jLffij That's- W murphy_ ^ re *Vol. IL.?No. 19. fTnD~OF $225 ji iiAISED HERE BY RED CROSS i, Roll Call Ends this Week As Murphy Exceeds Annual Quota O; r" the most successful money- J lai mcrams evci conducted in!' i t ounty was completed here Tut when the local Red ("loss! ch ir.onnccd the .subscription of j 12- annual winter drive. \V. Savage, roll call chair-j : ?; i mat $103 na\ and that $72 had been I a* the Hiwassee Dam Villas T! a for the Cherokee county " this year was sot at $15b. Thi- hs the third consecutive year phy's quota has beer, raised. ! reported two weeks ago by ! hois, roil call chaiinan of the A: Red Cross chapter, that th:*t ? !?e had also exceeded their qu ta ' $150. I imated by county-wide Red ( '-.rials that near 0 he I i d iii the county this year | ..nlmo-M doubled \ . . w "pecial Red Cross call was n.c flood victims. T oipiete list of canvasser; of e County Red Ci ess ?naofollows: Mrs. T. A. Case. M;. \ Whitfield, Mrs. John Hai 1 X Tarpley, Mrs. I! M. Erskin K. Thompson. { i:- I'. M.MIln.Oi, Ml . Laura j I KcElfrish, Mrs. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. T-1 Mrs- K. C. Wright, Mrs. H. ! 1- Mrs h. Hodges, Mrs. W. S. | I'ic . Mrs- K. C. Grant, Mrs. C. E. i 1- : Mrs. W. R. Carpenter. M Savage said that there would b? ill more money coming into the I Mu . liy organization from the Grass town community as subscribers there ' 1 i i ret yet reported- Otherwise the can iign here for 1937 is officially i -- 1 uual-"' I The campaign here is sponsored annually by the Murphy Womans club. Fifty per cent of the proceeds are letained locally to be used by 'he club fo worthy causes, and the remainder is ; rwatded to national headquarters. W M. Fain is general chairman of the- . al chapter. O":' rials here were high in their praise of the cooperative spirit in this vicinity during the campagn "We have had almost 100 per cent cooperation from the community during this drive , Mrs. Savage said. "We want to thank each and every one who has given so generously .o the Red Cross cause this year, and especmlly do we thank those ladies who have given their time in raising the quota" DISTINGUISHED ANDF POEM ACCEPTED BY Mis. E. F. Carpenter, of the Little Ro?k studio, at Andrews, has had a poem entitled, "The River Road", accepted for publication in the Crown Anthology of verse. TU.. :_-i - xnc inclusion oi the poetry is a result of the author's participation in a $250.00 prize poetry contest sponsored by CROWN PUBLICATIONS. This volume will contain the represen' tative work of this country's eminent contemporary poets- The inclusion of the author's work is a distinct sign oi literary recognition. The Crown Anthology of Verse will ho on the market early in 1938 at ^hieh time the prize winners will be announced. The author's literary efforts have already achieved publication in the following periodicals: "Southern Life Magazine", 4 Cosmic World", "Battle < ? Creek Enquirer", "Nature and Life", < , Gems of Poesy", "Blue River An- j thology" an(j "American Author". ^?rn in Ellsworth, Ohio, Mrs. Carpenter studied at the Art Academy of j incinnati, the Art Students' League i Unly 14 She f If (Iff! clcly fretctpaper in Western \orth ( Mun married, single \ MENS, WOMENS TEAMS TO PLAY An an added highlight to 'iv cur< nt basketball sea.-on, thi married ivomen of the tow a wi 1 engage *hc single women. and the tr.arr etl men will play the singh* men i.i two feature games at the gymnasium tonight (Thursday) at 7:d?? o'cloc.. ' was arranged this week The line-ups have been announced ps follows: married women, Mrs. L. A. Lee. Mrs. P. .J. Henn, Mo . Kvelyn Ledford Mrs. .!. H. Piizei. M . M. AMen and Mi- Lyle Mart : . Single women. Misses Virginia Benion, \\ lie Godfrey, Uuth Dennis, Do: 11 iitlon, Laura Overton. Meredith WhitEtkcr, Martha Nell Wells and Daii McCrackcn. Married nu n, Hail Cobb? |L Be-ca. Bass Carroll. Coach J. 11. I'itz i. Dutch Kindley, Epper HensUy i<" Ray. P. J. Henn and K. C. Wright. dingie men, <_ B. Chambers. Phil Matthews. Slim Hensley, Bind Adam-. Harry Carringot, Claude (?