Thurs., Sept. 3, 1936. IIIHtOMHIMIIl I NOBODY'S 1 1 BUSINESS ] X BY GEE McGEE } news items from flat roc i. dr. green has put a nice electri< fan in his stoar owner count of th< hot weather, but the loafers havi sot so thick where it blows, he can' .ret thru to his subscription countei without crawling over 8 or 10 o; same, he is planning to put it ou on the siewalk for his convenience, oi expose of it to the highest bidder. another fight ensued in front oi the post off is last friday p. m. jin junkin's dog bit torn head's boy oi his caff and he refused to have his heal cut off and sent to the stat< capitol to be examined for maddoj rabbits. a few words were passe* and then upper and lower cuts t< the jaw followed, the poleesman go there after they had made up. .Miss jennie veeve smith, our af ficient scholl principle, has returnee back from a bus trip out west foi 11$. she saw manny sights of mucl fame and fetched back a string o beads and a blanket which was wov* by hand by a squaw with her papoos* hanging on her back, according to th< postal card pitched. she enjoyed her self a right smart on this visit. a music program was given at th* high scholl audy-torium last thursdaj night under the auspices of thi ladies aid but verry little cash wa: took in at the door onner count oi nobody coming out. a free medisoi show was being hell on main stree by 2 clowns and a spicier, and ever hoddy was on hands under his spell he sold 23 bottles at 1$ per each but it will cure everything from th< dropsy to saint vitus dance. a sight to behold was saw on oui streets monday. squire wilkins fetch od a collard to town that he growei hisself this year, onner count of thi drowth, nohoddy else had benn abb to produce a single veggertable; an< Ills rnllnwl ? - a j^ou cieai 01 ex citement. it will be et by his family and dr. will waite our local pasture who is hungry for green truck also direct relief has fell off to sonu extent in our midst, it looks like th< add-ministration is reducing expense: till after the election ansoforth, bu cverboddy will be given enough foot to vote right at the poles in novembei holsum moore says everything is ol now except the people, yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd, corry spondent. SCHOOL DAYS OF TWO LIT+LI WILLIES Forty years ago, Willie Green wa: an 8-yedr-old boy who lived at hom< with his ma and pa. Willie went t< school 5 or 6 months every year. H< did the following "turns" ever: morning before lie went to ?chool I *11 ? QUESTIONS THAT ARE | "froI? | ? X rr^HE Operating ex ;t; A paid out of deposi to customers. Thes< ? the income a bank c u.-n.. ( IIICUUIC I'Ui" V on investments an services rendered. X The earnings of a < three ways: first, t ance, equipment a: X penses; second, to bt protection of dcpo X reserves as a safegu; ities and unforeseen to pay to stockholc X return on the mom the bank's capital st In the manager X endeavor to maint y and keep operating J- sistent with good sc | Citizens Ban i murphy ^ " The Cherokee See > but he had plenty of time to do his t# chores before starting schoolwards, I* as he got up at 5:30 o'clock at the C request of his parents. ? First. Willie made a fire in the ^ fire-place, then he made a fire in > the kitchen stove; he went from the ? kitchen to the barn and helped his ^ ; brothers shuck the oxen, feed the mules, slop the hogs and they all went ' direct to the woodpile and were busy ? till breakfast time. Willie helpe berries or any other edible stuff that t grew near his path. He studied hard all day and walked back home and i did all of the evening turns by night } fall and then he studied his lessons. 1 r Willie is an old man now, as age 1 counts. His little 8-year-old grandf son, Wllie. Jr., is a fine kid. He sleeps in his little bed every morning - till 7:30. Then grandma's daughter ? (Willie's mother) slips in the room, I kisses Willie Junior on the forehead. gently awakes him, and takes him out of bed and totes him to the bath ' room and washes his little anatomy - all over, then she fixes Willie's little 3 breakfast and fetches it unto him s and lets him eat it on his little table. f i Mamma dresses litte Willie Junior t up in a pretty blue sailor suit, and - powders his little cheeks and combs . his little hair, all the time holding , him on her l^p. Then she asks him ; about his little syrup of figs, and looks at his little tongue, ami gives i?> cents to buy ice cream ami p crackers with while away those 4 - long hours at school. 1 2 A big yellow school bus rolls up * to Willie Junior's front steps. MaI mnia kisses little Willie Junior good bye. and pa<*;s him away on seat No. .