j?L Mh That's? ^5^ ^ murphy ujs Vol. IL.?No^20. murphy to be decorated for xmas holidays Charity League Raises Money for Lighting Effect on Square Murphy will be decorated like thf ki?P*s palace after all. And when St. Nick comes tearinK over in his fleiph Christmas he won't have to lock twice to hPo<- me town. Through the enterprise of th^ Charity League an<i the merchants and the citizens of the town, a beautiful canopy of lights will be strung up from each of the eight points of the public square to a Christmas tree in the center of the Bull Moose pen. Realizing that other towns in this section had provided Christmas lights and decorations for the holidays seasen. the drive on the part of the girls was begun Wednesday morning. More than $60 was subscribed in the direct canvass of the town and 1 assurances were given that the re. < mainder would be donated. Immediately H. G. Elkins, of the 1 Southern States Power company. 1 ordered the fixin's from Asheville, and preparations were made to raise t the decorations today (Thursday). They will consist of 240 vari.col. ored bulbs on green-trimmed wire. From the top of the huge tree in th< pen. the rope will be swung out to each of the eight points of the square; and the resulting effect will K quite different from any other in western North Carolina. Meantime business in town was taking a great upswing as real Christ, mas buying was getting under full sway. o Federation Has Mppfintf On Saturday Plans for opening a Farmers Federation warehouse in Murphy moved a step nearer fulfillment Saturday when a number of persons attending a federation meeting in the courthouse made cash payments for stock to which they had previously subscribed. Despite cold weather, which made it difficult for persons living at a distance to attend, 75 were present for <he meeting. The farm cooperative's aims, its past record and its plan of organiza- < Hon were discussed by James 0. K. M Clure. president; Guy M. Sales, general manager, R- Church Crowe]!, i vice president, and Vance Browning. <'ideational director. More than 270 persons, Mr. Crowe?! fid, have subscribed to stock shares nnection with the proposed new federation unit, which will serve < :okee, Clay and Graham counties. -North Carolina, and Towns. Union and I ? . n counties, Georgia. nother meeting of those interest' in the Cherokee unit of the fed--' e > i is to he held early in January. t Saturday's meeting a resolution ! ^*l UJianimnnsslv arinntpd diverting* 1 requests be made to both North j Carolina senators to sponsor an andrnent to crop control legislation row* before congress to exempt from any restrictions the production of bur'cy tobacco by individual farmers UP to 5,000 pounds. ^ Prior to adoption of this amend- ( roent Mr. McClure had pointed out. , the necessity for Western North Carolina farmers to have at least one cash | crop. At present very little tobacco , is grown in this section of the state, , ie*cept in Graham county; but many j farmers in Cherokee and Clay cour.- ? jics are becoming interested in bur- l lcy Production. Every farmer in Western North Carolina," Mr. McClure said, "should j*r?w at least an acre or two of toMr. and Mrs. R. B. Sought* of K?bbinsville, were visitors in Murphy 1 Monday. it ip IFeekly Nctotptpcr ut WeUerm Norii. Murphj Church Basement L I Flooded?Meal Off Tough luck teems to dog the step* of the Methodist ladies who furnish the Lions club with their meals. Tuesday night the ladies, with ' _ tender chickens and home-cured I hams dangling from their arms, entered the church to perform their semi-monthly task. But once inside thev founrl *h?? the water pipes in the church had been frozen, had thawed, and that 1 there was about eight inches of i water all over the basement. The 1 meeting was called off. Not a year ago, it is recalled a dog jumped in the window and stole all their meat. Henn Is Named Chairman Of Roosevelt Ball i P- J. Heen, Murphy Theater owner has been appointed general chairman of the fifth annual Cherokee County Roosevelt ball t0 be held on Friday night, Jan. 28, it has been announced here. Although Mr. Henn said Wednef-f lay that, no definite plans had been made so far. he is expected to appoint a county wide committee to help him with the arrangements within the next few days. Mr. Henn has already made preparations to contact a number of good orchestras and stated that he "hoped J to have the best music here ever heard ir in iJiurjiny . On four previous occasions dances have been held in Cherokee county with all towns and communities cooperating. Last year the affair, which Is held annually on President Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday for tho benefit of Infantile paralysis victims and research, was held in An. drewa and was sponsored by the Konaheeta club with Miss Josephine Bradley in charge of arrangements. W. M. Mauney, Murphy druggist was the eeneral chairman. This year Western North Carolina's newest yiliiage?the Hiwaflsee Dam? is expected to add materially in making the ball in this county a great success. TOY MATINEE IS GIVEN WEDNESDAY AT HENN THEATER Good folks always see to it that Santa Claus doesn't miss the children j on Christmas night?110 matter how 1 poor or rich they may be. A fine lot of used toys were oh. tained for children of this