Thursday, June 3, 19 I iSOCTE ?v | Mrs. J. B. Ward, P 0 ? 0 Witherspoon?Madden Mr. and Mrs. Don Witherspoon ;have announced the marriage of itheir daughter, Margaret, to Ed-warti B. Madden the only son of Mrs. O. E- Madden and the late Mr. Mad?den of Alexandria, La., on May 7th, at Blue Ridge, Ga., the Reverend Charles Allen of the First Methodist Church South, performing the ceremony. Their only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Ward. Mrs. Madden before her marriage attended Peace, a Junior College for Women at Raleigh, and the Uifiverteity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she pledged Chi Oiriega Sorority. Mr. Madden received his educa- : tion at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, where he was a member of Tau Beta 1 Phi, an honorary engineering frater- ! nity. Since receiving his degree he has been employed by the Engineer- 1 ing Data Division of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and has been sta- .J tioned in Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. ' Madden will continue to reside in Murphy for the present. 1 11 * Caldwell?liembree Oaming as a complete surprise to their many friends, was the an- j nouncement of the marriage of Miss , Valerie Caldwell of Murphy, to Mr. . A. J. Hembree, of Murphy, which took place in Blairsville, Ga., on Dec. ember 25, 1536. 8 Methodist Missionary Society Has Meeting The ladies of the Methodist Mis- j sionary Society held their regular i y Ttlonthly meeting at the home of ^ Mrs. II. G. Elkins on Tuesday after-1 y noon. Mrs. J. J. Hastings, Mrs. W. | c H. Griffiths. Mrs. Garland Posey and ; t Mrs. Elkins being the hostess. The)C imeeting was opened by a solo entitl- j f ed, "More Love To Thee," rendered . j by Mrs. W .E. Studstill. The solo was j a followed by a prayer led by Mrs. E. ic B. Newell, president of the society, j held the business session, after which Mrs. J. H. McCall gave the Mission' News. Mrs. Tom Axley had charge of the program for the afternoon and "Mrs. Glen Bates opened the program . with a solo, "The Very Thought of f Thee " 1 Mrs. R. C. Mattox then read the * scripture Lesson which was taken ^ from the third chapter of Ephesians, verses 14-20. Rev. J. W. Bailey fol- J lowed wa prayer. Then Mrs. Tom Ax|6y-gave a very interesting talk on <wfhe Making of a Mission," ^ and Mrs Elbert Mallonee gave a 0 detailed discussion of "Christian ^ Missions and the Social Leven." Mrs. ^ Tom Axley closed the meeting with m prayer. ? The hostess served a tempting ice J course to the following: Mesdames * It. C. Mattox, E. C. Mallone, Laura ' McElfresh, Joe Smith, W. A. Savage, "Mattie Taylor, W. A. Griffiths, Tom Axley, E. B. Norvell, W.E. Studstill, Glen Bates, J. J. Hastings, Garland Posey, John Axley, Annie Parish, I H HTnPoll T u ur J, 1 r?? II ? . u. Uibuau, u. 11. Iiuuua ?1 IIU JVC*. , J. W Bailey. ' Book Club Meets The Book Club met on last Friday i afternoon at 2:30 in the library, j Mrs. F. L. Weiss being in charge of , the program. Mrs. Weiss, herself l first reviewed the book entitled < "The Journey of the Flame". She 3 was followed by Mr. T. L. Lindsay { who discussed the various books j which would be contained in the TVA Library Lastly. Mesdames John Boyde, W. N. Rogers, T. L. Lindsay, \ and Victor Leach gave short talks on current events. 1 Those attending the meeting were: Mrs. Alfred Stanford, Mrs. B. W. Whitfield, Mrs. F. L. Weiss, Mrs. M. W. Bell, Mrs Harry Miller, Mrs. W. B. Richardson, Mrs. Victor Leach, Mrs. T. T. Lindsay, Mrs. W. N.Rogers and Mrs. John Boyde. 1 Mrs. Gertrude Rotts of Culberson < was a visitor in town Wednesday. . '! Mrs. Charlie Corn of Young Karrts Ca., was in Murphy shopping Wednesday. Mrs Ralph Turner and Mrs. Pidl ^Turner of Blairsville were visit*** in Murphy last Thursday. Picnic At Wayah Bald' Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Rogers and young son, Billie, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Johnson and little daughter, Mary Ann. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lindsey and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Savage enjoyed a picnic at Wayah Bald Monday. Mr. Joe Duckworth spent Tuesday at his home in Brevard. ito. 37. The Cherok TYitll hone 119 Presbyterian Auxiliary Meets The ladies of the Presbyterian Auxiliary met with Mrs. Dixie Palmer at her home on Valley River Ave. on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. The president Mrs. H. M. Erskine presid-i ed. The business session was first held, after which Mrs. S. H. Long! conducted the Bible Study. She ' reviewed the book of Mark, with the' group and later presented the Book of Luke. Mrs. J. B. Gray had charge , of the Presbyterian Survey program, and asked Mrs. D. Witherspoon, Mrs. M. W. Bell, Mrs. H. M. Erskine, and Mrs. S. H. Long to assist her by taking a part in the development of the subject. At the conclusion of the program, Mrs. Palmer served ice Team, cake and tea. Those present were: Mesdames F. N. Hill, H. M. Erskine, J. H. Dilfard, D. Witherspoon, M. W. Bell. 3. K. Long and a visitor, Mrs. Tames Laudrum. t 1 Mrs. Richardson Has Tea jJ Mrs. W. B. Richardson honored . r ler guests with a buffet supper on < lunday night, at her home on Valley c tiver Avenue. The Richardson , lome was unusually attractive with! ts arrangement of cut garden flow-.1 *rs. Besides the honorees, and host % ind hostess, Mr. John Hollingshead vas invited to attend. . v Mrs. Leach Honors Visitors The Tiouseguests of Mr. and Mrs. v N. B. Richardson were entertained j >y Mrs. Victor Leach, at her home j lere, with a picnic supper on Saturlay night. Supper was served on he lawn, after which Bridge was ( njoyed by Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whit- 1 ield, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Richardson, dr. and Mrs. W. B. Richardson, Mr. ind Mrs. Victor L^ach and Mr. Ros- ' :oe Shs^rp. G. W. Candler Celebrates ' Birthday ( Mr. G. W. Candler celebrated his a irthday on Sunday by having his our brothers, with their families, [/end the week-end at his home here * tnd entertaining them with a family inner at Hiwassee Dam Sunday at oon. Those attending were Dr. and Irs. Charles Candler, of Sylva with heir daughter, Margaret, and son, I /harles, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Candler, f Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. handler, of Athens, Tenn., Mr. and s drs. Jim Candler, of Hickory with heir two daughters, Gwendolyn and \ lartha, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee, Mr. Seorge Abbot, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. handler, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace < fitch and son, Wallace, Jr., ot ! Vthens, Tenn. c ? A ? iT?*. ?i v loituid nic i cicu 1 Mrs. Robert Wells and Miss Jose- l )hine Thurston were honorees at a u'idge i>arty given by Miss Loucine , bVells at the home of her mother, j Sirs. R. V. Wells, on Friday afterloon. Bowls of field daisies and pink osebuds were artistically arranged j throughout the house. High score was won by Miss Eva KTell Mauney md low score by Miss Frances Dick- ; >on. Both visitors were presented ittractive guest prizes. The hostess, assisted by her sister, Miss Martha ; Kell Wells, and Miss Annie Mae Townson served brick ice cream, in- ] iividual iced -cakes, nuts and ginger ale, the refreshments furthering the color motif of pink, green and white. Those making up the four tables at play were: Miss Emily Sword, Mrs. Walter Mauney, Mrs. Quay Ketner, Mrs. Edward Madden, Mrs. Henry Axley, Miss Eva Nell Mauney, Mrs. Kenneth Wright, Miss Aline Richard-^ son, Mrs. H. A. Mattox, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Miss Frances Dickson, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. John Bayless, fcfrs.,. !Jof>ert Wells, Miss Josephine Thurston and Mrs. Jimmie Ward. Mrs. H. Q. Elkins was a tea guost. Group'Enjoys Camping Those - attending a camping trip at Santeetlah Lake over the week-end were: Miss Martha Nell Wells, Miss Annie Mae Townson, Mr. Harvey Jones, Mr. Alden Coward, Mr. 