S- I Ql That's- I ^ MURPHY I The Lroiin Vol. liL.?No. 18. hospital to be BUILT BY TVA IN MURPHY REGION 7c Establish Movable First Aid Stations At Dam Site ]u;]? i. h. Dec. 3?Plans were form uiateii here Tuesday for cooperatior in health activities with the State Dejiartment of health and the Ten ne.i i v Valley Authority in connec tion vs;th construction of the Hia \va>sec tiam near Murphy. L)>-. E. L. Bishop, director of nealtl and safety of the TVA, told th? Unit''i Press a hospital will be estab near Murphy in conncctio; with the construction of the big gov ernment dam, and that State healtl ofricers have agreed to cooperate ir every way. Confers With Reynolds Dr. Bishop was here Tuesday tc c< nfer with Dr. Carl C. Reynolds State health officer. He intended vis iting the new health school at tin Ur.iver-i y of North Carolina a Chapel 11.11 before returning to hi base . 1 operations at Knoxville Tenn. Tiu* hospital will be established Bishop said, before spring, now tha work is rapidly gaining headway ?>i the new power dam, one of TV A* first power projects in Westeri v.??.u "The principal thing we are con corned about in the western regie: since the dam is to be built i health,* Bishop said. "Community health work will be earned on b; both TV A and the State health tie partment. Also we will make a sur ve. < f inu uiscases. A loi o rock mu?t be cut r?nd we have iouw tba' silicous dust is present.M 'I have invited Dr. Reynolds v end a member of his industrial hy gii-nc division and an engineer v .uurpiiy to work with my men for : few days to determine what steps o safety we may take." Bishop said. 11 pointed out that movable firs aid stations would be established c>; the project. Stations Successful * We will take the first aid to th man instead of bringing the man t tlu first aid," he said. "We hav found these movable first aid .-ta turns, operated by huge cranes, t be very sucessful on Wheeler dam. "We are going to use every precatio.. to cut down accidents.*' Dr. Reynolds said facilities of th State health department would b ' thrown open" to work in coopers tion with TV A on the projects. Planning of community healt programs in upwards of 16 wester North Carolina counties in ccnr.ec tion with TVA is contemplate! Bishop said. Dance Will Be Held At Gym Saturday Nigh The Charity League of Murph; will hold a dance in the gymnasiur Saturday night at 9 o'clock. Musi will be furnished by Jimmy Cinciol and his orchestra of Gainesville, Gs Due to the fact that last minut arrangements failed to get the oi chestra it was erroneously reporter last week that the dance would b held last Saturday. A large crowd is expected fror Andrews and surrounding towns. The Weather V ane Following are temperatures for th Past week compared with tempera tures for the same period last year TEMPERATURES 1936 1935 "ate Max. Min. Max. Mir 24 56 36 48 12 25 52 34 59 16 26 42 16 58 24 27 29 20 60 31 28 5 1 9 6 0 45 29 57 22 46 31 30 57 21 51 24 i ?. RAINFALL I ,?aCR6 Nov- 1 Since Jan. !93? SC.4! lit if ng ST feiciy \*-irspap<" u* W erirm jV No Time Extension Is Allowed On Auto Tags All 1937 automobile tags must be purchased and displayed on the car by midnight Dec. 31 ar.d there will be no reduction in their cost, thus declared E. B. Quinn, Jr., highway patrolman, this week. Mr. Quirn said it has been erroneously reported that there will be an extension of time past the first of :he year on auto tags, but that these rumors are utterly 1 false and that the state provides that anyone caught driving on 1336 tags after midnight, Dec. 31, be prosecu ed. Application may be made at Raleigh now for tags, Mr. Quinn said. The plates will be oblongs as usual this year and will contaii orange letters on a black background. Indefinite Postponement Of Meeting Announced Indefinite postponement of tht , meeting oriirinallv sehpHnlopd t#?. , held at the court house today Thui> . day) for the purpose of discussing _ the possibilities of the organizatioi of a health unit : . Che kee county \v?L- announced by Dr. .J. X. Hil i Tuesday. t Dr. Hill sai i he had received wort j from Dr. Carl 1*. Reynolds, se- retai; p of the North Carolina Board o I Health, of Raleigh, who was to con duct the meeting that it would b impossible for him and E. L. Bisho r, head of the TVA heal.h department p of Knoxvilie to be here on that date v ?r~r? y Murphy Lions Help To From New Sylva Clul h j . A number of Murphy Lions wer | :o Sylva Monday night to assit i 0 organizing a Lions club in that towr The organization was perfected i a joint spouse-nip with the Ashcvill a ! Lions club