r Attractive j ^4 aac?V. iMII That's? I MURPHY ' * The Lnuime. IF ee Vol. 1IL.?No. 11. WOMAN BURNS ' TO DEATH INSIDE FLAMING HOUSE Mrs. W. A. Grindstaff 65, Of Andrews Buried on Friday While her husband and friends looked on helpless, a (>5-year-old woman, Mrs. W. A. Grindstaff, was burned to death in her home near Andrews early Friday. Groans of the hapless woman could be plainly heard by those below as the greedy flames devoured the twostory frame house which became a funeral pvre. Mrs. Grindstaff was trapped in a secondstory room of the farmhouse, on U. S. Highway 19, a mile east of Andrews. The fire was discovered about 2 a. m., the grief-stricken husband, a farmer, said afterward. Apparently it had caught in the upstairs part of the house from a defective flue earlier in the night and the flames had smouldered several hours. Awakened Husband Mrs. Grindstaff awakened first, and called her husband. While he hurried to a nearby stream for water the woman heroically attempted, but in vain, to smother the flames by beating them out. The fire was gaining headway fast. Below, on the first floor, slept Mrs. Pansy Roberts, daughter of the Grindstaffs, and her five small children. "1 went to get them out first," Mr. Grindstaff related, "and when they were outside I started back, but it was too late." By that time the one stairway was in flames. Mrs. Grindstaff was trapped above. Three neighbors who had seen the lurid glow on the sky arrived about that time. They were Joe Coniey, ? his brother, John, and Clay Burchi* : i j : iciu. "We tried to pet inside to rescue Mrs. Grind-tatT." .John Conley said. ' hut the heat was so intense we couldn't make it. We had to po back. "Then as wi stood "Utsi?le with tr.' .'!;unvs crackling :ul about, we could h.-.-r her ii.ns." Firemen Helpless \.k!.vv..s fire dt.paruavnt equio- j in .1 . sc-n. t?. i- v - T.he j h was outside the sum \va-J t.and thvi. e'lni.1.;!.-- t v.: j : : c'hie* C iico or. back page. This r-jct n j 1 .' bi;eai?s To ,.d'...yV L ; ' r : ' Hi.'. \ Jo a. magi rate and lorn.it , g- 0/?" .. ; Vi-.c :?vt incipal ; peakcrs will bCJvi * H. Jam tt, of Andre..?. fir t candid: ' l- far Congres aum ?ii the \ . i i.-r.n ticket v.e i, of t:ie Bal;....i Gilliam Gii son, Rcpub;iv."a:. candidate for governor oi North Carolina. M?*. Reese said other state speakers may appear on the program. Mr. Jurrctt and Mr. Gri son have h-tn . a concerted drive for Roj>U' icr.:i votes by thoroughly str.nv . this section and anticipate! 1-o.eo gathering at the meeting in Mi:.: by. Y e u. * g Democrats Meet At : f nr'ok The Tourg Democrats of Cherokee County held a meeting at Marble Wednosd .* which was. presided over by FForysth, of Andrew-, the Pro i-lent, and which featured a number of interesting talks. The series of meetings being held by the club will swing into the lower Otfu of the county next week ft Hflf! */-? ui Western North Ct Murp Election Results To Be Broadcast Locally Arrangements were being made this week to have Cherokee county elections results broadcast from the Scout office in Murphy just as soon as they are tabulated Tuesday night Nov. 3. Loud speaking equipment from the Henn theater will be used from cne of the upstairs offices in the Scout building to give the returns as they are brought into Murphy from each of the 24 precincts. Representatives of the Scout will be at all the polls to bring the results in when the final count I? IlldUC. No. 19 Detour Is Said To Be In Bad Shape Motorists between Murphy and Bryson City are having difficulty driving over the detour on highway No. 19, bus drivers and motorists declare, and they are advised to make the trip between Murphy and Sylva via