Active ) And- fill In Attractive jl J MURPHY " The Leading i Vol. 1L.?No. 30. REPUBLICANS TO HAVE PRECINCT MEETS MAR. 10 County Convention Will Be Held In Murphy On Saturday, March 12 Cherokee county politics came out into the open for the first time this \e?i on Wednesday when Car; Townson chairman of the Republican party announced dates of the county convention and precinct meetings. (The county convention will be held in the Murphy court house Saturday, March 12 at 2 p. m. A county chairman and delegates to the Mate and I oaV>nt?i*inl < < ?n v??l 11 i <111 < \vil> hi) lliiniurl I at that time along with township chairmen. At the precinct meetings to be held Thursday* March 10, one dele, gate and one alternate to ihe county convention will be selected for each 50 voters, or fraction thereof, cast in the vote for governor in 193G. All precinct meetings will be held at 7 p. m. on either Central or Eastern standard time according to which is observed in the precinct. The meeting places have been designated as follows: Andrews, office of Clyde H. Jarrett; Topton, D. B. Wright's store; Marble School house; , Tomotla school house; Peachtree school house; Brasstown, Martin's 1 Creek school house; Burnt Meeting House, school house; Murphy court house; Walker school house*; Culberson school house; Wolf Creek school house; Hot House, Johnson school " house; Shoal Creek school house; Vest school house. Liberty, Shearer school house; Long Ridge school house; Unaka school house; Upper Beaverdam school house; Hangingdog school house; Ogreeta i school house; Boiling Springs school house, and Ebcneezer school house. POULTRYMEN OF FIVE COUNTIES TO MEET MONDAY About 100 poultry raisers from ] Cherokee and surrounding counties are expected to attend the poultry demonstration in Murphy Monday, members of the county agent's department, who are making arrangements for the meetings, have announc- 1 ed. j This will be the first poultry dem. onstration ever held west of Ashevilie, and will feature a number of talks by members of the state extension division. At the conclusion of the meeting actual demonstrations will be giv. en. A round tabie discussion will also, be held, and poultry raisers who plan ] to attend are invited to participate by ' asking ouestions concerning their flocks at this time. i A program has been arranged as ' follows: 10 a. m. to 10:40 a. m., C. F. ] Parrish, extension poultvyman will discuss chick rearing problems; 10:30 a. m. to 11 a. m., T. T. Brown, of 1 Kaleigh, will talk on markeLing prob. lems in Western North Carolina. 11 ' a. m. to 11:30 a. m., B. S. Dearstyne, 1 of the extension division wni speak on 1 "Poultry Diseases, Their Cause and < Prevention", and from 11:30 a. m. to noon fl OlHWOOtrtrJ WAnUft. oo J u. tvuiiiR j program will be the subject of C." J. . Muapin, also of the extension depart ment. STILL CAPTURED 1 BY OFFICERS ON BEAR PAW CREEK , A still was captured and confiscat- 1 en by Cherokee county officers on Bear Paw Creek Sunday, it was re. c ported. c Those taking part in the confisca- f tion were: Sheriff L. L. Mason, Deputy sheriff G. P. (Robbie) Robinson, and Constable Bass Walker. r A large quantity of beer was found 1 near the copper still, and officers said S the operators were evidently getting 1 ready to "make a run." No arrests were made. 1 it tip ITeekly Neicipaper in Western North Mur "BOOKMOBILE"?LIBF IS MAKING ROUN1 TU? "tJ 1 <-- ).? - ^t " me uouKiuvaue nilidc us urst xr It is loaned by the State Library < Cherokee, Clay and Graham counties. 1 mission and the Regional service from t and a cooperative plan has been worke Andrews Carnegie library. The "Bookmobile" will make daily t the poeple. Since the books are limited read his book as quickly as possible and as many people as possible might have tl service might continue beyond the montl community will keep a deposit of books 3 Everyone is requested to ask for bo< the shelves of the "Bookmobile". Perhi other deposit. The following is the schedule of sto MONDAY, MARCH 7, 14. 