That's? I MURPHY ? The Lead Vol IIL.?No. 23 JL C. ASSEMBLY IS FACING FOUR MAJOR ISSUES Harry P. Cooper, Cherokee County Representative, In Attendance Liquor, labor, money and socal security loomed as the principal issue! of North Carolina's legislature which convened in Raleigh for its regulai session Wednesday. Harry P. Cooper, representativ< from Cherokee County, left Mondaj morning to attend the session. Little official business will be con ducted, however, until after the in auguration Thursday of Gov.-Elec Clyde R. Hoey of Shelby. With the speaker of the house am the president pro-tem of the senat named during the special session o the legislature, called in Decembe by Governor Ehringhaus to pass ai unemployment compensation act, 01 ganization of the two bodies will b expedited party leaders said. Lieut. Gov.-Elect W. P. Horton wh will preside over the senate, said h hoped to name his committees by Fr day and Speaker of the House F Cherry of Gaston is expected to d likewise. A Hall Johnston is pre? dent pro-tem of the senate. Bitter Fights Expected In contrast to the even tenor of th special session, which adopted an ac ministration - prepared compensatio act without a dissenting vote, bitU fights are expect to develop durin the regular session, party leadei said. The United Dry Forces and rcpre entatives of the 17 "wet" countii have expressed exactly opposite viev on the sale of spirits. The liqu< study commission itself was divide in its recommendations. The majoril favored county option, with the sta< gelling 20 per cent of the profits, ar the minority favored a state-wit referendum. The advisory budget commissic report will request "record appropi ations", Frank Dunlap, assistant d rector of the budget has announce The Democratic party, which has large majority in both houses is pled] ed to repeal the sales tax on "a necessities of life". Amendments Adopted Other money problems include: Increase of income tax rates, cla sification of property for taxatic and tax exemptions up to $1,000 c homesteads?three "pel mlaalta17 ( mendments adopted at the last gel eral election; payment of road clain to counties, and special allotments i match federal social security funds The state department of labor ar the North Carolina state legislate council both have announced they ii tended to prepare bills which wou establish minimum wages and max mum work-houra in industry and pr. vide for the ratification of the fede: al child labor smMulmAtit Althfu'h no group has announce iteelf as opposed to either measure the child labor amendment was di feated in the 1935 legislature. Among the social security proposa. to be considered are participation i old age pension, dependent childre aid and blind relief plans. Weather Vane Following are maximum and min mom temperatures fer the past wee compared with temperatures for th same period iast year. Tempera lore# 1936 1935 Date Max. Min. Max. Mir 29 67 53 35 25 30 61 54 34 17 31 61 51 39 2 1 58 42 43 31 2 55 5C 51 41 3 54 41 49 37 4 59 -81 44 25 Raiafall 1936 193 Totals for December 8.16 in. 2.12 ir Total for year ...... 64.85 in. 41.99 ir 1937 193 Total Jan. 1 to 4 ... 3.25 in. 2.99 ir . * ? i.? -KAma " ' " ' I i iff ip ing Weekly y*u>spaper in Western y?rtl Murj Basketball Games ] Are Scheduled Here The Murphy high school tenatire basketball schedule as announced i by oach O. W. Deaton is as follows: Friday, Jan. 8 HayfesvilLe, mway . . n ' | Tuesday, Jan. 12 ?Robbinsvillo a (boys first and second teams only), here. Friday, Jan. 15?Andrews, here. Tuesday, Jan. 19 Cornelia here. Friday, Jan. 22 Cherokee, 5 here. I Tuesday, Jan. 26 Open. tl r Friday, Jan. 29?Almond, away. w Tuesday, Feb. 2?Hayesville, W here. 0 'f Friday, Feb. 5 Almond, here. i*( Friday, Feb. 9 Franklin, away. tl Friday, Feb. 12 Andrews away. Tuesday, Feb. 16 Franklin, tl " here. b Friday, Feb. 19 Cherokee, a- v way. 1 Then Cornelia and Franklin il ^ games are only tenatively scheduled and may be changed. More j .sj games may be added as the season 1II progresses, Deaton said. t' : lions whIgo i ' TO ESTABLISH ; ^ nr tr ti\ a m nirr wt * 1 ILUK ATJSYLYA New Officers are Named t i! At Meeting Here on n Tuesday Night ' sr < ? Twelve members of the Murphy Lion* club at a directors meeting 1 Tuesday night were designated as ' * delegates to the "Charter Night" 1 meeting of the newly established : 's Sylva club Thursday night. The ' Murphy and Asheville clubs jointly ' sponsored organization of the club 'y Nov. 30. te [{j Those planning to attend are: W. Ie M. Fain, G. W. Ellis, Sam Carr, Harve Elkins, Dr. E. E. Adams W. G. Crawford, Walter Coleman, Tom Case, Peyton G. Ivie, R. B. Wooten, H. U_ Bueck and K. C. Wright, t) Mr. Fain was elected to the office a of first vice-president of the club g. to fill the vacancy left by the death jl of Dr. Robert W. Petrie. Other officers named at the meeting were: Mr. Elkins, second vice-president; Mr. Crawford, third vice-president, and s_ Messrs. Coleman and Carr, directors, in The dab also decided to sponsor in a movement begun by the Rotary club |* of Andrews last week to have an ads' ditional train run between Bryson is City