Hayesville and Franklin. Approximately 12 miles of highway is being relocated, regraded and paved from Topton to Wesser and traffic is being routed around through Rohbinsville, Judson, Japan Stecoah and the Sweetwater valley. This route, travellers say, is not surfaced and is muddy, making travelling bad in wet weather especially. The detour requires about seven extra miles of travelling between Murphy and Bryson City. The route via Hayesville and Franklin is six miles further between Murphy and Sylva but is paved the ciiviro way. No. 19 is not expected to be opened for traffic for several weeks yet. Weaver Makes Trip To Site Of HiawasseeDr* (' ' .it*.- ran n Weaver a 1 an of ' Cherokee county v.Mted vn-- 1; ?a-. wassee dam .-it- \\\ dne day ins . in side of the liver Crai.a. | ei " . . d l;iv* : i\ a: ?a "O . . ' : via Ml, r ' . on. v.;,... , .... |J;JU. ^ *ov ' min , i .1 . pniu .. : to Mr. as one the : ml- Ill ..v; 1:'. - .. o . iiu? ?" home plate at the hall park and was introduced by Clyde H. Jarrett, Republican nominee for United States congress from the eleventh district. Jarrett presented him as the next vice president, a "real American," and ore ?.f the men who followed Theodoie Roosevelt up San Juan hill. While the crowd was waiting for the running mate of Alf M. Landon to make his appearance, hands from Asheville high school and Spruce Pine played the Republican party song. Continued on back page. This section The Cherokee Scout 'Marches With Time' Commencing with next week's issue a new four-page comic supplemc nt . . . in four colors . . . will become a regular weekly feature of THE SCOUT. This will be but another of the , sparkiir .r sei-vices t xiended to you by vour i.i*. orite family new paper. This nev supplement will come too cur loaders c,v.week -s : ..i-product of thr p. r . and :?vi >: iI'ons of lead:: ^ -Ame; a- . ts and humo.1: '... Funny? x : Colorful? j j vmt it; Exclusive? ?\v.J . p i:i this territory % ti brio. ; .1 to you! The row comic u? i !' *":r pi at;.-, -i ;o.- . troublesome Cm : a 1 . r?d a heat ty i..: --1- v-.T I o fa. You'll |jet ?ny 3 chi:? ie, and a con;I ant ;> I l. h.. out :.f : c'-Uracter:. of ... ... .. tunny, and pc; t of ev ry-day I "rCP'S NIGHT CUT" U glowieart will go cut to - wistyou'il roar w'ilt la"- .hi - . ihsituator.s wh.ch he .vmcis so hopeYou'll recognize ' T HE J iMMS." They're you, ai ci yo ir co<. i and the folk., nex' door. We're not i gamblers, but we'd be willing to bet a lot on your reactions to "THE JAMM ?." You'll welcome them \vi:h open arms! The k.ds v ill love "HAPPY", and you'll be ? u;-,: ised to discover how young yo ; arc. This io.able little character doesn t tali;?he ooesn't have lo ..i: :t :.'c. rjcuk for themselves! And who doesn't crave mystery adventure?romance* .hey re .nil ir? **THE I. -D ', ;T'-d s . i. . :s". .hie glamour and excitement. These aionly i few f the ; thrills provided in the new Ct/'jf Comic Supplement. Dor.'i miss it. It's what you need to complete your enjoyment. It comes to you each week a a regular feature of THE iCOUT without ex- ' tra charge. t Hw tfialty Kir.1 l-r lory m This State 15, 1936 5 Wants Prize Winners To Collect Premiums About $6 worth of fair premiums still remain uncollected this week, A. Q. Kctner, county agent, has announced. He estimated that 55 prize winners Tuesday had not called by for i their money. He urges all premium winners who have not collected their money to come to his office so the i books can be closed as soon as ' possible. Mr. Ketner estimated this week j that about $1000 had already been paid out ir. premiums following I one of the best fairs ever held in j Cherokee county. Foxhunters Off j To Good Start On Wednesday The ar?nu: 1 r.u? . ir.