The Che OUR COMI . . fl I Sno. ^ w,li/jfrl now heap? ^cmvj^av 6 eddie serban wx^/z/zli?, \/'y/y { amd snoopie-- / ||?2j?sil2 take rr. m2% >wf \WP0 u i H OH, VOU VENTRILOQUISTS } 1 ACTUALLV ^ ARE JUST -/BEUPUEO TUP 1 |rj WONDERFUL/ 006 WAS - me /y ~-^ l CAN'T STfep 1 / WHAT DC CNER THAT M ME Do ? TL . Puddle ?and a coat dc I n C fTS TOO DEEP I V, To ? API R H ? ' Osborne a-WNii __ M c ^TTx^filX -^"h//fw t w-j y e . y a look out/ a /l-7 i hfrre the/ j ^ ^ y^WWE/^^/ rokee Scout, Murphy, N. C., Thursd C SECTION ? opie [ akid mow i 1?. that our. time / ; If up-sav 1 1 =1 good nk3ht to / |Sl?s^-- 1 V the radio j F^VK0 / v / tmamks for ? j n^l-is'killj' / ? f M II 7 WELUO. MA- Y?THEy..? V| p f SOME o- THAT W "TV4E 1) ay^'TPlS. JtSij TP \ \^%ZcoM**y ^1 1M IK 'o^T AWNTI / MOvJ, VOLl <5F?AB ^y \ iwN FOR. / HANDS AND WHEN ! ??u To I PHLL. VOO SKIP OMER I STEP ON?| I IUT?T' / WELL, I CALL ThiS NEAT.' I ?, OWE BETTER/ _J *r? I J WE CAU'T HOLD THAT 1?. / WAL-VEZ SriURE \oe with the hose >.1 got it wet 'muff iNy LONGER ?THE WATER \V?r 'goUND HERE'I before it Sets ! ( k j i |-JuST read v sis', wm vez. how emeryome imagine ? his shoi / n else rah but wuz froze to tti r shil i -You / ffROUWD AN' HE rw?l/ STOOD TER A COULDN'T MOv/E./ sf ground AN' W?r j \ \ SToppeo THE ) W" ?T I/ filPx 4^ dl lay, April 14, 1938 ? " I AROUND M |.u HOUSE iil R,frMhmr fak#,.?Dr V calces can be made fresh by wrapping Ithem in a damp cloth and placing in a moderately warm oven until the cloth is dry. . . . When Beating Foods.?Place a I! folded cloth under the dish which contains foods to be beaten. The cloth saves the table and helps keep the dish steady. 9 * * * Tasty Applesauce.?Applesauce r made out of tasteless apples m ay be enlivened by adding a little nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, or An Easy Dre I -f Pattern 1658 ? i A simple mesh with puff stitcl dots is quickly and easily crocheted into this charming dress Use mercerized cotton in fresl Spring colors. Pattern 1658 con tains directions for making th< dress in sizes 4 to 8 (all given ir one pattern); an illustration of i and of all stitches used; materia _ DHH \ Pure Ocean * > * L ' : >' J fl / 'J ^ ^?535H589HBSb5 ^ [H Half a century of scientific J ^ M has made possible a motor oi k ) really pure . . . Quaker State. {( I great, modem refineries th< Pennsylvania crude oil is free ?-i trace of impurities . . . scien purified to overcome the comr jj| mcnts of sludge, carbon and co Acid-Free Quaker Stale mikes _ run h(?rfpf !acr Innoar ) 35tf a quart. Quaker State < Refining Corp., Oil City, Penna I Good Mi I | Can Be CONSIST i I BUY ADVER p At Items of Interest I adding lemon mice for tartness. But if the sauce has a fresh apple flavor such extra seasonings are unnecessary?in fact, they will blot out the apple's own flavor. To Remove Gam.?To remove chewing gum from fabrics, rub with ice and the gum will roll off and leave no marks. Cleaning Sponges. ? Sponges which have become slimy should I be soaked in vinegar overnight. I then rinsed thoroughly in hot waI ter and hung out of doors to dry. iss to Crochet requirements: photograph of detail of stitch. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle. Needlecraft Department, 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. Please write your name, ad, dress and pattern number plainly. [ J ^ are quickly relieved with I Yager's Liniment. A Doctor I writes that he uses it for bacfcI aches, sprains and rheumatic pains. Buy Yager's Linimert I today. Let it help you rub aches I and pains away. In use over 50 I years. 25c and 50c bottles. With Deliberation Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.?Franklin. Now Real Economy! 1 do*. St. Joseph Aspirin.__10c 1 3 do*. St. Joseph Aspirin_^~20o 8 Vs doz. St. Joseph Aspirin..3Sc as an nly I :rckandise j ENTLY Advertised J TISED GOODS B