and Murphy while paving is goto ing on on Highway No. 19. The Murphy club then decided to >d move to have the local post office re doors kept open later than 8 o'clock aii uic evening as is nuw uie protiite. i ^ New song books will be provided *" club members it was decided. McMillian Is Building d New Garage In Murphy : e? s" Mr. J. W. McMillian, of Murphy, is ; building a new garage on a lot adjoining the C. M. Wofford Grocery 1 n company here. n The location is about 100 yards above his former garage and lot which v as taken over by the TVA as the first purchase of property to be flooded by the Hiwassee dam in the basin i- proper. k o? e Civil Court To Meet i? o _ m a * r or oession ivionaay ' The regular January term of Cher- ' I. okee County Superior court will con- v vene in Murphy for the trial of civil c causes Monday morning. The scheduled two-weeks session will be presided over by Judge F. 1 Donald Phillips, of Rockingham who 0 makes his initial appearance on the ' Murphy bench. o w DR. HE1GHWAY IMPROVED e 5 a i. Dr. S> C. Hcighway returned home ? i. from the Petri" hospital Monday night where he had been suffering a severe 6 cold for several days. He wu able 1 i, to be out In town Tuesday. a >mkt l Carolina, Covering a Large aiui ahy, N. C. Thursday, J< IDS ARE OPENED FOR ROAD WORK ON HIGHWAY 19 'roject To Shorten "Carolina's Main Street" To Bryson City Highway No. 19 from Topton to :yson City will not be open for trough traffic until some time next inter it was learned here last week hen the state highway commission pened bids on two new relocation, ebuilding and paving projects along bis route. Ever since construction began on be Topton-Wesser link, traffic ha^ een routed around through Robbins ille and the Stecoah valley section, 'he road is kept in good condition but .s mountain curves slow traffic down, Low bids totaling $337,146 were ubmitted for the straightening oi 1. S- Route 19, in Swain county, heween Wesser and Bryson City. The noject whkh wTill shorten the roac our miles will be partly financed bj he Nantahala Power company. Capui 1. Way nick chairman of the highwaj ommission said the utility planner v flood a portion of valley in whicl he road is situated. Low bidders announced include: Swain county, grading and surfac ng of 4.65 miles on U. S. route 1! ietweon Wesser and a point 4.61 niles distant toward Bryson City *Jello Teer, Durham, $113,464; struc ures, Hobbs-Peabody Constructioi :ompany Charlotte, $19,987.60. Swain county, grading and surfai ing of 4.65 miles from the end of th tbove project a distance of 4.65 mile :oward Bryson City, Nello Teei 5119,917.60; structures, Hobbs-Pe? ^ody Construction company, $123 776.60. Swain county, surface treatment c 4.73 miles of state route 107 from I S. route 19 to Cherokee, R. B. Tyl? company, Louisville, Ky., $23,954. o? Seek Convicts Escaped From Cobb Co., Ga Local police are asking cooperatio in the apprehnsion of ten men wh escaped from the Cobb county, Gs prison last Friday. Several of the e raped prisoners, wearing stripes whi they sawed their way out of priso are believed to be in this vicinity i they formerly lived here. Two < the convicts were seized in Cherokc county, ua. Saturday. All were serving terms of fro: three to five years. The convicts cut their way to frei dom by severing the bars of a stei cage in the barracks ^t the cam] They climbed to the top of the cag and cut 's hole through the roof. Still at liberty are: Herman Logai 30; Coleman Watts, 18; Ernest Ra; 28; Howard Bright, 22; Joe Murph; >0; Oscar Rogers, 21; Claude GQstra 19 and Hansel Cross, 19. Murphy Couple At Sfllma Whan 1 1 AIVI& 11 Were Burnet Dr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Whitfielc >f Murphy, were among those at ending a costume ball at the Selmt Via., Country Club Tuesday night )ec. 29, where five young societ; romen were burned to death when arelessly tossed match ignited a num er of costumes. The Murphy couple arrived just a he ambulances were taking the las f the eleven girls who were serious y burned to the hospital. Mrs. Whitfield said Wednesday i ras one of the most terrible erperi nces she had ever had. Practicall: II the persons attending the ga; ostume ball were close friends o: oth Dr. and Mrs. Whitfieid. They were visiting in Selma ovel he Christmas holidays when the dis stcr occurred. ? fihfSJ Potentially Rich Territory in This in. 7,1937. Bad Weather Off Of Aboui On Hiwasse WEATHER CUTS UP IN COUNTY DURING RAINY WEEK HERE j Cherokee county had a taste of all four seasons of the year during the past week while continuous rains swelled rivers and streams to almost flood proportions. Rain predominated the freakish weather while cold spells, warm spells and sunshine all took their i bow. ' Saturday a total of 2.23 inches of rainfall were recorded in Murphy during a 24-hour period, and it was feared that the rivers would reach a flood stage. Sunday, however, was clear and cold and the waters recedec somewhat, but rain set in again Monday. ! NEW FEATURE ; SECTION WILL APPEAR JAN. 2] s Colored Comics To B< Included In Scout's New Service n Always ready to serve our reader - with the best features obtainable, w e will include for your enjoyment a twelve page section complete with aci % venture ? laughs ? action ? thrill t- ? mystery ? science ? fashions ? ?