Aetive And. /all ll Attractive ll^Flu li MURPHY ^ 1 The Leadini Vol. I1L.?No. 16. Dr. R. W. Pet Physician Dies Tuesday In Op Double Tragedy Occurs | With Death Of Mrs. Abernathy Also FUNERAL IS HELD Hospital had Become; Famous After Opening ; Three Years Ago Dr. Robert W. Pctrie, 00, prominent physician and owner of the Pe: ie hospital in Murphy, died suddenly of a heart attack in his hos; at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon Dr. Pctrie, an eye, ear, nose, and throat, specialist, had gone into the operating room to examine a patient, Mrs. J. C. Abernathy, 20. of Young Harris, Ga.. who had been admitted to the hospital a few minutes before. As he entered the operat mg room ne sunered the heart attack. Dr L. U. Lumpkin, chief physician of the hospital, who was attending Mi*s. Abernathy, took Dr. Petrie to a room across the hall where he died within a few minutes. Twenty minutes later Mrs. Abernathy died on the operating table. Opened Hospital In 1934 Dr Petrie, originally from Lincolnton, came to Murphy three years ago from Iainoir where he operated a hospital in partnership with Dr. Crowell. He opened the Petrie hospital in February, 1934, and became' widely known and respected in this section. He was first vice president of the Murphy Lions clubs and a member of the Lutheran church of Andrews. Four weeks ago the Petrie hospital was accredited by the America college of surgeons and last year the hospital was placed on the Duke endowment fund list. Dr. Petrie is survived by his widow, one son, William, of Murphy, and two daughters, "Miss Mary Wilkie Petrie. of Murphy, and Mrs. Helen Ilollifield, of Lumberton Body At Lincolnton The body was conveyed to Lincolnton Wednesday morninc bv Funeral Director Peyton G. Ivie where funeral arrangements were to be made by a sister of Dr. Petrie. Members of the family accompanied the body. Mrs. Abernathy, who passed away shortly alter Dr. Petrie and was his last patient, is survived by her husband; her parents, Mr. and Mrs j Horace C. Dills, of Young Harris, j Ga.; two sisters, Thelma and Willie,' and four brothers, Ed, Clane, Clyde. I and Clint, all of Young Harris. Mrs. Abernathy's body was taken j to the W. D. Townson funeral home i Burial was at the Mt. Zion church in Cherokee county Wednesday afternoon. 'BAD MAN' FIGHTS W TOWN SATURDA Luther Barton, 31. who is said to be wanted in several states on serious charges, slugged the jailor when arrested here Saturday evening and escaped the iaw carrying the keys to the jail cells with him. Sunday he sent them back, but officers could not find his trail this week. Barton was arrested Saturday evening on a charge of highway robbery by Chief of Police Fred Johnson and Sheriff Zack Ramsey and brought to the Murphy jail. Placed in charge of jailer W- A. Cooke, Barton is said to have hit him and choked him when he had his back turned. Following a 15-minute struggle, he grabbed the jailer's keys and run from the building. In front of E. C. Moore's garage he jumped in the car of J. A. Richardson and threatened to harm him if Mr. Rirhardmn did not drive him out of town. Mr Richardson, howfrustrated the attempt and Barton jumped out of the car and sped through the garage. Going down a back alley to the 11 CUfi 5 (Peeldy i\ew?p*p*r m (F euerm Nc Murpl rie, 60, Noted Suddenly On >erating Room Mayor Issues Red Cross Proclamation Mayor J- B. Gray issued the following proclamation tftis week :n regard to the Reil Cross Roll Call: "Workers who helped in the roll call last year will come to us soon with another appeal for membership dues that will finance the work of another year. Since our Red Cross asks so little from the community. and contributes so !_ if . ** mucn lisen 10 me general welfare, I hope and urge those who arc asked for the relatively small participation of paying the annual membership fee will respond promptly again this year. "The relief program of the Red Cross is recognized by city officials as a potent factor in meeting present needs, and as an agency of incalculable value in the event of possible emergency. "I, therefore, as Mayor of Murphy hereby set aside the designated period as the time when all past members will be asked to renew their membership and those who have not enrolled before to add their names to the ranks of Red Cross members in Murphy." Cattle Show Is Profitable To Local Raisers Cherokee county distinguished it self as a cattle raising area Wednes day when $03. of $400 were won bj local 4-H club boys in competitior with cattle raisers from 17 Westeri North Carolina counties at the Ashe\ille Fat Calf show This amoun: represented 12 prizes. For a group of five calves, Chero ivfcw muiiij iamtu setujiu emung tne county groups competing. While competition was open to al cattle raisers only 4-H club boy: competed from Cherokee which speaks well for A. Q. Ketner, county agent, and his assistant, R. B. Wooten. A detailed statement of theii profits will be computed by Ketnei next