'Hank' Darnemann and Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson Mr. and Mrs. John Bayless, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Ward. Mr. J. F. W. Monsess of Savannah, Ga., spent the week-end in i Murphy. 1 ee Scout, Murphy, North iMgll Miss Hat Mrs. Richardson Has Buffet Supper Mrs. W. B. Richardson entertained the members of the various coramittees, who are in charge of the luncheon to be given in Murphy at the Henry House in honor of Mrs. A. E. Morgan on Friday of this week, at a tea last Wednesday afternoon, in order to discuss the necessary plans and arrangements. During the afternoon dainty sandwiches, cake and tea were served to Mesdames John Davidson, T. T. Lindsey, Victor Leach, Jinvmie Ward, John Bayless, Anthony Passerine, L. G. Phifer, F. L. Hodges, Albert Stanford, C. F. McElfrish, F. "L. Weiss, John Boyd and Ted Giffen. Mrs. Savage Undergoes Tonsil Operation Mrs. C. W. Savage underwent a onsil operation at Dr. Murdock Squin's Infirmary in Atlanta, Ga., on ast Thursday. Mr. Savage accomranied her there, and after Mrs. savage was able to leave the Infirnary, they were the guests of her ousins, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Woosley >f Atlanta. Mrs. Savage was able to eturn home Monday, and was driven here by Mr. and Mrs. Woosley, vho remained for a few days visit. Mr. J. M. Sisson of Chattanooga, vho is connected with the TVA spent he first part of the week at th? -'ictvey Hotel. ? ? Mr. W. N. Garret, of Knoxville, vho is connected with the TVA and 'udge Johnson, of Asheville are in ilurphy this week on business. * Mr. C. S. Welton of New York ^ity spent Monday night at the )ickey Hotel. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Ammons, Mrs. larris, and Dr. Clark a missionary, rora Japan, were the dinner guests >f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hatchet at he Mapels Wednesday night. ? Mr. W. E. Waterhouse of Augusta, | 5a., spent several days here last week , topping at the Dickey House. I Mrs. Claude Teeter of Oakboro, [ 4. C., is visiting Miss Mary Weaver. I Mr Walter Richardson from Atanta spent two days at the Dickey lotel last week. I Mr. H. B. Spaid of Atlanta was in , Hurphy several days last week. Mr. G. H. Wright of Asheville,' pent last week at the Dickey Hotel. J Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Ammons were ] linner guests at the Dickey Hotel j Sunday. | j Mrs. Thelma Dickey, Mrs. W. H. jriffiths, Miss Grace West, Mr. C. ?\ Lindsay and Mr. Durant spent Sunlay at Norris Dam. * Mrs. Nell Russel, who is employed >y the TVA here, spent the week-end it her home in Jacksboro, Tenn. Mr. W. C. Sayre, who is connected with the TVA here, spent last week in Asheville. Mrs. Lora T. Huchaby, skin analyst and cosmetician direct from Mario Laboratories, is giving a limited number of Mario skin analyses and corrective treatments at the Candler Beauty Shop this week. ? Rev. and Mi's. 0. G. Nichols, of Springfield 111., who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. McCall for ten days, have returned to their home. * Mr. Kenneth E. Bartlett, of the TVA training section, was a visitor in Norris last week-end. * * Mr. and Mrs. Tucker and daughter, Irene spent several days in Alabama this week. * Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Taylor, of Charlotte, Mrs. A. C. Barton, of Birch, Mrs. W. B. Pinson, of Atlanta and A. J. Hall and daughter, Louise, of Maryville, Tenn., were week-end guests of their sister, Mrs. C. B. Stal. cup, of Kinsey. Mrs. Frank Justus and little daughter Cecelia, left Wednesday to join Dr. Justice who has been stationed at Fort McPherson, near Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rogers, and