___ Intellectual Powers OUR intellectual and active powers increase with our affection. The scholar sits down to write, and all his years of meditation do not furnish him with one good thought or happy excression; but it is only necessary to write a letter to a friend, and. forthwith, troops of gentle thoughts invest themselves. on every hand, with chosen words.?Emerson. The moment you feel an attack of discouragement coming on. arouse yourself from this terrible influence, for discouragement is death to success. Beware Coughs frora common colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the Inflamed membranes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even If other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) Armor of Egotism Pray that you have some egotism. It spares one many a knock upon his sensitive nature. lor her sick head- \ a stop to all / aches. Finally a friend V* VuaV. JZsU said, "Why don't you XyiHAT. give NRs a trial?" ^ With Nature's Remedy (NR \1 / Tablets) she noted a thorough J ^ cleansing of poisonous wastes? '?. J a complete natural action that \ ? she hadn't experienced forages. , ff Yet so gentle and refreshing. A ' Try NRs yourself. Tlicy are so ( affi fine for constipation, so useful .V; M| in warding off colds, so-called !\ "bilious 8pells" and other .V * |JP^] conditions caused by faulty elimination. Only 25c fil f M . . BlWM kT'JIE 25 at any drugstore. Same in Ages An excellent mind in the last century would be an excellent mind in this. Strength During MIDDLE LIFE Strength Is extra-Important for women going through the change of life. Then the body needs the very best nourishment to fortify It against the changes that are taking place. In such cases, Cardui has proved helpful to many women. It Increases the appetite and aids digestion, favoring more complete transformation of food Into living tissue, resulting in Improved nutrition and building up and strengthening of the whole system. Mutual Understanding The greatest minds are not highbrow. You can understand every word they utter. { I HHE5B St. Joseph genuine pure IBNCS PKHfT lEJEf ?0M PAIR AID CPUS | MANGE jr-s J1" " PATCHES Mange in dogs is a ser- flfr* \ lous skin dimM and Ij y m RED calls for prompt use of TS GLOVER'S MANGE 1 MEDICINE L I .i(lN It relieves itching and SORES irritation; kills the , tagnge mites causing Sarcoptic Mange; checks spread of the disease; stimulate* hair growth on bore patches, destroy* ticks and chiggcrs. Insist on GLOVER'S. At all druggists. CLOVERS WORM MEDICINES are safe. sure- In capsules and liquid form for Roundworms; capsules for Tapeworms and Hookworms. VETERINARY ADVICE on any animal prolr lem. Please mention animal's age,breed and sex. FAEE GUIDE?Write foe it today. Address **. 047, 442 Fearth Amm, New York C*r The Cherokee See _ IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday i chool Lesson By REV. HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. Dean of the Mondy Bible Institute of Ctalcajfo. | ? Western Newspaper Union Lesson for November 22 AN AMBASSADOR IN CHAINS LESSON TEXT?Acu 28:16-24. 30. 31. Romans 5:6*11. GOLDEN TEXT?I can do oil things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil. 4:13. PRIMARY TOPIC?In the World's Greatest City. JUNIOR TOPIC ? An Ambassador In Chains. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC ?A Prisoner Speaks for Christ. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC ; ?Chained But Not Silenced. The rescue of "Paul from the JcwI ish mob by the Roman authorities 1 resulted in consideration of his case I on their part to determine what . manner of man he was, and why | his words and actions provoked such i violent reactioqs among the Jewish i subjects of Rome in Judea. When i it appeared that Festus, who was procurator, was inclined to turn . him over to the Jews at Jerusalem, i Paul, knowing of their hatred, ; makes I. An Appeal to Caesar (Acts , 28:16-19). It was an act of great significance, and largely determined the course of Paul's life and ministry I until his death. It is a question | upon which there is no little difi ference of opinion whether Paul was right in making this appeal. Perj haps Dr. G. Campbell Morgan has ! best gathered up the truth of the matter in saying, "His way was j that of an attitude revealing for all 1 lime what the duty of the Christian i man is?to be true to his Lord, to be true to his conscience, to