-r of th<* TrStele f xhunters a.-Mu-iation Jtet off to a y*od start Wi enthu ias's attended the bench .show am! hunt marking | the first of the three meetings. The chases will be held through Friday night and are being conducted at a different place each evening. A bench show was held at the meeting place at Walker's silo one and one-half miles south of Andrews Wednesday afternoon, and the first hunt was started from that point that night Prize winners in the bench show and the places of chase were not available at publication time. From every indication this year's foxchase will he the most enjoyable one ever staged here. Wide publicity is beng given the association by the daily press and press associations. Farmers Aided By Roosevelt, ; Weaver Avers; The farmer is of! nivivr th . Zel u\.n Weaver, i A-lv '.i i an ami', ne. in . Murphy c j i-i .<:a dollar in ;he y..- t\v. | Dc-n.-'cj . :- ti ty a: <: .... .- vv'i lead- I MURPHY TO MEET CCPPEi.r J .. : FRI. AFTERNOON The Murphy hi ! FJoonu will seek their tweirth >t:r h*. victory and attempt t>? kec: th. *"r slate clean ill three ea.-v-ns ' . ' < ' ball playint: he.v v.v., -i they meet the Copperhill <' 1 . local field Fri-V;. ar This will he the - . ! -I ' he season in Murphy. ;.d a ' attle royal is promised as the ilur] hyit Ju'cray to keep up their nil t roak gfoir.sr. T.. ' Co oviii ;ah. with throe toup- k losses a> their record for the season, v.il) ati'. v . * . .... i year ... i'hy v!,v en. T . -t Ft hi :hcy j h : Ar ' .wn : h< ir home g >unds .. nd lost a close 7 to G yame v.vh >e\e a! f their best plaj rs ut -of the ' ( up. ___________ Ut I TODAY ? ? 11.50 YEAR?5c COPY WPAFORCESARE TO BEGIN WORK ON UNAKA ROAD Street Paving and FarmTo-Market Roads Almost Completed Woikr Progress Administration forces this week are icing centered on the Unaka a:x wo k- ago that the road would be put "in good condition foi wintc i t avcl," . h, fo...-catrati rf WPA work in tnat area follows the grading of pi act ie.iily every street i?i Murphy m.:w wnti ravug in some instances. and the grading of about 80 miles of farm-to-market roads in Cherokee, ac.-ording to E. Harnett. general foreman of WPA work in Cherokee, Clay and Graham counties. Mr. Harnett added nearly 400 men woie being hired by the WPA in Cherokee county working on the streets and grading, subgrading, ditching and draining the farm-tomarket roads. The payroll in Cherokee county amounts to about $9094.40 per month. Three hundred and seventy workmen and 16 foremen are maintained. The road from Dockcry's mill to Unaka will he surfaced with crushed rock which should make it acessible during the winter months. A large quarry has been opened up about a half a mile above Unaka from where the stone will be furnished. Besides the street paving and farm-U-markot projects the WPA is hiring at present a'-mut 70 Cherokee women in sewing i-onis located at Muirj hy, Andrew . ! Va htr.. e. Suit, Hello Slauglitci f . Gi W. T. J.leorB .f ie.-w-. in Contlr u . O!) Lv T!r> ection iaik In Miir il l] UU iiZ C i .na; . '. O' . <.. . .i|S I . cin.i. . i..:i . c.. i 1 , " . -uivex ... sfOlvd .v i . - ' cia;.~ here be v.. ??cft 'led .i iiiiik;, a m1 t W caver. .Mr. ib. \ :i? . .. ;.. . Oil .lUtt.c; Ui: .. .. cio.se .. .a . lie i a- .... . XCeilc: .... .. i a iaicr .. . k -. to i c i ; v - vi: - ..i he:;i ... . ii;.- *iilk v.... a . . .'( <> ? ..I . chak-ies 0.-:key I s-i:". J Head C." i . O. . . G; : . ... y. . : i : ?r ' >v c m p:.r y that or ' n;.: ?d . tha ' ..y v. .; t :.o . \I . > i.*. -dewing a f ; ev of .shea t teiks arrangement- \y.. .nado to rold meetings t' . 4t ty before the e!?v ii.?r.. .. hcW