Thursday, Nov. 1 BOY WHO SEES THINC PROVES MYSTER"1 Baltimore. Md., No\. 12?The "Mirror Boy" has come to Johns Hopkins Hospital. Ele\en-year-old Harold Ellicott, | Moundsville i W Va.) --.hoolboy who writes backward; even sees "backward," .pent a ful! day being: interviewed and examined by psychiatric and medical experts at :he hospital and Sunday r.ight departed for home to try out new suggt stiens for overcoming his peculiar difficulty. Net Effec* The mystery of bQ trouble is : ot completely solved. That will have to wait for more time and a more detailed case history on the boy. ( But the Hopkins experts are -at fi-j ed he is a victim of what they term j la railtyHe writes with his ieft hand. He kicks with hi I right foot. He sights a telescope , with his right eye ii- hear- : est j with his left ear. The net effect of this tangle of I rights and lefts is to make hint see' ? i?jects i;i reverse. Home with hii!i went M Kea;r.' ! Mengert, comely young Moundsville bring Harolds mirror writing 1 public j Teaching a second grade class ir. Moundsville'- Third street school his fall. Mis- Meiigert discovered Harold - ? dd manner of writing, tried a few simple experiments with, i him and : eeame satisfied tb* he | was one of the infrequent victims of "mirror" case- in which the subject*- eyes function normally, but in which the visual message become transposed ir. reaching the brain. j In Hopkins Test This opinion wn confirmed by the 1 j visit : :led-up paper and pretended they ; t ore looking out to sea. fir t with j ne eye, then the other. They pro- r j:ounded and ar.swa red all sorts oi questions Ike: j "What would you do if you start- ! ed to school an found it was rain- ! ing." j r Maybe the doc<>>: expected Har- t old to say something about overshoes or an umurelia in a. swer t<> that one i but Har .hi had a better reply, j ; lie said: t "I'd run t>- svheol." t Dr. Kenn. r >mi!ed, shook hs head and put the question again. Harold 1 si i.s' d the f t answer wasn't, right. \ Bsc he said, hopefully: t "Stay at home?" < They diuri": bother with that question any longer. . They tabled about games and what to do if your house caught ] c lie and how long it. had been after- I j noon and what a table was made of i and what to do with a horse or a < pencil hi an apple or a new cap. ( Had New Hat x The last or:e got Harold. He had ( a new hat, as it happened. It was part, of the wardrobe his parents pro- ^ vided for the trip to Baltimore. I Dr. Kanner has explained he want-' t ed one-word "reactions" to each sug- J y ted word Horse, for instance,! , meant "ride/7 and fork meant "eat". Harold got thr'idea quickly and applied it to "cap" by saying: I "New." j From the word games Doctor Kan- ner and Harold progressed to pencil i work, the psychiatrist having wisely 1 decided to delay this phase of the examination until he and Harold were ? virtually buddies. First, Dr. Kanneer wrote the dig- 1 its from 1 to 10 himself and shoved t the paper and pencil over for Har- t old to copy. Harold took the pencil i ?in his elft hand?and set to work, i In a moment he pushed the paper back. i Numbers Backward I Every number was kackward! 1 Next they tried letters of the i alphabet. Same result. All backward. 1 Then Dr. Kanner tried a trick. He ^ wrote the numbers backward himself s and passed the paper over. Harold t frowned a moment then went at this I [2,1936 The Cherc IS BACKWARDS Y TO PSYCHIATRISTS North Carolina Good Place To Raise Hogs North Carolina is well adapted to hog production, according to Earl H. ITcstetler, professor of animal husbandry at State College. The State has many advantages, he said, and three are particularly outstanding: temperature climate, nearness to market, and a good supply of protein supplements. In the temperature climate, each sow can farrow two litters of pigs each year wi'hout her owner having i.? : iv-vide expensive housing during the e critical periods. However, some housing is necessity. Hosteller said to protect rem from the cold and rain in February and Sbneh and from the heat *.:i August and September, the two best tarrowirg periods. Kn m pra tically any place in; a lem North Carolina, he continued, | nogs an be shipped to Richmond or Baltim< ? in .'Jt? hours ??r less, and' this is a distinct advantage. far:her av.r.y from he markets have to pay more tran - ! P'irtation charges, and the hogs undergo la avn r shrinkage in transit. East em markets also pay higher prices than those in