburg and Memph. | DIVERSE ROUTES?Go one way and return another, ii desire ^to S enable you to secure the greatest benefit from an educat.onal S and scenic standpoint. eft EXCELLENT TRAINS AND SCHEDULES to insure satisfactory serv. II ice. GREATLY REDUCED FARES to make your trip economical. S Examples of Round Irip Fares in effect Daily to Dallas: # V e - e (B> __ _ In Pullman FBOho fc Couches Com ? j M| ASHEVILLE $Ju.7u $40.JU ' Similar reduction# from other St c iens. R. H. DcBUTTS, Assistant Genera! Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C, I ;A) Good tn Coaches only, tt-doy lhnTt fB) GoH tn Sleeping or Parlor C v- P jfc J man rare extra. 30-day limit Season limit tickets on sale ct slightly hio: < ' & Proportionate larea to other Texas points, including Fort Worth Gc s- fi on. Austin and San Antonio For further iniormalion. consult your local licit =,ent SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM tYDAY TRAFFIC I ^^^emands />^>^ AND 0 MAFE TIRES Will worn tires spoil your week end? Even if y?u do get home safely, there's little pleasure 'n wonc^er'n9 just how soon an old tire is going to let go. Let us check your tires. If any are unsa^e/ you want to know it before they cause \\m\\v ^ trouble. Replace them with safe, easy riding W\1P MANSFIELD TIRES and avoid the risk of ' ^ F ^ ll ^'OWOLl^ moving'traffic. ?? Ba' ,0?n ' ^ M jnif i eIdPi o^ r ^ M<* i J T'0 wheels, see Mansfield Cushion Balloons ber old tires. Here is tire satisfaction no ordie mileage, greater safety, silent, easy riding. d testing prove it. and for every !<:nd of service, we have the |? 1 safe, long-lasting, in a price range to fit 13j H t tui;e chances with wcrn tires. Play safe? IHL|^^Sbv | |||W KIEVROLET COMPANY pphy, North Carolina