Thursday, June 17, 1937 Locals Forfeit Game Sunday To Copperhill With \ players showing up in a* .. g< " Copperhill Sunday f. j iriy i gam .? duled there, Murphy s .a.-. a:i huation sunk to a r.ew low. Henry Hickman, manager of the team. was forced to call it off, h s ,i $15 f-e f.'i' "o the Basin aggregation and < ause them th?* confusing job of t u-' ; about > 7 > back to patrons there wii had n>nu- to see the game that wasn't. , "It looks bad now", said Hickman,' ":But some of my boys are sticking! right with me. and I've got assurance of four good, new players coming up. 1 I'll have a winning ball team yet." Murphy ha- been playing c. -atic games h?*re all season hut has managed to come out on the tail end of three of them. Sunday's was the first game away from home, and a few minutes before time to make the journey only a half dozen men showed up in uniform. "I called Copperhill and they told 'ne to bring over anything because th*? Jans were waiting". Hickman declared. "So I went out and rounded iip three more and by the time I got them back my ketch or was under the impression we had called off the game and he had disappeared". At present there is no further scho| For a Quick! x I i Lunch i X X. X C^TOP in for that in- v X between meals | snack to tide you X X over. Delicious pies, v j; cakes and sand- -\ J. wiches. Malted milk X y fresh fruit ice cream ;!; ? I-- -?i -11 c .j. wvicua anu ail IUU11| tain specialties. ? 1 MURPHY CAFE f $ MURPHY, N. C. I{. s. Is Your i For That W MAKE sure there wil to mar the pleasure of Drive in and let us ch that it is filled with F can depend on your ti WASHING I . BATTER1 I TIRES and I "Bumper-to-B I 11 Pure Oil Fi The Cherok< UPPER WOLF CREEK Mrs Carvis Curtis.* entertained her -mall daughter. Barbara Ann. on I her fourth birthday Tuesday. June 8. After several frames were played re; freshments of punch and cookies were served to the following: Jane and I Buddy Mill. Vivian and James Press-I won.! Tootsie Lowdermilk, Pauline and Bogy McDonald. Jackoline and . Betty Jane Melton. Jane and Beulah j Cole, Betty Jo. Hal and Hugh Cionts. Kathleen and Betty Jean Cook. CalI vin and Parks Cook. Wayne. Gerald and Ray Led ford, and Marvin and [ Emelie Cook. | Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Cook and child j ren and Mr. Herman Bandy made a 'business trip to Chattanooga Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole and son. Robert, and Cloys Bandy motored to the Hiwassee Dam site Sunday afternoon. Mr. W. A. Carter, who is empoyed at efferson City. Tenn.. spent the week-end here with his family. Mrs. Stella Ray made a business trip to Murphy one day last week. Mr. J. L. Shields of Murphy, was down in our midst Sunday afternoon. WOLF CREEK Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ledford on Tuesday of last week, a son. Miss Pauline Burgess returned to her School Sunday at Graysville, Tenn., where she expects to spend the next school year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garren. of Weaverviile. X C.. spent the weekend here with Mr Garren's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garren. Mr. Garren in employed on the "Park to Park" highway near Mt. Mitchell. They returned to their home Sunday. Accompaning them here were: M*\ and Mrs. B. .1. Stcpp. brother-in-law and sister of Mr. Garren, of Hendersonville. Mr. Stepp returned home j with them, but Mrs. Stepp in spending a few weeks with her parents. Mr. T. S. Simons, of Hot House, visited Mr. J. M. Garren Sunday afternoon. Mr. Garren is in his 88tn room and bed for the past six weeks, j Our sections had one of the hard- i est rains on Wednesday of last week ever experinced by many of