* 34 and wraps his little raincoat a, round him and waves at him till rho . big (free) bus passes out of sight. Willie Junior is toted into the hou o ? by his loving mamma, and he -its ? down to a fine lunch of everything 3 the little stummick craves for. After t| that, little Willie Junior plays with II his little baseball and his little bat p I and his little football and his bicy le t and his everything else that a child'heart desires. Poor little Willie Junior! He has to go to bed at 8:14 p m. DR. E. L. HOLT * Dentist - X-ray Specialist > Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. ASKED ABOUT BANKING ]| ;j; * * ("VW" O* i uJC c\ " | penses of a bank are not ts,because deposits belong ; expenses are paid from X :arns. A bank derives its ? interest on loans, returns d charges for financial X bank are used chiefly in Ijl o pay for salaries, insur- X nd other operating ex- -J* lild up a surplus for added ! ! sitors and to set aside V ird against known liabil- -jcontingencies; and third, X lers, in dividends, a fair v ;y they have invested in :ock. X nent of this bank we $ ain maximum efficiency Ijl costs at a minimum con- X I I ik & Trust Co.. | Hi | ANDREWS 1 XKKK~xxkkkkkxk~X~X~X~X~X"X*3 yut, Murphy, North CaroHs SUNNY POINT Mr. Howard Mason, from Gastonia spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Mrs. Ruby Harvey and son. Bobbie, spent a week with Mrs. Harvey's sister, Mrs. Norma Coette. Miss Jewel Ledford spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Ida Harris. Misses Artie Johnson ar.d Lola Brown spent unday with Miss Eniilee Whitcner. ; Mr. Fred McAfee left Sunday for ' Gastonia, where he hopes to find employment. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Taylor spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs ' Martell Johnson. Mr. Waller, from Marietta, Ga.. spent Sunday with his son, Mr. Hoytt Waller. Mr. Carnton Rice spent the weekend with his cousin, Mr. Cleedy Mason. Messrs. Howard and Jewel Tayloi passed through this section Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Norma Poette ar.d children spent the week-end with her parent-. [ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hani-. LOWER MARTIN'S CREEK Rev. Zeb Stevens of Georgia preached an interesting sermon at the Glade church Sunday. Several folks from here are attending services at old Ma? th ' Cret*. church. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mo- mm i t the week-end with the la*to?s parent, Mrs. Margaret Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Willi** -.< Murphy spent Saturday niirhi v:th| the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Phillips. Mr. Edward and sister Loul>e Mann, have returned from Kentucky after spending two weeks with relatives. Miss Erna Styles has returned from Copperhill, after spending a week with relatives. BMBfc i a ! I LOWER OPERATING COSI^ I SAFER FOOD J I PROTECTION A 13. PROOF of ^ I FASTER FREEZING J S ?MORE ICE A 14. PROOF of^ | MORE 1 I USABILITY A 15. PROOF oil I FIVE-YEAR J . I PROTECTION PLAN/ THE SURE, SAFE Unless a refrigerator meets AL] I and gives you proof, it cannot equal For the beautiful new Frigidair* Miser reveals the PROOF OF ALL FT eyes! Proot that means amazing & convenience for you right througl Come in and inspect this marvelous "refrigerated pantry" with Automatic Reset Defroster, FullLook t wal: PHONE 124-" A C Mrs. Pearl and Bill Phillips were . the dinner guest of Miss Maude Car- J ] ringer Sunday. j 1 Mrs. Mary Moss and Mrs. Onia Carringer were the dinner guest of ] Mrs. Beckey Chastain Sunday. 1 Little Miss Loretta lledden spentB Monday with Miss Betty Adams. j Mrs. Allie Adams was a visitors of her mother Sunday, Mrs. Elizabeth j Kja mBM a - oann I ? ' =~? the Jefferson SALARY CONTIN Through this plan you too cai rnts an income for a definite nun how the plan can be adapted to ) tH". Give your family at least or i?. prepare them to live a lifetime wit I K.C. WRIGHT si 34-J | Jefferson f LIFE INSURAN V-' T^S, Julian Price. President I '/ f * : WAY TO BUY . . . I FIVE STANDARDS Width Sliding Shclv. FRIGIDAIRE value. trol and scores of otht ? with the Meter- tion on thesealed-in /E before your very eluded in the purchas avings and ACTUALLY i the years! ?' YOU. The sc tf" * * i ir"tfiin. iiciii r * ' : * * 111 mwr-rr?w I^" FR1G I PAlREj^^ai or tht? Nam*-Plat? : - / rER COLl | MU1 >NE?B. Mrs. Kate Mann and Mrs. Josie Phillips were visitors of Mrs. Delia ?ider Sunday. Mrs. Pearl Phillips and Miss Eva Veil Queen were visitors of Misses Erna and Carrie Styles Friday. Mrs. Mary Moss was the dinner ;uest of Mrs. Josie Phillips Monday. Mrs. Lelia Ricks was the dinner truest of Mrs. Amanda Cunningham Sunday. frODl rHr JjJJ" because he made ?? it certain fer through p5" fUATJON PLAN ' || i leave your family or dependiber of years. Let us explain rour means. .. > s* d?'? i Pu?l ftl c oii.vin_ ,e?led,ICl,:''con,Plcit)y H FNEW PRICES * y AS LOW AS $135 J \ no money a v. down ON PROOF! es, Portable U tility Shelf, Cold Con:radvantages. Also Five-year Protecmechanism for only Five Dollars in;e price. Then remember? Frigidaire ?AYS FOR ITSELF AS IT SAVES FOR ?oner you buy, the more you'll save. Why not start NOW?TODAY! 2*A HA /j&l'fluHrp f SMAN RPHY, N. C.