LEGAL NOTICES notice of pulication of summons and attach. ment proceedings \ in II CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. In the Superior Court. "? bank of damascus, inc., plaintiff Vs. n\YWOOD LAND AND TIMBER f 'ORPORATION. Defendant. The defendant, Haywood Land and . _ber Corporation, will take notice ... an action entitled as above ha? j . n commenced in the Superior xvl of Cherokee County, North .rolir.a, wherein the plaintiff is ask_ for judgment in the sun. of $11,\0O with interest there on at the rate of six per cent per annum so;.;;lo;vs: On $4500.Ch from January . 6th. 1933 and on $7000.00 iron. April the 29th, 1933 and for $13.25 . <.s, less a credit of $113.00 as or December the 23, 1036. Said action heing upon a judgment rendered for oi. intilf and against the defendant at the November Term. 1936, of the Circuit Court for the County ot Washington, Virginia. That said judgment has not been paid and defendant is now due plantiff said sum : $11,500.00 interest and costs, less ,i credit of $115.00 as of December ' 23rd, 1036, for which , amount plaintiff in this action is asking for y: igment against said defendant on said judgment, and that defendant's property attached in this action be sold to satisfy plaintiff's demand. And the said defendant, Haywood Land and Timber Corporator! is hereby notified that it is required to annear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, "orth Carolina, at the Cou-thouse in Murphy, North Carolina, on the 1st lay of April, 1937, or within thirty ? insr"2!t?r, >>^h 2n.j-.v?r or de r.iur to the complaint now on file in .id action, or the plaintiff will a ?ply to the court for the relief d.*:anded in said complaint. The defendant will also take notice that a arrant of attachment was issued in said cause on the 22nd day of January, 1937 against the property of the defendant which warrant of attachment was levied upon the real estate of defendant in Cherokee County* North Carolina* which war ant is returnable as required by law at the same time and place named for he return of said summons in this cause, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint and attachment proceedings ""now on file in >aid action, or the plaintiff will an ply to the Court for the relief demanded in the comj ".aint. j This the 1st day of March, 1937. J. W. DONLEY. Clerk of the Superior Court for Cherokee I County, North Carolina. ?3l-4t-JDM) NOTICE OF SALE OF ASSETS IN HAND OF UNDERS1NGED RECEIVER NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. MRS. JOHN H. DILLARD, ET ALS. VS. J. W. WALKER, ET ALS > v 1| QUESTIONS THAT ARE "U~.> JLo&b a I oJi-4-*> X rHEN you depoi W distant bank, X routes it for prompt respondent bank wit! account, or to a Fede X following steps are u r. The account of you % amount of the cnsc S or Federal Rucns a. The ched; is charge* ban?; on which it is 3. It is tent to the ban? X charged by it again r or firm which issuer i> 4. -The amount u then y soon at aduicet are X been honored. I Y Our bank is a par system which transfi X and conveniently. rCitizens Ban ! flf J I (C* I MURPHY X: * The Cherok , Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court made in the i bove entitled matter. I. D. H. Tillitt. jReceher of J. W. Walker, will on I Monday. Maich 8th. 1037. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. (Central Standard |Time), at the Courthouse door in Murphy, Cherokee County. N. C., of- j t'er for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following lands and infcer? -ts in lands and personal property, j said lands being located in and near :'h.? Town of Andrews, N. C., to-wit: j 19? acres?Tract No. 16 129 acres?Tract No. 18 i)6 acres?Tract No. 86 372 acres?Tract No. 87 ? M is Farm 2 o 1 acres?Tract No. 88 ? M rris ' Farm i 135 acr ?Tract No. 8'J ? Morris' ram _ ! [ 8? acre3?Tract No. 90 ? Morris Farm li 'i acre-?Tract No. -.'2?Korrts j Farm , 125 acres?Fart of Bryso;: L-i:*. J 260 acres?Ross and l-auis ?Undivided interest S acres?Skidmore Lands?*jndivided ir.te.-ei-. 22 acres?Anderson Lands ? tr.divided ',2 interest (100 acres?Adams Lands. Cut-over ?Undivided \ interest 1C0 acres?Nichols Lanis Cut-over Undivided -* interest 20 a:-as?Nichols Land-. Cut-ever ?Undivided v. interest 12 aeres?Grant Lands. Woodland Undivided J interest 4 acr -?Pu'Iiam Lands, Cut-over . ?Undivided Va -interest 1 12 acr ?J. C. Adams Lands, W?odi iar i?Undivided Va interest Jit . acres?Sligle Lands, Cut-over J100 acres?D. B. West. Cut-ove-? L*r. divide 1 Va interest 1", > aires?Tract No. 19." Cut-over? Umivid-d -'a "'teres: 4 .?