I NOBODY'S 11 I BUSINESS j i BY GEE McCEfc | Mr. Lark Aaka A Small Favor deer mr. editor:? . piese use yore influence with the ( department of agger-culture to get j my son, scudd lark, back into the ( c. c. c. camp in the lower part of the etate. he was excused for something he done and has never benn called ' back. < he newer meant to take the super's < ford, he only thought he would try it out for a few hours, and when he run into that tellygram post, it was not . his fault, as the tellyfoam people put it in the ground too close to the high- ! way. they ought to be sued for malpractice ansoforth. i i he was not out of the camp bui. 9 hours, and had the ford not of run into the aforesaid post, he would ?ot of benn out of the camp without leaf of absence but only 14 hours, that ought not to be bad enough to have a fine feller turned off about; scudd is a nice boy except when he has benn forced to look upon the cup ] when it is red ansoforth. I as to the monney which was missing ( by his bunk pardner in the camp; he , knows nothing about it. that guy owed scudd 3$ for cash loan 4 weeks ( befoar but he did not collect it beioar 1using the car of the super, and besides ^ that, his pardner didden't have no t monney to be stole, he stayed broke mought night all the time. i have rote our congressman and my wife has rote her sennator and i have asked the postmaster here to rite hon. jim farley and the county farm demmon-strator to rite the seeker-terry of aggerjculture, all in behaff of our son, scudd so if you will touch up his character favvorable throu yore oollums, i believe he will be replaced back again. you have a fine little newspaper and if you get our darling boy back in the c. c. c. camp where he can be hell down and forced to behave hisself, yore corry spondent, mr. mike Lark, rfd, will sell yore papers on the streets in the future free of charge and also get some subcriptions for you. yore paper is a darling in our househole. rite or foam, yores trulie, mike Lark,rfd, corry spondent. Serious News From Flat Rock in flat rock amongst the patience of dr. hubbert green, our local fissician and drug store owner, commonly recker-nized as our only tycoon, but his wealth has subsided to some extent enduring the past few monthe onner count of the gold mine he bought in nkla. turned out worser than his oil well in tcxass. this new disease in confined to hon. holsum moore and alsck skinner, and it causes them to want to lie down or set down all of the time, they have lost all of their ennergies and can't turn a hand around the house, such as fetching in watter, and getting wood reddy for the stove ansoforth. they seem to be 100 per cent normal if not called upon to do anny work. dr. green seems non-plussed with this mallady. he has not subscribed anny certain kind of medison so far, but he smiled when mrs. moore said a big dost of a broom handle or a baseball bat mought help her situation, as long as these two patience are left to theirselves and noboddy ain't nagging at them, it seems that their blood pressure returns to normal, but only while setting or lieing. holsum moore's uncle judd let him have a good tetch from his bottle of lemmon-rind bitters a few days ago and he became verry active and want, ed to fight aomeboddy in less than 30 minnets, but he failed to run acrost anny-one that would insult him. he slobbered some at the mouth at first, hut otherwise?the bitters did not harm, when he woke up, he appealed to his wife to fetch his supper to his bedside, as he could not walk verry much. as she is afeared that it mought he instead of a put-on, mrs. moore and mrs. skinner is keeping up the life insurance on their husbands and pays the clO to the collector every week, it would be a terrible calamity for these 2 gentermens to die without anny income therefrom for the to be berried with, but the 200$ insurance will leave a few dollars for each of them to start off anew with. dr. green do not seem to be worried *prry much about these 2 patience, he calls on them while passing by, but wont make a direct kail to the houses on them, as they alreddy owe The Chen Rites Held For R. L Sandidge, Graham Editor BRYSON CITY, June 13?Funeral services for R. L. Sandidge, 69, who iied at 1 o'clock Saturday morning n the