5555 IMPROVED ' UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday 6 chool Lesson BT REV HAROLD L LL'NDQUIST. Dran of the Mond? Bih!e Institute of Chicago. ?. Western Newspajer Union. Lessen for January 17 JESl'S THE WATER OF LIFE LESSON TF.XT?John 4:7-3: GOLDEN TEXT?Whosoever drinkcth of the water thai I shall give him shall never thirst. John 4:14. PRIMARY TOPIC?Jesus Answering a Woman's Question. JUNIOR TOPIC?How a Stranger Became a Friend. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC? Jesus Meets My Greatest Needs. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC? Jesus Meets Our Deepest Need. Life, light, water, bread are elemental, fundamental things. Life must come from God. But it can exist only where there is light, and only God gives light. It is therefore a blessed and significant fact that Jesus was declared to be the life of men. He also says of himself that he is the "light of the world" (John 9:5); "the bread of life" (John 6:35). In our lesson today we see Him as the one who gives "living water" (v. 10). The incident at Jacob's well in Sychar took place when Jesus, leaving Jerusalem because of increasing hindrance to his work, goes up to Galilee. Unlike his Jewish brethren, who detoured around the land of the hated "half-breed" Samaritans, he "must needs go through Samaria," for there was a sin-sick soul that needed him. Space will not permit a full consideration of all the beauty and the depth of spiritual truth found in tins story. I. A Sinner Tactfully Approached (vv. 7-15). Every Christian is by his very calling a soul-winner. We dare not delegate this responsibility to the pastor or missionary. As soul-winners we are vitally interested in our Lord's approach to this woman who was far from God, apparently hopelessly involved in sinful associations, a citizen of a hostile nation and an adherent of another religious faith. By asking a favor of her he tactfully placed himself (as does any petitioner) for the moment, on her own plane. He was not a distant, learned religious leader deigning to cast a bit of religious philosophy to her. He was a tired, thirsty man asking for a drink of water. But he was more! He was the gracious Son of God, ready to give the water of life. II. A Moral Problem Faced (w. 16-18). One may speak knowingly of the promises of God's Word, and may understand the "way of salvation," but one will never find peace and joy until there is a frank and open facing of sin in the life. Let us make no mistake at this point, for the moral law of God is the same now as it was on that far-off day when Jesus brought the woman of Samaria face to face with her own sin. III. A Theological Problem Solved ' ing in Washington j and a fund for its Re m maintenance and inHjjry'l crease. The offer is M made through Presi it jfl dent Roosevelt, with VUp J9l whom Mr. Mellon Andrew haS been in COrre" .. ? spondence and conMellon ference on the matter. It will be submitted to congress with the President's favorable recommendation. The Mellon collection, part of which is stored in the Corcoran art gallery in Washington, includes many paintings of highest importance and some fine works of sculpture. Lord Duveen of Milbank, head nf 5? pploWmtorl net ? vvvwu>'VU c*? v ill III, 2?clys lis actual value is over $50,000,000. Chang Gets Ten Years but Is Pardoned Marshal chang hsuehLIANG, who kidnaped Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, dictator of China, and then repented, was courtmartialed at Nanking and sentenced to ten years in prison. However, the government listened to Chiang's plea for mercy and agreed to give Chang a full pardon. The government rejected for the third time Chiang's resignation of his military and civil posts. There was much speculation in Shanghai on probable political readjustments. One newspaper predicted the early dismissal of six so-called pen-Japanese officials of the national government and the appointment of a number of leftwingers. Nebraska's Unicameral Legislature Opens A S NEBRASKA'S unicameral ** legislature, unique in the United States, was about to begin its first session, Gov. R. L. Cochran declared politics was out. He discouraged party caucuses among the members and said he would have no spokesman in the legislature. The governor pointed out that the constitution provides that the onehouse chamber shall be non-partisan y, January 14, 1937 POULTRY mrs DAMP HOUSES ARE DISEASE BREEDERS Poultry Contracts Cokls and Other Disorders. By H. H. Alp. Extension Poultryman, University of Illinois.?WNU Service. Just as humans have more colds and pneumonia during periods of damp weather, so damp poultry houses during winter months favor the development of roup, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases of chickens which affect the efficiency of poultry production. One of the most common causes of dampness in poultry houses is wet litter. Wet litter is in turn caused by too many birds in the house, floor mixture and leaky roofs. Birds are