- ^s. Bill Stanberry and Henry LucketL Admission will be 10 and 2-"? een\ . School Vacation To Be Dec. 17?Jan. 3 The c.) - \v:!' i rsuDiet! again on M .:aay. J;.n. !:, stale*!. Mr. W. H. Travis Dies In Philadelphia \Y. II. Travi . I'uimcily of Murphy, died at his home in Philadelphia last Sunday, it was .earned here this week. Mi. and Mrs. Travis spent several years in Murphy where (the deceased was engaged in talc mining. In 192^ they returned to Philadelphia Last February they came back to Murphy to stay at the Regal hotel, and had intended to make their home here permanently. Owing to Mr. Tunis' failing health however, they returned again to Philadelphia last June. Mr. and Mrs. Travis have a host of friends in Murphy who will be grieved of his passing. SCHOOL BOYS PRESENT MAYOR GRAY WITH GIFT A meal tray made by several students in Mr. Cobbs woodworking shop was presented to Mayor J. H. Gray vho is confined to nis bed- The tray was designed h> Mi. Cobb but cut (kilt on,I i>"? 1- t -..v ..mi |'uv u^uuilt oy vano is stuilonts .Mr. Gray fxpiesseil deep appreciatinn to Mr. Rueck for th 5 most useful article LEWS ARTIST HAS VERSE ANTHOLOGY CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE CONDUCTED BY GIRL SCOUTS Members of the Murphy Girl Scout club are busy selling Christmas serls here this week. The stamps, which cost a penny each, are used annually at Christmas time to raise funds for the prevention of tuberculosis. Officers of the girls club arc Misses Meredith Whi taker and Virginia Benton, Murphy school teachers. Mrs. C. \V- Savage, who is in charge of the roil call here, said that half the proceeds will be kept here and fiftj [ per cent forwarded to national head- i quarters. Local funds, she added, I would be used this year primarily for; providing hot school lunches. >{ N?w York, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Later she held a position is instructor at The School of Applied | ? ... 1 r* i. vr:,.u MIL ill DilUIf V III-ft, .1111.11. At her studio near Andrews, X. C . ' die now devotes much of her time to art in its various forms. ipping Days ?||||M .arolina, Covering a l^argv ana Pot )hy, N. C. 1 hursday, Dec. CHARITY BALL ' WILL BE GIVEN AT TVA VILLAGE ! _ !' Is Being Promoted by Hiwassee Square Club for Poor Families A Christina- Charity Bali wi-1 be .'given in the auditorium of the Com| muniiy building at Hiwassee dam P day ight from 8:30 until 1 o'clock, it ' was announced this week. Concerning the danc O- baurgaard, president of the lliwa.-see Square club, wlii. h organization is , piomoting the ball, has i-ta'cd ta? following: . t The purpose of this dance is ta |j provide funds for Christmas ba>K t to some of the poor or destitult fami- j , J ies who live in the vicinity of Hrvas- n I see Dam. This does not vean fani.- J ! lies of ? mployees of TV A, but pthe 1 j famii:<-> who do me |j,i\ ;t . :..n i | ;!.< ' u.e an sab!: d sriiti' ?d i ' H -mutlv, Tiiis dance is sponsored by the TVA Hiwasscn Square Club. -o that all who ; i-at icipale may i?-t a>sii?-. ; '.m |,: i "ills w'.I. be put lo beiieta-ia! 1 We haV" S'lii. i' a V? im;.::' ('[ .' ? ha\ * assured us of their cooperate a in de- i ?'oratii jr the Auditorium, nil ar- i i nnjrcmcnis haw I?<**n made i a - .! ?l i vcryoiH' a jrood time. Tin one ? i" * tickets will l?e *1 per coup!*. Another feature f": obtaining funds for distribution of Christmacheer t> the poor and needy sponsored by the Square Club is the plan r Coriaii Stambaugh, ail of :t t-lia Ga., na; rowly escaped ser- ; M aoiainix when * . automobile ; turned over a steep j ml ankment three miles east of ( pkiirsville, Ga. The party had spent the week-end ', i Murpfejr a.- v -s"- of Mrs. Bent n's 1 a vents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Savage.! Hiwiicrs of the Ropral hotel here, ! ' tnd were returning; to Cornelia when . u mishap occured. It was reputed "hat Mrs. Benton^ !*' It something i:i the front < nd of the as nap as ! was driving along , uid suddenly he lost control of it. j The ear rolle ! ah'?ut .">0 fee* dow: ! ver an embanknu*: t and lodged bo ween two trees. Miss Sta r.hauich was treated fo:: minor head c uts at a Gainesville, Ga.,! Lospital. Neither \! - Hobby were injutci. -EBERATON TO HOLD MEET IN MURPHY, Dec. 11 ! Farmers of Ch< :.-koe anil surrounding counties v.h? ha..- sOTscrihcd to ock 1t? the 1 no > Federation. Lhich plans >0011 to t-.-tai lish a waro.oils' in Alurj.ii> ;.w bt ri ca'! 1 -I 1?? 1 nt'< t a? the oii? : aousf at 10 o'clock 1 lay morning, ' ec. 11. I' ans im- tia- I uiiioii's new 1 tvhich wiii be au.-uued by Janus ti. ; ] K. president of the fai in I oopt rati\e; Guy Al. Sale . tMuc ; rowell, \ :n c> II:. 