baby, Jean, spent the week-end in Hendersonville. " Mr. Harvie Akin is in Murphy visiting his mother, Mrs. S. D. Akin, for some time. * Mr. Johnnie Wilson of Sylva, was the week-end guest of Mr. Adei Coward. Carolina SONADS { tie Palmer, Phone 20 | Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Martin who have been visiting relatives in Atlanta for several days returned home Monday. t ? Mrs. Carter Berry and daughter, Juanita, of Young Harris, Ga., were visitor in Murphy on Friday. Mrs. Effie Patton. Mrs. Pearl Deaver. Miss Billie Deaver, Mrs. Willie i Drake and Mrs. Leila Brown were ! shopping in Murphy Friday. ^ * * Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Weiss spent the week-end in Savannah, Ga., ? Miss Mary Catherine Hensley, who has been visiting her father, J. F. Hensley, in Chattanooga, has returned to her home in Murphy. Miss Eunice Shields, a student at Meredith College in Raleigh, returned hoore Friday to be with her parents during the summer vacation months. * * * Mrs. Zala Adams of Andrews was i in Murphy Saturday. Miss Mary Catherine Hensley, Miss M. Lee Parish Mr. Clyde Sneed and Mr. Charles Hyatt spent Sunday at Norris Dam. Miss Wflma Coleman of Young Harris, was a visitor in Murphy last week. ***** Mrs. E. G. White and Mrs. Bernard Smith of Copperhill^ left Friday for a ten day visit in New York. * Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Payne and daughter, of Letitia, were in town Wednesday shopping. * * * 1 Mrs. Frank Ellis returned Sunday j after spending several weeks with her | I mother. Mrs Ida RnH |Ga. Her husband, Frank Ellis metl her in Atlanta and drove her home. ] ? * * * 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright left Sunday for an extended trip to Washington, D. C., Baltimore, Md., I Philadelphia, Pa., and New York City. ? I Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Erskine return-1 led to their home here Saturday after I a several weeks stay in Chattanooga, i ? Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson of Knoxville spent the week-end with | Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adams in Murphy. * * Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White of Knoxville, were the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. James Smallshaw over the week-end. ? Mrs. B. J. Cornwell and small daughter, Wonda, of Cramerton, N. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Hampton. ..... Mrs. I. C. Harrington's brother, Mr. Ernest Britain, and mother, Mrs. M. L. Britain, of Decatur, Ala., who has been visiting the Harringtons for some time, returned to their home last Friday. Mrs. Garland Reichle spent last week in Chattanooga. She was joined there by her husband over the week-end and they returned home together Sunday night. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. James Smallshaw and guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, of Knoxville. soent Mondav mcrht in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Richardson had as their house guest over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Richardson and Mr. Roscoe Sharp of Knoxville. ? * * Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Snow of Copperhill, visited relatives here on Sunday. ? * Mrs. James Smallshaw, Mrs. Albert Stanford, Mrs. J. C. Harrington and mother, Mrs. M. L. Britain, joi Decatur, Ala., were dinner gue3t at Hiwassee Dam Thursday. * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hyatt and son, Paul Edward, spent a few days the first part of the week with Mrs. Hyatt's mother, Mrs. W. H. Herbert at Wame. . ? . Mrs. Ted Griffin left Saturday for Knoxville to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Sandlin, whom she will accompany on an extended motor trip hrough Florida. ..... Mrs. Neil Sneed left Monday for Anniston, Ala., to visit her sister, Mrs. D. G. Montroy. Mrs. Sneed's young daughter, Jane, has