Thursday, Feb. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Quay Ketner were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. 1 pyrnuni in Bristol, Tcnn.? during :h< j PLOWS & POINTS Built tor hard service and long wear under all kinds of conditiois. At your Federation Warehouse you can find a plow lor every purpose. MANURE SPREADER j A good manuro spreader will more than pay for itself in time and fertilizer COON BRAND & ARMOUR'S I 81 I SUNSHINE AND QUAKER J : BABY CHICKS s THAT WILL LIVE & GROW Barred Rocks White Rocks .. Rhode Island Reds oi i White Leghorns ^ Every breeding bird selected from N. C.- 1 OS. approvd flocks blood-tested for Pul- J lor am disease. We sell only the best It T DEPENDABLE ? Lespedeza Seed High in Germination T la Saada th. Fanaar Caa Aflord Only tfaa Bert X Farmers Federation 1 v Warehouse I X MURPHY, N. C. X A T T E hT GENERAL M Do you sell men's lelt hats in tomers farmers, miners, loggers, of wear from their hats??? Because u tney are, men youz STURDY merchandise, built ior think you will want to sect ior new Hi ^h; depart HA1 1938 The Baptist Missionary Society Met I uesday i ul The February meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First j Baptist Church was h"ld Tuesday af- i : - noon, Feb. S, at 2 o'clock at the I 1 urch. The meeting was opened with . *: i.?- singing of "The Woman's Hymn" s . tne group. This was followed by . the devotional given by Mrs. RulH * Cai ringer. 4 Mrs. A- E. Vestal had charge of * * he program. as follows, the topic . being, "The Homeland." ] "Fifty Years Ago"?Mrs. A. E- : *3 Vestal* 'The Homeland Today"?Mrs- J. P. j *i Moore. j 5 "The Red Race"?Mrs. B. B- Corn ! { well. ; | The program was closed by singing X "America." X Those present were Mesdames Ruth y Carringer. C. H. Townson, C. F. '.I, Rates, Leonard Johnson. Homer Ricks, y I'. C. Hyatt, B. B. Cornwell, Henry X Hyatt, J P. Moore, H. Bueck. E. J X Darnell. L- E. Baylesj, W. H. Murray. L. F. Fisher, J. B. Mulkey, B. D. X Cook. J. G. Faulk. T A. Terrell, J. X C. Ap-.mons. W. H. Ramsey, W. C. y Kinney, Noah Lovingood, and A. E. X V estal. | 'j* Mr. and Mrs. W. M Roper, of Chatanooga, arrived in Murphy Sunday iight and are making their home at *:* he Regal Hotel. Mr. Rope is connect ! { id with the TVA. | y Pi . lv L. Holt and E. A- Browning v pent Monday in Atlanta on business. , BOX SUPPER AT CULBERSON ? V box supper will be held in the y ulberson school house Saturday eve-i .? ing, Feb. 11), at 8 o'clock for the ? enefit of the church singing school, i ic Rev. W. It. England?^announced lis week. The public is cordially in iteel to attend. o I Bov Scout News This is Boy Scout week and it is ring observed nationally. The boys re are wearing their uniforms this eek and observing the well long proram After several rounds of boxing the I jys took part in a "Scout Quiz", | hieh Richard Mclver and Clyde I *oods won prizes. The quiz consisted | f various tests from scouting. About venty members were present. a \ A 1WT / 1 1? 11/t ?1 O is dangerous to sell a SUBST1UTE for 666 just to make three or >ur cents more. Customers are your ?st assets; lose them and you lose t>ur buisness. 666 is worth three or >ur times as much as a SUBST1UTE. RADIO | Sales & Service | ON ALL MAKES ? All Work Guaranteed v T Taylor and Bryson | RADIO SHOP Murphy, N. C. I V TION ! tKUHfir. i S your store? Are your cusor men who require plenty ' trade needs TOUGH and use first and style next. We ire the exclusive agency in KT lot stamp may pay you excellent moat. ^ 683-685 Broadway, ^9 New York Cherokee Scout, Murph; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman and tughter, Joyce, were the dinner nests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adams t the Dickey Hotci Sunday at noon. r? [ ANDREWS I THEATER J ! -j ANDREWS. N. C. > f 1 ! SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 [ r j :* Pat O.Brien and George Brent ,j : IN j : SUBMARINE D-l I With Wayne Morris and Doris Wes ton. {' Aso a Musical Comedy featuring Ukulele Ike. "I* TUESDAY FEBRUARY 15 Ij! Bette Davis, Leslie Howard and Olivia DeHavilland X IN It's Love I'm After f X Also Movietone News- .j. Y THURSDAY, FEB. 17 The Hit Parade I Phil Reagan and An All-Star Supporting Cast. ?, -?- . .?. HYE B1 '' G En 85-H.P. 1 FISHER fr All these vital at low prices CHEVROLET MOTOI Cllial Mo4ort kntahnmrnt I mmamcam. DICKE1 PHONE 60 y, North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bishop, of ' Fountain City, Tenn., were the lunch! eon guests of their son. H. E. Bishop, and Mrs. Bishop Saturday. BOY, WE See these EXTRA BA Boys' Clothing i SillTs^ v (J U 1 X O REGULAR $16 Dress Shirts Work Shirt; HA REGULAR $3-95 FOR $2.50 REGULAR $2 95 FOR $2.00 STAPLE and FA] Mallonee i "THE STORE OF QUALITY" B A