? Nature Is Painting \ \ r MO con paint like Nature? ** Can imagination boast. Amid :ts grey crcat ;n hues like hers? Or can mix them with that matchless skill. And lose them in each other, as appears In every leaf that turns? ?J. Thomson. Performance of Duty CO NIGH is grandeur to ir ^ dust. So near is God to man. When duty whispers low. Thou must. The youth leplies, I car.. ~ f| % IW Barbara Stanwyck Canapes Blanche i package cream cheese. 6 strips crisp bacon. Onion juice. Paprika. Cayenne pepper. Small pearl onions. Place the cheese in a mixing bowl and mash with a wooden spoon. Crumble the bacon and stir into the cheese. Add onion juice to taste, dash of cayenne pepper and paprika. Spread this paste onto rounds of bread which have been fried in oil to a golden brown, and top each canape off with a small pickled onion. Copyr'Khi ?WNI* r\tco rJjT? DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU'VE FINISHED DRESSING Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly (\j In 2 seconds by stop watch, a Rcnuinc ? RAYKK Aspirin tablet ^~g starts io disintegrate tr-M J?> -.-i" and go to work. Drop a / t' Payer Aspirin tablet in- : W to a glass of water. Hy lj the time it hits the bot- i tom of the plans it is V? - * disintegratinc. What * .. * 1 happen* in this ghost ? | ' : . . . happens in your l J atomariu When you wake up with a headache, do this: Take two quick-acting, quick-dissolving BAYKK ASPIRIN tablets with a little water. By the time, you've finished dressing, nine chances in ten, you'll feel relief coming. Genuine Bayer Aspirin provides this auick relief because it is mterl among the quickest methods for relief science has yet discovered. Trv it this way. But ask for it by its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN; not by the name "aspirin" alone. a dozen Virtually lea tablet " LOOK rOR THE BAYER CROSS SMALL SIZE ,^1775^ LARGE SIZE 60e S1.20 Q^J A recognized Remedy for Rheumatic yj?) and Neuritis sufferers. A perfect Blood Purifier. Makes thin Blood Rich and Healthy. Builds Strength and Vigor. Always Effective . . . Why suffer? CT.t 1 W?W?HH ;I'HH M ;14M Ml MORNING DISTRESS isdue to acid, upset stomach. fM?[ Milnesia wafers (the origAmVjK wutl) quickly relieve acid jXstomach and give necessary elimination. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk HI of magnesia. 20c, 35c & 60c. A The Cherokee Scout 7 -fzfr BRISBANE THIS WEEK ? (i|,I M, ? Still L'-oful I* i-t-? and Razor Klailr-s ^ oun^ot Grandfather Sricnir \\ f great interest to all parties, has lectured he would routine his attention ... :o state matters; but hen, being irked by w some criticism from Republicans he went f^ jr * yjKfPj farther and said he K 3 jfjg? vus "going after the & % >/f Republican party." Us/** een accomplished. Carlos Saaveira Lamas of Argentina, president >f the assembly, even asked if he night not raise the question whether "civilization is on the verge of a inal breakup." The question of reforming the eague covenant provoked a bitter controversy on whether nonmember ;tates should be consulted. Russia vas understood to be anxious paricularly to bar German influence ind achieved a minor triumph since 13 definite action to solicit nonmem)er co-operation was taken. A comnittee of twenty-eight was named 0 study reform proposals. The assembly approved reports of ts economic and disarmament comnittees. The economic report carried a British proposal to create i 1 comission to study accessibility I >f raw materials. The United States | ind other nonmembers would be in- | :ited to participate. The report of he disarmament committee apiroved the reconvening of the world iisarmament conference. Disorders in Palestine Are Dropped by the Arabs A RABS of Palestine, who had ** been on "strike" for 175 days j n protest against unrestricted imnigration of Jews, were persuaded >y the British to call off the strike, vhich had been accompanied by jreat disorders and the killing of several hundred persons. The Arab ligh committee issued an appeai to \rabs throughout the country to reurn to work quietly, and this comnand was obeyed generally. Sir \rthur Wauchope. British high comnissioner, was said to have inormed the British government that t was now safe for the royal comnission of investigation to begin its vork of inquiring into the grievances if the Arabs. Austria Private Armies Forced to Dissolve KURT SCHUSCHNIGG? chancellor of Austria, is taking his place among the European dictators. In order to consolidate military power in his own hands, he decreed the dissoluf tion of all private I arm'es, this being h _JT? aimed especially at f l^e Fascist HeimL J wehr headed b y Iv Prince Ernst von I Jf Starhemberg. The L W prince directed his followers to obey the edict and Major A Fey, Starhemberg's Prince von riva, {Qr controleof Starhemberg. control of the Heimwehr, called on the elements recognizing his leadership to preserve order. The chancellor s order also affected his own Catholic storm troops. All the private troops were ordered consolidated with the Austrian state militia. This would increase Austria's official armed forces to about 158,000 men. The dissolution decree met strong opposition within the cabinet, and was voted after three ministers had walked out. Schuschnigg's task now ia to ac aty, October 22, lj36__ XT_/?A ,. ^tv&ntA sparer Union. tually disarm the private armies. If he succeeds in doing this, his complete control over Austria may be conceded. It is recalled that the Iieimwehr was ordered to disarm in 1931, that the government seized many weapons, and that a year later some 40,000 Heimwehr men appeared fully armed and uni- ' formed. Von Starhemberg may not be really squelched this time, either. It is a certainty that he has a power- i ful