TWO?A. M I pilTlds METHODS i' W. Arthur Bj-jcr. The pas*. v morr:i'U; . ' wiii ! "Ti.' i , i Kx preach at *1 > Evening -ervit at 7:00. 'i . 'l . Mr. Rollins, wh| is Pr"-: ;:: la i. f th.* Wayr.<*9vili District, will : Quarterly < : . r; a:*'er the evening -e: vice. : I") A. M : i . ' *: ?:i : . :: Dale L *. t ? Murp a sit strangers, i everybody invited t these services. A cor., i v.* Icon: await- you. PRESBYTERIAN Stew;, : ii. P . Sunday. Say. I ) . 1 00 i-: t ills is>UC. I'Yi* . : | visitors espoeiaih tIk* V V. V. are >r.!ial!y invit <1 i . iy r vices an to maki this th *ii* S&urrh home. EPISCOPAL Church of the Messiah i\ev. ?... or;- !. :nu'-! Grander, Recto: S . ; Serve es ;s A. M. : 1 y was accidentaly drown *1 ' .?t he \va.-> in the cano< %v ; . * the .onseiit of officials. Tax Collections Are Fire. Dockery Says Tax collect! ?r.s are fir?\ Walt Zack Ramsev's rii*ht-han< :r. - y announced .Uonila\ : ; ! 1> his best ta? i <\ " nr. "tr, '.von -urn a -siiiST th'. . N >cr. !935, in which' > . of .?'* ? ??) was paid bj ) the P ii terests in 'he liiawas "M ;>t of the - . 's ollctci thi; . :u .i-io\ -presented s:v*\l ? payr.!' * . The ' ->!.< are ! ? ?:.:.i trooii." People's Bible Clas . 2tlrs. Carolii:. Ciark. Teacivr. 11 A. M. li".y i mmunion aiu 7::':' T"\ nit:_r iv.aver anc sermon. All most cordially invited to thesi c services. is the gas bor Day trip x . ..... VKv.Jk^ \CK A PICNIC EASKFT, get in >nr car, and go places over $ & : immer's last big week-end. uc be sure you use a gas sftc~ Wk ? \ally refitted for current weather wm % t this locality. Otherwise part : the fuel you pay for blows out ie exhaust unturned, wasted p f- j >r top mileage you need That ood Gulf?it's "Kept in Step ^ ^ ith the Calendar" so that all r it goes to work, rone of it goes Vjnp i waste. Fill up at the Sign of ie Orange Disc for a thrifty j? ibor Day trip. ft OOD WSULFj ol/ne lerokee Scout, Murphy, Not ? ?? Honeymoon Ruined Fcr Couple By Jinx Sau^us. Ma s.. Sent. ?.?A trrim jinx cast . I4*- -..-f ?' r. a ; ten tail t?.:r y*?"r. lirMe nr'l 1 ' ? S i*. ruined their * First came .. u-*??*' . j '?.l tie r. ! ' : ' = ! with nnerm r ' \ went through her ' he e -1 t mi r.y with a bro n c ?ilar bone and J :.s M: ' I M . i ?* [ left for X lis in : ! ' rain is: u'r ' j *' their cm r.v ; " Iii la : : . n : when an - r. .V ' D i 21. - did not cj ar fo: : i iifjr hear. al. i - r'-: . -s " tii?* Jj bridegr ; S i *i! y on the kitt-h ?r : the 1 gras jets *: Medic al Exa : < La* re nee F. r 'Curick - ?i?l ?:?- r.a i to: .*' 1 _t 1 tri(j title. ;i"l:a: *i* * y-i'i; / Melrose Hi-: 1 een st : i; ; . i* . <1 summer ?chooi. s The pn . t Gloria I!- i. : An a i'l ' e of nn As proem ' i i Mrj lid left I ' .Vhe:: iur > husba * ' it . i nothe *nt > them and J * * fl TUNE IN The Literary Digest pM Presidential Poll broad- H oast by Goodyear oyer 1[ NBC Blue Network Mooday, Wednesday I sisd Friday ercaingi I ALl made by the world's larg rubber company ? the knowledged quality lea All give you the GOODYl MARGIN OF SAFET' Center Traction for qi | stopping 'AU*give you BLOW* foiitnoti m mrr ? Built with patec All grra yon TO?JH.Tt Afi gira you top yah ! " I I Dodge a MUF Ih Carolina hi< wife was cut and bruised. I Sadly they went home, a broken rear wheel wrecking what was to have- eer. only a snort noneymoon, : for : '.ast .a to their jobs cn Monday. Louisiana ? amily Praises V/NC. Here Dr. Ct. Katz. instructor in the. r-ciic:;" schooi a* Tulane University, j i-;.!-. I t.. :?.-.-->;.vianied by his - . j a ; vsi iar. and who !. ' in research work j !*: :- ii a:.-! fatiiti' and mo- , \ l)|o. . Katz. < Reg?.": hotel ' i ' .? k. j . O . :iiz. ' 'i.- - a child speciai:-* Ii ;in. :-i his wife, have been visiting their ;r.-i huighler-in-:av. l'or the past and although | ? iM ;?! .y so.x the English lar.iri;- , y u he arrived, he uses it quite j fluently now. Dr. Katz is h-;-h : his praises of i b -nii:: ?> of ?'\N sc.lion. He hn- | a\ ;ili ov- . w arid, an.i says r has never seen such beautiful j untiy as that in the ;>u h. *1 hey ; Murphy T" . > lay morning, go- i through the Great Smoky Moun' - i"' s National i'ark, to Gatlii.ourg. ar.-I to Kno.willc- to see the N'orris Dam. h'rom there :hev will go to ii'.-inra for a visit w;th relatives, j ;?? ?! to New York, from where Dr. I sir-. L Katz v.iil sail soon for . Germany. WmrnU gfljU [|3good/yea ALL-WEATHER Largest selling IjTvv^l tire on earth Si? Prioe SIm Prk 4J0-21 $8.60 5.50-17 ^11 ? 4.75-19 9.10 6.00-16 13.1 in rn in i 5lZ5-17 AU.JU [ 6.50-16 XP.? gqod/ve/ui I PATHFINDER | World's first-choice | economy tire I Size Price Size 8 30x3CI *5.50; 5.00- 19 est I 4.40-21 7.001 5.25-18 S ac" 1 4.75-19 8.20 5.50-171( der ? 3!Ck J e srccunHi 1 Finest low-price th jo* I . rvr 1 towa lt?d I (Mm Mm I *3X0*4.95 UMl1 I i?a 5.50 sjo-is I MU16.05 I&2S-X8 ~ Li,l U'J JPIff: IFaSi C. MOOR] nd Plymouth Sales am tPHY, NORTH CAROL1 Thurs., Sept. 3, 1936. " In Illinois are two viilaee;?THen_ peck and Harmony?within two miles of each other. ' THE SHIRT S BVER &TE!" No butts fnor "ifs" and "cnda." either) about a Kantls Sfciril Wait till you get its lively, elastic lightcess lying cm I and smooth on your fcucl:. You xiqvqt lelt more inm anc 1.1 your uiei And, Gentlemen, thin undershirt won't rido up to aa'/.j a worriBoxe wad at your want. Tho tail is too long for that! E*e*y iiAi^s ehirt should bo teamed up with Hanss Shorts. See /our Hanes Deor!rrnow.P.H.Hanes Knitting Co? Winston-Salem. N. C. SHGRTS35?ea. Some at 50c each FOR MEN AND BOYS FOR EVERY SEASON ihmnporfl 1 Service j INA