week. Two of the prize five calves were purchased by local markets and wil be sold here soon Prize winners and the amount: collected were: C. H. Townson, $45 J. C. Townson, dr., $28; Earl Martin $9, and Perry Kephart $11. BUYING CATTLE L. L. Mason, prominent cattle buyer, has announced that he will be in Murphy, N. C , on Monday, Nov, 23 at Frank Dickey's Scales to buj good cattle. ? rNin * * ?w AI UU 1 UI* JAIL, Y-SENDS KEYS BACK Dickey Chevrolet company he tried to hire an employee to drive him oui of town. This was refused and he caught a ride with an unidentified man. It is said he headed out toward the lower end of the county and is believed to have threatened and mistreated others in making his getaway. Scout To Be One Day Earlier Next Week The Scout will appear on Wednesday morning of next week?one day earlier than its usual publication date. This is being arranged so that all subscribers will receive their paper the day before Thanksgiving. No mail is delivered on that date and if the paper were not published one day earlier it would not appear until Friday. Correspondents and advertisers are requested to note this fact and let us have their material earlier than usual so there will be no delay in putting out the regular issue. tntkft irth Carolina. Covering a La/ cr and by, N. C. Thurs., Nov. MURPHY LOSES TO CENTRAL HI AT KNOXVILLEj Boomers Have Plenty Of Fighting Spirit As They Bow 51 to 0 By Hubert Adams. Jr. f !t was the old story of a small ! school tackling a larccr school which j j had plenty of reserve strength Friday 1 when Kn<>\\ ill* Central beat Mur-J phy 51 to 0 Murphy hold their larger opponent j to only 6 points in the f rst quarter. | a feat that no other high school that played Central High th. year can i boast. Central alternat^p with the first and s-. * 1 team against Murphy all day; <-r wearing Murphy's boys out while the other one did the ! scoring. If Murphy had had the r? ? serve power that Central High hail. i1 the story might have been very different. iviurpny s player- are to he congratulated that they never ceased fighting, although they were trailing in the score they never gave up, and fought for every yard that Central gained. That is what we iike to see about our local team, it nevei gives up. Every one of the boys who played last Friday gave everything they had for Murphy and they played a splendid game. The town of Murphy is not ashamed because of the defeat of the local team, but they are proud of the pluck and grit that every boy showed before such overI whelming odds. * Thanksgiving day, the local team goes to Andrews, N. C., to meet a . team they would rather defeat than - all the teams on their hard schedule. r These teams arc evenly matched in l weight and size, and everyone who i goes to see the game will see a game worth seeing. A large crowd from t Murphy are going to Andrews to cheer the local team and hope to come back with them in victory i Andrews has a large line and a flashy back field and have been point1 ing for Murphy all year. Andrews s will be out to beat Murphy by as \ large a score as they can to help aj venge last year's defeat by the hands of the local team. r\ n tars rreeze Up Locally As Winter Comes There was plenty of T-models steaming Monday morning?for the night before the temperature drop? ped to 20 degrees. f Freezing temperatures ha\o slipped up on Murphy several times so far this month, however, as figures provided by James Smallshaw, area engineer of the Area Investigations unit, with the TVA in Murphy, reveal. It seems so far that although many ' have predicted a harder winter this year than last, November has been a little easier on empty coal bins. The lowest lemperaiure 111 Aovemoer, 1935, was on the 24th, and during that month there were ten days with ibelow freezing temperatures, Mr. Smallshaw's report shows. Following are maximum and minimum temperatures so far this month: Date Maximum Minimum 1 <54 46 2 7G 51 3 75 56 4 71 39 5 62 31 6 " 72 35 7 68 50 8 64 57 10 64 32 11 58 28 | 12 65 42 17 [1 18 ? ?>tm Potentially Kich Temtc-r* tn This Sta 19, 19o6. $1 Hiawassee Dam Of Vast Change Began There Si Leading Citizens Pay f Tribute To Dr. PetricLeading citizens of Murphy Wednesday paid triKuie to the esteemed Dr. R. W. Petrie, 60, p who died here Tuesday. Some individual expressions . were; ' DK R. S. PARKER. Druggist: j "The shock of Dr. Petr:e's death will be long felt. Wc can not j grasp and fully realize the fsr.e | and noble deeds of a man of the t | character of Dr. Prltie". | I MAYOR J. B. GRAY, Attorney: , "in the oarainr of Dr- Pelrie nut I 1 ! orly has this section lost one of \ the ablest and most esteemed ^ physicians and surgeons but one i ! of the most splendid citizens?a 1 man who look an active part in ' supporting any movement for the | betterment of his fellow men." ' MR. C. W. SAVAGE, Hotel Owner: t "The death of Dr. Pctrie is a terrible blow. His goodness, his i kindness and his charity work ? which amounted to thousands of t dollars is a fine an unforgettable 1 tribute to his character as a great ' and wonderful man." (Continued on page five) i Ladies Clubs To | Canvass Town For Red Cross m Members of three f <4 local women's civic organizations were preparing to car.vass Murphy the latter part of this j Cross subscriptions as the <lriv'' p" ? fcr^ under way They I are the Woman's club and the | Charity League. Mrs. C. W. Savage, roll call chair i m?J..f ?