Chicago . urn i the cheapest ami most satisfactory carbonaceous feed for fattening hogs, and plenty of corn i- available ia this State, Last year, mere than one-fourth of North Car?:ir:a - nop lami was in cor. . i <> get the best results in feeding. - r mo ... ii.. is or high proU let'1 must be fed with the corn. An three weeks. The average curing ime is around 15 days. Plenty of ventilation is essential. iVatson added. During the firsT veek, potatoes give off much moisture, and the excess should be driven mt of the house. If moisture gathers on the walls tnd window panes, open doors and windows so the excess can escape, ?ven if this does cause the tempraure to fall a little below 85 degrees. But at night and on rainy days, loors and windows should be kept closed However, there should be rentilation through the floor and oiling at all times. After the curing process is over, gradually reduce the temperature to )0 or 55 (Ipptpoc or?/t ? H..u nvcp lb Ulfli: luring the rest of the storage period. Keep roof ventilators partly open exrept in cold or cloudy weather. o Sam Hopper of Altoona, Pa., daily nays so loudly from a mountain-top hat he can be heard two miles away. inusual problem. And this is where le fooled his audience. When finished the letters were till backward. Dr. Kanner, however, had more tricks up his sleeve. Now he handed he pencil over to Harold, but insisted that this time he take it in his ight hand. This maneuver produced mother odd result. Before Harold had been starting it the lefthand margin of the papier. Although his letters and num>ers were written backward they noved in normal course across the >age from left to right. This time, vith the pencil in his right hand, he tarted at the righthand margin; hey were written properly but movvackward kee Scout, Murphy, North < Best Turkeys Breed During The Holidays ' \ High turkey prices during the : Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays J often tempt producers to sell their y best birds and keep slower developing turkeys, for breeding purposes. y That's about the worst thing they } cou <1 do, commended C. F. Parrish. pt extension poultry specialist at State y College. N v that the holiday seasons are ): riot far off. he said growers should (y classify their birds into three groups; ? breeders, market turkeys, and culls. ] Although the very best birds < -hould be saved for breeders, there ! will be many good birds available J for marketing, and growers should ? make every effort to get their mar- ) k : birds in good cor.di. ion, Parrish * pointed out. | Turkey meat is considered some- *:] what of a luxury, he added, and y therefore quality birds will command | X h her price.- than other meat pro-!' d..? ts of the amc food value. . F.irly hatched, well developed, . k maturing pullets and young J s are given first preference. Con- < .-< ', these shouhl be the type ! ejected fwi bleeders. Breeders ] .hn th?? market. | QUESTIONS THAT ARE A r f A BANK is a scmireccives money fro that money to borrow guard the funds of dejv conservative in loaning Banks arc anxious to their livelihood is dci this source. Yet safety the first consideration not the function of a ba lation, or to make specu promising they may sci Conservative bankin ever, stand in the way < progress. In fact, they permanent, carefully-' community?not the i ress of sporadic boomsupon the alert foresij experienced judgment and bankers. Citizens Banl 10 MURPHY illl" Mansfield Tourist Mansfield Cushion res? End your Pick any MANSl :LD Cushion tire that fits your p miles of road book and you wi to stand the more than your m ster speeds, worth in safe,easy ary tire can. Don't take chance) ?ngth?added IOOO miles in an; fore you buy. than AO cents. Yo ievrolet c phy, North Carol An ordinance in~Oraiip^;^K the use of the same fine>.r, different people at l, SB SKED ABOUT BANKING ] H * l? n I B public institution. It >m depositors and lends 'crs. In order to -nfcisitors a bank must be >b ; their money. ! make good loan- -tor rived primarih iroai I ?not profit?me t he ; i. Consequently. is nk toindulgc n ecu- JK ilativc loans, ho v. or t^B cm. g policies do not. V: l^K of genuine commu i :tv j^Bl go hand in hand. . oc tHp: built progrc-s of my j^E alse, temporary r-'s- {Hi ?is dependent v ely B ;'.it and con- fefl of its bucu-c l & Trust Co. ? - A v^B, e,> 'A .)|^V ?7 ANDREWS m > wit}, worn t!r?. Tha last t lira represents no mora >u can't risk li'vas for that! COMPANY I ina