overcrowded in houses having less than four square feet of floor space to each fowl. Unless a poultry house is equipped with mechanical ventilation, and few of them are, crowded pens will soon become damp. Cement floors which have no subfloor of gravel, crushed stone or similar material will usually sweat j sufficiently to make wet litter a , problem. In some houses spillage from water pails and poor surface | drainage are factors along with leaky roofs. In addition to these causes the j poultry flock itself voids and exhales enough moisture to be a fac- i tor in the problem. If dropping ; boards are left uncleaned for two weeks, experiments have shown | that for each 100 birds there would i be approximately three tc four bar- ; rels of water left in the house during , this period. While it is impossible to keep I poultry houses absolutely dry, flock, j owners can help by cleaning off the dropping boards at least every other day. Frequent changing of the litter is another chore generally justified by the results obtained in more efficient production. Keeping windows open to provide fresh air aids in keeping down dampness, and artificial heat is needed in many instances. Many poultrymen have found that heat from brooder stoves has helped in houses where colds and roup have been troublesome. Good Management Brings More Eggs, Expert Says During the winter hens cannot j keep up a high egg production un- ! less they are properly managed, according to C. F. Parrish, extension poultryman at North Carolina State college. Feeding, he points out, is perhaps the most important item. No hen can be expected to do her best unless fed the proper grains, mashes, and green feeds. Then the poultryman must pay strict attention to the housing problem. Poorly constructed and drafty houses are not conducive to high egg production. The houses must be comfortable or the birds will suffer and a consequent decline in the number of eggs will be noted. Inferior birds should be culled from the flock. These poor producers, if allowed to remain, will bring the average of the flock down sharply. Culling Laying Flock Culling is almost a continuous process and should be practiced throughout the year. For the laying flock, however, says a North Carolina State College authority, the most rigid culling is done toward the end of the laying period which, under normal conditions begins in midsummer and continues through the fall months. Watch the flock carefully and cull out these birds that go into a molt during the warm season. It is sometimes stated that when a flock, especially in the summer months, falls below 30 percent production it is time to cull the entire flock. However, the price received for eggs, the price of feed, and the feed cost per dozen eggs will determine the time and intensity of culling. Total Feed Eaten Counts Whether it be the all-mash method, hopper feeding of grain and mash, or hopper feeding of mash and hand feeding of grain, the important thing is the total pounds of feed eaten each day. My standard is not less than 30 pounds of total feed a day to each 100 Reds or Rocks, and slightly less for Leghorns. You can get the results with any of the methods, says a poultry expert writing in the Boston Globe. "Quotations" V There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail.? Will Ropers. Next to worry, probably one of the most potent causes of unhappincss is envy.?Bcrtrand Russell. In political life, you must understand. every pilot dies before he comes to port.?Andre Maurois. It ought not to be assumed that a person daing nothing is wasting his time.?Raymond R. Fosdick. It is clear that "to serve God" is equivalent to serving "every living thing."?AI b ert Einstein. Hope is the dream of po>>ession; faith is possession of the dream.? Jules Simon. i ,1 GENUINE QUICK-ACTING Bayer Aspirin 1>a tablet/ Buyer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly @ (T/ ^ In 2 seconds by stop wntch n genuine It AY hit Aspirin tablet P start* to disintegrate j I f. _|| and go to work. Drop a ^1- ^IJPa Bayer Aspirin tablet In- ' 3 1 to a glass of water. 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One set of ingredient* in FOLEY'S HONEY & TAR quickly relieves tickling, hacking, coughing , . . coats and soothes irritated throat linings to keep you from ooughing. Another Bet actually enters the blood, reaches the affected bronchial tubes, loosens phlegm, helps break ud cough and speeds recovery. Check a cough due to a cold before it gets worse, before others catch it. Check it with FOLEY'S HONEY * TAR. It gives quick relief and spetded-uf> recovery. When HEADACHE I* Due To Constipation Often one of the first-felt effects or constipation Is a headache. Take a dose or two of purely vegetable Black-Draught! That's the sensible way?relieve the constipation. Enjoy the refreshing relief which thonsands of people have reported from the use of BlackDraught. Sold In 25 cent packages. 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