community. W dncsdny when r? toy matinee was given at the Henn Theater. The movement was sponsored by j the Charity League and was promoted | through the courtesy of P .1. Henn, i the theater owner. Children were admitted free t ? the) ^ for me?"'y giving a ' oy for his i admission. The toys will now he! mended by the club members and j distributed among the needy children ! during Christmas. twiNEPAt .pt TTF~. PEACHTREE WILL PLAY ?N FINALS Mineral Bluff and Peachtree will! engage tonight (Thursday) in thei1 *"T*p]s of 111" eicht-tcam basketball J J tournament which has been conduct.'1 ?d here Tuesday, Wednesday and ( rhursday nights. . . . . i ! Mineral KUHf went to me ast night by virtue of a ono.point s victory over the Rayesville qtijnette, tnd Peaehtrce hail a thre,? point near. * ?in over the Varsity club. Th?- * ?cores were Mineral Bluff 22 vs FTayesville 21 and Peachtree 34 vs 5 Varsity club 31. r The first nights scores were as ' f^l'o"?: Vanity flub 50 vs Unaka 50, Hayesville -13 vs Murphy 20, md Mineral Bulff 17 vs Elf 15. ? o 1 MKs Sara Ruth Posey spent the r .veek.end with her Grandparents in v \ndrews. ^ >robfi t Carolina, Covering a Large and L r, N. C. Thursday, Dec. 1' CIRCUIT PASTOR KILLED IN FALL ON ICE AT HOME ^ev. J. J. Edwards, 70, Had Been in County During Past Month Funeral services for the Rev. J. J. Edwards, 70-year-old Methodist minster of the Murphy circuit, who was killed almost instantly last Thursday morning when he shipped on ice at his home near Murphy, were conducted at Troutman, N. C., near WinstonSalem, Friday. Mr. Edwards came to Cherokee county three weeks ago from Franklin where he had served in the same capacity for the past year, liis appointment was made following the annual conference at Asheville recently. The minister, who became extremely popular with his congregation in this section, is said to have left his house for his well about 8 o'clock Thursday morning to draw a bucket of water. Near the well curb he slipped and fell, striking his head on a projecting rock. Death was almost instantaneous. Mi. Kdwards took the place of the Rev. J. C. Starling, who was transferred a month ago. anil had been living in the circuit parsonage on the Copperhill road four miles south of here. The attractive home was built by the Rev. Johnnie Carper who serv- j ed the same circuit two years ago. j Rites were held in the Methodist church at Troutman with the Rev. \V. A. Rollins, presiding elder of Waynesville, officiating, assisted by the Rev. W. A. Newell, of Morganton, the Rev. John Hoyle, Jr., of Statesville, and the Rev. J. W. Moore, of Marion. Funeral arrangements were in charge of \V. D. Townson, of Murphy. Although born and reared in Virginia, Mr. Edwards moved to Haywood county in his youth and had spent most of his life there. He became affiliated with the Methodist conference in 1901 and was considered one of its leading ministers. No successor to his leadership in the circuit had been named this week. Surviving are: his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Ivor Vance, of Plumtrce, N. C., and Mrs. B. L. Hayes, of rranKiin; a son, Tevis, of Mars Hill, and two sisters, Mrs. T. P. Evans, of Wilmington, Va.. an'! Mrs. Lloyd MrGee, of Enoree, S. C. Ralph Moody Accepts Position In Raleigh Mr. Ralph Moody, prominent .Murphy attorney, left Saturday for j Raleigh where he recently received an | appointment as assistant council in : the North Ca' ? i Unemployment : v ompensation department. F?u* the past number of year- Mr. 1 Moody has practiced law in this sec-] i ?n of Western North Carolina with j his father, ("<>!. X. Moody He was ' memo r of the firm Moodv audi II,",!: . II ; ,.f the West.-r. flcVcf "v '"e Lions Ciub Is Sponsored A group of Murphy Lions went to lobbinsviih* Wednesday night to istablish a new club i" t-hat common, ty. The Final outcome of the trip and he per.sonel of the newest Lionism ?rganizat-ion could not be ascertained it press time. Those going from Murphy were: I. G. Elkins, Dr. Edd Adams, Pe.von G. Ivic, and W. A. Shcrrill. This makes the third new club ponsored by the Murphy club in the last year?those being at Sylva, Hairsvillc and Robbinsville. ? ? n Jerry Davidson, Jr., who is connect d with the Public Safety division of 'VA.. at Guntcrsvil'e. Ala., will ar. ive Thursday t? spend Chris tm'1 rith his parent . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. lavidson 4 Circulation i|i Any Paper ^ Ever Published Here. tale $1.50 YEAR?5c COPY crease To If Improved i ii i * * t ?