21. 28 (Sched 8:45?9:45 Peachtree (School Hous< 10:00?11:00 Campbell Folk Schooi 11:30?12:00 Warne (Home of Mrs 12:15?1:15 Hayesville (On the Squ 2:30?3:00 Shooting Creek (Comrni TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 15, 22, 29 (Sche< 9:30?10:00 Marble ( By Depot) 10:15?10:45 Rhodo (Home of Mrs. 10:30?11:00 Cooper Siding (Horn* 11:15?11:45 Topton (Post Office) 12:30?1:30 Robbinsville (On the S 3:00?4:00 Andrews (Library) WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, i6, 23,* 30 (S 9:000?9:45 Martin's Creek (Home 10.00?10:30 Belleview Mrs. Paul S THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 10, 17, 24 (Scl 8:45?9:15 Postell (Torrence's Stoi 9:30?10:00 Liberty (Brown's Store 10:45?11:15 Vests (Hamby's Store 11:30?12:00 Suit (Wood's Store) 1:30?2:00 Letitia (Graham's Store 2:15?2:45 Ranger (Green's Store) 3:15?4:00 Culberson (Home of M FRIDAY, MARCH 4,11,18,25 (Schedule 9:00?9:30 Grandview (Davis's Stoi 10:15?10:45 Upper Beaver Dam ( 11:00?11:45 Unaka (Odom's store 1:00?1:30 Grape Creek (School H The public is invited to go to the st Burt Shields 1 New Manager Of Cannery J. B. (Burt) Shields, of the Tomot- ( la community of Cherokee county, ^ Tuesday was named manager of the Mt Vnllpv AQ?(v>is?tpH Coonorative C t cannery, of Murphy, to succeed E. R. Thompson, who resigned the day before. ^ c Mr. Thompson, who has served in t the capacity for the past three years ,, since the cannery was reorganized, p will leave with his family for Balti- a nore, Md., where he has accepted a position with a large canning corpora, t :ion. a Mr. Shields has been closely affil- ? ated with the local cannery as its issistant manager since us rcupeuuu; n the spring of 1935. ^ John E. Barr, TV AC administrator ^ :nd president of thp Land 0' The Sky ^ Mutual Canning association, of Way. g lesville, of which the local cannery is in affiliate, was here Tuesday in con. _ lection with the change in manage, fluent. He said Mr. Shields would take harge immediately and complete v ontracts between the cannery and rowers. W. M. Pain, chairman of the board ?? if directors of the cannery, stated ruesday night that approximately " 1120,000 had been distributed among ocal growers since the cannery's re- Ti irganization, and that "it is facing 'n he best year in its history." hi Carolina, Covering a Large and , phy, N. C. Thursday, IV 1ARYON WHEELSOS IN 3 COUNTIES '' A ip in this section Thursday, March 3. -ommission for a month's service fn rhe books are furnished by the Com. he Murphy Carnegie Public Library, d out with the Folk school and the rips carrying books free of charge to , the librarian asks thai everybody 1 bring it back for exchange so that fie use of them. In order that the i of March a local person in each and magazines. [)ks he wishes even if they are not on ips they might be obtained from an. ps for the month of March: ule by fast time) (?) . Clauda Cnawford) are) inity House) lule by fast time) Thelma West) e of W. C. Colvard) ? Square) chedule by Slow Time) of Miss Ruth Coleman) iuddcrth (Across from Kink's Store) tiedulf- hv Slow Tim?1 el s) ) ) rs. Maggie Bell Kisselburg) by fast time) re) Dockery's store) ) ousc) op nearest them. Legion Post Has Meeting On Saturday A large number of Legionnaires atended a dinner given by the loca! oe Miller Elkins post of the Ameri an Legion held at the Smoky Moun am cale Saturday evening. It was decided at the meeting tt told the next one at the Hiwassec lam on Friday evening, March 25. A hat time several important matter! /ill come before the group, it was ex lained, and ail members of the Legior re asked to attend. For "unusual loyalty and concenrated effort" the post was awarded "Special Certificate of Most Distinuished Service" by Daniel J. Doher. y, national commander. Also it was brought to the post's ttention at the meeting that a World I'ar Veterans Loan fund "to assist eterans in purchasing