Thursday, Aug. 12, 193 DUTIES OF OUR C County Superintend?n By Pruden Davidson An office which is responsible fo ?e education of all of the children ii jHl- county is the nature of the offic that is held by Mr. A. L. Martin, sup erintendent of public schools in thi coanty. As I walked into Mr. Martin's offic 1 noticed that all the available floo sp3ce was occupied with large boxe: which, upon inquiry, I found contair ed text books for the children to us next year. Mr. Martin said tha these books were to be distribute under the free text book system, an that his office was in charge of th distribution, which is a difficult undei taking for any office to accomplisl Mr Martin also added that he ha about five tons of school books in th office, and that they would take muc labi r to distribute. F?t this is just something on th During his regular line o duty he has still an enotmous amour of work to do. His first hard job i acting as secretary to the count hoard of education, and in connei tier, with this job he must keep record of all their proceedings, alon with a record of all the school statis tic*. Before the opening of school Mi Martin must make an inspection o ail the county schools, and repor their conditions to the county boar ??f education, along with recommends tions such as will make them mor comfortable and more sanitary. An when you consider the many variou schools located in all of the scattei ed districts in this county, from th lower end of Hangingdog, abov Peachtrce, and going as far as Topto the size of this job is made mor vivid. The signing of his name in a important factor in the job that Mi Martin fills so efficinetly. To begi with, no contract entered into betwee a school committee or hoard of trus tees and a teacher will be valid unt IL \ . WT Ww NJ Mr ^ Amazing nei SIGHT LAM prevent Thousands < discovered hoi reading is when th I. E. S. Better Sigh lamps are scientil prevent eyestrain.. and other close see The new direct-in* shown in the left < a glass reflector t Mazda Indirect ' Ol'uae fKroo , t vo iC v V-lO same bulb (100-20 severe visual tasks, * candles beneath th< these new lamps, i and models. SOUTHERN STA' Phone 1 :OUNTY OFFICIALS it of Public Schools approved and signed by the superinr tendent. And then none of the n teachers can receive their wages e until his signiture appears on the h voucher, and all such vouchers must s have his approval before they are valid e No election of a principal, supervi. r sor, teacher assistant, or supply tea5, cher will be valid until it has been api. proved by the county superintendent, e and no teacher will be dismissed until it charges have been filed in writing d with the county superintendent, and a the charges approved by him. e Then there is a matter of records . for the superintendent to keep. He i. must keep a record of the school d finance of his county, and must keej e a record of the local taxes, in fact h all taxes in his district, and with this goes the amount of tax that is to b< e collected in each school district, f A record must be kept of all th< it teachers that are employe^ by th< is county, and along with the recorc y must go information ahout the kinc of certificate that they hold, thei] a length of service, success as a teach g er, and salary that the county haj been allowing. During the time that he school is ir r. session he must make at least tw< f inspections of each school in each dis. t trict, and inspect the grounds anc d buildings, and advise the countj i- board of education of the needs ol o each individual school, d All of the deeds to the county boarci is of education must be recorded by th? r- county superintendent, and he must e also keep An index of them according e to townships and districts. And h< n must report through proper channel: e the guardians, parents, or custonian ...v-?U1:? -1 1 n land feeble-minded. r. j To be sure that the superintenden n I has plenty of time to perform al n i these duties, he is not allowed t< 5-[teach a school while public school: il'aro in session, nor can he be employ TT~" .. ' il8| FIRST TIME IN 1$ UlvVvJ I COULD SEE TO _ ' \ _ IN THIS CHAIR . J //^j I v I. E. S. BETTER PS actually help eyestrain! , Df people have recently n much more enjoyable ley use one of these new , t Lamps: For these new ically designed to help . make sewing, studying, ing tasks easier. iirect type of floor lamp, )f the above picture, has especially adapted for a rhree-Lite Lamp which of illumination from the 0-300 watts). For more oHH the licrVit frnm e shade. Come in and see n many attractive styles rES POWER CO. Murphy, N. C. J erokee Scout, Murphy, Noi ed in any other capacity that may limit of interfere with his duties. Well, these are some of them. It would be impossible for me to name all of the things that the man of education has to do. But he stays busy from morning to night, and in spite of the constant repetition of the i matters, he constantly finds some | new problem arising to occupy his | time. o? UPPER PEACHTREE The B. Y. I*. U. program was enjoyed by all present Sunday night. Mr. Harlie Rice and family of Bryson City, were Sunday guest of Mr. Lewis Wilson and family. | Mr Alfred Lunsford is visiting friends and relatives in Gastonia, N.! ! (:Several young people enjoy*! a 5 musical at C. W. Thomasson's Satin1 day night. We have been having some good - rains and late gardens are lookir.g *!good. ! The revival will bettin at this nlaci next Sunday. Mr. J. L. Lunsford, of Gastonia was here on business the later part 5 of last week. Mr. Clyde, Breedlove of Bryson 1 City, was the week-end guest of B. 5 A. Breedlove and family. Miss Sallie Thomasson is visiting I her sister in Gastonia, Mrs. J. 1. 