*? C. Whitaker, Cut-over ?Undivided Va interest 12 acres?Otkwood He'ghts? Building lots in And."ev/s?vidivided 1/s interest ! |o._SWlT,n 1 .at A - *?* divided Vi? interest 3 1 ?Mashb arn, V a anfc ?Ur divided interest 1 acre?Par", of Tract N> 4)? Undivided 1 k infceres: 8 acre>?Home P ace near Depo-. i Less homestead allotment) ! 100 acres?Hardin Lands?Undivided i/? interest 1 lot?Lai! Lot?Undivided 1interest 4 Lots?Garage Property?Undiviced *_? interest i i Lot?Shuier Lo:?Undivided * I interest 1 lot?Lai. L>:?Undivided * _ interest j All of the above lands described as lots being located in the Town o: Andrews. Also, 3154 acres of land in Jackson County located on what is known as Green's Creek, which land has been optioned to the U S. Forestry Service at $2.75 per acre. There will also be offered any and all other tracts of land and interests in lands which are owned by th-* j estate of the said J. W. Walker, whether the same be herein specifically) described or not. At the same time and place desigS A3KEO ABOUT BANKING "J .^ouvJi || urn, ciuA'b ? |j lit a check written on a ? your bank ordinarily * collection to a city corh which it maintain* an :ral Reserve Bank. The J sually taken: ir ban^ is credited with tho I at tha correspondent bank S Bant | i against the account of the written. < t on which it is written, and St the account o/ the person iit. | i credited to your account a* ?*. received that the chec\ has y x t of this nation-wide <] era funds safely, quickly X k & Trust Co. ! ! m% l ANDREWS ! :ee Scout, Murphy, North rated for sale of the real property ] there will be offered the following personal property, to-wit: 30 shares of common stock in Wofford-Terrell Company. A judgment against J. E. Coburn and W. M. Quiet in the principal amount of $4,200.00. together with interest on the same from March 27th. 1927. A note for $100.00 and interest against J. P. Raxter. dated August 17th. 1936, and due one year after date. 1 Roller. Approximately SOO bushels of corn. There will also be offered any and all other personal property belonging to the c.-tate of J. W. Walker, whether herein specifically mentioned or not. This property will be offered each tract of land and each article of personal property separately, and then all property will be offered as a whole. The sale of any parcel or tract or lot of land above enumerated, including the personal property, whether made separately or a/, a whole, will be subject to confirmation by the Court. For any further information regarding any of the property above listed apply to L> K. Tillitt, Receiver. Andrews, N. C. This the 2nd dav of February, 1937. D. K. TILLITT. Receiver of the Estate of J. W. Walker. 2S-4tdht> o NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sal contained in a deed of trust from W. M. Fain and wife Zelma Fain, to the undersigned trustee, dated September the 20th. 1926, and recorded in Book 90. page 66. Records of Cher, okee County, and default havirg beer, made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby: I will >r. Monday the 29th day of March. 1937, at One O'clock P. M., at the Court House Door :n Murphy. Cherokee County. North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash the following described lots or parcels of land lying and being in the town of Murphy, and more particularly described as follow*: FIRST LOT. Beginning or. a stake 20 feet Southwest of the Southwest ?orner of the John E. Fata Store, where Dave C a fringe r is selling noods. and runs S. 40 \V. 61 ^ feet u. the Harshaw line, then S. 50 E 200 feet to Valley River Avenue; then N*. 4! W. I*. Odom's iot; then with the said W. P. Odom lot to the line of the Campbell dwelling iot; then with the said line to the beginning. This February the 24th, 1037. J. D. MALLONEE. Trustee. (30-4t-SWL) NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Plaintiff. Against W. E. Cox and wife. Mrs. W. E. Cox. Murphy Hospital and J. N. HSU, and all other persons claiming any interest in the lands herein described. Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtu re of a decree of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, entered in the above entitled action, I by the Clerk of .said Court on February 22nd. 1937. I will on Monday the 29th day of March, 1937, at 11 o'clock A. M. Central Time offer for sale, ar.d sell at public out cry at the court house door in Murphy the following described piece and parcel of land, in Cherokee County, Murphy Township, known as the W. K. Cox home place, containing twenty acres, described in a deed from J. E. Cox and wife to W. E. Cox and wife, Mary Cox. dated December 7th, 1920, recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County in Book of Deeds No. 75, Page 450. The said lands adjoining Mary Luther, James Howard and others. Terms of sale Cash. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Sale to be confirmed by Clerk of 666 V COLDS WISEST SEE*,. , DROPS Headache. 30 minute* Try 4'Rub-My-Ti*m"-Wor!d*? Be*t Liniment c?roKn? I Superior Court for Cherokee County This February 23rd, 1937. E. B NORVELL, | (30-5t-co.) Commissioner SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai Cherokee County, Town of Murphj 'and Town of Andrews will, on the } 6th day of March, 1937. at 10:00 A M. (Central Standard Time), at the j Cor. r i no use doer in Murphy, Cherokee County. >.'r:h Carolina, offer fo; jsale to the highest bidder the follow injjf lands: The : i: r.virtr properties being lo rated in t >wn of Murphy, C'heroke? j County, North Carolina, and own-?* 1 jointly by Cherokee Cour.ty ant Town o f :-V: rphy 4 lota formerly owned by H. D I Akin, b- z Lots Nos. t.J, So ar.-i Jin Hitchcock Subdivision, and Lo: No ! 1 in Duk - Land & Dcvelopm- : ' C . j 1 lot forrr. :t!v owned by P. I: ! Sword. See Deed Bool; i"6 at pair 331 for better description. 1 lot formerly owned by A K Dickey. S ? Deed Book 113 at pag 407 for fuller description 2 lots formerly owneu by E. 0 Palmer. See Deed Book lid at pag 376 for full-r description. I lot formerly owned by Fanni May Pickens. See Deed Book 116 a 35S for better description. Property formerly owned by J M Passmore. See Book ?6 at page 7 for better description. Property formerly owned by L. A Carrot. S-?? Book 116 at page 36 for better description. Property formerly owned by Fran' Coleman ani wife. Bell Coleman See Book 116 at page 363 for bette description. Property formerly owr.ed by f. C Ghormley. See Book 116 at ;ag 364 for better description. Property formerly owned by T. I Haynes. See Book 116 at page 36 ! for better description. I mpwai-II. K.- v r Ration, See Book 116 at pa?e 35 for better description. Property formerly own-d by J. E Ray. See Dock 115 a* pace 355 fo better descript: on. Property formerly wnei by S A Voy'.es. Se e Book 115 at pa?e 37 for bettor description. Property formerly owned by Jessi ' Pass-more. See Book 116 at pae : :'7". for tter description Property formerly owned by J. J WOMEN' CLEANED WeGiveSpecia Attention To A Ladies Dresses No matter what ways depend on the the job right. Our pi and you will save yo trouble and worry by SENDING ALL YC ALL YOUR ( Murphy Phc B. B. Cornv J "Where We S Thursday, March 4, 1937 . Lcatherwood. See Book 116 at page 374 for better description. The following property being lo. rated in Murphy and being owned by the Town of Murphy. Property formerly owned by J. B. Moore. See Book 'J6 at page 383 for better description. The following properties being - owned by Town of Andrews and Cherokee County: 6|.\ lots formerly owned by Pascal Palmer. See Book 118 at page 101 for better description. The ?v 11 wing property being owned by Town of Andrews: Lots known as W. B. Conlcy lot3 ' in West Andrews. i 3 1 ts known as the Ruth Phillips - lots. 1 lot known as W. T. Palmer pro. - perty. The following property being owa ed by Cherokee County: | 3 lots formerly the property of W. | T. V - ^'-ee Book 118 at page 20 ?|for fuller description. 40 lots formerly owned by O. O. I Snyder at Topton, N. C. See Book ejlOl at pog-- 220 for fuller dpsn,rintion. ' 70 acres formerly owned by W. B. e Robinson. See Bock 106 at page 182 for better description. ^ 300 acres formerly owned by Heirs of N. C Culberson. See Book 106 at page 183 for better description. 1 lot fern >-.y owned oy A L. Postell at Topton, N". C. See Book 106 at page 225 for better description. ^ 50 acres known, as Jessie Young lands in Valleytown Township r Lands formerly owned by V F.. Ham by, Dava Hornby, Reuben Hamby, Man Hamby and Coll Hamby. 3; known as Hamby Lands. 3e<* Book illo at ng* 505 for better descrip tior.. ?3 2 lota r" >rmeny .vnci by Edith Jones Heirs, in Town ?>- ' *ws. >. See Book 113 a" fcl f ?r better 7 description The right :* reserved hy Town of . Murphy, Tjwt. cf Andrews and r! Cherokee County to reject any ar all bids which may be fir said L. lands. This th? 2n i ia> of February, 1937. CHEROKEE COUNTY, :e TOWN OF MURPHY. TOWN OF ANDREW,! I. ( m-t a. S DRESSES I 1 teiP^i I the garment, you cam alMurphv Laundry to do ices are economical too, urself a lot of time, simply? iUR LAUNDRY AND LEANING TOLaundry 1 / ell. Proprietor I erve We Satisfy'" I