T STf ME' The s 117 People Show - Saturday, the abdallah girls ? "Dancing That's Different" ^ (Five flashing femlaes who pound out rhyC thm in a new startling manner. From fti straight tap to and through intricate acri batics, pyramiding and sensational ground ^ tumbling these young ladies present the ultimate in the modern dance). Ifredardathandco. 1$ "The Party Is Over, But The ? Memory Lingers On." Q (For years being standard next to closing -omedy act this attractive lauah* !? w-~ ? ? ? J straight to your hearts. Fred Ardath's unimit&ble impersonation of a drunk rocks the house from top to bottom). y *4^ sBsH Gene Autry, Lois Wilde, Smiley Burnett from "The Singing Cowboy", a Rep Fr. and Sat.. May 28-29 ~ r . Mary Brian and Dick Purcell in a scene fror production, "Navy Blues' Mon. and Tuci., May 31-June 1 I^SHf Km rM **^- Mu 'Panorama of stills catching the exciting m Republic's fast-moving drama, "Larcen Wednesday, Jul The Cherokee Seoul J AND * r R OP 0 LIT A how of outstanding Matinee & Night? Feat VAN AND VERNON "The Old Hoke". (Laugh dictator*. Thi* couple of funster* ^ bring house down with their delightful wa comedy chatter. Different, surprising, this is indeed an outstanding comedy mom- tt ent). SHARON CLARK ?in? "Say It With Sonars". > " "" * .> " % "CHAMPION V '' v Axis rille I %4: ,ple ,rJ^ AL lalfji Satur-1 wee "Some-1 ^ rent" | TURN THE I s Round the lasting! / 5 ^ Thursday, May 27, 1937 rRH ilities ow Saturday Night?10:30| "Clari-NUT To You" o 2 (This young chap's uncanny way of handling clarinette stops the show cold and es- m establishes him as favorite of any audience. ^ o The Russian Cossacks z Cn Musical Group of Distinction g D(Six piec?? playing Red, Hot and Blue with ^ a range from Swing to the classics. These Q boys make audiences everywhere give them- ^ selves up completely to music. A splendid musical offering). IRSDAY. MAY 27 j i'11 iTiirB^B I DRUMMOND No. 5 -"Stranger Than Fiction" UESDAY, May 31st-June 1st ^ #? & rtf -;-rcNESDAY, June 2 MICROSCOPEONCRIME! | | - $m/m'* JKm. .