and acquiring omes" has been established by the rate of Nojth Carolina. )eadline On F.C.A. Loans Drawing Near AH persons in Cherokee county ishing to get crop and feed loans ider the Farm Credit administration 'e advised to make application at ice in the court house in Murphy. Mrs. A. Q. Ketner who is assisting r. S. S. Williams, field supervisor, arranging for the loans, announced uesday that the deadline was draw, g near and that application would ive to be made soon. j Potentially Rich Territory ir This St larch 3,1938 $1.. Democratic Meeting Dates Are Announced Word was received in Murphy Wednesday night by A. W. Mclver, chairman of the Cherokee County Democratic committee, that precinct meetings would be held tl roughout the county on May 7, j and that the date for county con. ventions has been set for May 14The following information relative to the appointment of mem. bers to the cnuniv Rna?-?1 lions was also received: "The chairman of the Democratic Executive committee in each county shall, before submitting to the chairman, recommendations as to Democratic members of the County Board of Elections in such county, call a meeting of the Democratic executive committee of the county and submit such recommendations for the approval of the Executive committee, and only when such recommendations arc approved by a majority of the committee present, shall be submitted to the state chairman by the county committee. Wednesday, March 10, was the date set for the meetings. ANNUAL DINNER WILL BE HELD BY LIONS CLUB Cherokee County Banquet To Be Given In Church Tues. Night Committees were completing arrangements Wednesday for the. an. nual Cherokee county dinner to be sponsored by the Murphy Lions club in place of their regular dinner in the Methodist church Tuesday night. Besides Lions, Lionesses and their guests, a number of prominent outof-town guests, including the speaker of the evening, are expected to attend. Arrangements are being made for 100 to attend the annual banquet. It will be served by the ladies of the Methodist church who have been preparing meals for the Lons at their regular meetings. Originally started six years ago with the idea of bringing to the dinner table each year every edible product to be found in Cherokee county, this display was found too difficult to acquire after the first several years, and since then each dinner has r been devoted to some important Cherokee county product. The main speaker of the evening ' had not been announced Wednesday. 1 Lions W. M. Fain and G. W. Eliis are in charge of this part of the pro. ' gram. ) Arrangements for the dinner are ? being made by Lions W. A. Barber, I Walter Coleman and Virgil Johnson, s A program of entertainment is . being arranged by Lions Peyton G. ? I vie and W. A. SherrilL Favor?? decorations are being prepared by - another committee consisting of Lions ! Park Fisher, Barber, Sam Carr and Quay Ketner. On the reception committee arc Lions H. G. Elkins, W. W. Hyde, Fain and Tom Case with their Lionesses. WPA PROJECT FOR MURPHY APPROVED IT IS REPORTED President Roosevelt has put his seal of approval on a WPA project calling for the expenditure of $1,488 for work on files in the office of the Cherokee county register of deeds in Murphy. Representative Zeb Weaver of the Eleventh district has announced. The funds for the project, which will employ mostly women, will be available within a few days. The work will be sponsored by the county commissioners according to the report. M Largest 4 Circulation Ul 1L Any Paper " Ever Pub^ lished Here. 50 YEAR?5c COPY two clues are found in case of burke gray One Indicates He Is Headed For Florida; Other He Is Held ? Two important clues during the tin*! weft h?v?? Msimir unil \T j. B. Gray, of Murphy. to believe their son Thomas Burke Gray. 24, who has been missing: in Baltimore, M00 to 1,000 pine seedlings on his waste land for the past few years and saye he will plant anqther thousand this season.