C. J. Harris Community hospial at Sylva following an operation for 'uptured appendix June 6, were held in the Presbyterian church here this iftemoon at 2 o'ciock with full Masonic rites. The Rev. T. F. Deitz, >fficiate. % rOW ECONOMICAL. TW BH11111 1 111 DIC1 Phone 61 nkee Scoot, Murphy, Nortl j\nt Control Requires More Than One Pouon Ants become a constant annoyance at this season of the year because of j ' the damage they do to lawns and I flower beds and because of their pre- : -ence in the kitchen and pantry. , Because there about 95 kinds of j ants known in North Carolina, their control is a different problem. What! is effective against one kind of ant is not always effective against anI other. Dr. C. P. Metcalf, head of depart, ment of zoology and entomology at i , State College, recommends that the i insects be destroyed in their nests. If they occur in lawns or in rotten logs, , the ants may be eradicated by using f calcium cyanide or carbon disulphidc. j Calcium cyanide is a deadly poison, but may be handled out-of-doors by any responsible person. It should be scattered over the nests at the rate of J about two ounces per square foot and then worked into the soil with a trowel. Carbon disulphide, being more ex' plosive than gasoline, should also be * handled carefully. To use this corepound, make small holes with a 1 pointed stick to a depth of half a r ? t time he was connected with publishing The Bryson City News. He went 1 from here to Robblnsville in April where he took over the editing and 1 publishing of The Graham County 1 News, and was actively engaged in s. this work until last week when he became ill. 5 He is survived by his widow, and _ three children, Robert L. Sandidge, T? ..f u; : cm_ ? * " " ui auaim, i ia., m rs.,i. n. n.uilland, Homestead, Fla. . and Phil Sandidge, of Bryson City and Bladenboro. N. C. r?> ? " ii ^ -- w ' y W?ji "* ) r n| b i y*Ai "Give us a truck lydraulic power . . . one tha one that will give Greatest 10,18 pcrio<1 for 1 That is the de r in Their >***? users will tell you t jj fiu| is?Chevrolet true . s lieW Chevrolet truck Ctulisass pulling power in tl Jlyimg because they ha Compression Valt which wrings the 1 out of every gallot Chevrolet tru< iH?rowT*Tt?e Gmurwl V, CHEVROLET MOT KEY CHE Q i CotoKimi | foot or more and pour in about a \ I teaspoonful of the liquid in each hole. J j The holes should not be over a half ] foot apart. Some ants are attracted by sweets 1 , and others by fats, Dr. Metcalf points i out. To make a sweet bait, boil together *one pound of sugar, one pint 'of water, and 125 grains or arsenate of soda until the mixture is thoroughly disolved. Then add one tablespoon of honey. To make a bait for those ants i which prefer fatty foods, mix to. Igether one pound of bacon frying* lard one ounce of tartar emetic. I ! Keep all baits out of the reach of children and irresponsible persons. Dr. Metcalf warns. SUSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT Qy?EN OF H/Gt I Attractive Dorothy Poynton Hill, Olympic Champion ? XiFT' -fi Miwyi ?I..If fHHMM MBiMi with ample pulling economical for t is economical . . . because they gi eliable service over oil mileage, ant he least money." over a long p mand of all truck care and atten isands of Chevrolet And Chevro hat the beat answer more modem, ks! because they're a have the greatest trucks with ] esr price range . . , Brakes, New re a New High- Pressure Stres re-in-Head Engine extra-strong G aat ounce of power throughout. I of fuel. Ask your nei :ki are the moat lor a thorough c Mora Installment Plan?monthly payment* to i OR DIVISION, General Motors SoIm Carpen JIW vll'Hiw*' Kl VROLET Murpl Thursday, June 17, 1937 Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. Quinn & Humphrey QUICK AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Directors Jk Embalmers Day Phone 74, Ni|kt 97 and 77 COPPER HILL. TENN. HDtVERS? mm /t camel/ * f ' S a^^BwWjBHpaB mm " * " I nun I rrrrrrn ? 111 it^b I V ? all-round duty 444 ve maximum gaa and l 1 will keep on serving eriod with minimum tion. I let trucks are safer, more durable . . . : the only low-priced Perfected Hydraulic Steelstream Styling, m Lubrication, and barrolet construction 4 irest Chevrolet dealer lemonatration?today/ ioitvajrpurH. mots L/c