be loyal to the powers that be, and to make his appeal to them where necessary, for protection, in order j that he may continue his work in i accordance with the will of his Lord." Paul made no appeal to save his own life, but he did want to continue his ministry. And this he was permitted to do, for after he had come to Rome we find him to be II. A Prisoner Preacher (vv. 2024, 30, 31). He was chained, but not silenced. He was anxious that those in Rome should "see" and "speak with" him (v. 20). They knew of the Christian "sect" only by rumor as one "which everywhere is spoken against" (v. 22). He now proclaimed the truth to them, and with what results? "Some believed . . and some disbelieved" (v. 23). Again, we see that the greatest of all preachers met just the same encouragement and discouragement that we face. The witness and messenger is not judged by the success that crowns his efforts, but by the faithfulness with which he discharges his duty. Let us not condone our own careI lcssness or inefficiency by saying that even Paul was unsuccessful: but if we have been faithful and diligent, let us be encouraged eves, though some disbelieve. Verse 30 indicates that Paul either had a large measure of liberty, being permitted even as a prisoner to dwell in a private house, or that he was tried and acquitted and continued to work in Rome for a period of years. Whichever may be true we cannot but admire the faithful testimnnv of this man UDon whose body time and trials had borne ! heavily, but whose spirit was as young and as powerful as the message he presented. And what was his message? We find it in his epistle to the Roman church. It I was III. Justification by Faith (Rom. 5:6-11). Christian men and women are those who were weak (v. 6), ungodly (v. 6), unrighteous sinners (v. 7, 8), and enemies of God (v. ' 10). But having been justified by : his blood (v. 9), they are "saved" | (v. 9). What a beautiful word? I "saved!" Brought back to God, | "reconciled to God through the! death of his Son" (v. 10), we are | indeed saved if we have accepted him as our Saviour. This was Paul's message, and it is our message to a lost world. Count Your Mercies Be on the lookout for mercies. The more we look for them the more of them will we see. Blessings brighten when we count them. Out of the determination of the heart the eyes see. If you want to be gloomy, there's gloom enough to keep you glum; if you want to be glad, there's gleam enough to keep you glad. Say, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Better lose count in his enumerating your blessings than lose your blessings in telling over your troubles. "Be thankful unto him and bless his name."?Maltbie n. Babcock, D. D. >ut, Murphy, N. C., Thu "Quotations'5 A ?If you arc a friend to Nature you arc a rich man, even in old age.? Adolf Lorenz. The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before.?C. K. Chesterton. Vt omen are the social guardians of the human raee.?Lady Astor. Beauty in itself is not a gift, but femininity is.?Henri Bernstein. To live for one's country is greater than to die for it. ? Harold Bell Wright. It's better to give than to lend, and it costs about the same. Sir Philip Gibbs. The decrease in ability with age is much slighter than popular opinion would indicate.?Haveti*ck Ellis. Household ? , ? Questions A little salt added to pumpkin sauce will greatly improve the flavor. Cooked prunes stuffed with celery and nuts make a tempting salad. Stuffed prunes can also be used as a garnish for chops, roasts or steaks. When "buttered" crumbs are called for, the best way is to melt butter, add crumbs and mix well and then sprinkle over the top of food. If butter is merely "dotted" over the top it does not evenly mix with the crumbs. * To clean fireplace bricks, cover them with a paste made of pow 1 L * ' ' utitu puesn't_^ ww= a lot op rot/ put i'll |,1 TRY IT ... IF IT I - WILL HELP KEEP X Uyou QUIET.' i i / ^?j-r-?~~r-Aiac.SS ! \ ildren should never drink coffee, i-ups, too, find that the caffein in krith them. If you have headaches can't sleep soundly...try Postum. rein. It is simply whole wheat and slightly sweetened, coffee at first, but after 30 days a for its own rich, satisfying flavor, i two forms?Postum Cereal, the i Instant Postum, made instantly way it is easy to make, delicious, lay prove a real help. A product of wod you your first week's supply of y maH coupon, pore. t?