- home economics ? movie news ? junior and grown ups puzzle page >f radio news, etc., commencing wit J. our issue of January 21. * FEATURE MAGAZINE our ne section, will be a regular weekly a< dition to the Cherokee Scout. It hi everything to make our Comic an Magazine section the finest and mo: readable you have ever seen. FEATURE MAGAZINE is packc light with full page comic strip which will leave you breathless wit ;? enjoyment. Four beautifully draw pages, printed in four colors, mak n up our Comic Section, and eight can fully selected pages of fiction in or L magazine section will satisfy the mo? g' discriminating taste in literature. ?n Each week our magazine sectio n will offer eight new pages of divers ^ fied reading for the entire famil; )t- beautifully illustrated by well-know artists and with photographs of rai distinction. The authors of the vai m ious subjects are foremost in th ranks of American literature. FEATURE MAGAZINE comic se< bj tion has assembled into one group th ^ (Continued on back page This Sec. Col. Bell Compiles I' Original County Deed V? p Col. M. W. Bell, of Murphy, ha compiled all the original land deed in Cherokee county into one volunu It has taken Mr. Bell a long tim to properly get up and arrange th book and he places considerable valu on it. INew Pastor Expected To Arrive This Weel The new pastor of the First Bap I, tist church of Murphy, the Rev. J. C > Amnions, of Leaksville, N. C., wa i, expected to arrive in Murphy thi week wun nis lamuy. y They will reside in the house form a crly occupied by Mr. Will Owenb i- and family. o s MORE TREES FOR CHEROKEE t Orders for 4000 short leaf pine - and 500 walnut seedlings have 'bee: placed by Cherokee county fimers fo t spring planting according to a dii - patch from the extension departmer i at Raleigh. , o t COL. NORVELL OUT AGAIN Mr. E. B. Norvell was out agaii r this week after having been confine - to his house for the past several week with a slight illness. t * 4 : -rm . ? 14 PAGES ilitli TODAY |a!^ And 4 Pages of COMICS ?4 Colors Stale $1.50 YEAR?5c COPY Causes Lay : 45 Workmen e Dam Project Paving Job To be Resumed When Working Conditions Are Better ROAD INBAD SHAPE First Shovel Put to Work On Dam;TVA Policemen Arrive Here The laving off of bout 4 5 men temporarily due to bad weather was qmonp a lust of important developments taking place here this week in connection with the building of the j Hiwassee dam. l The men, most of whom ait employed hy the maintenance and construction division of the TV A paving the principal access road from Turtletown to the dam site will be put back to work as soon as the weather permits. P. M. Darby, personnel agent of the TV A here, said the lay off . would "last at least, two weeks". Heavy rains during the past, severL al weeks have made working conditions had and slowed up work on the k project. The rainfall has aiso put the road from Murphy into the dam site by the way of Unaka in an almost impassable condition, and about 50 highway employees under Grover Mauney s were expected to begin improving the L" | road this week. * The first shoved to be used on actual construction of the dam was put f into use last Tuesday, according to ~ Lex G. Phifer, constructs superin_ intondent. , Four of lo policemen to oe employed by the TV A at the dam site arrived here this weei: to take up their duties w which will consist of pa rolling work and developments at the dam site. ^ Those arriving were: Chief David ^ F. Mulligan, formerly of Norris. 5t Tenn., C. V. Richetts, of Ch-camauga, Tenn., J. Chambers, of Pickwick, Ala., *' and Clarence F. Witt, ef Norris, 'h Tun"' ''I I Roosevelt Balis > I To Be Held On l January 30th n Two Roosevelt birthday dances will e be held in Cherokee county Saturday r- night, Jan. 30, accordng to temporary ic plans drawn Tuesday by W. M. Mauney popular Murphy druggist who was named general chairman of the ball le committee Monday. ,) Other committees to be in charge of promoting the dances will be made "within a few days", he said. Each committee will be drawn from seme S woman's organization in Murphy or Andrews, according to the initial outis line. Is At present members of the < ommit>_ tee are working to have a round dance e held at Andrews and a square dance e in Murphy. New Post Office And Finances Studied Here l The new board of Cherokee county commissioners Monday went on record as seeking a new postoffice s buiidng in Murphy and discussed routs ine financial matters at their first meeting. The new commissinnei-s r r? y Nichols, Andrews merchant; Sam Lovingood, Murphy boarding house operator, and W. A. Adams, surveyor of Unaka. Mr. Adams is the only s Republican on the board and was the n only member to be reelected. Town Council Will , Meet Tuesday Night City council will meet in the kown hall on Tuesday night, a Among the business to be taken up d is the naming of an alderman to sucs ceed W. G. Owenby who recently moved to Marietta, Ga. " I /