>tm 'olentially Rich Terrttr>r~v in This S 6, 1937. Phone Rate In Be Required System Is Raymond Nix, Of Copperhill, Slain Sunday Raymond Nix. 23-year-old employe of the Tennessee Copp^. Co., died in a hospital at Copperhill about 2:30 p. m. Sunday from a pistol wound received two hours earlier. The hooting occurred at McCaysviile, Ga., across the river from Copperhi.l. Police Chief B. L. Blair of MeCaysvillc, had arrested two suspects for questioning Sunday night and had them transferred to the Fannin coun *y jail at Blue Ridge, Ga., He gave their names as W. I'. (Bill) Nidifcr and A. B. Hall. Nix was shot as he wa.ked toward the home of his parents in Hawkins Town, suburb of Copperhill. He walkon home, stumbled into the house and told relatives someone fired at him from the window of a house. His condition at first was not thought to be serious, but he was transferred to the hospital. The wound was in his right shoulder. Nix is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nix; his widow, two I small children and several brothers j and sisters. o? Real Opportunity For Santa Claus In Letters Old Santa Claus is receiving a lot of letters but veiy few like the one that follows. We would all do well to read this one and then stop to consider what Christmas really means. Murphy, N. C.. Rte. 1 Dear Santa, i am a little boy 10 years old. don't get to go to school much, am sick most of the time, i live with my Grandpa and Ma. they arc old and not able to work. Grandma is sick all the time, if Santa don't come i will get nothing for Xmas. would like a gun, a harp, a pair of gloves some candy and nuts some c'.othes or anything. i would be thankful for anything. With love, Howard Henson. j In can- of T. ( Kdwards, Rte. 1. Mars Hill Students To Return For Christmas Miss Kdith Bi t edlove. Miss Kate j Robinson and Hubert Rodgers, all of Murphy and Miss Glena Franklin. Miss -June Almond and Miss Mary Lou Almond, all of Andrews, wi.l return iiTin .wars ] L ! i collrge on Friday, December 37. r the Christmas heli 'lays. The \ will bt lack at college in t;:r.c .or the reope:.n:;r "1" session on January .'J. Miss Lalh?.m Writes, Appea-s In Coined: *; By presenting a one-act folk play j of her own origi? ution, and taking a | h ad part in a siniiar production all | in the same night Miss Ix>is Latham, of Itainbow Springs and Murphy, became even more eonspicious in Playniaker circles at flu- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Thursday nightMiss Latham's play was entitled, "Hello Hanging Dawg", a comedy of the mountains of North Carolina, and the production sho appeared in was "Washed in De Blood", a symphonic play of Negro life. Through this dramatic feat. Miss Latham becomes the only student at the University of North Carolina who j has had two plays produced in one ; quarter. Of the eight plays produced in three months, she has written two , >f them. She is taking a course of I social playwriting study under Paul | Green. installed Mere , Utilities Commissioner Passes Information to Local Citizens W A NTS REACTION Slight Increase Over Present Rates Would Bring New Outfit An improved te.ephone system wiii be installed in Murphy if the subscribers are "willing to a slight increase ir. monthly rental charges". This, in substance, was the information received here this week from Stanley Winborne, utilities commissioner of North Carolina. The information came in the form of a letter addressed to Mayo/ J. B. Gray and to Dr. J. N Hill, chairman, and Dr. Edwaid K Adams, secretary, of the Cherokee County Medical society. In event new equipment were insailed tiie new iatey toy independent iim would be: husines.- phones, $3.50 per month, and Residence phones, sl!.iir? p< month. At present the business phone rental charge is $3.25 and the ii idenliai phone $2. Four! party line rate* are $2.25 for the J business phone and $1.50 for the j residence phone Two-party iine j rates are $2.75 for the business phone and $1.75 for th?* residence nhone. j The letter also stated that "in order j to convert the present magneto sys1 tem to a common battery system j would require a total expenditure of 1 $10,500" and that the new rates j would be "in line with rates this ComI mission has fixed for other exchanges !of compaiable size, and where in v0me cases the annual revenue which the Company receives is greater than in Murphy" Over the past ten-year period, the communication pointed out, the annual profit of the Murphy exchange has been 3.11 per cent. The entire letter is as follows: This is in further reference to change in the telephone exchange in your town, which has been the subject of our recent communications, j An a result of conferencea with Wr. \V. K. Duncan, Carolina* Manager of "he Southern Bell system, in which the matter has been thoroughly gone int??. Mr. Duncan has written n.e a letter cot,firming what was said in the conferences. As examination of the accounts of i he Company for :he last ten yea re. it vea's that th? a" rua! piofit. made at the Murphy exchange for said per. :<>(! of time h ; he o: ly '? I 1 per cent. The urvey hy tie Kny ?!! - 1 ing Dej partment show.-- that in o; ? . t ? conver. the present magneto : nt X. a j cimn.n!! battery system would require { total \p nJiture * ;" > l(?."u?0. In h-rat i 1 !' the smallness ! til " it. ; . : <! the ; (Connnuod on : vc-r) PPTTP 7!Mr E* A IMC CAUSE ACC1DFT,TS ON LOCAL RC \D I Rain at freezing tempo: inures made lo<:?l highways a menace diving tli? pa?t w<Hk and a number of minor automobile wrecks were reported. No one is known to have suffered serious injuries. Included in the lt?t of accidents was the turning over of the ear of L. A. Lee, publisher of the Scout, throe miles south of here on the Copperhill highway early Monday morning. It was reported that five similar accidents took place on the same highway that morning and proceeding night. TEMPERATURES 1937 1936 Datp Max. Min. Max. Min 3 32 22 60 22 9 34 9 60 23 10 35 3 62 49 11 .IS 0 55 45 12 29 15 4I> 21 12 10 >2 53 19 M 59 39 53 2!

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