a* the Carolina hot< II This marked the third now elu i organized by the Murphy group thi n ' year. ! Those attending from Murph were: G. \V. Frills, president; Dr. F 0 F. Adams, secretary, YY. M. F^air 0 YY*. A. Sherrid, K. C. Wright and li L. Bueck. ? Murphy Club Launches Sale Of Christmas Seali e j The Christmas seal sale in Mur e ] ph.v, which is sponsored hy the Mui i- ! phv Woman's Club, will start thi , week, with Mrs. C. W. Savage a h ! chairman. n \ The Womans Club has snonsore - ' the .seal sale for a number of year 1, ; and the money obtained has beei ; used largely to furnish lunches fo J undernourished children in the loca | schools. Last year in addition to th | lunches, some of the money was use* t j to pay for a tonsillar operation fo 1 a Cherokee county child, and tw< y i crippled boys were sent to a ciini n | in Ash evil le. c j Of the money obtained from tn< o i sale of the seals, 75 per cent is re i. | :ainetl at home, while 25 per cent i e j sent to headquarters. > j SCOUT IS SEEKING " CORRESPONDENTS ?! ALL OVER COUNTY i The Cherokee Scout would like I to have regular eorrespondnts j from the Peachtree, Brasstown, e Marble and Topton communities Twenty-seven correspondents in ; i as many communities in Cherokee j coun'y now give the readers of this paper all the community news I. I each week. If any one would care to corI respond from any of the above mentioned communities or from | any other section of the county I now not represented, they are requested to apply at the Scout office in Murphy by mail. The aid of the public will be apj | preciated in making the Scout one ) ' of the finest weekly papers in the 7 county. ffpMl orth Carolina? Covering a Ixtr?rr and urphy, N. C. '1 hursciay, D MliRPHY WINS 1 ANNUAL BATTLE | FROM ANDREW? Boomers Win By 13 to 0 Decision On Thanksgiving Day The Murphy Boonu rs plunged, slip' ped and fumbled their way through : a stubborn defense Thursday for two | touchdowns and a 1.1 to 0 victory | over their traditional foes at Andrews ' in the annual Thanksgiving classic. There was absolutely no footing . to be had on the field covered with , about two inches of snow, and it was i sheer force and their full share of the breaks that enabled to Boomers to come un with the winning score. A concerted drive featuring off' j tackle slices ftom the middle of the i j iield late in the second quarter enabled th?* Murphyites to ilng up their a first ore. It culminate i at the two-yard line where Oscar Taylor, J DO-pound quarterbak, who had been leading the brunt of the attack, j plunged over for the tally. Dick Maur.ey followed for the extra point. 1 j After refusing to give ground for nearly two quarters after the second [1 half begun, y roughing penalty on v the part of one of the Andrews linesf men put ?he all on the one foot i;>w. ... lw.w t t. i ?t . ..... H-IIV.-** .JOIII1AUI1, WHO o had been displaying some of the hardp ; est hitting of the season, cracked the , centc 1 for the necessary yardage. The ' try for extra point was stopped dead I at the line of scrimmage. It was a {gallant bunch of boys i thai, scrapped it out on that snow D [ packed field while about 500 fans stood around stomping their feet in it the chilly wind and snow, but oddly n i enough the feature of the day wa. 1.1 the kicking ol' Love for Andrews an . n Junior Barrett of Murphy.. e j Despite the water-soaked co idi'1 j tion of the ball Love got off some beautiful punts that travelled for 40 b ; yardr or more. Two were blocked, s j however, which proved costly, but it was really il.t. n* '' iw.i .. iviCA.y in the firs; juaiter that gave Mur' t (Continued - back page? Mystery Of Wildcat Remains Dark Secret Wildcat, Wildcat, who's cot the j _ s Wildcat. The deep, dark mys.ery I remains. When the Boomers went on the < field at Andrews Thanskeivine S day the huge image of a fero. S cious-lookrng Wildcat adorned their I objective goal posts. L- i After the game is was missing * I and the pulchritude of Andrews n | comes to Murphy en masse almost r J every day looking for the Wildcat. 