us. It' crops. The hail was small hut riddled I the blades of corn. Several of our people attended the Georgia Cunberland xramp meetink of Seventh Day Adventists at Collegedale, Tenn., over the week-end and report a splendid time. dule of games, but the manager says they 11 be playing again before long. Hieky said he expected to draw his new players from the rank and file of some TVA men who will be transferred here. FREE! IF excess acid causes you Stomach Ulcerl, Gas Pains, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sample doctor's prescription, Udga, at Parker Drug Store. (46- 12t-pd) Wf Car Ready reek-End Trip 1 be no annoying delays your vacation motoring. ieck over your car. See 'ure Oil products. You rip then. GREASING ( TESTING I . POLISHING umper" Service illing Station se Scout, Murphy, North Carolina IjfyitJW mSSmfi~ 1HAAV/V tfkJ np|WTEalgiyA i TlrtlftlUHICH SPEED TIRE ' 4.50-21 .... Xe.OS 5.50-18....SI4-30 i 4.75-19.... ! .*? 5.50-19 .... 14-50 ? ~ HEAVY DUTY 5.00-19.... 11.40 ? 5.25-17 12.25 5.50-16 $15.25 5.25-18.... 12.70 6.00-16.... 1S.40 , 5.50-16 13-75 6.50-16 21.15 5.SO-17 .... 13.05 7.00-16 . .. 24-45 OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW FIRESTONE AUTO RADIO With 6 All-Metal Tubes. 8" U) Dynamic Speaker and Sound NHt HJ Diffusion. Save up (o $20.00. 1 ISSil l 50Q95 J^-3 Up Control Haod Mt&2ry& Cntoa ,#H| D'*k Manliats Available ^ ^^TT\ SEAT COVERS Keep cool, clean and com- V \\ lortablc. Fiber or cloih covets. V?// A 5l69Co,ch.,5069 m ) Coupet Quo &S#dan$ up "*?A Unequaleil for I long, trouble-free I service. I ASK ASOUT OUR "CHANG LOVER" I PRICE f^x Wjj I i thlni fo ike Voice of Firestone, Mc South End | Murphy, . 1 tjf ' ' | BY OtRtCT V.1RE FROM [ 51111? [y .:r,^.-""-*;7'1*1,57 ??? ?3 51 ?_ cha1RRAN= s jaw-.'?--; 5M..,?iS.;r.s1 ftfSHs&nrs-r.. Sou""*'0 "'" ?? J* O ^ -B? fllARG*** I 0F SA ^Tthe HUW^ ^ rHOUSANDS said that tires could not stand the terrific | grind. They said cars had been built with much I ;reater speed, turns in the track had been repaved with j ranite-like surface, yet Wilbur Shaw drove to victory on Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires setting a new record Iof 113.58 miles per hour on one of the honest days in the history of the Indianapolis track. Think of the terrific impact on these tires as the I cars roared into the treacherous turns and out again. R Tons of force straining, pulling, and twisting inside ' f thetire, yet not one cordloosened, not one tread separated | from the cord body?all because Gum-Dipping, the Firestone patented process, successfully counteracted ' the internal friction and heat that ordinarily destroy ! tire life. You will never drive your car at these recordbreaking speeds, but for the safety of yourself and i family you need the safest, strongest and most dependable tires. Come in today. Join the Firestone SAVE A LIFE Campaign by equipping your car with a set of new Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires?the safest tires that money can buy. . DON! RISK YOUR LIFE ON THIN WORN TIRES No car owner is going to risk his life and the lives of his J ) family knowingly on thin worn tires. I _ DO YOU KNOW ' ! jHBEfAVftV THAT last rear highway | ^^g ^i ^^g W& accidents cost the lives of m B Bp gS more than SS.OOS men, | WW ^W women and children? | ^ ^ THAT a million more were | iWi",irl; { S""'" '/"'W THAT more thmn 40.0S0 of 1 tvorn Urt whtcb ^ Ftreston*Tirt. those deaths and Injuries N ; T . ! I we,c caused directly by ? """"" *-?<-?. | punctures, blmub end Hcuo.l, mnd 5 peer teres eed I eklddlnI due to unsafe *iddmg. I Mxeeess. I tires? tnicty evenihgs over !Vctlomdds NJtjG. Red ffeiucrif . , Service Station North^arolina