friend in Premier Mussolini of Italy. Typhoon in Philippines Kills Many Persons f\NE of the worst typhoons in the history of the Philippines swept across Luzon island, killing scores of persons and destroying villages. At least 310 perished and the authorities feared the death list would be much larger for four hundred were reported missing. Eighty-two bodies were recovered from the city of Cabanatuan alone. Waterway Money Allotted for Atlantic Coast \ f EMBERS of the Atlantic DeepA>*er Waterways association, assembling in Tireton, N. J., for the annual convention, were informed by President Roosevelt that funds totaling $24,000,000 have been allotted for waterway improvements along the Atlantic coast during 1937. In a letter to President J. Hampton Moore of the association, to be read to the convention, Mr. Roosevelt also said: "This year has been noteworthy in witnessing the completion of the 1,435 mile inside route of the intracoastal waterway from Trenton to Minmi Mimli iU;? . ?? "?uvn \-icuiv ioi 1.11'a awtumplishment bcl-mgs to your association and it is to be congratulated therefor. Other waterway projects of permanent value to the ration sponsored by your organization have been completed or are progressing in a satisfactory manner." John L. Lewis States Labor Peace Terms AITILLIAM GREEN, president ** of the A. F. of L., who had just been calling on President Roosevelt at Hyde Park, N. Y., told the newspapermen that the * prospects for peace between the warring ~~ factions in the fed- L eration were better fL. .jTTi 1 and that those participating in the con- \ . ! troversy were be- . coming "more tern- V ! " i perate." However, that same evening . John L. Lewis, the ? dynamic leader of j Lewis the Committee for Industrial Organization, rather dashed the aforesaid prospects for peace. In Washington he laid down, as the only basis for restoration ot peace in the ranks of organized labor, a program consisting of these two propositions: 1. Revocation by the executive council of the American Federation of Labor of the order sus perming ten 1. u. unions on charges of insurrection. 2. Isolation of certain mass production industries which would be organized strictly on Lewis' "one big union" theory. Russia Angrily Warns Fascist Nations HELP given the Spanish insurgents by Fascist countries so enraged soviet Russia that she gave notice that, unless it ceased she would free herself from any obligations to the agreement for neutrality. Xhe representatives of the 27 nations on the international committee of non - intervention in the Spanish war were about to meet in London, and Moscow's challenge caused a real sensation. Moiseyvich Kagan, soviet delegate on the committee, specifically named Portugal, Italy and Germany as the offenders and called for an investigation. It is believed that if Russia is not satisfied in this matter she will send airplanes and other war material to the Spanish government. The committee refused to take any action on the Russian complaint, averring that the charges weie not specific enough. Spanish Fascists pushed their lines so closely around Madrid that they called on the government to surrender the capital immediately and thus save it from a destructive bombardment. Household? I ? Ques/mr When ironing ecru linens ai ^ ways iron on the v Ironing them on the "t"Md~" H makes them look fad* ? I Cover small delphir with excelsior or pine b s fore putting on dried le They L do not pack or stay ,, "a"j H leaves do. , * F Never allow cold \\ , . to run I into an aluminum pan it 13 I hot. If done repeatedly rapi(j H contraction of metal v cause I pan to warp. 1 to Br!' Syndicate.?WNt" t Law of the Homo I I believe that the fewe laws . in a home the better: lr e js j one law which should I inly understood as the shir 1 the i sun is visible at noon-j. . , and 5 that is. implicit and ins'. < eous | obedience from the child to the I parent, not only for the i e of | the home, but for the i ; id j* of the child.?A. K. Kitt: u TO regain lost weight is n simple f| matter when certain bodily funo jji tions are restored to normal. Of fore- 5; most importance is the slimnl.it iou of m I digestive juices in the stomach to moke ! better use of the food you cat.. .and ft i restoration of lowered red-blood-cells W ' to turn the digested food into firm jS j flesh. S.S.S. Tonic does just this. n Forget almut underweight worries B I If you nre deficient in stomach diges- jx j tlve juices and rcd-blood-cclls... just H ) take S.S.S. Tonic immediately before Q i each meal. Shortly you will he de- E lighted with the way you will fed.., K your friends will compliment you oa E the way you will look. Bj S.S.S.Tonic Is especially designed to H build sturdy health...its remark a bio Bj value is time tried and scientifically ?| ' proven.. .that's why it makes you feel 3 like yourself again. Available at any H drugstore. CS.S.S.C* H What Does It Leave You? I Only way to estimate the value of a good time is after it's over. Still Coughing? No matter how many medicine* you have tried for your cougli. chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Crconu.i >n. Serious trouble may be brewing nd you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomulsion. which goes right to th< se.it of tho trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed membranes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee ProAmillHn? nnrl +/* vofiinrl VrtlTI* money if you are not satisfied with I results from the very first fivcle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) Hard to Bear The cruellest kind of criticism i? indifference. PAIN J ALREADY DISSOLVED HERE'S RELIEF^ I P^/hSore,Irritated Skin Wherever it is?however broken the ( ^surface-freely aoply soothing* Resmol