-? ? Minaancir j would be made this week-end ar.<i | that although the campaign canvass j would last, only several days, subscriptions wouui be acceptable until 1 December. The regular annual enroling nt fee of $1 \v ill be in effect, she said, and ' ' fifty cents of every dollar will be kept locally to be applied this yeai to an undernourished school child ren's fund. All donations made over the subscription price will also be kept loi cally for the fund, Mrs. Savage addj ed. ! POST OFFICE HERE SI SECURITY A First forms required for adminis: tration of the Social Security act were distributed by the Murphy post office Monday as the work of setting up the old age benefit accounts for thousands of employes began. All of the 45,000 post offices of the nation were engaged in the same work Monday, the first forms going ; to all concerns and business and 1 professional people who employ one I i or more persons. j ] The blanks must be correctly filled j Topton-Wesser Road Detour Remains Open . 1 The detour on highway No. 10 be- * tween Topton and Wesser is still im passable to traffic and will remain 1 so until regrading and relocating of < the highway is finished some time I about the first of the year. Roy * Plemmons. highway engineer station- 2 ed at Andrews, said Wednesday. * Traffic is still being routed o\eT a the regular highway detour -via Robbinsviile and Stecoah. The detour is t in good shape, Plemmons said. ^ 16 PAGES I iff T?DAY Lil X And4 Pa8es of COMICS ?-4 Colors te .50 YE. R?5c COPY Site Is Scene is Since Work x Months Ago >reliminary Projects Being Pressed By 500 Men At Present tOADS ARE BUILT ??? _ Yctual Work On Dam Expected To Begin Early Next Spring A I ttl?> more : a:- x month.- ;sfer v irk h:i : .r:.:i . v the IIi;nvasV v:.: I?le hanges hav< taken j hat < veil ; he V :i :? - hi:: _ : ' had J ? ji familiar v. :h :N w! - aid hardly c or.ceive. -i . lilt Into !he site of th $!!>.( 00," I". A !! :. : elhe river; 1 : Br1*' ' <n lean I when i n 1 1937 Am* rican j own will be built ; a huge bridge j capable of supporting many to has teen erected across the river; 1 ??<?! i muses, sheds and emergency hospi- 1 als have been established, and where, heretofore, an occasional squirrel or near hunter went to seek his prey, men now work 24 hours a day building roads, running transmission lines, carpentering or drilling the mountain rock. S Altogether it. is unofficially estimated that approximately i(*0 men are used on both the TV A <!;.'?? and the principal access road projects. The principal access road extends about 12 miles into the dam she from Turtle town, Tenn. Building of the road and its subsequent paving is under contract to the Codell I ?> traction company, of Lynchburg Kyj Last work of building and g?adin|| the road being done and pavir| has been started. It will be of a n < macadam finish and the surf; < e. 2S feet wide, will withstand . v typ< of weather. To Be Open Soon ! It is ovei this road that t \ bul of the Nor: is machine r\ whiib wa used i: eons! \r.j that T?:.:csse dam will ? . >v' *t To t said lost week that al : ioi . i tion of the road. Ai "-t < 1' - he i \" A <hd ' ' 1 - ri a i long int . any w alei ial for the job will be furnished. One group of car; < ;;ters are bus on the mou , repai atior.s for a tow;, similar to Norri there. urn if houses^ mode] home dormit< ri? at at ,,ii b erected. iP?*: J ? Vv ujiimueu <?n D&t'K I >SgC th.-: HOC. :nds OUT CT FORMS MONDAY out and returned to the pest nasti by Saturday afternoon. Funds for the c.d age r-encfit which are paid t<? employes who they attain 65 years of aye, aro t-o b provided through assessment of en ployers and employes on an e<ju. basis. Cards en tilled i; loyer application for identification nur i>ei" were being distributed Monda and on November 24, the employe a] plications will be deli-, cred r.mpioyer mrir.s, wmcn are r.ow o ng distributed ask seven question Each business establishment is call' ipon to give its business name, a d 'cription of the nature of rST'tJU! less, the address and the appro* ima lumbr of persons now employe Vfanufacturing concerns are asked ist the principal products and oth oncems are asked to state what the >rincip: goods ard services are th ire sold or supplied. Each is ai isked to state if the establishme] s a branch o: a subsidiary concer nd to give the r.ame and address < he headquarters. The applicatio ifter it is signed will be returned he pesi office from which it \r, (elivered.

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