1 j But the whereabouts of the likei ness of the namesake of the Anil I drews team remains a mystery. I" j The girls have invaded the school " j house here and even some of the C j private buildings but all to no avail. The Wildcat is the token of l* j the Andrews high school and is passed down from the seniors every ? year. GAINESVILLE MAN S) OF $120 LOST IP "No greater faith hath any man? Someone has a chance to prove thein truthful mettle. Mr. Will Summers, a salesman of Gainesville, Ga.? was in Murphy last I Wednesday and lost $120 in $20 j bills outside of the Murphy Cafe. Several hours later he missed the noney and went back to the cafe I with "his heart in his mouth" so to speak, in hopes that he would find the money. But some one had beaten him to it. He immediately came to the Scout office to insert an advertisement of-1 fering a reward for the return of the money. While in the office he stated that j he wa? in his home town of Gainesville with two friends during the re- I cent windstorm there and that one of the friends had been killed before his eys during the burnt of the torna ? fmi Potentially Rirh T ernlo** in This Slat< ec. 3, i93b. 5>i Cheerful Yuletid Prevailing In M Christmas Thr< SANTA CLAUS TO Pr RECEIVE MAIL IN F CHEROKEE SCOUT Jfc. 'i ( : tA':' 1 V """ ! % \ ? San* CUu> Headquarter*, tn? North Pole, D'-'cea.bcr 3, 1936. Dear Boys f.nd Gir.s: Your o?d friend San'a i* com- ^ ing back to >-o you this month. We have b:rn so busy ir. our fac i , ,k.. hJ ? k ?1? I y,; j *"-?*- "> " fc 4 w,t ",4- j past few weeks, I liavc not been able to write and tell you I am ready to receive your letter, advising nie what you want forCHris" mas. : ^ ^ Remember this: write your letters direct to me, addressing them 1 ' , in care of the Cherokee Scout. , TTi They will be printed in \ our County Pxper", and then forward- ' cd to me. The Cherokee Scout folks say they will start printing ' these letters next week, so come I ^ on?let's hear from you?who's going to get in their letter first. Just address your letters: "Santa | ^ Claus, carc The Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N. C." 1 will get them immediately. Your old friend, SANTA CLALS. ?.! Social Security Forms Being Filled Out Here ^ .Ml v;r:p!ovoe.c :.n Murphy have r? | ceivrd their social security blanks Lv ; from the , ost office and must fill j f{ ! them out ard return them by Satur- 1 I day. Dec. 5. Ho wart? Moody. Murphy c; j postmaster has announced, j Certain information regarding !r] j each employee is leouired on the card which will bo filed in "Washing- j \\ ton and used as a basis for old age ' y,payments beginning' in il'10. I jr An editorial in this issue of the ! n Scout gives full information concern - ' s?, ing the bill. The source of addition-! j> a; information will l>e found at the ' tr end of that article. 1 o ' C] REBUILDING FILLING STATION i Extensive repairs are being made ' on the South-End filling sta-it n own- 1 ca 0 feet of the same place and saw a | similar cyclone strike the town. Q Mr. Summers is well-known here and has always been a booster of Murphy. Naturally he wants his $120 bark and is willing to pay liberally for it. If the finder will re- ^ turn the money either to him perj son ally or leave it at the Scout office m | the deed will not only be greatly ap- j at< i predated but the finder will be well j *er paid for his honesty. buj "?than he would do unto others -n as he would do unto himself". Mc M 16 PAGES TODAY 1M jJL And 4 Pages ^ ^ of COMICS ?4 Colors P DO ILAK-oc CUI" * e Spirit Is urphy With ee W eeks Off izes To Be Offered For lest Christmas Decorations in City iTORES STOCKED ufcs To See That Santa Visits Unfortunate Children Here W;*.*- T?Y * : nand <; Sa" a - S< r.ly lVi?*rp an fhr -! oh(? fV' ; v? oh ' (i In Ti .v h of ij :v" jrrnm . * ' - ?.> - . <:*'cc?rsiand a ' : f a?ani-pc > r tr to ,? ]?.?.- r, vrrra't -'/ '< *' thr < .mltv. Wi*"-' - (i?? *.* * ? th? h im th Ch l '? *?? '.? ! s.: - - ' 1 > iallv onounced brie;.- <. *'-.< eomLitl * y *' ? v < 4(d in the nam. This j !< .. 'mr.urA ! ' " ' : vT- /? r *he :r< -t : - ..rr.M.t' ent. Wimv v"1 * t 'fiyji !' a! visit? rs n tcwrj : as eve ? ! al: - r~ -irm< are eibh'. A.. .. i co? de-red fer tier;. however, iust he display.?: >a?t :*-p days pfore Christ mn* i vc, Several 1 al < rear. .. .? .n\v orkinjr to prr-v'.?.? Christmas toys children ( f re-.ts \vh uc n<>1 then:. S" * ' ' though ant a will scant cue. The Charity !,< :.rut' v ' give their inual Chri- ; "ater be disibuted amorg t e tharrh'S. to he ven away en Chr-m.a^ with 'he hristmas baskets. Inc!i atio) F crr-;cn:: L" Uleir ads deciding: what to buy for iristmas. The usual rouno of so::a] crvterinment :s on deck also. T'nc col xe groups will be home and a namr of parties will be held for the J and young v ke curV.g- the irited season. Pastors have announced that KpecChristmas services v ill be held all churches and large congrega>ns are expecters, W, T. Moore, WPA superinldent in this section, said this week Similar ?igr.s ar* being placed on iidings in practically every locality the country cy the WPA, Mr. ore said.