1 ning and ??rh< deration exccirivcs- i ' Mr. (.'rowell, who has bt-ei: in 1 .-barge of organizing this unit. iia.v 1 reported that m . than l!')0 farm- . is and busine.-s men in Cherokee, j 1 Clay and Graham counties. North 1 urolina, and Tours, Union and Fan j in counties, Ge? .gia, have suhsrrib-J 1 to stock. "I believe", Mt. ('rowell remarked. 1 "that this will he the biggest unit iperaled by the Federation, which iio\v mairtains 1~> warehouses in nine , counties." . Those who have subscribed to stock :j? the new unit are requested to he prepared to make payments on their subscriptions a" tin- meeting called j for Saturday. EXPECTED THAT MOI BE TAKEN INTO C WEATHER HERE IS ! LIKE A WOMAN EXPECT ANYTHING The weather in Murphy these days is like a woman. You never know one minute what to expect the next. Where some of the local stouter men were walking up and down the streets the other day in their shirt sleeves, they got out their mufflers and ear hobs this week as the mercury dropped down to one degree below zero for a record so far this winter. Sunday night the first real cold Arave of the season struck Murphy. ' Accompanied by continual snow Flurries the thermometer went down ' :o an official one degree below zero ar.y Tuesday morning. It is also noticed from records com. :i i ? * " . jiiitu uy i/ames ?>mansnaw Uial aihough the weather was more favortble to crops this year than it has ieen in a long time, about 10 inches, )i 20 per cent less rain has fallen this I /ear than in 1036. TEMPERATURES 1937 1936 ? Date Max. Min. Max. Min i 10 61 10 57 21 1 1 60 21 50 35 J 2 52 23 45 39 < 3 57 14 51 40 I 4 49 27 56 35 : 5 44 30 55 25 t G 31 10 59 44 i 7 32 - 1 61 43 i ? Buy In M Largest I Circulation IjM, 11 Any Paper ^ ^ Ever Published Here. >1.50 YEAR -5c COPY fflONERATES L\ MURPHY NEARLY HIGH AS OTHERS kVaynesville, Sylva Have Only Slightly Higher Rate Than Here A eompai i-cii of - Aphone , atos i-vt als 'ha* Murphy citizens pay pearly as nni.h it.-id-.nts of Sylva .11.i Way lies vi lie .; < 'lair- telephone vice, although the latter two Western North Carolina owns maintain more modern system- owned by the sunt company. In Murphy husin< - phones .- 5.25 per men ii arc residence phones ">t $2.25 per month. The. rite in SyNa ? '.50 for in-.-ines- photo n'?d r'2.50 for residetu? photo s. In W.tytiesville, where a dial system with impKi'.t (1 sj^tcms for l?.i inc.-:-- jilio: while thelocal iesiLhat of Syjva, < >\ v a liled I I) a-;o a < < nc? ' ed ?11 l . vas stai t : ; . a nim ? i|t "-date : I:. a. g\ ?!?? that. id greater facilitate lesidtlice and bustjte.-s subscribers hen . Southei j It. II l'clt phont and Teleyraph .Mais' iViTe c t.m i : 1^;> mjiiovi- th< \ U'tii ion* \ hi eh wa : : hied a- "Vnli?,.. .l. ly .:nd ;h" Mui'i y F.i'Uis club- went officio.iy ?: i . as - ekinjr an improved \ !: ' e, and a petriuii was m^.iud by approximately 95 per cent ?,i he local .-lephono subscribers iviiue-.tn:. a system "i:i keeping with that of tiher tow - in this section. ' l*p unt.l this time no response has i)Oen iriven t- "they are doing tin* best they jL-an with the equipment they have"'. *E VETERANS WILL :CC CAMPS JAN. 2ND It comlemplatcd that, beginning on or about Sunday. Jan. 2, the Veterans administration, with offices at 212 South Tryon street in Charlotte, X. C., will be authorized to consider the selection of additonal vat era no for en roll week by J. S. IV t.uinn, manager of 1'ie ofiice, thrviiyi the Cncrokee county welfare d-partmen . Under existing regulations favorable consideration canot he given the application of veterans for enrollment in the CCC camp until after the expiration of six months from the date: of their last previous discharge; furth ermorc, it is provided that favoraA-ie. consideration for reinrollment an not be given the applications of any veterans who were discharged from the CCC camp under dishonorab.f conditions administratively; as not being considered worthy of reinrollment or, by reason of unsatisfactory services. In order to enable us to be in a position to analyze each individual ase for final determination, it will ho appreciated if you will encourage iigible (white and colored) veterans n your community to complete and forward their applications to this ofr;.?rt tw.. - k . . i. ?v wic rcimwi fiuisioie