been visiting her aunt for some time and will return home with her mother. ..... Mrs. Lilla Adams, and son, Edward, Jr., visited Mrs. N. B. Adams over thee week-end. ..... Mr. and Mrs. Edward Madden and Miss Irma Lee Carson were the sup,per guests of Mr. Kenneth Bartlett on Thursday night. ? ********** * COMING EVENTS * *********** The Pipe Organ Circle will meet on Thursday afternoon, June 10th, at 2:30 at the home of Miss Bertha Mayfield. . The members of the Charity Lea. gue will sponsor a dance at the gymnasium on Friday night, June 11th, at nine o'clock. Jimmie Cinciolo and his orchestra, of Gainesville, Ga., will furnish the music. The TV A Ladies will give a luncheon in honor of Mrs. Arthur E. Morgan on Friday, June 4th, at 12:30 at the Henry House. This paper has beep, asked to announce that the Hiking Club, a division of the TVA Woman's Club, has been discontinued until September. The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet in the ladies parlor of the church on Tuesday, June 8th at 2.30. The Hyatt Bible class will hold its annual Sunday school party on Friday night, June 4, at seven o'clock, at the home of Mrs. G. W. Ellis. Mrs J. H. McCall will act as joint hostess. Miss Josephine Thurston, of Greensboro, is the house guest of Miss Leucine Wells. * Mrs. Delia Faust, who is connected with the T. V. A., spent the week-end at her home in Knoxville. r Miss Harriet Brickey, who is associated with the Land Acquisition Division of TVA, spent the week-end with her family in Elizabethtown. Tenn. ? Miss Irma Lec Carson was at her home in Chattanooga during the past week-end. Miss Anna Mae Wilson spent the week-end in Knoxville. Mrs. Nell Russel spent the past week-end at her home visiting her family. Mrs. Evelyn Mae Estes has as her guest this week, Mrs. "Tiny" Guest, of Atlanta. Mr. Leland F. Grant spent the week-end in Chattanooga and Knoxville. Mr^ James Weir and little daughter, Jean, who have been visiting Mrs Weir's mother, Mrs. Adella Meroney. Have returned to their home in Louisville, Ky., after a several week's stay here. * Miss Mildred Akin who is attending Summer School at Cullowhee, spent the week-end here with her mother Mrs. S. D. Akin. . . Mrs. A. H. Brown is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Irene Snow, in Copperhill. ? Mr. Kenneth Bartlett and Mr. Ralph Holland spent the week-end in Knoxville. * Mr. Ted Griffin spent the weeknd with his parents in Knoxville. * ? Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Stanford visited Mrs. Stanford's parents in Mr. and Mr# ~ . ?-. xcjuwii vj. ivey and Knoxville over thee week-end. small daughter, Glenda, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherrill and small son, were in Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C. several days last week. * Mrs. Bob Barclay and children of Copperhill, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Barclay's parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. * * * Mrs. J. M. Owens, Mrs. Arthur Ford, and Mrs A. B. Anderson of Robbinsville were in Murphy shopping on Thursday. * Misses Midred and Martha Brumby, Willie Hinton, Dorothy Lahn, Louise Christopher and Mary Catherine Hensley spent Saturday in Andrews. ..... Miss Elizabeth Parker who has been attending Greensboro College at Greensboro returned home Monday to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Parker. ..... Miss Juanita Vestal who. has been visiting Miss Elizabeth Parker at G. C., and Miss Muriel Lahn at N. C. C. W. in Greensboro has returned to her home here. ..... Miss Ellen Cooper Axley, who has been attending Greensboro College has returned home to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Axley, during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Palmer of Canton, N. C.,spent Tuesday with their mother and sister, Mrs. Dixie Palmer and Miss Hattie Palmer.

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