1 Lunsford. Mr. R. M. and Fird Moore were visitors in Andrews last week 1 Miss Bettie Laura Curtis has been * sick at this writing. : a i ? ?:?J Al-- 1 /i iai f;v tiu?u riljwycu lilt' ctpplt" peeling at J. W. Barkers on^ night e last week. * Mrs. Wesley Thomasson and baby, s | Joan, are spending a few months with J his parents, Mr. C. W. Thomasson and family. t Mr Troy, Fred and Clyde Ilreedi love were dinner guests of Mr. ar.d > Mrs. D. E. Griffiths Sunday, s Misses Charlotte and Irene Thom asson were dinner guests of Miss YEARS READ x=- I .AND THESE NEW ITER SIGHT LAMPS KE SEWING EASIER yip SEE THIS NEW LAMP AT OUR SHOWROOM I Wide opening at the top of the lhade throws light to ceiling and tliminates shadows. I. Glass teflector softens light, y j ^ prevents /wc ' irf - ; I. Wide shade 4. Shade lining | fives ample is white to re- r ight over your fleet more light. | work. j 5. Lamp is high enough to light a large working area. ;JuL IMPORTANT la sure to look for the authorized certification tag. It isn't an I. i. S. Better light Lamp if it doesn't have this tag rth Carolina Eunice Lunsford Sunday. Mr. Mi Herd Eggers *nd family of i Ohio, are visiting his mother, Mrs. J. ? C. Eggers Mr. Charlie Lunsford killed a large < rattle snake Monday. The snake had , 14 rattlers. ig C. W. Thomasson is doing ?oine re I pair work on his house. 11 SUNNY POINT J Mrs. Viola Stiles and daughter. 1 Helen, spent awhile Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Pearl Johnson. j ] Mr. and Mrs. Luther Beaver are 11 now visiting Mrs. Beaver's parents. I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallace. U i Mr. Dennis Dare of Georgia, spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. Pearl Johnson spent one evening of last week with Mrs. Edna Jornson. Mr. Wayne Burreil of Georgia, is I visiting friends and relatives here. i pwS IffpS I 1 ^ l T~ Jj '* tvtwy f *-^4 I 0j ?*Ly r*>cIDJle r? * 0n*'?.S* ? H*S You Get ALL These Genuine "SUPER-DUTY" Advantages NEW INSTANT CI BE - RELEASE METER-MISER FOOD-SAFETY] DICATOR in food compartment AUTOMATIC ICE TRAY RELEASE SUPER-DUTY HYDRATOR 5-YE PROTECTION PLAN backed by Gem Motors. And many other advantages ti ONLY FRIGIDAIRE can give y< WALTER Phone 124-J ? <**!?I?1' ? The Willi of a Bank > ?is limited only :* " rules of good I X* TN making loans a bat X A money of others?its X dian of this money it i ' I adequate assurance tb X responsible and its tau X more, a large part of a X subject to withdrawal or ? always have ample cash X For this reason prefere jr. merrial loans for turret X because their cash pre | within a specified perio | These repayments, toget X enable the bank to mee i depositors and to make I ? citizens oanj 1 ^ i m j MURPHY ^ Page 11 Mrs. Beulah McAdfee and Mrs. Gertie Shields were in Murphy on? lay last week shopping. Mrs. Palace Gladson and Mrs. Corlie Morgan and mother, and Mr. ludd Morgan made a trip to Georria to visit their relatives. Mr. Ivan Harris and Fred Whitoier made a business trip to Duckown Monday. Mr. Wood row and Buster Brown isited their brother and s'.ster, Mr. md Mrs. Fred Brown in Farner Tenn. rriday. Mr. Fred "Whitener has almost got lis new house completed. He expects o move into it by Friday. Mr. Ervin Helton of the training amps, is now visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helton. o Watches Once Small Clocks Watches originally were small* clocks and were worn hung from the girdle because they were too large for the pocket. "rigidmrh SSMEIERMIStnl ' -T FULL- *U f FAMILY SIZE ? PRICES AS LOW JT AS | *T^ EASY TERMS J~ * GIVES YOU PROOF OF ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES NT] For Home Refrigeration S? /I . GREATER ICE-ABILITY AY I 2. GREATER STORAGE-ABILITY ft"! I A k / J. GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY / 4. GREATER DEPEND-ABILITY "" ^ 5. GREATER SAVE-ABILITY ONLY FRICIOAIRE has the - "7HeZet.-7Hise*. Cuts current <-?,7 HfHIHP cost to the bone! * Si -nplcst rrfrigrr- 1 n ting tn aba ??m r*/ erer built! GIves SUPER DUTY at hat . amazing saving. SEETHE PROOF >u! w ith an actual electric meter tcsu COLEMAN Murphy, N. C. I ngness : to Loan ? i by the fundamental J 'xtnking practice. X ik uses primarily the depositors. As custos obligated to obtain I i it its borrowers are u are safe. Further- 11 bank's deposits are i demand and it most | i available. 2' cce is given to eon- !i it business activities, X weeds are sufficient. It d, to repay -the loan. X her with new deposits, j t the requirements at x fresh loans. " I k & Trust Co. | g? ANDREWS ?